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关于”中秋节的古诗版“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Ancient poetry version of the Mid Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋节的古诗版的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ancient poetry version of the Mid Autumn Festival

1、Stravinsky's neo-classicism culminated with his opera Rake's Progress, with the book done by the well known modernist poet, W. 他的新古典主义音乐在浪子的历程一部歌剧中达到顶点,该剧剧本由现代主义诗人W。

2、The second one is such kind of National History and Literature Books written by the ancient Mongolian ; 再版古代蒙古人撰写的民族历史、文学类图书;

3、Their old familiar carols play 圣诞节的钟声敲响, 这古老熟习的赞歌在耳际回旋

4、The development during the period prepared the way for the establishment of bibliology in ancient China, and influenced the development of printing thereafter. 这些都为中国古代版本学的确立准备了物质条件,亦对后来中国印刷史及版本学史均有较大影响。

5、Differing from the symbolism technique often used in western poetry, "bi-xing" and allegory are more regularly used in classical Chinese poetry. 与西方经常使用象征手法不同,中国在古典诗歌中多用比兴和讽喻。

6、海》(The Old Man and the Sea)是海明威于1951年在古巴写的一篇中篇小说,于1952年出版。

7、Amazon will publish 122 books this fall in an array of genres, in both physical and e-book form. 今年秋天,亚马逊将出版122本各类型的图书,印刷版和电子版的都有。

8、There are many forms of antithesis in the classical poetries, but only six to seven forms are popular. 古典诗歌中对仗的形式很多,常见的对仗形式大概有六七种。

9、The introduction of modern printing technology is a key link of development in modern Chinese publication. 近代活字印刷技术的引入是中国近代出版发展中的一个关键环节。

10、There are Motional Distance and Mental Distance between ideas and images in writing and enjoying classical poetry. 意与象在古典诗歌的创作和欣赏中,存在着运动距离和心理距离。

11、In China, teaching in music and poetry has always played a vital role in people's moral development. 中国古代历来注重乐教和诗教在道德方面的重要作用。

12、"Disarmament conference" held in the song kingdom in Spring and Autumn period was the primary form of arms control diplomacy. 在中国古代的春秋时期,宋国发起的两次“弭兵会议”就是早期的军控外交;

13、A wide range of modern novels, fiction and poetry are added into the new textbooks. Many of the selected works or authors already hold a solid readership among China's high school students. 很多现代小说诗歌添加到新版课本中,很多选中的作家,作品在高中生中非常受欢迎。

14、Appreciating classical Chinese landscape poetry from the perspective of classical Chinese painting theories can show some enlightenment on the translation of such poems. 因此,在具体的翻译实践中,本文主要介绍了古典画论对中国山水诗歌翻译的借鉴作用。

15、There are a lot of descriptions of Chinese medicine, cuisine calligraphy, painting, etc. we should notice that the book also represents a treasure of ancient Chinese poetry. 其中大量描述了中医、烹饪、书法、绘画等。我们应注意到这本书也展现出中国古代诗歌的财富。

16、The study of relations between the Chinese classical poem and music tend to focuson the aspects of melody, style, words and so on. 对中国古典诗歌与音乐联系的研究,其倾向性多为音律、平仄、歌辞等微观方面;

17、The Map of Suzhou City appears in the book A Choice Collection of Ancient Chinese Maps published by the Esperanto Press in 1995. 《姑苏城图》收集在中国世界语出版社1995年出版的《中国古代地图精选》一书之中。

18、This thesis tries to make an expatiation on the appreciation and translation of classical Chinese landscape poetry from the perspective of Chinese painting theories. 本文旨在从中国古典画论的视角探讨中国山水诗歌的鉴赏与翻译。

19、Jin Dynasty is the developing period of the study of ancient books edition. 晋代是古籍版本学的发展时期。

20、Our chief references would be Annotations on Spring and Autumn Annals of Yan Zi written by Mr. Wu Zeyu and studies of other present-day scholars. 在这一部分当中,主要是交代《晏子春秋》的版本,《晏子春秋》的成书与流传情况,以及研究的现状。

21、The falling flower image in Yuan Sanqu followed the implication of ancient Chinese poetry development, and has been given implication of the times. 元散曲中的落花意象沿袭运用了中国古代诗歌发展约定俗成的象喻意义,同时被赋予了时代意义。

22、In 1991, he was awarded a prize for outstanding and contribution in Beijing. 1991年秋,在北京获中国新兴版画杰出贡献奖。

23、The copyright protection in imperial China was mainly classified into the category of the protection of the rights of publishing. 我国古代的版权保护,大都是对出版权(属于版权部接权范畴)的保护。

24、The first review is the most basal and most important procedure in the editing process. 初审是编辑出版三审环节中最基础的环节。

25、Shijing is the most original source of Chinese poetry, it reflects the Chinese antiquity time the social appearances and ancients' thought and was the important teaching materials. 《诗经》是中国诗歌的源头,反映中国上古时期的社会面貌及先民的思想,更是周人推行教化的重要教材。


26、David said, “I will fear no evil” (Psalms 23:4 NIV). 大卫说:“我不会害怕魔鬼”(国际版圣经中23:4的诗篇)。

27、Gu Lin is not only a famous literator in the middle of Ming Dynasty, but also one of the most important revivalistic poets in the middle Ming Dynasty. 顾璘身为明代中期文坛上的一个文学大家,也是明代中期诗歌复古派的重要成员之一。

28、There is reference value to those who study Chinesecarved board printing history and Buddhistn history. 本文对于研究中国古代雕版印刷史、佛经史有一定的参考价值。

29、"A valediction: Forbidding Mourning", his early poem, is one of the most representative works of English metaphysical poetry. 《别离辞•节哀》是邓恩早期著名的作品,也是英国玄学派诗歌中最具代表性的作品之一。

30、From the cultural origin, the ancient times, witchcraft is part of the political, to dominate the culture. 上古时期巫师作为人神沟通的中介,利用诗、歌、舞营造人神交融的氛围。

31、Working in mineral pigments and ink, he layers characters, ancient poetry and strokes to create contemporary Chinese expressions with unique vibrance and energy. 通过墨和矿物颜料,他层层铺设文字,古代诗歌和图像,以此创造了一种蕴含活力和能量的当代中国表述。

32、The subject" Pu Sung-ling's Poetry for Relics" is a small part of current existed over 900 poems written by Pu Sung-ling, the author of , Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. 本论题《蒲松龄古迹诗咏》,是《聊斋志异》作者蒲松龄目前尚仅存的九百馀首诗歌中的一小部分。

33、Tang Dynasty was a great time for poetry development and was also a flourishing time of sport industry as well. 唐代既是古代诗歌大发展的时期,也是体育空前繁荣的时期。

34、I wish your career and life as it phases of the MidAutumn Festival, bright bright, festive! 6.采一轮松间供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡。

35、The narration idiosyncrasies of Chinese classical poesy differing from the West poesies are mostly behave in paying attention to express in indicate based on Fu, Bi, Xing; 中国古典诗歌具有不同于西方诗歌的叙述特质,主要表现在:以赋、比、兴作为叙述基础,注重主观表达与客观效应统一;

36、One workaround is to first upgrade the node to V6, then add the node to the V6 cell. 工作区首先将节点升级到版本 6,然后将节点添加到版本 6 的单元中。

37、Among the pastoral poets in ancient China, only his description of the pastoral world is both realistic and idyllic. 在中国古代田园诗人中,唯有他笔下的田园世界呈现“可居而可赏”的境界。

38、The above-mentioned two aspects reflect the development and characteristics of comparative criticism of ancient Chinese poetry from different sides. 上述两方面,从不同侧面映现出了古代诗歌比较批评的发展及其特征。

39、The people of the our country have the custom of" autumn month" in ancient times. 我国在古代就有“秋暮夕月”的习俗。

40、Li Autumn is the best time of the year in that ancient city, when there's warm sunshine almost every day … Oh, my goodness! 秋天是那座古老城市一年最好的季节,几乎每天阳光温暖宜切人……噢,天哪!

41、Up to now, Halin has already issued four als including "Songs of Mongolian", "Mongolia ethereal tunes", "Mongolia ethereal tunes2", and "Euphrat Poplar woman". 迄今为止,哈琳已出版《蒙古人之歌》、《蒙古天韵》、《蒙古天韵2》、《胡杨女人》等四个专辑。

42、As an important period of historical transition in ancient Chinese times, the Spring and Autumn Period underwent great changes. 春秋时期是中国古代社会的重要转型期,经历了“高岸为谷,深谷为陵”的沧桑巨变。

43、Round round and round we sat in the living room is pleased to talked and laughed, Grandpa told us about ancient myths on the Mid-Autumn Festival; 大家团团圆圆一起坐在客厅里高兴地有说有笑,爷爷给我们讲古时候关于中秋节的神话故事;

44、These three art production and consumption modes had their own features respectively, which together brought forth the development of the art of ancient Chinese song poems. 三种艺术生产与消费方式互相影响,共同推动了中国古代歌诗艺术向前发展。

45、Besides, the author gives relative all-around introduction and evaluation to. Xionglian's poetic theories in order to display its value and position in ancient poetry theories. 对于熊琏的诗学理论进行了较为全面的介绍与评价,以展现其在古代诗歌理论上的价值和地位。

46、Li-Junping. 2011. The Thoughts of Ancient Chinese Intellectuals: a Case Study (Wordage 298000). Beijing: Chinese Society Publishing House. 李珺平:《中国古代知识人思想个案剖判》(29.8万字),中国社会出版社(北京)2011年1月版;

47、Fetes et Chanso anciennes de la Chine, written by Granet Marcel, a French sinologist, initiated the anthropological study of book of songs. 法国汉学家葛兰言的《中国古代的祭礼与歌谣》是文化人类学《诗经》研究的开创性著作。

48、Absolute must-see tourist Every year Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn night between xiamen and kinmen of fireworks and replace the bloom was the fire. 每年春节和中秋节晚上厦门和金门隔海绽放的焰火,取代了当年的炮火。

49、Which stated: from the Pacific to the Qin dynasty, Chinese culture in the progressive stage, Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese culture to shine era. 其中说:从太古到秦汉,中国文化处于上进的阶段,春秋战国时代是中国文化大放光彩的时代。

50、Through the perfect combination of music and poetry, he will exchange thoughts and feelings with them, and help them to understand the essence of Guqin in its fusion with poetry. 使观众在美妙的音乐声中了解和感悟中国古琴艺术及与古今诗歌相结合的精华所在。


51、Kagan, Donald. "Problems in Ancient History." In The Ancient Near East and Greece. 2nd ed., vol. 1. Prentice-Hall: New York, 1975, chapter 1. 唐纳德·卡根所著《关于古代历史的问题》之“古代近东和希腊”,第二版。第一卷。普伦蒂斯·霍尔出版社:纽约,1975年,第1章。

52、Therefore, whether it is from the field of classical poetry, aesthetic or performance areas, Xiao Gang Palace Poetry in the History of Chinese Literature status is not overlooked. 因此,无论是从古典诗歌题材领域,还是从审美表现领域,萧纲宫体诗在中国文学史中的地位都是不容忽视的。

53、Shang Yang , noted Chinese oil painter , comments that "every work he pained is so affectionate and poetic. He develop his own style of modern Chinese woodcut." 中国著名油画家尚扬评价:每件作品都贯穿着真情和诗意,融汇古今,自成一家,形成有着自己的明确中国气质的现代版画风格。

54、Under the condition of classical artistic spirits and in the context of national salvation, modern Chinese city poetry is always being pressed. 中国现代诗歌都市话语在古典艺术精神和现实的救亡语境的制约下,一直处于被压制的状态。

55、In Chapter One, the signification in folklore of Mid-autumn Day and flourish of the festival in Song Dynasty were discussed. 第一章探讨中秋节的民俗学意义及其在宋代的繁荣。

56、On earlier shows, we have brought you some of our favorite songs about summer, autumn and winter. 在之前的节目中,我们已经为你带去一些我们最喜欢的关于夏,秋,冬的歌曲。

57、Fourthly, the ancient Chinese Buddhist art engraving art of Asia and the world impact. 第四,中国古代雕版佛画对亚洲及世界美术的影响。

58、This is a beautiful legend in the ancient China. I etched it in my poetries, memorizing this sorrowful yet meaningful story. 化蝶是中国古代一个美丽的传说。我把它写成诗歌,纪念那一段凄凉而隽永的故事。

59、The sayings of the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tsu have been translated into many versions. 中国古代哲学家老子的谚语已翻译成多种版本。

60、The time in the famous poem July of Binfeng in the Book of Songs orders changes in direction and transverse direction, and such a kind of change forms a kind of structure of time. 《诗经》中著名的《豳风•七月》一诗中的时间在纵向与横向上都存在着一种有序的变化,这样一种形式变化在诗中形成了一种时间结构。诗歌当中的这种时间结构很好地体现了上古先民的时间意识。

61、Some have dug into the festival' s origin and found that it was truly a romantic day as ancient Chinese girls grew up at home and hardly had chance to go outside to meet people. 有人深扒元宵节的渊源发现,在古代中国这真是一个浪漫的节日:中国古代深闺之中的女孩很难外出见人。

62、Calendar-testing was one of the key processes of astronomical calendar reforms in ancient China. “验历”是中国古代天文历法改革中重要环节之一。

63、SONG XiaoQiu. Fuzzy math theory and method. Xuzhou: China MiningUniversity Press, 19990n Chinese). 宋晓秋。模糊数学原理与方法。徐州:中国矿业大学出版社,1999。

64、"Yu Kuang-chung Poems" elected "a hundred years one hundred kinds of excellent books of Chinese literature, " by Beijing China Youth Publishing House. 《余光中诗选》当选「百年百种优秀中国文学图书」,由北京中国青年出版社出版。

65、He excluded certain passages from the original book in the new edition. 在新版中他删掉了原书中的某些章节。

66、The point that "words can't completely reflect means" is one core of the theory of literature and art in Chinese ancient , it has made great influence on art and poet theory. 言意理论是中国古代文论中的核心话语之一,对中国古代文学的艺术风貌和诗学理论有着深刻的影响。

67、The phenomenon of mutual communication between poetics and calligraphy is worthy of research in Chinese ancient literary theory. 诗学与书学的互通,是中国古代文论中一种值得注意和研究的现象。

68、》(The Old Man and the Sea)是海明威于1951年在古巴写的一篇中篇小说,于1952年出版。

69、Song Shugong, ed. Ancient Chinese Writings On Sex and Health. Beijing:China Medical Science Press, 1993. 宋书功编著:《中国古代房室养生集要》。北京:中国医药科技出版社,1993年。

70、Zhongtianhao Yueming world, everywhere Sheng song Orchestra reunion. 千里寄相思!

71、My performance in school's mid-autumn evening party. This is just a temporary version, full version will upload soon. 我在学校中秋晚会的表演。这只是临时版本, 完整版本不久将会上传。

72、There are many other names for books in ancient poems and proses. They are one of the important parts of chinese book culture. 古代诗文中大量关于书籍的别称,是中国书文化的重要组成部分。

73、Ancient Greek festivals held seasonally, chiefly at Athens, in honor of Dionysus, especially those held in the fall and connected with the development of early Greek drama. 古希腊主要在雅典举行的季节性节日,以纪念狄俄尼索斯尤其是秋季举行,并同早期希腊戏剧发展有关。

74、However, Chinese and overseas translators do not shrink back from the difficulties, instead, they endeavor to translate Chinese classical poems. 然而中外翻译家并没有知难而退,而是不遗余力地致力于中国古典诗歌的翻译。

75、In a version history for a node, each version is stored as a child of the version history, with references indicating successors of a version. 在节点的版本历史中,每个版本都保存为版本历史的一个子版本,而且包含指向后续版本的引用。

英文句子模板76:Ancient poetry version of the Mid Autumn Festival

76、The medieval fool would be dressed in a multi-coloured robe and a horned hat, holding a sceptre, to entertain people in the community square. “愚人节”可能是起源自远古年代的,在中世纪版本的“愚人”,就是娱乐大众的小丑。

77、The theme that penetrates through the chapters is ancient Greek agency vs. ancient Chinese harmony. 章节中渗透着一个主题是古希腊的个人主义和古代中国的“和”的对比。

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