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英语写景的高级句子 18个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-21 01:05:08
  • 56

英语写景的高级句子 18个

1. The crimson sun slowly dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the tranquil sea. (鹅的夕阳缓缓落下,给平静的大海披上了一层温暖的光芒。)

2. The misty mountains loomed in the distance, shrouded in a cloak of ethereal clouds. (远处的山峦笼罩在一层神秘的云彩中,若隐若现。)

3. The emerald-green grass swayed gently in the breeze, like a sea of tranquil waves. (翠绿色的草叶随风摇曳,就像一片平静的海水波涛。)

4. The snow-capped peaks towered above us, piercing the cerulean sky like a spire. (白雪皑皑的山峰高耸在我们头顶,刺穿着湛蓝的天空,犹如一座尖塔。)

5. The rustling leaves whispered secrets to the wind, as the autumn breeze swept through the forest. (沙沙作响的树叶向风吐露着秘密,秋风吹过森林。)

6. The rippling stream flowed gracefully through the verdant meadow, glistening in the sunlight. (细碎的溪流优雅地穿过翠绿的草地,在阳光下闪烁着光芒。)

7. The towering cliffs rose from the ocean, their jagged peaks lost in the mist. (高耸的悬崖从海洋中崛起,它们嶙峋的峰顶消失在薄雾之中。)

8. The bustling cityscape glittered like a jewel in the starry night, with lights ling like diamonds. (熙攘的城市景观在星空下闪烁着如宝石般的光芒,点点灯光闪耀着钻石般的光泽。)

9. The serene lake reflected the azure sky like a perfect mirror, its suce as smooth as glass. (宁静的湖泊像一面完美的镜子一样映照着湛蓝的天空,其表面如同玻璃一般光滑。)

10. The golden sand stretched as far as the eye could see, glinting in the sunlight like a precious metal. (金色的沙滩一望无际,阳光下闪烁着宝贵的金属光泽。)

11. The towering trees cast long s across the forest floor, dappling the ground with specks of golden light. (高耸的树木在森林地面投下长长的影子,斑驳的阳光点亮了地面上的金色光点。)

12. The rugged terrain was dotted with patches of wildflowers, adding color and life to the otherwise desolate landscape. (崎岖的地形上散布着一片片的野花,为这片荒凉的大地增添了色彩和生命。)

13. The crystal-clear watell cascaded down from the rocky heights, creating a symphony of sound and mist. (清澈的瀑布从崎岖的高处倾泻而下,营造出一种声音与水雾的交响曲。)

14. The fields of ripened wheat swayed gently in the wind, like a golden ocean under a blue sky. (成熟的麦田在风中轻轻摇曳,就像一片在蓝天下金色的海洋。)

15. The rugged coastline stretched out into the distance, with steep cliffs plunging into the churning sea below. (崎岖的海岸线一直延伸到远方,急峻的悬崖直入汹涌的海洋之中。)

16. The sprawling vineyards blanketed the hillsides, with neat rows of gvines leading to the horizon. (蔓延的葡萄园覆盖了山坡,整齐的葡萄藤行向地平线。)

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