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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-01 12:47:57
  • 77




1、I haven't seen this film yet。你大概是把标点打错了,应该是句号。

2、Ekman, incidentally, professes to be "a terrible liar", and observes that although some people are plainly more accomplished liars than others, he cannot teach anyone how to lie. 顺便提一句,埃克曼自称是“糟糕的”,他还指出,尽管有些人显然比其他人更会撒谎,但他不懂如何教人撒谎。

3、In exchange I had to say something for him. 作为交换我必须为他说几句。

4、Think about it and let it sink in. 想一想这句话,让它慢慢沉入心底。

5、Out of a paragraph from the text, put back. 从文段中抽出一句,放回原位。

6、IOW, use the NDK stuff just for filtering. 换句话说,使用NDK的东西只是过滤。

7、In other words, ENIAC was a gigantic calculator. 换句话说,ENIAC是一个巨大的计算器。

8、Fairly speaking,we cannot blame him only. 说句公平话,这事不能全怪他一个人。

9、In other words, there could be multiple tags under . 换句话说,在 下可以有多个 标记。

10、How much variation is there in tone throughout a typical sentence? 在一句话里有多少变调呢?

11、She was too angry to say a word. 她太生气了以致于说不出一句话。

12、He fixed his eyes on us without saying a word. 他注视着我们, 一句话也不说。

13、He wouldn't tell me, and he put me in the car and we went off, and I saw all these people lying on blankets, looking up at the sky. 他一句话也没有跟我说,然后他就把我丢进车里就出发了,接著我看到所有人都躺在毯子上,望著天空。

14、He took me apart to have a private talk. 他把我拉到一旁私下谈几句。

15、Does anybody know where it is from? Yes? 有谁知道这句出自哪里?你说说看?

16、I stood by the door, not daring to say a word. 我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。

17、Hello, I am XXX calling from China, is it you, XXX? 或者 (后面那句= May I speak to XXX?

18、Ci" in the book Ma Shi Wen Tong is traditionally thought to be equal to the Western grammatical case, but "Ci" is not same as the case. and can be cancelled. 传统看法认为,《马氏文通》的“词”相当于句子成分,“次”相当于西方语法中的“格”,但又不等同于“格”,“次”可以取消。

19、He choked back a sharp reply. 他把到了嘴边的一句刻薄话咽了回去。

20、I didn't really know what to say. 怎么了,陈?你在教室里一句话都没说。

21、But also the future and the sentence to respond, he felt his heart from intense pain, lowered eyes, front woman hand was reddened his pupil. 还未来的及对这句话有所反应,他便感觉心口处传来剧烈的疼痛,低垂下的视线里,身前女子手上的锋芒染红了他的孔。

22、They ecd every word of their leader . 他们随声附和他们首领的每一句话。

23、When I set foot in this society for the first year. New-born calves make little of tigers, I was quick-tempered, and did not admit mistakes. I just fenced with leader's criticism. 当我第一年踏进社会,初生牛犊不怕虎,凭着自己的性子来,不会承认自己的错误,而是用一两句话搪塞。

24、From that moment forth he had not uttered a word. 从这以后他一句话也没有说。

25、stop shuddering and speak their first word. 现在它们停止了颤抖,说出第一句话。


26、Without a word even to Yossarian, Dunbar had washed his hands of the mission. The fall in the hospital had either shown him the light or scrambled his brains; 甚至一句话都没有对Yossarian说,Dunbar退出了这次任务,在医院的坠床事件或者给了他启示、或者摔坏了他的脑子;

27、The characteristic of the sentences composed of intransitive verb employment state is that the objects take the responsibility no matter the actions are allowed or commanded by the subjects. 自动词使役态构成的句子其特点是,无论是在主体允许下还是命令下的行为,其责任等都在于客体本身。

28、Revealing to say is a , you two lights decline; 拆穿说一句,你们二位的光降;

29、If you heard the sentence " "John thinks that Bill likes himself," in a fraction of a second you would think that it means " "John thinks that Bill likes Bill." 如果你听到这个句子,“约翰认为比尔很自恋“,你马上就能领会,这话的意思是,“约翰认为比尔喜欢比尔“

30、Many students learn vocabulary and try to put many words together to create a proper sentence. It amazes me how many words some of my students know, but they cannot create a proper sentence. 让我惊讶的是,我的一些学生竟然可以掌握那么多词汇,但他们却不能编造出一个恰当的句子。

31、What did your wife say after registering ? 你老婆领证后说的第一句话是什么?

32、My dream had been shattered with these last words of Prudence, and its going had brought me back to reality with such a jolt that I was still dazed by the shock. 我的梦想已经随着普律当丝最后几句话破灭了,我突然一下子掉落在现实之中,被摔得头晕眼花。

33、hello, i am calling from china, is it you, ? 或者 (后面那句= may i speak to ?

34、To make a recursive call, you must either code the RECURSIVE clause (or attribute) in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph of the recursively called program or specify the THREAD compiler option. 要执行递归调用,必须在以递归方式调用的程序的 PROGRAM-ID 段落中编写 RECURSIVE 子句(或属性),或指定 THREAD 编译器选项。

35、That's how we speak. That's how we make a sentence. 这就是我们说话造句的方式。

36、In other words, the SED complaint alleges, the creation of the DDO was a cover for Paulson's real belief that the investments were poor ones and were set to fall in value. 证交会在起诉书中称,换句话说,创建DDO是个幌子,保尔森的真实想法是,这些投资很糟糕,肯定会贬值。

37、He hadn't the wit to say no. 他笨得连说一句拒绝的话都不会说。

38、The going-away car is often decorated by high-spirited friends with messages in lipstick and shaving foam, and tied about with balloons, tin cans, and old boots. 载有新人的轿车往往要被兴致勃勃的朋友们用口红和剃须泡沫涂上几句贺词,并挂上汽球、洋铁罐和旧靴子。

39、If necessary, your definition may consist of several sentences. 必要 的话,你的定义可多达数句。

40、Rowling: Oh, you know what the first sentence is. 罗琳:哦,你早已知道第一句话了。

41、Miao develops quite sensitive and exquisite, portrays quite a good Shanghai female has the flavor, but the week has also shown off him elegantly natural. 缪演得相当敏感而细腻,把一个不错的上海女子塑造得相当有味道,而周也卖弄了他的俊雅爸妈吵架,我爸气的说了句。

42、In English-Chinese translation, the placement of topic should be given much attention, for topic is a discourse unit and it could have semantic ties with more than one sentence. 英译汉要重视话题的选择,因为话题是一个语篇概念,它可以而且经常将其语义管辖范围扩展到多个子句。

43、For example, a dummy character, dummy plug, or a dummy statement. 例如,哑字符, 假插头,哑语句。

44、The distinct-values function in the for clause returns a list of all the distinct values of ProductID that are found inside comments in the Comments column of the Items table. for 子句中的 distinct-values 函数返回一个列表,其中包含在 ITEMS 表的 COMMENTS 列中的所有 Comment 中发现的所有不同的 ProductID 值。

45、I could read you a random sentence. Uhm, ... No, not that one. 我随便给你念一句吧。

46、“We essentially traded stuff for togetherness and connectedness, ” Mr. Salwen told me, adding, “I can’t figure out why everybody wouldn’t want that deal.” “实际上,我们用大房子换来了共处的时光和彼此的亲密联系。” 萨尔文先生这样和我说,又加了一句,“我想不出谁会不这么干。”

47、Annie: A Chinese slang says, "Yin flourishes while Yang declines ". 安妮: 中国有句俗语“阴盛阳衰”。

48、A lot of long sentences appear in scientific articles. 科技文章中往往出现许多长句。

49、"God made the vittles but the devil made the cook, " was a popular saying used by seafaring men in the 19th century when salted beef was staple diet aboard ship. “上帝创造了世界,魔鬼创造了厨子”是十九世纪海员们经常说得一句话。因为当时他们的主食是腌制的牛肉。

50、That makes us calculative and mean and reduces the marriage to a conditional clause : as long as he lives up to his end of the bargain so will i. 那使我们计算而且意指,而且让婚姻变成一个有条件的子句:只要他住,直到他的交易的结局为止,我也会。


51、That sentence may seem rather pedestrian compared to all the sentences Mises used to establish the science of praxeology (human action) and to spin out its countless implications for economics. 这个句子看起来相比起米塞斯在构建人类行为学这门科学时所作的无数对经济的诠释显得非常普通。

52、"when the memory of a virtually car-free Los Angeles is still fresh…" The 405 work shut down a few miles of freeway for a couple of days. That was not even… 像这句:“在人们关于洛杉矶几乎无车时的记忆依旧清晰的时候,405快车道的某一路段关闭过一段日子。

53、Most people save money for a rainy day. 例句:大多数人攒钱以备不时之需。

54、The poor child, torn by a feeling which she hardly understood, turned to the other two girls who came upstairs just then. 原来,红娘子、大腹皮、花槟榔、刘寄奴,是血味中药丸,现在联成了两句诗,这意思就再也明白不过了!王寡妇终于给女儿冲喜结婚了。

55、By the way, the fact that people exchange houses proves that the value of the house vary from the people who use it, not just decided by the cost. 附带说一句,换房的事实证明,房子的价值还随着谁在使用它而不同,并非仅仅决定于盖房花了多少成本。

56、The first 33 palindromes were both riddles and profound. 前33句回文既是谜语又很深奥。

57、If you had told our Fourth engineer before you did it, such things could have been avoided, by merely closing the relevant valves. 如果你在做这事前先告诉我们的三管轮,那么只要采取关闭相关阀门的办法就能避免这些事情。这是个虚拟语气的句子。

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