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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 07:13:29
  • 72


关于”适合的句子“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Suitable sentence。以下是关于适合的句子的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suitable sentence

1、Experts also say that parents should discuss certain issues with their children at age-appropriate times, and that the discussion should evolve as children mature. 专家们还说,家长应当在适合的年龄与孩子讨论特定的话题,随着孩子的成熟这种讨论应当不断发展。

2、It's sized to fit most car cup holders. 杯子大小适合大部分车载饮料杯架放置。

3、In other words, the marketer has found the most-qualified group of prospects and motivated them to action. 换句话说,营销人员找到了最适合的目标群体,这促使他们付诸行动。

4、The plugs may use one of several designs to hold the fusible alloy in place. 塞子可以采用几种设计中的一种,把易熔合金置于适当的位置。

5、If the s fits, wear it. 如果鞋子合适,就穿吧;有则改之,无则嘉勉。

6、Let us now understand the cash vs accrual method of accounting comparison with the help of a suitable example. 我们结合适当的例子来了解收付实现制和权责发生制的区别。

7、I regard it as a treasure suitable for a gentleman's utensil. 我把它当做宝贝,适宜于做君子的器皿。

8、This axiom is reasonable for "legacy" applications, but it would be better to verify my original intuition so that new development projects could choose the right approach for the right situation. 这句格言对于“早期的”应用程序非常合理,但能验证我原来的直觉则更好,因为新开发项目可以在适当的情况下选择适当的方法。

9、A proper size sub-image was first taken out of the whole infrared image and the sub-image was then processed with a certain enhancement algorithm, while pixels out of the sub-image were not processed. 该方法首先在红外图像中取出适当大小的子图像,再用合适的增强算法来处理子图像,而子图像以外的区域不作任何处理。

10、Low cost API adhesive for plywood and blockboard has been made adopting appropriate raw materials and technology. 选择适当的原料和工艺,制备出低成本的,适用于胶合板和细木工板的水性高分子异氰酸酯胶粘剂。

11、This style matches the on with sizes from 8 - 12mm, and the one showing in the picture is 8mm. 另,麻烦再给看看这句的毛病 这种款式适合8-12mm的纽扣,展示图片里的是8mm的。

12、Still, there are other men who have their definitions of the just-right wife. 当然,还有另外一些男人有另一些对合适的妻子的定义。

13、This hat doesn't fit. I'd like to try another . 这顶帽子尺寸不合适,我想再找一顶试试。

14、When asked whether the single-child generation is too selfish for marriage, her answer is telling. 当被问及“独生子女一代是否太自私而不适合结婚”时,她的回答是肯定的。

15、In order to increase energy-storing density of flywheel, appropriate rotor material and reasonable structure should be used. 为提高飞轮的储能密度,需采用合适的转子材料和合理的转子结构。

16、Proper grinding, dosing, tamping, temperature, pressure, and extraction timing is an art that requires experience and precision. 适当的碾磨,适量的剂量,适度的捣磨,合适的温度和压力以及适时地萃取是一种需要经验和精确度的艺术。

17、Designed for fishing clear water lakes and rivers where long casts are required to avoid spooking fish. 这款竿子适合在清水湖泊和江河里使用,适合远投,以避免让鱼受惊。

18、这件衣服很适合你 This dress/outfit/pants/shirt looks really good on you. 你穿的这连衣裙/一套衫/裤子/裙子很好看啊。

19、But the checked shirt doesn`t go well with it. Do you have any other shirt? 当然适合.但是格子衬衫和西服不太配.你还有其他的衬衫吗?

20、The day had not yet come that was the right day for drowning. 适合自溺的日子还没有到来。

21、The water is also perfect for snorkeling and whatever other water activities you might enjoy. 这里的水也相当适合浮浅,当然其他水上活动也适合。

22、Longer sentences and an expanded vocabulary make this series of 48-page books slightly more challenging: Level 2 is appropriate for children who have started to read but still need help. 长句子和扩大词汇量使这一长达48页的稍微更有挑战性的系列丛书:2级是谁开始阅读,但儿童仍然需要适当的帮助。

23、But perhaps smart work is a better description. 但或许称它是一项很需要动脑子的工作更合适。

24、You can also find garden tools that are perfect for kids. 你也可以找到完全适合小孩子的园艺工具。

25、What's Best for Kids: Bottled Water or Fountains? 什么水最适合孩子们:瓶装水还是自来水?


26、Proposal of a structural formula as the result of appropriate chemical and physical examination of the compound. 通过对化合物进行适当的物理和化学测定,从而提出分子的结构式。

27、The ability of cyclodextrin to form inclusion complexes with appropriate molecules can be used to improve the physicochemical properties of the guest. 环糊精与合适的分子形成包合物可以改善客体分子的理化性质。

28、These chats should be age-appropriate, of course. 当然,这些知识的传授应该与孩子的年龄相适宜。

29、However, not everyone could fit the cookie-cutter mold. 然而,并非每个人都能适合这个模子。

30、He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son. 他也预先命中注定适合他儿子的形象。

31、A suitable compound cationic catalyst has been found which would effect the trimerization of benzonitrile under a moderate condition such as< 300℃ and normal pressure. 大量的实验室研究发现,使用合适的复合阳离子型催化剂,在适当的条件下,如常压和小于300℃,能够实现苯基腈三聚反应。

32、This is a time always asking myself, and I for what? 这一阵子老是在问自己,我适合什麽?

33、The crosspiece of the trousers is not made well. 这条裤子横裆处做得不很合适。

34、M: I was just trying to give you an example. 哎哟,你真是的,要给我举例子也得找个适当的例子嘛。

35、In other words, when all other things are equal, the fit should fare better than the frail. This is true of economies as well as of people. 换句话说,当机会均等时,健康者会比虚弱者表现好,这种结果既适用于人也适用于经济。

36、In choosing a suitable pair most snowboarders will try a few different types before settling on one that they find most comfortable. 在选择合适的靴子时,大多数滑雪板玩家会试穿一些不同种类的靴子,直到他们找到一双他们认为最舒适的靴子。

37、The minute dots in the design should be appropriately enlarged. 花型中的小点子须做适当的放大。

38、If your running ss are not fitting properly, whether the arch is not the right size for your foot, or the s is causing you to ate inwards or outwards, you're going to run into problems. If不恰当正确,是否拱不适合你的脚,或鞋子大小合适的权利类型导致您向内或向外旋前,你会遇到的问题。

39、Sananda: Yes, it is all right to control nuisance bugs. 是的,把持讨厌的虫子是适当的。

40、Try to avoid wearing garment that do not flatter your figure such short women; avoid long skirts. And women with broad shoulders, avoid shoulders pads. 比如,矮美眉就不适合长裙子,宽肩美眉不适合垫肩衣服。

41、"We shall establish an appropriate and suitable free-market economy, " Nai Ngwe Thein said. “我们应当建立一个适当的和合适的自由市场经济”,奈维登说。

42、Second: To research the current e-business model, and to discuss thee-business model that fit for CATV network. 研究当前比较成熟的电子商务模式,并探讨适合于有线数字电视网络发展的电子商务模式;

43、The Bianconeri's shirt fits him, just like it fits me, and therefore I can't see him with another shirt. 尤文的队服才是最适合他的,就象最适合我一样,同时呢,我也无法看到他穿其他队服的样子。

44、There were no canvases and children adapted to local production. 这没有油画布孩子们适应了当地的产品。

45、The days you don’t feel like exercising, are often your best days. 那些你不太想去锻炼的日子, 可能就是最适合锻炼的日子.

46、Apart from the price, the hat doesn't suit me. 除了价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。

47、By eating dinner together at the table, parents can teach kids about appropriate portion sizes, healthful food choices and appropriate eating pace, she says. 她说,通过同桌吃饭,父母可以教孩子关于适当的份量、健康的食物选择和合适的吃饭速度。

48、I just forget, this sentence equally applies river Yi in me. 我只是忘记,这句话同样适用江逸之于我。

49、Application: suitable for puffed food, shrimp, peanut, melon seeds, rice, monosodium glutamate, popcorn, seeds and other granular material of flake, solid, the packing. 适用范围:适合于膨化食品,虾条,花生,瓜子,大米,,味精,玉米花等颗粒状,条片状,固物料的包装。

50、Select one of the desired choices for the subunit conversion. 为子单元转化选择一个合适的选项。


51、A broken-down tractor fit only for children to play on. 报废的拖拉机也就是适合孩子在上面玩了。

52、A cooked mix of wood oil and mod. colophony, linseed oil. 木质油,适量松香,亚麻子油煮成的混合物。

53、And no other cross platform mobile solution is suitable for this style of dev btw. (而且随便说一句,还没有其他跨平台的移动解决方案适合这类风格的开发)。

54、Elasticized sleeves for comfort. 弹性舒适的袖子。

55、Pauticularly suitable for light industry, electronics and other products stored light. 特别适合轻工业,电子电器等产品的存放。

56、Works best when the problem can be readily decomposed into subproblems. 最适合易于分解成子系统的问题。

57、When discussing electronic unfair competition, we cannot escape the applicability of the E-commerce Directive. 当讨论到电子不正当竞争,我们无法逃避的是电子商务指令的适用性。

58、This is a fitted bodice shape with an A-line skirt. 这是一适合女服的紧身衣形状与 A-线裙子。

59、The "rank sum" factors are properly constructed in order to utilize the information of more factors. 本文用适当的方法构造“秩和”因子,以便利用更多的因子信息;

60、to the children's love should be appropriate, too much love is to harm the child. 对子女的疼爱要适当,过分疼爱是害孩子。

61、On the beach, some of these appliances work better as a rear-view mirror than a reading device. 在沙滩上,有些电子设备用来当镜子倒是更合适。

62、Comics question the following sentence: one wants to cut tailored for each individual who will tend to cut themselves off. 漫画题句:想把自己裁剪得适合每一个人的人,往往会把自己裁剪掉。

63、Then, if the mix of waste is correct, the carbon and oxygen atoms involved recombine to form carbon monoxide and the hydrogen atoms link up into diatomic hydrogen molecules. 接下去,如果废物的组合是合适的,碳原子和氧原子会重新组合形成一氧化碳,而氢原子则结合起来形成双原子的氢分子。

64、Plums, peaches, pears, and apricots, gently cooked if necessary. 西梅,桃子,梨子和杏,需要时可以适当加热。

65、After it finds the appropriate value, the code triggers a change event using the widget handlers for the TwoWayForm widget instance. 找到适当的值之后,代码使用 TwoWayForm 小部件实例的小部件句柄触发一个更改事件。

66、Only the seed of cause that you sow in alayavijnana-Consciousness germinates and grows when the time is due. 这些在适当的时机、适当的环境中发芽、成长。

67、Of course the argument can be repeated with regards to sub-atomic particles. 当然,这个论证同样适用于亚原子粒子。

68、Their chemical and physical properties can be tailored by judicious selection of cation, anion, and substituents. 通过选择合适的阳离子、阴离子和配体,可以调变离子液体的化学、物理性能。

69、Murray Nemser was a case in point . 默里·尼姆塞尔就是一个适当的例子。

70、He certainly looked the part all right, he thought, as he admired himself in the mirror. 当他在镜子前自我欣赏时,他想他当然看上去很适合那个角色。鴬。

71、Also, you may have to adapt it a bit to suit your toddler or preschooler’s age and interest. 当然,你也可以用一些适合你的孩子年龄或兴趣的事物。比如对于我的孩子来说,颜色和形状是一大热门。

72、Finally, you’ll need to find your child hauling device of choice. 最后,你需要找到适合你孩子的拖车装备。

73、Find opportunities to teach your child the value of money. 找到合适的机会培养孩子正确的金钱观。

74、KSS supports global vehicle platforms through modular designs, permitting easy adaptation of electronic or mechanical devices to individual customer needs. 标准设计的安全袋,适合用于全球各种车辆,也可以允许客户对电子或机械装置进行适当的更改以满足个人需要。

75、He was a great admirer of the poetry of plain speech. He desed mere less adornments of language or thought. 他欣赏语句朴实的适合,对于一些无用的语言或者思想的修饰感到厌恶。

英文句子模板76:Suitable sentence

76、It would've been more appropriate to call this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas the Consumer Tablet Show. 把今年在拉斯维加斯的消费电子展(CES)叫做消费平板展相当合适。

77、The old motto "not everything that shines is gold" is an apt quotation here. 谚语“发光的不都是金子”很适合这里。

78、Is there a 'right' amount of money to leave to kids? 你认为给孩子留多少钱才算合适?

79、Aptamer is a single and short nucleic acid sequence, either DNA or RNA. 适配子是一种能够特异性与靶物质结合的小分子DNA或RNA。

80、"It's the thought that counts. " That's what we say when someone gives us a gift that we don't want or that doesn't suit us. “礼轻情意重”,这是我们收到不想要或者不适合的礼物时常说的一句话。

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