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专升本英语作文万能句子通用 16个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-23 10:29:31
  • 79

专升本英语作文万能句子通用 16个

1. In my opinion, studying abroad is a good choice for personal growth. (我认为,出国留学是个人成长的好选择。)

2. The problem of pollution has become a pressing issue that needs to be addressed immediately. (染问题已经成为一个迫切需要立即解决的问题。)

3. With the rapid development of technology, people's lives have been greatly improved. (随着技术的快速发展,人们的生活得到了极大的改善。)

4. Education plays a crucial role in shaping one's future. (教育在塑造一个人的未来中起着关键的作用。)

5. It is essential that we take measures to protect the environment for the sake of future generations. (为了后代的利益,我们必须采取措施保护环境。)

6. The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. (互联网已经彻底改变了我们交流和获取信息的方式。)

7. Globalization has brought about both benefits and challenges. (全球化带来了好处和挑战两方面。)

8. With the aging of the population, healthcare has become increasingly important. (随着人口老龄化,医疗保健变得越来越重要。)

9. It is important that we respect cultural differences and diversity. (我们尊重文化差异和多样性很重要。)

10. The role of women in society has undergone significant changes in recent years. (近年来,女性在社会中的角色发生了重大变化。)

11. In today's competitive world, it is necessary to constantly upgrade one's skills and knowledge. (在今天竞争激烈的世界中,不断提升自己的技能和知识是必要的。)

12. Social media has become an important platform for people to express their opinions and share information. (社交媒体已经成为人们表达意见和分享信息的重要平台。)

13. The issue of human rights is a global concern that needs to be addressed urgently. (问题是一个全球性的关切,需要紧急解决。)

14. It is important that we cultivate a sense of responsibility towards the environment. (我们应该培养对环境的责任感。)

15. The role of education in promoting social equality cannot be underestimated. (教育在促进社会平等方面的作用不容忽视。)

16. The government should take measures to address the problem of poverty. (应该采取措施解决贫困问题。)

17. Learning a second language can broaden one's horizons and improve career prospects. (学习第二语言可以拓宽视野,提高职业前景。)

18. The importance of teamwork cannot be overstated in today's business world. (在今天的商业世界中,团队合作的重要性不容忽视。)

19. The issue of gun control has become a contentious topic in many countries. (管制问题已经成为许多国家的争议话题。)

20. Education should not only focus on academic achievements but also on developing social skills and values. (教育不应只关注学术成绩,还应该培养社交技能和价值观。)

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