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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-31 16:24:18
  • 175


关于”很黄的句子“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Very yellow sentence。以下是关于很黄的句子的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Very yellow sentence

1、In the dingy yellow electric light Miss Fan looked flushed and happy and did not seem to mind at all. 在昏黄的灯光下,密斯范红着脸很快乐的样子,似乎毫不介意。

2、There were trees in the garden, with beautiful fruit of different colours — white, red, green, and yellow. 花园里有很多树,树上满是五颜六色的美丽果子——有白的、红的、绿的,还有黄的。

3、A naughty monkey is yellow, yellow teeth. 小猴更调皮,叫小黄“黄牙小子”。

4、Cation golden yellow antimony dyestuff was synthesized by cation golden yellow and antimony trichloride. 本文以阳离子金黄和三氯化锑为原料, 合成了阳离子金黄锑染料。

5、A variety of patterns and forms of Huangshan pine have a great relationship between the natural environment . 黄山松的千姿百态和黄山自然环境有着很大的关系。

6、Not a "rhubarb" days, long, long time around we are missing something. 没了“大黄”的日子,很长很长时间我们感到身边余少了什么。

7、Extraction and Determination of Emodin and Chrysophanol Contents in Semen Cassiae. 决明子大黄素和大黄酚的提取与含量测定。

8、At that time, the wild large yellow croaker body shape is very beautiful, color is very bright, golden fish. 当时,这条野生大黄鱼体形很美观,色泽十分光鲜亮丽,鱼鳞金黄金黄的。

9、Gold is similar in colour to brass. 黄金和黄铜的颜色很相像。

10、Shenzhen earliest Cantonese Wong, is the famous "Guangdong Xiaozai" Huang Shu. 深圳最早的广府黄氏,是著名的“南粤孝子”黄舒。

11、Leonidas Rose, Yellow Freesia, Yellow-red Tulip, Orange Ranunculus, Blue Berry, Hypericum, Achillea, Salal. 啡玫,黄较剪兰,黄红郁金香,橙小牡丹,蓝果子,提子,咖哩,沙巴叶。

12、Soybeans contain high amounts of isoflavones. 大豆的异黄酮含量很高。

13、You say it very well! 黄:你说得很好!

14、When he was young, he had barely noticed the yellow ribbon, but now they were in high school together, it bothered him. 约翰小时候,很少注意到简脖子上的黄丝带,不过,现在他们同在一所中学,简的黄丝带让约翰困扰不解。

15、Master Huang: Wow! Yummy! 黄师傅:哇,很好吃!

16、Abandoned homes were easy to spot – their lawns, unwatered, quickly turned brown in the California sun. 被遗弃的房子很容易被盯上,因为草坪没有浇过水,在加利福尼亚的阳光下,很快就会变黄。

17、This way, everything matches, and you don’t have to worry about what goes with your chartreuse blouse. 这样,每件都很搭,你就不用担心你那淡黄绿色的裤子要配什么衣服了。

18、People said gold could easily be picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water. 人们称,黄金很容易被拾起清洗沙子从河中的泛水。

19、The point of nose was black, so it was similar with a weasel, but the body was a little bigger than the weasel's one. 它鼻子的顶端是黑色。日本貂和黄鼬很像,不过它比黄鼬梢大的。

20、There are many drab houses in the Smokey mining town. 在浓烟密布的矿区,有很多黄褐色的房子。

21、Hurdles to gold abounded. 投资黄金有很多障碍。

22、Results TLC is the best way to test Phellodendron amurense and Rheum officinale. 结果:用薄层色谱法能很好地检出黄柏和大黄。

23、The dusk was coming early. 黄昏来得很早。

24、Huang Piao feel very grievance, but GuanHaiLong was very understanding Gao Gongzhi, and brought her home to take care of the children. 黄漂觉得自己很委屈,而关海龙却很理解高红枝,并让人用车将她送回家照顾孩子。

25、Huang Wei: It was very boring. 黄伟: 是很枯燥。


26、Kim countryman from the Yellow River basin is the Chinese people. 金乡人源于黄河流域,是炎黄子孙。

27、An excellent example of this trend is seen in the carnivores, with the evolution of small stoats and weasels. 这种趋势的一个很好的例子就是肉食动物,如小鼬和黄鼠狼的进化。

28、Yellow and blue was in evidence. 黄蓝的搭配很打眼。

29、The effects of Chinese herb active components on the conformation of SA and LYSO were investigated by synchronous fluorescence. 利用同步荧光法考察五味子甲素、五味子乙素对SA和大黄酸、大黄素、大黄酚对LYSO构象的影响。

30、Results Radix astragali, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix pseudostellariae and Rhizoma polygonati could be detected by TLC. 结果TLC色谱中均能明显地检出黄芪、地黄、太子参和黄精;

31、Gold also existed inmore practical forms, such as this cup, easily transported in a horseman'ssaddle bags. 黄金也以更实用的形式存在,比如这个杯子,很容易在骑马者的鞍袋里运输。

32、We'll eat Zongzi. The stuffing in Zongzi could be dates, bean paste, yolk, chestnuts, or other things. 我们会包粽子吃.里面能放枣啊.豆沙啊.蛋黄啊.栗子啊什么的.有很多种馅儿呢.南方人还喜欢包肉馅儿的粽子.

33、In addition to eat dumplings, and leave old Hangzhou traditional habits, the Dragon Boat Festival to be food realgar wine, eel, yellow croaker, cucumber, salted egg yolk, known as "eat yellows." 除了吃粽子,还有老杭州人留下的传统习惯,端午要食雄黄酒、黄鳝、黄鱼、黄瓜、咸蛋黄,人称“吃五黄”。

34、In Guangdong province, the dumplings are filled with five-spice coated fatty pork and plenty of mungbeans cooked inside the rice. Often, traditional cooks also add a whole salted egg yolk. 在广东等南方地区,粽子里面包有五香肥猪肉和很多豆子,很多人还喜欢在粽子里放一整个咸蛋黄。

35、Master Huang:Very good. 黄师傅:很好。

36、Yellow rice in the north of this kind of food, according to the dictionary's explanation is to the shell millet fruit, slightly larger than the millet, color yellow, cooked very sticky. 黄米本是北方一种粮食,照字典的解释,是去了壳的黍子的果实,比小米稍大,颜色淡黄,煮熟后很黏。

37、Finally, the s, and the evening's setting sun dragging our very, very long . 终于,上岸了,黄昏的残阳把我们的影子拖得很长很长。

38、Dim rain, a lot of room lights, warm yellow pipeline is mist wrapped up, give birth to a fairy tale mood, beautiful like a heartbeat. 昏暗的雨中,很多屋子亮起了灯,黄黄暖暖的管线被水雾下裹着,生出童话般的意境,美得犹如心跳。

39、Gold section head of gold, the owner often high in cost. 黄金地段黄金市口,业主往往要价很高。

40、Not a "rhubarb" days, long, long time around we are missing something. Each visit, we are also invariably see it. Sense, the "rhubarb" is still positions. 没了“大黄”的日子,很长很长时间我们感到身边余少了什么。每次巡视,我们都还不约而同地去看它。感觉里,“大黄”借在阵地上。

41、MS WONG: They are very clever. 黄女士:都很精巧。

42、I'm a erfly, creative but fragile. My wife is an ox, she always keeps working, Work! Work! Work! 我是蝴蝶,很美很有创造力,同时也很脆弱。我的妻子是老黄牛,很勤劳,很务实,总是一直在干。我们是互补型的!

43、The International Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is by far the most potent teratogen, mutagen and hepatocarcinogen of all aflatoxins. 在所有的黄曲霉毒素中黄曲霉毒素B1有很高的致畸因子,诱变因素及致肝癌物。

44、Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. 通常,猴子姑娘们都很愉快地交出一块块小石子来换取美味黄瓜片。

45、Long, Long age, there lived a family by the Yellow River. They lived a very poor lift, depending on cutting reeds, weaving hanging screens and dustpans for a livelihood. 很久很久以前,有一户人家住在黄河边上,靠割芦苇、编帘子簸箕为生,日子过得非常贫困。

46、This irritated veteran Huang Zhong. Huang shouted: "Advisor has looked down upon me. 诸葛亮一句话,激怒了老将黄忠,只见他大声喊道:"军师太小看人了,我黄忠愿取张首级,献于军师帐下。"

47、That yellow leaves, as if that was only a golden erfly. 那黄黄的叶子,仿佛就是那一只只金灿灿的蝴蝶。

48、Several painters in the Golden Ages painted children playing with a rope. 很多画家在黄金期画用绳子玩耍的孩子们。

49、Hedy remind Huang Cheng survey goofy reason for divorce, Huang Cheng very disgusted. 黄蕊提醒黄成调查高飞离婚的理由,黄成很反感。

50、During the flowering season of litchi and longan, the small yellow flowers are arborous and spectacular. 荔枝、龙眼开花时节,每棵树上都生出嫩黄的花枝,花朵很小,但是开得很茂盛,黄黄的一片,很是壮观。


51、Long,Long age,there lived a family by the Yellow River.They lived a very poor lift,depending on cutting reeds,weaving hanging screens and dustpans for a livelihood. 很久很久以前,有一户人家住在黄河边上,靠割芦苇、编帘子簸箕为生,日子过得非常贫困。

52、Cucumber seeds could germinate under continous white, blue, yellow light and dark, but the germination was inhibited by continous red and green light. 黄瓜在连续白光、蓝光、黄光及黑暗下能够萌发,红光及绿光的连续照射却抑制黄瓜的萌发。

53、The man with the yellow hat was happy to see George. 黄帽子很高兴见到乔治。

54、Mr. Huang: Yes. Many intellectuals hope the revolution of society and can build a perfect society. 黄:对我很大。当时很多知识分子,对于社会的变革抱着希望,期望建立一个制度相对完善的社会。

55、Leave a big pit, a bunch of yellow soil. 留下一个很大很大的坑,一堆黄泥土。

56、Wow, so many yellow pears! 哇,好多黄澄澄的梨子!

57、So, obviously, the sun would be gold. 很明显,太阳就是黄金。

58、Chitosan also promoted cucumber seed germination, increased chlorophyll, soluble proteins and soluble sugars of cucumber leaf in the treatment of seed soaking with chitosan. 同时壳聚糖浸种黄瓜,促进黄瓜发芽,提高黄瓜叶片的叶绿素、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖的含量。

59、We are of the yellow race and descendants of the Yellow Emperor. 我们是黄种人,是炎黄子孙。

60、We are the descendants of Huangdi . 我们是黄帝的子孙。

61、The flowers are purple to whitish, resembling foxglove, followed by 3 cm (1.25 in) capsules containing numerous seeds. 花为白色带紫红,似毛地黄,蒴果长3厘米(1.25英寸),很多。

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