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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-19 06:07:46
  • 88


关于”伤感的短句“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Sad short sentences。以下是关于伤感的短句的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sad short sentences

1、Oxygen is vital for life—without it, severe brain damage may ensue in as little as three minutes. 氧气对于生命至关重要-如果缺氧,哪怕就是短短的三分钟,也会引发严重的脑损伤。

2、I was aed to admit it, but mingled with my terror and grief. 我很羞愧地承认这一点,同时感到恐惧和悲伤。

3、You know him?” Lincoln says no, and hangs his head, sad and confused. Lincoln说不认识,然后垂下了头,感到悲伤和困惑。

4、A series of explosions within minutes of each other has killed at least 75 people and wounded more than 300 others in the center of Bagdad. 巴格达市中心发生连环爆炸袭击事件,在短短几分钟内,各处伤亡惨重,导致至少75人死亡,300多人受伤。

5、And the effects of USW to the optic injury of rats. 探讨超短波对视神经钳夹伤大鼠神经再生的影响。

6、It was a melancholy little drama, woven from bits and ss of gossip and neighborhood legend . 这是一出由街谈巷议和左邻右舍的传说一点点拼凑而成的有悲伤情调的短剧。

7、This would include texting rather than holding the phone to the ear. 不仅仅是贴近耳朵接听,就连发短信也会受到伤害。

8、Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word. 有些旧伤永难愈合,只要简短几字,就会再泊泊流血。

9、Short race, contributes performance of warm up. It can avoid sports injuries also. 短距离的比赛,暖身有助于比赛的表现,更可以避免运动伤害。

10、On and around Ship Street, in the Wan Chai neighborhood of Hong Kong, terse captions under the ghosts tell a sad tale. 在湾仔船街及其附近,卡通幽灵下方的简短标题讲述着悲伤的故事。

11、Authoritiesin the field of trauma distinguish the effects of intense short-term traumaexposure. 创伤研究领域的权威人士区分出了这种短期内强烈暴露在创伤中造成的影响。

12、Wounds Heal Faster in 71%, with increased tensile strength and faster closure, after surgery, helps reverse muscle weakness (atrophy), shortens debility time. 的人伤口愈合快,手术后伤口拉伸强度和封口快,帮助改善肌无力(萎缩),缩短肌无力时间。

13、It is also essential to have a prompt operation after injury and employ standard mega-bone flap craniotomy decompression for reducing fatality rate. 缩短伤后手术时间,采用标准大骨瓣减压,是降低重型颅脑损伤小脑幕裂孔疝的病死率的关键。

14、Objective: To investigate the effect of oligopeptide preparation on protein nutrition status and immune function of severe brain trauma. 目的:探讨创伤专用型短肽制剂对重症颅脑外伤患者蛋白质营养状况和免疫功能的影响。

15、When the wind rages and the rain pours, even the birds seem sorrowful; 急风暴雨会使走兽都感到哀婉悲伤;

16、Mayhem! was first released as a three-issue mini-series earlier last month. 上月月初的时候《伤残》曾以三集系列短剧的形式首次推出。

17、The injury is high up on his thigh but I think it is short-term. 他的大腿上方受伤,但我认为这只是一个短期伤病。

18、") I never felt winded, but still got that great "workout sore feeling" the next day. 我从未感应喘不外气来,但仍取得好”锻炼痛苦悲伤的感觉“的第二天。

19、When a damage reduction entry has a dash (–) after the slash, no weapon negates the damage reduction. (normally Ex) 如果在伤害减免说明中的斜线之后是一短横(-),则没有武器可以克服此伤害减免。

20、Strangely, a part of me does not want the grief to stop, because the grief itself is a connection to Kelly. 奇怪的是,我的一部分不想悲伤停止,因为悲伤本身就是与凯利的一种联系。

21、The abnormal manifestations of hematocele in the gallbladder disappeared in 3 to 9 months after trauma. 成团强回声型。胆囊积血完全消失最短时间在外伤后3个月,最长时间在外伤后9个月。

22、I felt grief, pain and remorse, Why had I not been there for him? 我感到悲伤,心痛,懊悔。为什么我不在他的身边?

23、Can we withdraw malicious words or fist or whatever that brought sorrow? 一句出口的恶言,一记挥出的拳头,一切造成的伤痛,能收回吗?

24、A pair of knee injuries (left and right) have cut short his past two seasons. 膝盖上的伤(左右都有)让他前两个赛季大大缩短。

25、Have you locked up your problems all day and felt the sadness almost pouring out? 整天我自己的问题锁起来,感到悲伤几乎要溢出心?


26、It was a melancholy little drama, woven from bits and ss of gossip and neighbourhood legend. 这是一出由街谈巷议和左邻右舍的传说一点点拼凑而成的有悲伤情调的短剧。

27、Life is too short to waste time hatinganyone. 人生太短暂,不要把时间浪费在伤害他人上。

28、Level 4 -Deals 300 damage. If the target is killed within a short period of timeafterwards, 4 spiderlings will s. 四级- 造成300点的伤害。如果目标在感染期间(非常短)死亡,将会有4个蜘蛛幼虫从尸体中诞生。

29、Famine will return, and death, and citizens will grieve for their townships. 饥荒和死亡会重现,居民会为他们的镇区而感到悲伤。

30、A clinical impression is that cats that fall from medium-level stories are hurt much worse than cats that fell from even greater distances. 科学表象为猫从更高的距离落下伤势较轻,较短的距离伤势反而严重。

31、Short sea, you see the face of tears, your heart broken injury. 短暂的相望,见到你落泪的娇容,心为你伤碎。

32、Level 2 -Deals 150 damage. If the target is killed within a short period of timeafterwards, 2 spiderlings will s. 二级- 造成150点的伤害。如果目标在感染期间(非常短)死亡,将会有2个蜘蛛幼虫从尸体中诞生。

33、People often get their feelings hurt when a weakness is pointed out in a hurtful way. 人们往往在被别人恶意揭短时感情会受到伤害。

34、I can smell her perfume, and I can feel her sadness when I feel sad. 我能嗅到她的味道,在我难过的时候感受到他也在悲伤。

35、Result: All the wounds healed. The shortest wound healing time was 14 days and the longest 56 days. 结果:75只耳廓深度烧伤创面全部愈合,最短愈合时间为伤后14天,最晚伤后56天愈合。

36、Sadness ,gladness ,deformity,regret ,its all I would like to accept according to the order. 悲伤,喜悦,残缺,遗憾,它的一切我都在感谢中照单全收.

37、If you were a teardrop in my eye, I would never cry. 如果你是我眼里的一滴泪,我永远也不会哭泣

38、Sitting in a sandpit , Life is a short trip , The music's for the sad men. 坐在沙坑里冥想, 人生只是一趟短暂的旅行, 这音乐是为了悲伤的人们而写的。

39、Concussion: Period of nervous-function impairment that results from relatively mild Brain injury, often with no Bleeding in the cerebral cortex. 脑震荡: 脑损伤所致的短暂的神经功能麻痹,不一定伴有脑出血、脑挫伤或裂伤。

40、Conclusion Lushi misture can improve the ultrastructure of hippocampus CA1 area neurons of hypoxic-ischemic brain-damage rats. 解论鹿石开剂可改良短氧短血脑害伤大鼠海马CA1区神经元超微构造的变更。

41、And what will happen is as a result, I experience sadness, because that is what I am thinking about, and sadness-- a painful emotion, not a positive emotion-- leads to further narrow and constrict. 结果就是,我感觉悲伤,因为我一心只想那个,悲伤-,是一种痛苦的情绪,一种消极情绪-,导致进一步的收窄缩紧。

42、They recruited staff and trained them for a few days on some aspects of trauma work, sent them around the place going from house to house looking for traumatized people. 他们雇用了一批工作人员,就一些创伤方面的工作提供了短短几天的培训,之后要他们挨家挨户寻找受创伤的人们。

43、I just wanna face today. Forget about the woes of yesterday.我只想面对今天,忘记昨日的悲伤.

44、Dry sorrow drinks our blood . 枯涸的悲伤吸干了我们的鲜血。

45、A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration. 一枪爆头造成额外的伤害,并造成极短时间的晕眩。

46、Some employees may be eligible for short- or long-term disability, she adds. 有些雇员可能还会得到短期或长期伤残的证明,她补充到。

47、The music, the soul of man, and only know music talent understand life. 音乐是我疗伤最好的药,没有谁能陪我走过悲伤的海。

48、The style conveys a distinct mixture of sadness, pain, nostalgia, happiness and love. 这种形式明显表现出悲伤,痛苦,怀旧,幸福感和爱的混合。

49、It is inaccurate to judge fiber damage only by short fiber content. 单纯以短绒率来表示纤维损伤可能是不全面的;

50、Stress or depression in pregnancy can harm a fetus, but less is known about the effect of transient emotions. 在怀孕时紧张或忧伤会对胎儿造成伤害,但是还不知道这种短暂的情绪到底是如何产生影响的。


51、In fact, Drogba was injured in a friendly match with Japan (fractured ulna in right arm) and he recovered in just 11 days. 事实上,德罗巴在一场与日本的友谊赛中受伤(右臂尺骨骨折)并在短短11天内康复。

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