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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-01 21:04:07
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关于”妈妈的句子“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Mother's sentence。以下是关于妈妈的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Mother's sentence

1、Mom puts sandwiches in the basket. 妈妈把三明治放进篮子里。

2、Mom:Wow, my son is so clever. 妈妈: 哇,我儿子好聪明呀。

3、Mother is helping pat (to) clean her ss. 妈妈正帮蓓蒂刷鞋子。

4、Daniel: Have you seen my s, Mom! 丹尼尔:妈妈,看见我的勺子了吗?

5、Life is like a box of chocolates,you never konw what you're going to get. 这句话出自《阿甘正传》中阿甘妈妈对阿甘说的话。

6、Mother often makes dumpling filling with cabbage. 妈妈常用卷心菜做饺子馅。

7、Mother into the room, say: smelly boy, you dare to cheat mom! I want to beat you. 妈妈进了房间,说:臭小子,你进竟敢骗妈妈!我要打你。

8、Mom, Mom! Simba has a mother. 妈妈,妈妈!辛巴有个妈妈。

9、The children flew to meet their mother. 孩子们飞跑过去迎接妈妈。

10、Without a word, my mother snuck into the church. My father took my arm. 妈妈一句话也没说就进了教堂,我挽住爸爸。

11、This is what mom implanted into my mind. Every sentence she said to me was correct. 因为妈妈总是给我灌输这种观点,妈妈说的每一句话都是对的。

12、My mother was so angry that she couldn't say a word. 我妈妈如此生气,以至于一句话也说不出来。

13、is Mother's house.I loved my mother.She was good to me. 这是我妈*房子。我爱我的妈妈,她对我很好。

14、Dumpling boiled dumplings, after mother put out. 饺子煮好以后,妈妈把饺子捞出来。

15、The boy went to meet his mother ____ flowers in his hand. to 答案:A。句意为“那个男孩手里拿着花去见他的 妈妈了”。

16、Mothers who breast-feed answer behavioral expectations about their children differently than those who do not. 哺乳的妈妈回答对她们的孩子在行为上的期待与未哺乳的妈妈不同。

17、Child: "mother, he takes our gown." 小孩儿:“妈妈,他拿咱褂子啦。”

18、Lion: Mum, shall we have a singsong ? 狮子:妈妈,我们唱首歌好吗?

19、"Mom, "the kids asked, "who was that? "妈妈, "孩子们问, "那人是谁呀?

20、When the mother turned around, though, has seen one son with her pots of water, said the mother's feet. 当妈妈一转身却看到儿子也端了一盆水,说妈妈洗脚。

21、Mom puts the sausage in the basket. 妈妈把香肠放在篮子里。

22、She whispered a few words in her mother's ear. 她在妈妈耳边喳喳了两句。

23、Child: Anything you say, Mom. 孩子:我都听你的,妈妈。

24、Mother is strict with her son. 妈妈对她的女子很峻厉。

25、best mom that a son ever had. 您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。


26、Mom:Sidney's in his cage. 妈妈:雪黎在它的笼子里。

27、"He's a bad boy," his mother said. “他是个坏孩子,”他的妈妈说。

28、Mother is a friend, my mother is a teacher, mother is a guide for the child, the mother is often the difference between teaching methods influence a child's life! 妈妈是伴侣,妈妈是老师,妈妈是孩子的引路人,妈妈教诲要领的不同常常影响孩子的平生!

29、  當孝子,让爸爸妈妈开心开心  You look so much younger than my classmates' moms /dads. 你看起来比我班上同学的妈妈∕爸爸年轻多了。

30、The baby cried for his mama.孩子哭着要妈妈。

31、Best wishes from mather. Your kids. 妈妈。你的孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的祝福。

32、The mother bade the child behave himself.妈妈叮咛孩子要守规矩。

33、Bnd my mother was a stay-at-home mom. 我妈妈是个家子裙钗。

34、One day, mom was not at home. 妈妈不在家,孩子们闹翻天。

35、Mum, Billy Corgan has silver pants. 妈妈,比利-寇根有条银色的裤子。

36、After my mother came back from work at night, I asked her why I cooked dumplings all became soup& My mother said that because you needed hit water before put dumplings in the pot. 晚上妈妈下班,我问妈妈为什么我煮的饺子为什么都成了汤? 妈妈说你要先等水烧开了才能下饺子。

37、Mom:Sidney's in his cage. 妈妈:雪黎在它的笼子里。

38、The ducklings always follow their mother. 小鸭子总是跟着它们的妈妈。

39、This child's mother came from China. 这个孩子的妈妈来自中国。

40、The child has been brought up by his mother. 这孩子是由他的妈妈带大的。

41、He told his mother all about his adventures while she took off his wet . 妈妈帮他脱下湿袜子,他把他做的那些好玩的事告诉妈妈。

42、The baby monkey clung to its mother. 小猴子紧紧偎着它妈妈。

43、The mother bade the child behave himself. 妈妈叮咛孩子要守规矩。

44、Choosy mothers choose Jif for their kids. 挑剔的妈妈,专为孩子挑“吉福”。

45、Mama, do people change from monkeys? 妈妈,人是从猴子变过来的吗?

46、Ruth was silent. Every word she recognized as true. 露丝没有作声,她承认妈妈每句话都说得对。

47、Albert Einstein's mother and that of Forest Gump are both good examples. 阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦的妈妈和阿甘的妈妈都是很好的例子。

48、My mom's over there. -Mom? Mom? Mom? 我妈妈在那里。- 妈妈?妈妈?妈妈?

49、I have a short hair mum, who spoils and indulges me. I often see her tidying up the room at home. 我有一个从小宠着我惯着我的短发的妈妈,我在家经常看见我妈妈在屋子里收拾屋子。

50、Child: Mommy, what is a pirate? 孩子:妈妈,什么是海盗啊?


51、Daniel:Mom, to tell you the truth, that’s a stupid question. 丹尼尔:妈妈,说句实话, 这是一个很傻的问题。

52、房子只有我和妈妈住====Since it was just me and Mama

53、"Yes, mother, " said the child. “知道的,妈妈,”那孩子说。

54、The mother who thinks she is the worst mom will project and tell another mom how bad their kid is. 一个妈妈如果发现自己做不成好妈妈,就会告诉另一个妈妈说她的孩子是怎么怎么糟糕;

55、Eg. The mother bade the child behave himself. 妈妈叮咛孩子要守规矩。

56、The children trooped around their mother. 孩子们群集在妈妈周围。

57、mother said we should be an honest child。妈妈说我们要做诚实的孩子。

58、The child, mother has not left you, mother on Tibet in you black eye pupil. 孩子,妈妈没有分开你,妈妈就藏在你黑黑的眼里。

59、You are the best mom that a son ever had. 您是儿子心中最好的妈妈.

60、Mummy, mummy, dear mummy ! We find you at last ! 妈妈,妈妈,好妈妈!总算找到您啦!

61、Mum: Whose pears are these? 妈妈:这些是谁的梨子?

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