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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 15:34:57
  • 82


关于”夏天的诗“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Summer Poetry。以下是关于夏天的诗的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Summer Poetry

1、A summer rain often from a rainbow. 夏季的雨常使彩虹出现。

2、Ben Lambert, the famous French singer, is talking a long vacation this summer! 本兰伯特,法国著名歌手,说的是今年夏天的长假!

3、In this study, the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) intensity index is defined. The 1873 ̄ 1989 EASM summer monthly intensity index is calculated. 定义了一个反映东亚夏季季风强度的指数,计算了夏季逐月及季的东亚季风指数(1873~1989年)。

4、Autumn. The air is light and summer`s humid heat is fading. 秋天,空气使人神清气爽,夏季的湿热正渐渐退去。

5、Summer there is very cool! 那里的夏季非常凉爽!

6、China this summer for the air- conditioning industry is a real " cool summer." 今年夏季对于中国的空调行业是一个实实在在的“凉夏”。

7、The northeast-southwest type(Summer season); 东北西南型(夏季);

8、We have the rains in early summer. 我们这儿的雨季在初夏。

9、And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh。夏天的,飞到我窗前唱歌,又飞去了。

10、What is summertime nutrition food? 夏季营养食品是什么?

11、Results The composition ratio of cerebral haemorrhage in winter was higher than in summer and cerebral infarction in summer was higher(P<0.05). 结果冬季脑出血的构成比明显高于夏季,而脑梗塞则以夏季为高( P< 0 .05)。

12、Through the slow summer, when the sun 在漫长的夏季,束束阳光

13、Both victims were slaughteredduring the summertime. 受害者都是在夏季遇害的。

14、The East Asian winter monsoon anomaly has biseasonal effect on the circulation and weather in the following summer. 东亚冬季风异常可隔季影响到我国次年夏季环流和天气状况的异常。

15、The Senate adjourned for the summer. 参议院夏季休会。

16、Although summer is the rainy season Tarzan, but if we catch up with the summer storm, you can enjoy the mountains at the top of the hill Hongxia blossoming, and the foot cloud Bibo breathtaking views. 夏天虽是泰山的多雨季节,不过若能赶上夏季的雨过天晴,就可在山顶上领略到山上红霞朵朵,脚下云海碧波的壮丽景色。

17、Mr Sharp is a gifted lyricist who does something good in every song. 夏普先生是一位很有天赋的歌词作者,他在每首歌曲中都做出好成绩。

18、A Troupe of little rants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. 夏天的,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。

19、There are many ways to bring summertimeinside, to make the moments during the long days of summer comfortable, both outdoors and in. 有很多的办法可以把夏天领进家门,无论在室内还是室外,都可让夏季的每一天都变得舒适。

20、A summer rain often forms a rainbow . 夏季的雨常使彩虹出现。

21、Winter circulation and summer drought and flood is closely related. 夏季旱涝与冬季环流关系密切。

22、Occasionally there are hailstorms in summer. 夏季偶尔有冰雹。

23、He felt that the summer was jinxed because there had even been one hot day. 他觉得这个夏季是不祥的征兆,因为没有一天热天。

24、Summer flowers in full bloom season, met you. Just like a fairy tale dream summer. 夏花盛放的季节,遇见你。就像是一场盛夏童话之梦。

25、There are 64 bird species in which 51 species were recorded in summer and 40 species in winter. 通过夏季和冬季2次对大盘山鸟类的调查,共目击记录到鸟类64种,其中夏季鸟类51种,冬季鸟类40种。


26、Cotton is suitable for wear in summer. 棉制品适于夏季穿用。

27、Ron: Well, Hawaii is my home, but to people notfrom Hawaii, I think Hawaii is famous for its niceweather, its warm all year round, also it's knownfor its beaches. 罗恩:夏威夷是我的家乡,我想对其他人来说,夏威夷以天气好、四季温暖如春闻名,另外夏威夷的海滩也很出名。

28、Water quality can deteriorate in the summer. 夏季时水质会变坏。

29、Colby> Are you playing rangers as a pre season friendly in the summer? 在夏天时你们会在赛季前和流浪者比赛吗。

30、In the fleeting sadness, opened in the summer sun is the most beautiful day. 流年里的忧伤,开在了夏季阳光最明媚那一天。

31、The RUWF are in the trend of inverse clockwise in Qinzhou Bay around in both summer and winter, and it is stronger in summer than in winter. 冬夏季钦州湾地区单宽余通量均呈逆时针趋势,夏季强于冬季。

32、The opera singer will return to the London stage this summer. 这位歌剧演唱家将在今年夏天重返伦敦舞台。

33、North China is a moisture source in context of annual, summer, and winter mean, whilst the Yangtze River valley is a moisture sink. 华北在年平均、夏季以及冬季均为水汽源区; 长江流域在年平均、夏季及冬季均为水汽汇区;

34、Making plans for a summer break is perfect cold weather escam. 计划一次夏季度假旅行,是逃离寒冷天气的最好办法。

35、Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. 夏天的,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。

36、1940 - The 1940 Summer Olympics are cancelled due to war. 1940年的今天,1940夏季奥林匹克运动会因二战的原因取消。

37、If there is no such heating, there will be no more Indian summer monsoon and the subtropical East Asian summer monsoon will be significantly reduced, while the tropical So… 去掉青藏高原感热加热,印度夏季风不存在,东亚副热带夏季风也被严重削弱,而南海—西太平洋热带夏季风活跃。

38、In summer I sing the song. 在夏兲,皒唱起歌谣。

39、Stary birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. 夏天的,飞到我的窗前唱歌,有飞走了。

40、How does summertime skin allergy do? 夏季皮肤过敏怎么办。

41、Adopted as the team's pre-match anthem during the summer, it is fast becoming the soundtrack to a season progressing surprisingly well under Chris Hughton's quietly distinguished stewardship. 在克里斯•休顿默默的出色指挥下,这首作为球队整个夏天出赛曲的歌很快就成为本赛季纽卡斯尔的猛进凯歌。

42、Midsummer season, enjoyment of the sea breezes , cool climate, is a good place for summer holidays. 盛夏季节,海风习习,气候清爽,是避暑消夏的好地方。

43、It assures us a promising season of summer and also the most iportant havvest season-autum. 它承诺我们夏天和最重要的收获的季节秋天。

44、They can also study during the summer. 他们也可在夏季学习。

45、It will fit to the season, during summer you will wear one cloth and during autumn another one. The will have 3 lenghts. 球衣将会随着赛季随时变化,夏季球员将会穿着夏季的款式,到了冬季又会穿上另一个款式。

46、Do you know why winter is colder than summer? 你知道为什么冬季比夏季冷吗?

47、Our dog is clipped every summer. 我们的狗每年夏季均剪毛。

48、Because the sun is higher during summer, the hot summer sunlight appears yellow. 因为夏季的太阳高一些,盛夏的阳光显得黄。

49、Many regions of Northern Hemisphere, suffered bitter cold weather in winter and heat wave in summer. 北半球许多地区冬季出现严寒天气,夏季又遭热浪袭击。

50、The summer sows, gemmiparous temperature 21 ℃ . 夏季播种,发芽温度21℃。


51、Stray birds of suer come to my window to sing and fly away. 夏天的,飞到弦的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。

52、She is a Danish singer best known for the song "Saay Night", a hugely popular single of summer 1994. 她是一名丹麦女歌手,最佳歌曲周六晚,1994年夏季的一个非常受欢迎的单。

53、Nothing says summer quite like the taste of fresh, in-season produce. 习惯上,夏天是品尝新鲜和当令食品的季节。

54、Historical data described Mitsui Village: "perennial clouds, summer without summer, winter snow Feng, Chunhua late." 史料上这样形容三井村:“常年云雾、夏季无夏、冬季雪丰、春花迟发”。

55、There are plentiful watermelons in the summer. 夏季有大量的西瓜上市。

56、Brant , a famous French singer, will have a long holiday. 法国著名歌手本兰布特今年夏天要休长假。

57、Thin cotton : baby in summer. 薄棉袜:宝宝夏季袜。

58、Summer heat, sweat, and dehydration have always been a perfect recipe for kidney stones. 夏季天热,多汗和脱水常常是肾结石的完美诱因。

59、The relation between the interannual variation of the east Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and the summer precipitation in China is investigated in terms of the east Asian summer monsoon intensity index. 以海陆气压差定义的夏季风强度指数为依据,讨论了东亚夏季风年际异常与中国夏季降水的关系。

60、Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and flyaway. 公告夏天的,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。

61、Summer is prime wedding season, which means it's also prime honeymoon season. 夏季是个结婚旺季,也是个度蜜月的旺季。

62、And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. 夏天的,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。

63、The river runs dry in the summer. 夏季河流的水变干了。

64、BBC One controller Jay Hunt confirmed today that the modern-day drama adaptation, which wowed viewers and critics, will return for three more 90-minute stories in autumn 2011. 昨天说到《神探夏洛克》获得了续集预定,今天发现第二季新闻已经出了。《神探夏洛克》第二季将于2011年秋季回归,每集仍然90分钟,也仍然……只有三集。

65、The precipitation variation in summer is great and the precipitation change in winter is opposite to that in summer. 夏季降水量值较大而降水变化幅度较小,冬季降水量变化则与夏季相反。

66、In the summer, I set myself a goal: to stay fit all season. 夏天的时候,我给自己定过目标:本赛季全勤。

67、And the change from summer to winter is so beautiful. 从夏季向冬季的过渡真是太美了。

68、Next to summer, this is the second-most lucrative season for the industry. 接着在夏天,是这个行业中第二个最有利的季节。

69、Ben Lambert, the famous French singer, is taking a long vacation this summer. 著名法国歌星本·兰伯特,在这个夏季,准备度个长假。

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