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  • 2022-07-24 19:29:07
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关于”五种句型“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Five sentence patterns。以下是关于五种句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five sentence patterns

1、The electrophysiological properties of three types of neurons were investigated by whole-cell voltage-clamp recording technique. Five types of outward potassium currents were detected readily. 以三型细胞为电生理学研究对象,记录到五种类型的全细胞外向钾电流。

2、You can declare five types of animation and use many events to trigger your animations. 您可以声明五种类型的动画,以及使用许多事件来触发您的动画。

3、Fifth, miniaturized observation and number biography. 五是小型化测控与数传。

4、The two other inoculums types were not as efficient to reduce BOD5 as type 3 nor was reducing or increasing hydraulic residence time. 无论增加或者减少水力停留时间,其它两种培养液的类型都不如3型更能降低五日生化需氧量。

5、Shunzhi TongBao coin type failed to unify, back in accordance with the article can be divided into five kinds, namely "five shunzhi type". 顺治通宝的币型未能统一,按照背文可分为五种,也就是“顺治五式”。

6、Read all about the five styles after the jump using our helpful Beverly Hills, 90210 examples (the original, of course), and see where you fit in. 在跳过大量的原始数据后来看我们总结的五种类型,找找你属于哪一种。

7、Various type heat sink, aluminium tubes, test special load box, processing products, various kinds of hardware stamping. 各种机型散热片,铝管,测试专用负载箱, 加工产品,各种五金冲压件。

8、Qingyang sachet There are five general types: head-mounted, shoulder horizontal type, chest hanging type, shoulder type, pedal type. 庆阳香包大体有五种类型:头戴型、肩卧型、挂型、背负型、脚蹬型。

9、Every memory block in the debug heap is assigned to one of five allocation types. 侦错堆积里的每个记忆体区块会设定成五种配置类型的其中一种。

10、Great improvement of meat productivity for two foreign species swine have been made through five years measurement and selection either from phenotype or genetics. 经五年的选育,两品种外种猪的生产性能从表型和遗传上均得到了较显著的提高。

11、Learn five species of birds, five erflies, five trees, five bird songs. 了解五种鸟类,五种蝴蝶,五种树木和五类鸟声。

12、The model, which uses Mitsubishi gasoline engines or diesel Isuzu engines, is one of the cheapest SUVs available on the market. 该车型使用三菱汽油发动机或日本五十铃柴油机,是目前市场上最便宜的一种运动型多功能车。

13、The utility model relates to a double-door interlinking alcohol stove which belongs to the technical field of civil hardware. 本实用新型为一种双门联动酒精炉,属民用五金领域。

14、Air Cannons produces five models of launchers, ranging in size. 空气炮公司生产五种型号的发射器,按大小排列。

15、Objective To investigate the expression of 5 muscarinic receptor subtypes in the scleral tissue of immature guinea pigs. 目的探讨正常幼龄豚鼠眼巩膜组织毒蕈碱受体五种亚型的表达。

16、For years we have been devoting to the hardware upgrade accessory processing of model plane, car and boat, as well as the manufacturing of different kinds of specialized model tools. 多年以来一直致力于生产遥控仿真模型车,模型飞机,模型船的五金零配件加工,特别是模型专用的各种特殊工具。

17、The 5 types were validated by comparing on a total career decis… 对总体决策困难和职业认同的差异检验证实了这五种类型。

18、This condition, known as logous serum jaundice, has an extremely long incubation period-from 60 to 135 days. 这种情况,称做同种血清型黄疸,它具有极长的潜伏期(六十至一百三十五天)。

19、It's a step toward unraveling why this liquid can produce 15 types of ice, for example. 例如,这也是朝揭示为什么液体可以产生十五种冰类型迈出了一步。

20、Of the five traits, it was a person's openness to experience that was best communicated by their top 10 list of songs, followed by extraversion and emotional stability. 在这五种类型中,开放经验型最能通过前十歌曲传达个性,其次是外向型,情绪稳定型。

21、There are five main hepatitis viruses, referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. 有五种主要肝炎病毒,被称为甲、乙、丙、丁和戊型。

22、The second chapter applies Porter's five-forces framework to sort out the five factors that greatly affect its survivable profitability. Then the relevant competition strategies are proposed. 第二章运用波特五种竞争力量模型,对中海油运所处市场中影响其持续盈利能力的五种力量进行分析,提出了相关的竞争策略。

23、The form took shape in the T'ang and reached maturity during the Five Dynasties and Sung. “词”这种文学体式成型于唐朝、成熟于五代、盛于宋朝。

24、Mainly there are five patterns, such as bib- driving, professional- driving and so on, to push the construction of Characteristic agriculture. 推进特色农业建设主要有“龙头”带动型、专业大户带动型、科技园区孵化型等五种发展模式。

25、Cryptoexplosive breccia rocks can be divided into five types showing more or less horizontal and vertical zoning. 隐爆角砾岩可分为五种类型,并显示一定的水平和垂直分带性。


26、Eventually formed Band - Lane - Coast - Gallery - Street, and make the corresponding specific rehabilitation programs to these five types. 最终形成了带-巷-岸-廊-街这五种类型,并做出相应的具体改造方案。

27、The results showed the electropsis profiles of the OMP of the 5 serotypes RA isolates had some similarities and same OMP patterns among different serotypes RA isolates. 结果表明五种血清型的RA外膜蛋白的电泳图谱具有一定相似性且不同血清型的菌株之间存在相同的外膜蛋白型;

28、The results showed that basing upon the existing peak on the DNA distribution histogram, there were 5 patterns representatively. 结果显示:早期鼻咽癌癌细胞核DNA的分布按其主峰所在可分为五种型式。

29、The biases of all the models are less than 0.0003 in both visible and near-infrared regions. 结果显示五种模型在可见光和近红外波段的模拟误差都小于0.0003。

30、In the chapter 5, Based on the MEMS technology, a method of fabrication of micro EHD pump is presented. 第五章利用MEMS 技术,初步研究了一种用于被动传热的微型EHD 泵的工艺。

31、There lie differences between the Chinese and Korean history books on the name of the Five Bus of GaoGouli. 朝史书对高句丽五部的名称记载虽不同,但却可以发现两种史料间的对应关系。

32、Dongyaozhuang gold deposit located in Wutai County of Shanxi Province is a new type of greenstone gold deposits. 东腰庄金矿位于山西省五台县境内,是五台山绿岩带金矿中发现的一种新型式的金矿床类型。

33、I want to drive a small hatchback car. 我要开小型五门式的。

34、This article presents five options that represent five purified views of upgrading (or not, because the do-nothing option is also covered). 本文提出了五种选择,代表五种经过提炼的升级观点(也许不能说五种升级观点,因为也包括不升级的选择)。

35、For instance, Guangdong' s Yueyue has three types and Chaoyue has four, all of which inherited those in ancient China. 广东的粤乐,它有着三种类型的五声音阶;潮乐也有着四种类型的五声音阶。这都是中国古代仿承发展过来的。

36、If a man with the disorder conceives a child with a Kell negative partner, each child has a 50-50 chance of inheriting the condition. 如果父亲具有这种血型,而母亲则是凯尔阴性的话,他们的每一个孩子患上这种疾病的机率是五五开。

37、If we refer to Jung's typology as containing five functions not four, this more accurately represents both the content of the book Psychological Types and the primary value Jung saw in typology. 如果我们把荣格的类型论作为包含五种而非四种功能来对待,那么就会更确切地表达《心理类型》一书中的内容,以及荣格在其类型论中最为重视的价值。

38、Tin deposits in central Nanling region are mainly altered type, porphyry type, greisentype, hydrothermal vein type, hydrothermal metasomatic type and contact metasomatic type. 南岭中段锡矿床的成因类型主要有五种:蚀变花岗岩型、斑岩型、云英岩型、热液充填型、热液交代型和接触交代型。

39、We concluded with five major categories of usage behavior: the affection-oriented type, popular-taste type, pragmatic type, economical type, and specific application type. 研究发现五种认知类型,分别是:「情感依归型、流行尝鲜型、实务应用型、经济导向型、特殊功能型」。

40、Now, the medicine has 5 dosage forms of tablet, pill, granulation, syrup, oral liquid and 28 varieties approved by the state and 2 kinds of healthcare products. 药品现有片剂、丸剂、颗粒剂、糖浆剂、口服液五大剂型28个国药准字品种,两个保健品种。

41、This series include various models like narrow side, over- edging, reverse sewing and blind sewing. 该系列有三线、四线、五线、六线等机种; 该系列有窄边、包边、倒回缝、暗缝等等机型;

42、Due to Chen’s weak physical condition, the possibility of success in this kind of great operation was only 50%. 由于陈勇军的体质一直较差,做这种大型的手术,成功率只有百分之五十。

43、Objective:To select one adsorbent that had better adsorption of endotoxin for the animal test from five different adsorbents. 目的:从五种不同类型的吸附剂中筛选出一种对内毒素吸附效果良好者,用于动物实验。

44、Three different planar structural modes of 5 approximants have been put forward by using pentagon, decagon, flat hexagon and boat-shape respectively. 从高分辨像出发,分别用十边形,五角形以及扁六边形和船形构筑了五种十次准晶近似相的各三种平面结构模型。

45、The trip MC definition would have five event subscriptions, one for each kind of event. 旅行 MC 定义将需要定义五个事件订阅,每个事件订阅分别针对一种类型的事件。

46、Robert K. Wysocki defines five discrete models of project delivery. (Wysocki, 2009). Robert K. Wysocki定义了项目交付物的五种离散的模型(Wysocki,2009)。

47、A heavy-bodied domestic fowl having five toes on each foot and raised chiefly for table use. 一种大型家禽,每足生有五趾,饲养其主要做食用。

48、The fifth is Old-type News Facts. 五是陈旧型新闻事实。

49、Recent personality studies have focused on the Five-Factor Model ofpersonality abroad. 由这五个因素所构成的人格结构被称为五因素模型。

50、"Wubi hit 100 words per minute exclusive Cheats excel at the earliest, " used in typing method is suitable for five-stroke 86 edition. 《五笔字型每分种打100字最快练成独家秘籍》所采用的打字方法适用于五笔86版。


51、The effect of 5 different structural forms of the polysaccharide of Corilus Versi-color on the growth of 3 transplanted tumors is reported. 1 . 本文报道了五种不同结构剂型的长白云芝多糖对三种可移植性癌瘤生长的影响。

52、There are two types of texture; Tactile, or visual texture, and texture which you can detect with your five senses. 有两种纹理类型:触觉,或视觉纹理,即你五官可以察觉到的纹理。

53、The Mahaparinibbana Sutra is a narrative of Akhyana type having five chapters of considerable length. 大般若涅槃经是一种以Akhyana类型的叙事方式写的并有相当的五章长。

54、Five-type doctrine, which includes the theory of "Huan-di's Internal classic "and Liu Shao's five-type doctrine; 五类型说,包括《黄帝内经》的五类型说与刘劭的五类型说;

55、Results Model of semantic information search based on five-element-array is built, and realization arithmetic is given. 结果建立了一种五元组的语义信息检索模型,并给出了该模型的关键实现算法。

56、We are specializing in the decorated hardware handles of oven, disinfect cabinet, cupboard and so on. we have a wide range of products, which are aesthetic in appearance, reliable in quality. 专业生产烤箱、消毒柜、橱柜等装饰五金拉手及五金配件,品种多,规格全,外型美观、质量可靠。

57、Hardware tools to Shaped putties knives, hand mud knives, hardware-based. 五金工具系列以异型油灰刀、抹泥刀、小五金为主。

58、The utility model discloses an exclusive used welding head for dismounting integrate plates, which belongs to a hardware tool. 本实用新型是一种拆卸集成片专用烙铁头,属于五金工具。

59、The Wufeng-Wuxingshan gold (silver) deposit in Yanbian area, Jilin Province is a large epithermal gold deposit of low-sulphidation type. 延边五凤-五星山金(银)矿床是一个大型的典型低硫化型浅成低温热液金矿床。

60、This rule change sounded the death knell of the 2-3-5 Offensive System of two defenders, three halfbacks, and five forwards. 这种规则变化给2-3-5阵型敲响了丧钟,终结了这种由两个防守队员,三个“前卫“①,和五名前锋组成的阵型。

61、The breeding methods and wool - ability of five kinds of wool - produced Russian sheep were introduced. 介绍了俄罗斯五个优良毛用型绵羊品种的选育方法和产毛性能。

62、Wysocki and Legorreta define five types of project management Wysocki和Legorreta定义的项目管理的五种类型是

63、This form of the disease affects about fifty percent of those with the Relapsing-Remitting form of MS. 大约百分之五十的复发缓解型多发性硬化症病例都会发展成这种类型。

64、There are 65 substitutions of nyms in Liuzhou Dialect Dictionary, including five types. 《柳州方言词典》中有65个同音代替字,实际属于五种类型。

65、Serum levels of gastrin, insulin, cortisol, T_3 and T_4 in 226 cases with different blood groups were determined by radioimmunoassay. 观察了226例不同血型的正常人血清胃泌素,胰岛素、皮质醇,T_3、T_4五种激素含量,结果示O 型血男性胃泌素含量较高;

66、Owing to the extension and strike slip action, there were five basic types of the structural styles during the Palaeogene in Bohai Gulf Basin. 在伸展和走滑两种活动体制下,渤海湾盆地早第三纪构造样式有五种类型。

67、Professional make-up and modeling X5 styles. 专业整体美造型设计五款。

68、According to the different hip ease, the shape of pants can be divide into five types:super loose pant, loose pant, the more body-fitted pant, fitted pant, slim pant. 裤装的造型根据臀围的不同放松量分为:超宽松裤、宽松裤、较贴体裤、贴体裤、紧身裤五种类型。

69、Under the background of community administration there are five modes for low income community residents committee to reduce burdens. 社区行政化背景下低收入社区居委会分减负担的模式有五种类型。

70、Evolution of the five categories of winebibbers indicates rich and profound cultural implications of wine. 五种类型演进的轨迹甚明,极大地丰富了酒的文化内涵。

71、Collect Rosa cultivars from all over China, build garden of Rosa germplasm resource which includes five groups 110 cultivars. 从全国各地收集月季品种,建立月季品种资源圃,所收集的品种包括五大类型110多个品种。

72、Glass windows and doors and hardware fitting : Each kind of material quality, different type combination windows and doors, hardware fitting and so on. 玻璃门窗和五金配件:各种材质、不同类型的组合门窗、五金配件等。

73、The light intensity distribution with five finger profile is proved to exist in theory by computer simulation based on ray tracing method. 提出了一种新的定轴方法——五指型光强分布特征值判断法。

74、Clinical symptoms of poisoning mushroom poisoning is divided into five types: Type gastroenteritis, nerve-spirit, hemolytic type, organ damage and the type of solar dermatitis. 毒蘑菇中毒临床症状分为五种类型:胃肠炎型、神经精神型、溶血性型、脏器损伤型和日光皮炎型。

75、In here Five-Hole probe was used to measure the exit flow field of it . 采用五孔探针对这种新型主燃烧器出口流场进行了测量。

英文句子模板76:Five sentence patterns

76、Based on planar five-bar mechanism, a new type of grinding machine is designed. 设计了一种以平面五杆机构为主体的新型平板玻璃周边磨削机床。

77、In order to solve this problem, we propose a method allowing non-uniform sampling on st plane. 为了解决这种情况,本文提出了五维光场模型的聚焦平面非均匀采样方法。

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