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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 07:59:33
  • 129




1、That’s why we worked this hard. That’s why we poisoned ourselves at this factory. 我们想让孩子拥有一切,这是我们努力工作的目的,这也是我们在毒工厂工作的原因。

2、In other words, do the interviewer's job for him or her. 换句话说,你要做面试官要做的工作。

3、How does YSR Electronic Cigarette work? 依思瑞电子烟是如何工作的?

4、What Aya's words in the fair suddenly crashed into my mind:"It's all the same. A job." 我忽然想到阿雅在卖场说的那句话:“反正就是工作嘛。

5、A sy table or bench at which manual work is done, as by a machinist, carpenter, or jeweler. 工作台在上面做手工工作的坚固的桌子或长凳,如机械工人、木匠或珠宝匠的工作台。

6、Many women have given up highly paid jobs to look after their children, and so their child becomes their job. 许多妇女为照看孩子而放弃了高薪工作,因此,她们的孩子就成了她们的工作。

7、His son knuckled down to work . 他的儿子努力工作。

8、However, nested or child tasks, which are created in the context of another task, are handled quite differently. 但是,巢状工作或子工作 (也就是在其他工作的内容中建立的工作) 则会受到相当不同的处理。

9、Der Vater von Anna arbeitet bei Siemens. 安娜的父亲在西门子公司工作。

10、Your job is to do your job, not to be a pushover. 工作就是工作,别做一只任人捏的软柿子。

11、He used to work in our factory. 以前在我们厂子工作。

12、Babysister's job is washing, cooking and taking care of the children. 作表语(保姆的工作是洗衣服,作饭和照看孩子。)

13、Work: We believe that there is an old proverb says, "more hard work, good luck more" We are convinced that hard work, honesty and work to make major factor in our success. 工作:我们相信有句古谚说的“愈努力工作,好运愈多”。我们确信勤劳、诚实与工作使我们迈向成功的主要因素。

14、Mr Tonelli stressed that the search for the Higgs boson formed only one part of their work. Tonelli 强调希格斯玻色子的研究工作只是他们工作的一部分。

15、I worked in the acing section of a manufacturer of electrical products. 我曾在电子制作品出制作商的会计组工作。

16、The Chief, a lion, was surprised to see that the ant was working without supervision. 身为老板的狮子, 身为老板的狮子,非常惊奇蚂 蚁能自行工作而不?监督。能自行工作而不?监督。

17、Company shuttle bus between Shanghai and Taicang is available for positions based in Taicang. 例句以下职位在太仓工作,公司提供上海往返太仓的班车。

18、Tbeneficiary job is charwoman the window. 他们的工作是打扫窗子。

19、E. g. "I'm looking forward to working with you on this project. "" 例句:我很期待和你在这个项目上一起工作。

20、祝愿你工作愉快 I wish you enjoy your work. I hope you can be happy in you work.

21、Molecular engineering of ligand-protein interactions. 配基-蛋白交互作用的分子工程学。

22、The P600 and N400 effects were found in the high proficiency L2 learners, which showed semantic processing and syntactic processing interacted with each other when they comprehend English sentences; 二语者高水平组呈现出了P600和N400成分,说明他们能够进行句法加工,但没有达到一定的熟练程度,语义加工和句法加工存在交互作用;

23、I work with plier . 我用钳子工作。

24、我永远爱您. You care for me also very much in my in daily life !

25、Accidental the civilian grand of each other wife and job and job. 偶然间彼此的妻子和工作的民浩和工作。


26、Prescription for a long life: Work hard. 长寿方子:努力工作。

27、In other words it will become a full-time job. 换句话说这将变成一项全职的工作。

28、He has a job. He is a teacher working on primary school. He teaches kids learn english and chinese. 他有一份工作,他是一位老师,他的工作就是教学生,他教的学生是孩子,孩子们很听话。

29、教会了我怎样去学习,您好,您辛苦了, has made my achievement have very big rise!

30、He didn't speak to me in the truck on the way to work. 在我们去工作地的路上,他没有说一句话。

31、The effort required to tune the whole application, by evaluating every single statement, is overwhelming. 通过评估每个语句来对整个应用程序调优的工作量是巨大的。

32、In other words, all your day work on Thursday up until 11:00am will be lost. 换句话说,在星期四上午 11 点之前所做的所有工作都会丢失。

33、These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople . 这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并彩绘的。

34、In other words, use your down time to reflect on why you’re working, what really matters, and how you can get more enjoyment out of the job. 换句话说,用你停工的时间去反思你为什么工作,什么是真正重要的,你该如何在工作中得到更多的乐趣。

35、Working with scoops, spatulas and tweezers is no problem thanks to the width of the orifice. 由于瓶口较宽,可用小铲子、抹刀、镊子等工具工作;

36、Ball is co-chair of the IIRC's Working Group. 鲍尔先生是合作椅子的IIRC的工作组。

37、That's why it makes sense to get a work pal to chat with at the water cooler and to help you get through the week. 这就是为什么我们需要一个工作伙伴在冷水机旁闲谈几句,支持你度过艰难的工作日。

38、Does your sister-in-law work too? 你嫂子也工作吗。

39、Ask - 2). How does it work? 电子烟是如何工作的?

40、The worksheets feed is tied to a specific spreadsheet and contains a list of worksheets in that spreadsheet. 工作表提要被绑定到一个特定的电子表格,该电子表格包含一个工作表列表。

41、Every constructional project descirbed in DesignElectronics works in this way. 一般的电子项目产品都是这样子工作的。

42、He’ll take my person and my working and my teaching. 祂要接管我的子民、我的工作、以及我的教导工作。

43、The high pay job always has the reason, as the saying that no pain, no gain, the high salary comes from hard work. 高酬劳的工作总是有原因的,正如有句话说没有付出就没有收获,高酬劳来自辛勤的工作。

44、I work with poor kids, I work in the fight against HIV. 我为穷孩子们工作,我为对抗HIV工作。

45、祝你工作顺利 Wish you success in your work !

46、This makes the Workspace read only, and creates a child Workspace. 这使得工作区变成只读模式,并创建一个子工作区。

47、Their job is "panning for gold". 他们的工作就是“淘洗沙子”。

48、The residents moved back after the new residential buildings were constructed. 例句 新的小区建成之后, 居民返迁工作顺利进行。

49、A proper part-time job does not occupy students' too much time.In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study.As an old saying goes:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻。

50、Therefore, the statementdoes work. 因此,语句确实 能够工作。


51、The case is what they do. 案子就是他们的工作经历。

52、Prov. It is not healthy for someone to work all the time and never play. (Often used to exhort someone to stop working, or to justify why you have stopped working. 这句谚语指的是,一个人总是工作、从不娱乐是不健康的,常用于劝说别人放下工作,或者是为自己停下手头的工作而辩护。

53、These child Workspaces contain everything that the parent baselined Workspace has. 这些子工作区包含了 父 基线化的工作区拥有的一切内容。

54、Please refer to design 6049, straps color has been left out in this work order. Kindly update and issue a new copy. 款式6049的工作单漏了背带颜色,请补一张更新的工作单。以上此句,帮忙中译英,谢谢!

55、To do her justice, she was never careless in her work. 说句公道话,她做工作从不粗枝大叶。

56、In various production sectors , it is by division of labor, and at several large firms. 在各个生产部门,都是通过分工合作,其至几个大企业合作句号。

57、You hear more about people taking early retirement or giving up high pressure jobs in favour of occupations with shorter working hours. 你们比过往更常听到人们谈论早早退休,谈论放弃压力大子中工作往从事工作时间短子中工作。

58、This baselined Workspace then becomes the common base for multiple child Workspaces. 该基线化的工作区会成为多个 子 工作区 的公共基底。

59、Bauman wriggled into the damp coverall. 鲍曼扭着身子穿上潮湿的工作服。

60、Anton's studio storefront offers many original one-of-a-kind riffs in clay. 安东的工作室店面提供了许多原始的粘土之一的一类乐句。

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