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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-19 17:44:28
  • 266




1、One of the famous open source ecommerce shopping cart software is Magento, and we had covered magento template in our previous post. 一个著名的开放资源电子商务购物系统软件是线上购物, 在以前所发的帖子中我们已经提及到 线上购物板块。

2、The fitting room is over there, please follow me.试衣间就在那边,请跟我来!

3、Jim doesn't understand why his wife always gose shopping. 吉姆不明白为什么他妻子总是去购物。

4、Materialistic kids go on more shopping outings with their parents. 追求物质享受的孩子大多是与父母一起外出购物。

5、How do you like this one? 你觉得这件怎样?

6、The house is one of his latest acquisitions. 这房子是他新购的物品之一。

7、I thought because the woman had just been shopping that it was a shopping cart, " state media quoted Han as saying in court." 由于女子刚购物出来,我以为是购物车。” 中国官媒在报道中引述韩磊在法院上说的话。

8、In his opinion using bags is better than using carts. 在他的观点看来,用购物袋比购物车要好。

9、Sales levels indicate that it is behavior that is learned, so it may be down to women's mothers that they like to shop so much. 购物的程度表明购物具有模仿性。所以,女性酷爱购物或许与她们的母亲不无关系。

10、Gadget-philes flock to Apgujeong, the city's densest electronics-shopping district. 小工具都聚集在狎鸥亭(这座城市的电子购物区)。

11、A5 Continue shopping after storing a book in the shopping cart A5 在购物车中放入一本书后继续购物

12、我过会再来i am going to come back later

13、Can I have a look at that red sweater? 我能看看那件红毛衣吗?

14、Shirts, Skirts, Trousers, Dresses, Jackets, Knitwear, Pullovers, Fashion Accessories, Scarves, Ws, Capes Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics. 采购产品衬衫,裙子,裤子,洋装,夹克,针织物,套头衫,流行配件,围巾,围巾,针织物和编织了织物。

15、Why blow across the sand alone like a discarded shopping bag? 为什么由风吹起的沙子这么像被丢弃的购物袋?

16、Sakura Shopping Center is a good place to go shopping. 樱花购物中心是个购物的好地方。

17、Take your child shopping at the pet supply store and explain the differences between certain pet supplies and products. 带孩子在宠物商店购物,向孩子们解释某些宠物用品之间的区别。

18、For example, do you have any sort of shopping cart or shopping bag? 例如,您有任何类型的购物车或购物袋吗?

19、We want to buy Shirts, Skirts, Dresses, Trousers, Jackets, Knitwear, Pullovers Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics. 我们要采购衬衫,裙子,洋装,裤子,夹克,针织物,套头衫针织物。

20、Shopping is catharsis, shopping is time pass, shopping is mood lifter and many more attributes of shopping have become part of our lives. 购物是宣泄,购物是打发时间,购物心情升降机和许多更多属性购物已经成为我们生活的一部分。

21、在周末我经常和妈妈去购物中心购物 On weekends I often go to shopping centre shopping with my mother

22、Shopping is not simply an act of exchanging money for a product. 购物不仅仅一种是简单的拿钱换物的交易行为,它跟我们对购物的憧憬、服务满意度以及拎着购物袋回家的那种快乐息息相关。

23、Dashan: Yes, most Canadian cities have shopping malls. Shopping malls are very convenient. 大山:是,多数加拿大城市都有购物街,在购物街购物非常方便。

24、Wealthy people often go to large shopping centers. 有钱人常去大购物中心购物。

25、How do you like this one? 你觉得这件怎样


26、We have a great shopping district. You can shop or not. 我们有一个很大的购物区。你可以去购物或不去。

27、B5 Action selection Add to shopping cart Cart contents B5 选择动作 加入购物卡 购物卡内容

28、But many people usually shop at discount stores. 有钱人常去大购物中心购物。

29、Mom: I haven't got one- use your hat. 妈妈:我这儿没有购物袋。就用你的帽子吧。

30、All right. I’ll see what I can do.好的,看我能为你做什么?

31、Shopping with Blue Bag is convenient & environmentally friendly! 购物时使用蓝色购物袋既方便,又环保!

32、Comparison shopping is a new kind of electronic shopping patterns as the development of thee-commerce. 比较购物是随着电子商务发展而出现的一种新型电子购物模式。

33、Mall of the Emirates is an entertainment and shopping resort. 阿联酋购物中心是娱乐和购物的圣地。

34、Fuzimiao is a good place to go shopping. 夫子庙是个购物的好地方。

35、I‘m just looing around I’m just browsing.我只是随便看看

36、应该是我再看看吧i am going to look around a little more

37、All right. I’ll see what I can do.好的,看我能为你做什么

38、Chinese e-shoppers are also big users of social media. 中国的电子购物者也是社交媒体的用户群。

39、I want to go shoping. or I'd like to go and do shoping. I feel like going shopping. 祝你开心如意!

40、Shirts, Skirts, Dresses, Trousers, Jackets, Knitwear, Pullovers , Rainwear, Junior Fashion, Street Wear, Trousers Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics. 采购产品衬衫,裙子,洋装,裤子,夹克,针织物,套头衫,雨衣,街道衣服,裤子针织物。

41、We have email, e-shopping, e-school, e-commerce ore-whatever-you-can-think-of. 我们有电子邮件、电子购物、电子教学、电子商务或者电子什么什么你能想的出来的东东。

42、Not knowing exactly what to do, Adrian put the bag into a push-cart and started shopping. 不管三七二十一,Adrian把袋子放上购物车就开始购物。

43、"Hey, Cath, " the man said, surveying the grocery cart she was pushing. “喂,Cath,”男子一边检查她正推着的购物车一边说。

44、The new shopping centre is designated Modern Plaza. 这个新购物中心被定名为现代购物中心。

45、Learn how to shop for an electronic dartboard as a Christmas gift for your uncle so that you find that perfect gift in this free holiday shopping video. 了解如何选购了作为圣诞礼物的叔叔电子飞镖,让您觉得在这个自由假日购物视频的完美礼物。

46、Mal's e-commerce is a FREE Shopping Cart Service. 仲裁法的电子商务是一个免费的购物车服务。

47、Could you give me a discount? 能给我打个折么?

48、I don’t like the color or the pattern.我不喜欢这颜色和款式.

49、Two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers. 两名男子突然用肘在购物者中挤出一条路。

50、In this post we present attractive, creative and user-friendly shopping carts , bags, trolleys, buckets and baskets —any kind of carts as they are used in the online-stores. 在这篇文章里,我们展示了 有吸引力的,有创造力的,用户体验好的购物车 ,购物袋,购物篮——任何他们在线上商铺使用的购物车。


51、Happy shopper: Retail therapy, personified by Isla Fisher in the film Confessions Of A Shopaholic, can be good for you 快乐购物者:购物疗法对人有好处——伊丝拉•费舍尔在电影《一个购物狂的自白》中将购物疗法人格化了。

52、We want to buy Bags and Luggage - Leather, Leather Goods and Accessories, Leather Goods:- Belts, Handbags, Backpacks. 我们要采购袋子和行李-皮革,皮具货物和配件,皮革货物:-带子,手提包,背包。

53、I‘m just looing around I’m just browsing.我只是随便看看 Can I have a look at that red sweater?

54、She had a real weakness for shopping, and she became a shopaholic . 她偏爱购物,也因此成了购物狂。

55、I got one of those shopping carts with a weird wheel. 我的那个购物车轮子太古怪。

56、Calling all shopaholics and sacks addicts: we’ve got your fun bags right here! 致所有购物狂和购物袋上瘾者的通告:我们这里,有你一定感兴趣的购物袋。

57、An SC choice model is thereupon established to forecast its patron flow and a shopping mode choice model is also established to calculate the mode split. 进而利用非集计选择理论建立了购物中心客流的购物中心选择模型和计算购物交通方式分担率的购物交通方式选择模型。

58、When someone steps away from their cart to look at something, quickly make off with it without saying a word. 当别人远离购物车,几步之遥,看其他商品,迅速推走,一句话都不说。

59、Food, beer and DVDs are the most common treats for males while clothes, magazines and wine topped the list for women along with books, ss and toiletries . 男性冲动购物最常买的是食物、啤酒和DVD,而女性冲动购物买得最多的是衣服、杂志和红酒,还有书、鞋子和化妆品。

60、Proceed to one of the shopping centre at Batu Pahat. 午餐后到环球购物中心购物。

61、You can shop around and come back later to get it. 你可以先往别处购物,然后回来取裤子。

62、Sakura Shopping Center is a good place to go shopping. 樱花购物中心是个购物的好地方。

63、I haven't got one-use your hat. 没购物袋了----就用你的帽子吧。

64、The Grove shopping centre, which opened in 2002, performs all the functions of a mall without looking at all like one. 2002年开业的格罗夫购物中心看起来一点也不像购物商城,却拥有购物商城所有的功能特点。

65、I don’t like the color or the pattern.我不喜欢这颜色和款式.10.Are you being helped?

66、Take for example a shopping basket and the product SKUs inside the basket. 举个例子,一个购物筐和在购物筐中的产品SKU码。

67、Thanks Once again to shop with us! Have a nice day! 再次谢谢您于本店购物,祝购物愉快!

68、Impulse Buy – Impulse buying wastes money and leads to a cluttered house full of “stuff” you don't need or use. 冲动性购物——冲动性购物不仅浪费钱,还会让满屋子堆得都是你不需要、没用过的“废物”。

69、We can go shopping in the new mall. 我们可以去新开业的购物中心去购物。

70、She planted her child on us while she went shopping. 她出去购物时把孩子丢给了我们。

71、People who are house-bound have the ability to shop and have goods delivered. 谁是房子的人,必将有能力购物,货物交付。

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