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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-03 09:39:45
  • 119


关于”一般将来时的句子“的英语句子52个,句子主体:Sentences in the general future tense。以下是关于一般将来时的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences in the general future tense

1、As a rule, big houses are always draughty. 一般说来,大房子总是比较通风的。

2、   I studied hard last year。一般将来时 be going to+V原 will / shall + V原 在将来某个时间或 某段时要做的事 tomorrow / after next / tonight in 2010 Go come leave stay fly等用进行表将来 Are you going to read ?

3、Our voices rose and fell; sometimes the bitterest remark was a whisper. 我们的声音时高时低;有时一句最尖刻的话竟如耳语一般。

4、A good reader turns an author inside out, like a beggar turning his coat inside out in search of fleas. 一个善读者必拿那作家从里面翻到外面,如叫化子将他的衣服翻转面来捉虱子一般。

5、When are they to hand in their plan? 他们的计划什么时候交上来?

6、An affectionate pair who really enjoy each other. While Leo loves with his/her heart first, Gemini loves with his/her mind. 这是一对真的会沉浸于对方的组合, 狮子一般是用心去爱, 双子一般是用头脑去爱, 对于狮子来说, 双子应该是够浪漫了.

7、I will visit my grandmother tomorrow morning. 明天上午,我将去看望我奶奶。

8、The dog will have a house. 狗就要有窝了。

9、To the time when it will start the general gold with the memory which summer elegy it hands down unusually plentifully sees the eye together the feeling was good. 对时候当它将开始一般金子以夏天挽歌它递一起异常地丰富地看见下来眼睛感觉的记忆是好的。

10、Future 一般将来时 (常与 tomorrow, some day , one day 搭配) He will go there tomorrow.

11、I will have a meeting on Sunday.我将要在周日举行一个聚会。

12、I shall come back in ten minutes .我会在10分钟后回来。

13、I am going to play basketball this evening.我今晚要去打篮球。

14、Will you be at home at seven this evening? 今晚七点你会在家吗?

15、Shewould only only makeen reviewing her lessons for this short while when her little sister interrupted her. 她复习功课才一会儿,用法。她妹妹就打断她了。一般将来时的构成。

16、The letter will be sent tomorrow.这封信明天将寄出去。

17、Now, the crossing is supposed to have regular hours and be open generally to anyone other than men between the ages of 18 and 40. 现在,过境将会有固定时段,将开放给除了18岁到40岁男子的一般大众。

18、In general, the set of ProtectionDomains thus traversed will contain<=n elements. 一般来说,这样遍历的一组 ProtectionDomain 将包含<=n个元素。

19、He is going to see his friend.他要去看他的朋友。

20、Four rowing limbs, and one wedge-balancing head. 划动的四肢,加上一颗楔子般用来平衡的脑袋。

21、Perhaps I will pay a visit to France this winter. 我可能在今年冬天到法国观光。

22、In the end but also can sigh a, ten thousand sorts all have a life, the least bit not from person! 到头来却也只能叹一句,万般皆有命,半点不由人!

23、Breakfast at 8 in general, lunch generally in 12-14, dinner at around 18 commonly. 早餐一般在8时左右,午餐一般在12时-14时,晚餐一般在18时左右。

24、We will be swimming in a crystal blue sea in two weeks time. 将来两周时间,我们会畅游在水晶般蓝色的海洋中。

25、Every single word and phrase is magnetizing my soul. 你的每一字一句如磁石般吸引我的灵魂。


26、一般过去将来时 I thought he would come. 我以为他会来。

27、By the end of last month. We had reviewed four books 一般将来时:

28、I will show my photos to you next Monday. 我下周一给你看我的照片。

29、This speech was delivered by comrade Wang. (was delivered即一般过去时的被动态)

30、In general, "threading" such a program makes it take longer. 一般来说,将这样一个程序“线程化”会使程序要用去 更长时间。

31、A white, dull light fell from a large window, with tiny panes, on the left, which usurped the whole width of the room. 一片暗淡的白光从左边的一大扇小方格玻璃窗里透进来,窗子和屋子一般宽,我们看时,看不见一个人;

32、Will you please open the door? 请你把门打开?

33、Changed: Reduced ingredient craft time from wood, clay lumps and small rocks from 1 to 0.5. 更改:减少木头、粘土和小石子类物品的制造时间,现在创建该类物品只需要原来一般的时间。

34、He won't be allowed, by his father, to marry Larra. (一般将来时)他父亲不会让他娶拉拉为妻的。

35、It takes on average two years to study. 一般人平均需要花上两年的时间才能将它学完。

36、She sat down wearily , tucking one foot under her, and her heart swelled up with misery, until it felt too large for her bosom. 她疲惫地坐下,将一条腿盘起来,这时心脏难受得发胀,好像快要从膛里爆出来一般似的。

37、These fine protein filaments could shuttle electrons back and forth, allowing communities of bacteria to act as one super-organism. 这些构成导线的纤束蛋白可使电子在其中来回穿梭,从而将整个细菌群像一个超生物体一般的连接起来。

38、We shall be punished if we break the rule.如果我们违反规定,我们将受到惩罚。

39、she will tell me when she is ready.她会在她准备好了以后就告诉我 一般将来时就是用“will”加动词就行了

40、I'll(shall/will)do a better job next time. 下次我要干得好

41、Mary is going to sell her car.玛丽要卖她的车子。

42、The agreement will come into force next spring. 协议将在明年春天生效。

43、We're going to meet outside the school gate. 我们打算在校门口见面。

44、There will be a general cleaning tomorrow。一般将来时。

45、It has already been over twelve when he got home last night. 英语一般分来为12种时态自,现在时2种,将来时3种,过去时7种,不同的侧重点和语气,用的时态也可以不一样,没有固定的时态。

46、我想,我们会是一辈子的闺蜜 =>i think, we will be the best friend. "会是"要用将来时will= =

47、I will be clear tomorrow . 我会把这件事弄个水落石出。

48、The number of electrons in an atom is deduced to be approximately equal to half the atomic weight. 原子中的电子数,将近是原子质量的一般。

49、Shall we go there at five? 我们五点钟去那儿?

50、We are going to visit the Summer Palace next week. 下个星期我们要去参观颐和园。


51、What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天打算作什么呢?

52、一般将来时 I will go to the zoo next Sunday.下周日我将去动物园。

53、They use black or white cloth. The cloth is five yards long. They wrap the cloth around their face and neck. 他们一般使用5码长的巴色或黑色布将脸和脖子裹起来。

54、Manchester United is pleased to announce that Ryan Giggs has today extended his contract for a further season until the end of June 2009. 曼联很高兴的向外宣布,吉格斯将其合同延长到下一个赛季,直到2009年。(水平一般般,白话翻译了首句~~~)

55、The rain will stop soon. 雨很快就要停了。

56、Young people ShouSui, is to prolong life of parents. 自汉代以来,新旧年交替的时刻一般为夜半时分。

57、Today, applications generally use combinations of if-else statements to validate data. 目前,应用程序一般都使用 if-else 语句组合来验证数据。

58、1993 - Prince changes his name to a symbol and comes to be referred to as "The Artist formerly known as Prince". 1993年的今天,著名的音乐人“王子”将其名字将为一个符号(见下图),后来一般称他作“以前叫作王子的艺术家”。

59、If, on the other hand, you speak a futureless language, the present and the future, you speak about them identically. 另一方面,如果你的语言没有区分将来时态, 你说现在和未来的句式是一样的。

60、 Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm. 看那乌云,快要下雨了.

61、Will you do housework next Monday? 你下个星期一做家务吗?

62、Generally, Iâ ™ll start out by creating a new pluglet based on the Model Enumeration example. 一般情况下,我将通过在 Model Enumeration 例子的基础上创建一个新的 pluglet 来开始这项工作。

63、And so it generally is, especially if the alternative to talking is fighting. 而且一般来说也确实如此,尤其是当用这句话代替“对话就是战斗”时。

64、Breeze blowing, mirrored the Dangqi microwave, temporarily between, like Grandma's face deep wrinkles. 微风吹来,镜子般的河面荡起微波,一时之间,好像奶奶脸上那深深的皱纹。

65、The English evening is about to begin. 英语晚会即将开始。

66、General approaches for outlier detection need to divide temporal data into sub-sequences so as to reduce complexity. 在对时序数据进行离群检测之前,一般先将原时序数据划分为若干个子序列,以便降低计算复杂度。

67、I like you, I hope you can accept me 这里用一般现在时来表示

68、May want to say every time when evil has become the language of only one sentence … 可每当想说时千般言语只化成了一句话…

69、It's my grandma's birthday.We cut the cake and sing the birthday song.And she makes a wish. 应该是过去时,但是我估计这是低年级英语,所以按照低级语法来的,时态选了一般时。

70、Prepositions that mark situation arguments in the adverbial position cannot be omitted. 状况论元在句中处于状语或补语位置上时,介词一般不能省略。

71、North Slope producers currently reinject the natural gas that comes with oil production back into the ground where it can be recovered. 目前,石油公司在开采石油时,一般将天然气重新注入地下以备将来使用。

72、Cutting flat-rolled stainless steel into desired length normcome to best friend shipped flat-sthvacked. 将轧制的不锈钢扁板切割成所需的长度,运输时就可以一般堆起来摆放。

73、The play is going to be produced next month。这出戏下月开播。

74、Half the time, people mistook himfor a LaRouchian. 一般时间里,人们误认为他是一个拉罗奇分子。

75、On average, children at present are much taller than those fifty years ago. 一般来说,现在的孩子比五十年前的孩子个子高多了。

英文句子模板76:Sentences in the general future tense

76、Every time, I always go along with that way, can speak a few words, my heart is happy, such as with all the flowers bloom like vitality. 每到这时,我总附和着,这么一来,竟能说上几句,我的心乐得如正在以全部生命力盛开的花般。

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