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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-02 15:38:23
  • 192


关于”端午节的诗“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Poems of the Dragon Boat Festival。以下是关于端午节的诗的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poems of the Dragon Boat Festival

1、I haven’t seen any dragon boat races yet. 我还没有见过划船比赛。

2、Happy Dragonboat Festival to teacher Fu. 再看看别人怎么说的。

3、By 4:00 PM, I was wide awake, energized, and extremely focused! 从下午4:00起,我完全精神了,而且感到极端专注!

4、valiant 英勇的(形容词) The valiant hero saved the little girl's life. 那个英勇的英雄拯救了小女孩的生命。

5、Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. 端午节最重要的活动是龙舟竞赛,比赛的队伍在热烈的鼓声中划着他们多彩的龙舟前进。

6、Why he should have taken it into his head to get a child, as I was, to write poetry I cannot tell. 他为什么想起教我这样的小孩写诗,我也说不清楚。有一天下午,他把我带到他自己的房间里,要我写首诗。

7、It is Thursday today and we have seven cl, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. 今天星期四,我们有七节课,上午四节,下午三节。

8、competing 竞争的(形容词) All of the competing race car drivers are very skilled. 所有竞争的赛车选手都有高超的技术。

9、The Dragon Boat Festival, A Chinese holiday is gaining worldwide popularity, It is also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. 端午节,中国的传统节日现在正在赢得全世界的欢迎,它也叫做”双五节“,是在中国农历的五月初五进行庆祝。

10、I wish you a good journey. 祝你一路平安。

11、(《九章·涉江》) the careless odd heart straightforward;Nine Song · Hunan Madame") 曾不知路之曲直兮;) 沧浪之水清兮。

12、adjacent 邻近的、毗邻的(介系词) The post office is adjacent to the bank. 那邮局在银行的旁边。

13、Then the fourth poet rose and lifted up the bowl, and he said, "Alas, friends!" 这时第四位诗人站起,端起酒碗,说:“噢,朋友们!

14、Noon this daytime, various Ge's carrying cloud scarcely must dine some entities, then and singularly sleep afterward. 这日午时,诸葛端云只很少得吃了些东西,便少见地睡下了。

15、If it was Monday lunchtime, it was choir; if the evening, school orchestra. 周一的午餐时间,是唱诗班。晚上是学校乐队活动。

16、Dragon Boat Festival, people close to the temple from its advocacy of statues greet tour guide. 新兴县端午,人家各从其邻近庙宇鼓吹迎导神像出巡。

17、Weekend, six one holiday and the Dragon Boat Festival together, it became a small holiday. 周末、六一假期和端午假期合在一起,就凑成了一个小长假。

18、misdeed 罪行,不当的行为(名词) His misdeeds brought him bad fortune. 他不当的行为造成他悲惨的命运。

19、I have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. 我星期一到星期五上学,上午四节课,下午三节课。

20、(《九章·涉江》)and the world with longlived,固将重昏而终身;Nine Chapters · Pull out Think&quot!

21、Artemisia argyi high in front of dance, sickness, driving away evil gas, anti-Wudu, happily the Dragon Boat Festival. 艾蒿高高门前舞,驱邪气,防五毒,高高兴兴过端午。

22、The time was three minutes after midnight. 从墙上把挂钟拽了下来,用全力砸向诗人。时间是:午夜后三分钟。

23、appease 缓和、平息(动词) This food should appease his hunger. 这些食物应该会让他感到比较不饥饿了。

24、The carnival was immersed in a festival atmosphere. 嘉年华沉浸在节日的气氛中。

25、significance 重要性(名词) Do you understand the significance of this story?


26、During the Dragon Boat Festival the following year, he said again, “Kong Yiji still owes me 19 coppers!” 到第二年的端午,又说“孔乙己还欠十九个钱呢!”

27、I leave out, the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the Information are sent by non-I! 本人假期外出,端午假期内的消息都非本人所发! 谢!

28、scholarly 博学多闻的(形容词) Our professor is very scholarly. 我们的教授非常博学多闻。

29、make the zongzi包粽子 watch the Dragon Boat Race观看赛龙舟比赛

30、the Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival、午日节、赛龙舟,薰苍术, May

31、(《九章·涉江》)I cannot break faith follow custom, will of the people not;) 悲莫悲兮生别离。

32、At school the next day, I secretly poured my luncheon soup into a bottle and brought it home. 第二天在学校吃午餐时,我偷偷地把我的那份午餐汤倒进一个瓶子,把它带回了家,然后说服厨师,让她在晚餐时把汤端给妈妈。

33、The beautiful custom remind me of dulcet imagines. We also suspend the artemisia over the door to against the evil and the mosquito. 端午节,还要在门上挂艾叶和蒿草,妈妈说那是避邪和驱蚊虫的,那种清香味可以保持很长时间。

34、(《九歌·大司命》)Sad not sad lives leaves depart?

35、I wrote Sara a poem and slipped it into her locker the same afternoon. 我在同一个下午把写给萨拉的诗塞进了她的箱子。

36、This article summarizes Huang Zunxian′s nation-state thought which is mainly manifested in these poems about the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. 在重新解读黄遵宪咏甲午战争的诗,更能总结出黄氏晚年在总结甲午战争过程中体现出来的民族思想。

37、jealous 嫉妒(形容词) My girlfriend is jealous of my female friends. 我的女朋友总是嫉妒我其它的女性朋友。

38、ter 洒落(动词) The man is tering seeds on the grass for the birds to eat. 那个男人将洒在地上给鸟吃。

39、respected 受敬重的(形容词) The woman is very respected because of her abilities. 那位女性因为能力而受到敬重。

40、After left the church, Molly returned to live with Lin Wu Yang of the old, in which hope to be able to find some Lin Wu Yangs whereabouts. 在教堂留下字条之后,莫莉回到与林午阳居住的旧所,希望能够在其中发现一些林午阳行踪的端倪。

41、remain 留下、保持原状(动词) he had completed the report. 他留在办公室直到完成报告。

42、There is a merry smile on her face. 她脸上露出愉快的微笑。

43、(《天问》)the at dusk thunder and lightning;) 余处幽篁兮终不见天。

44、Dragon Boat Festival/Vocabulary dragon boat 龙舟(名词) That dragon boat is very colorful. 那艘龙舟非常鲜艳。

45、In the Panarion, his epic treatise against heresy, Epiphanius gives us many details about the Ebionite lifestyle. 在他反对异端的史诗著作《帕那里昂》中,埃皮法尼乌斯给了我们许多伊便尼派生活的细节。

46、019 moved to a hung your heart, a love of your blessing, a true feelings are waiting for your response. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival! 一颗心迁挂着你,一份爱祝福着你,一份真感情在等待着你的回应。祝端午节快乐!

47、(《九章·涉江》) Yu Jiangdong, spreads high soars to the heavens;) 举世皆浊我独清. (&quot。

48、The waiter appeared like magic from the kitchen with a steaming hot lunch. 服务员像变幻术似地从厨房里端出一份热气腾腾的午餐。

49、He gave the remaining glass of whiskey to Henry, just as the clock began to strike midnight. 正当午夜的钟声敲响时,他把剩下的一杯酒端给了亨利。

50、(《九歌·湘夫人》)Yuan has zhi the sweet wine to have the orchid. (&quot。


51、Dragon Boat Festival customs of the auspicious meaning, in different historical periods, different regions, its expression is both the characteristics of the times, regional characteristics . 端午节俗之吉祥涵义,在不同的历史时期,不同的地域,其表达方式亦各俱时代特色,地区特点;

52、Shanghang County Dragon Boat Festival with boat tie-shaped reed plays Zuolong waterfront, known as the Boat Race. 上杭县端午用小艇缚芦苇作龙形戏于水滨,称为竞渡。

53、Ancient Chinese believed the day of Duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner. 古代中国人相信端午这一天是不吉利的,因为仲夏即将到来。

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