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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-21 15:05:34
  • 101




1、Work, like love, is a many-splendored thing. 如同爱情一样,工作也是件神奇美妙的事。

2、Love and knowledge, so far they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. 爱情与知识之皓伟美妙,使人如入天堂,但同情却将我拉回到现世。

3、Its flowers and leaves represent spring , love, beauty and ideal world . 它的花叶象征着春天、爱情、美颜与理想世界。

4、Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness. 最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生爱情和幸福。

5、The vengeance formation in Medea belongs to that of love setback. 《美狄亚》的复仇形态类型属于爱情遇挫式复仇。

6、Armenia: Two white doves may be released to signify love and happiness. 亚美尼亚:人们放飞两只白鸽,以示爱情和幸福。

7、The people are basically good, that honor, courage and virtue mean everything, that good always triumphs over evil, that love, true love never dies. 人性本善;荣誉;勇气和美德代表一切;好人总能打败坏人;爱情,真正的爱情绝不会被忘记。

8、The author endued the"love maniac"spiritual aesthetic spice, and they became to the mon… 作者赋予了“情痴”以崇高的审美情趣,使他们成为后世爱情故事的典范。

9、Money is a medium for buying and selling. 爱情是一种以美作媒介的繁衍欲望。

10、Beauty of love, always as the miserable Bana general. 凄美的爱情,总是如彼岸花壹般的凄惨。

11、Rose is the symbol of love, is happy expression of emotion, grant the person's rose, the hand have notes. 玫瑰是爱情的象征,更是美好情感的表达,予人玫瑰,手有余香。

12、Beauty of love, always as the miserable Bana general. 凄美地爱情,老是如彼岸花壹般地凄惨。

13、It may be that love is beautiful with all its foolishness. 也许,情爱之事虽不乏愚蠢,却是美不堪言。

14、Step 6 of make up:Blusher, love makes you look pretty! 美妆第6步:腮红,爱情是女人最好的化妆品!

15、The romantic comedy "Hot Sum­mer Days," which FIP made for $2 million, grossed roughly $22 million. 福克斯花200万美元制作的爱情喜剧“全城热恋”获得了约2200万美元的票房。

16、" Student: "Can someone feel consummate love for more than one person?" 学生:“一个人能同时和两个人以上拥有完美式爱情吗“

17、Please dear sisters polish eyes, choose yourself another half is to pay a lifetime to verify the love is the real good love! 请亲爱的姐妹们擦亮眼睛,选择好自己的另一半,是要对付出一生的时间来验证的爱情才是真正的美好爱情!

18、My love, my fond dream, forever keeps in your bosom. 我的情爱,我的美梦,永远留在你的怀中。

19、How boring and time-wasting the love is. I prefer beautiful food to a beautiful man. 爱情这东西,又无聊又费时。对我来说,美食比美男更重要。

20、Love is even more beautiful than all the hills and lakes of Scotland. 爱情甚至比苏格兰所有的山和湖还要美。

21、Love birds never separate and they say birds of a feather flock together. Even animals and birds know the language of love. Love is all abounding and romance is a beautiful part of it. 爱情鸟从来都不会分开,就是人们所说的物以类聚,就算是鸟类走兽,它们也有自己的爱的语言,爱情存在于万物之间,恋爱是爱情美好的一部分。

22、Don't give up a love because of a little flaw, after all, in love, need is the truth, not perfect. 最美好的爱情故事就是,在最意想不到的时候爱上一个最意想不到的人,收获了一份最意想不到的爱情。

23、And I think that marriage is the completely perfective embodiment of love. 而且我认为婚姻也是对爱情最透彻最完美的体现。

24、Distance doesn't bring beauty but explains the fragile love. 距离,产生的不是美,而是诠释了不堪一击的爱情。

25、Love is an appetite of generation by the mediation of beauty. 爱情是以种以美作媒介的生命繁衍的欲望。


26、Deaf-mutes are also human beings. They deserve happy love, too. 聋哑人也是人,也该当具有美好的爱情。

27、Love is the need to accommodate the transiting pure love, then how many years, also can not stand the displaced, love will bring happiness, and, sometimes, will bring about the destruction. 爱情是需要停靠的,再纯美的爱情,也经不起多少岁月的颠沛流离,爱情会带来幸福,有时也会带来毁灭。

28、Our love is something beautiful that goes beyond the changing of the seasons! 我们的爱情美纯真,任凭四季变化,它永不改变!

29、Oh. Can someone feel consummate love for more than one person? 噢,一个人能否同时和两个人以上拥有完美式爱情?

30、Or perhaps just people have idealized love, and like many writers write about love, is perfect, can not tolerate any defects. 又或许只是人把爱情理想化了,一如很多作家的笔下的爱情,都是完美的,容不下任何暇疵。

31、Mainly from lovers'feelings, the friend feelings and the frontier fortress words. 主要从爱情词、友情词和边塞词看纳兰词不同风格的美。

32、Aimei ps into Youqing on her shopping trip. 爱美去买爬山运动服,遇到有情。

33、"Valentine's day" feeling The goddess of the moon palace body alone, Vega Chinese hope, galaxy How much affection and love, ancient and modern Good love it forever. 《情人节有感》 嫦娥月宫身孤单, 织女七夕银河盼, 古今多少情和爱, 美好爱情永相传。

34、The Character of yoon is a kind of perfect person who will sacrifices anything of his for the sense of love. 允这个角色可以说是一个能为爱情牺牲一切的完美情圣。

35、It stands for author's wish for fantabulous love and humanity. 它寄托了作者渴望美好的爱情与人性的愿望。

36、Love you is somthing beautiful in the world. 对你的爱,莫过于世上最美妙的事情了。

37、The scars of your love remind me of us. 你的爱情创痕让我想起了咱们曾经的甜美。

38、Love deserves all the admiring words, and love is even beyond the life and death. That is what love is all about in my eyes. 用一切言语来赞美爱情都不为过,爱超越了生死。这就是我眼中的爱。瞐。

39、People's emotions is extremely rich, a through one thousand love, a love of life compose with luxuriant. 人物豪情极端丰厚,一段穿越千年地爱恋,一段用生命谱写地华美恋爱。

40、In the bounteous time of roses love is wine--it is food in the famished hour when their petals are shed. 在玫瑰盛开的时节里,爱情是佐餐的美酒;而当花瓣凋落时,爱情就成了充饥的佳肴。----泰戈尔。

41、In the bounteous time of roses love is wine. 在玫瑰盛开的时节里,爱情是佐餐的美酒;

42、Their song "To Anacreon in Heaven" celebrated the mingling of love and wine. 他们的这首《致天堂里的阿那克里翁》赞美了爱情和美酒的交融。

43、Love is one long sweet dream , and marriage is the alarm clock. 爱情是一个长而甜美的梦,而婚姻则是一个闹钟。

44、No love in life is not perfect, but this imperfect life can make me cool envy. 没有爱情的生活是不完美的,可这不完美的生活却让我冷冷的羡慕!

45、Loving beauty is the human being’s nature, not only for women, but also for men. 爱美是人的天性。不仅仅女人爱美,男人也爱美哦。

46、Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love. 许多人向往水晶般的美爱情,晶莹剔透没有瑕疵。但更多人拥有的是玻璃般的爱情。

47、Kindness gives us happiness, as well as beauty, love and energy. 善良给人幸福,也给人美、爱情和力量。

48、Most of beautiful love stories are similar, consisting of numerous “coming back”. The one that first comes back to the other after conflicts is the angel of their love. 美好的爱情大抵如此,总会有无数次的转身,那个最先转身的人是他们爱情的天使。

49、Bloom time with a complete cycle of the seasons of love. 用一朵花开的时间,完成四季爱情的轮回。很美,很美…

50、The vengeance formation in Medea belongs to that of love sctback. 《美狄亚》的复仇形态类型属于爱情遇挫式复仇。


51、Boyfriend:Likecooking, like under the kitchen, like food, then towards the bravethings they want to work hard, do not cumbersome. 男友:“爱好做菜,爱好下厨房,爱好美食,那就英勇的朝着自己想做的事情去努力,别碍手碍脚。”

52、The romantic comedy "Hot Sum mer Days," which FIP made for $2 million, grossed roughly $22 million. 福克斯花200万美元制作的爱情喜剧“全城热恋”获得了约2200万美元的票房。

53、The author endued the"love maniac"spiritual aesthetic spice, and they became to the monuments of the love stories generational. 作者赋予了“情痴”以崇高的审美情趣,使他们成为后世爱情故事的典范。

54、It is the freshness of the deep spring of life. 青春是的深泉在涌流。爱情美文。

55、May: The Terminal is a movie of this type. 阿美: 《幸福终点站》就是这类爱情喜剧片。

56、Everyone admits that Love is wonderful ang necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is. 每个人都认为爱情是美妙绝伦且并不可少的,然而对于什么是爱情却没有人能达成共识。

57、In a lover's mind, everything around the West Lake is for creating the most wonderful love in the world. 在情人的眼里,西湖边的一切都是为了营造人间最美好的爱情。

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