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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-19 13:22:30
  • 82


关于”五大基本句型讲解与练习“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Explanation and practice of five basic sentence patterns。以下是关于五大基本句型讲解与练习的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Explanation and practice of five basic sentence patterns

1、Strengthen basic training of calculation, get the kids to grasp the radical calculating ability craftily. 加强计算基本训练,通过分、小、百互化口算的练习,使学生熟练地掌握基本的计算技能。

2、A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green. 一位年经人与格林先生练习讲英语。

3、It has a carefully accumulated volume of sentences, exercises and reading materials, expanding the scope of your studies and serving to strengthen and guide both teacher and student. 内容要比正式教材含量大,积累了大量例句、练习和阅读资料,扩大了讲解范围,对教师和学员起到强化和辅导作用。

4、Study English V: A Thous Words … 热身练习五:一千个词……

5、The general way of practicing yoga is similar to that for practicing tai-ji. 练瑜珈功的基本方法大体与练太极拳相同。练瑜珈功的基本方法大体与练太极拳相同。

6、With reference to handout, text book, exercise book, revise unit 1 (lesson 1to 3), test next week. 结合讲义,课本,练习册,复习第一单元(1-3)课,下周测验。

7、With this presentation, I am going to give you some tips and some drills that is going to help you go faster. 7 n. x; 在本视频中,我将讲解一些游蝶泳的秘诀,介绍几个蝶泳分解练习,目的是帮助大家游的更快。

8、Use action words and present tense only. Practice the pitch aloud to sound conversational. 在撰写大纲时多用动词和现在时态,并以与人对话的方式大声练习宣讲你的大纲。

9、First, it is up-to-date, covering recent 2.6 kernels. 首先,这本书与时俱进,它基于最新的2.6内核进行讲解。

10、Based on different learning theories, explanatory and communicant languages in science teaching have a respective aim, characteristic and different demand. 理科讲解语言与沟通性教学语言以不同的学习理论为指导,因而其运用的目的、基本特征及要求不同。

11、Absolutely. The best advice that I always give to my students is practice, practice, practice. 当然可以。我经常给我的学生讲,最好的方法就是练习,练习,再练习。

12、Traditional teaching way of wushu is teacher's explanation, demonstration and student's studying. 传统的武术教学多采用教师讲解、示范,学生练习的教学模式。

13、The fourth part constructs the model of problem-solving based learning of chemistry, and discusses its meaning, its modeling, its characters, and its teaching and learning strategies. 第四部分是对基于问题解决的化学学习模式的构建,从基于问题解决的化学学习的涵义、模型构建、学科特点、教学策略和学习策略五个方面进行了论述。

14、Learn some basic breathing exercises to use during your pregnancy from a certified nurse-midwife in this free video on pregnancy exercises. 学习一些基本的呼吸练习,使用经过认证的护士,助产士在怀孕期间怀孕的练习本上免费视频。

15、Drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the German method of lecturing, in which the professor's own research was presented in class. 靠死记硬背和做练习来学习的方法变为德国式的讲解方法。

16、This article is aimed to explore the basic skill and physical capability elements of FUTSAL so that it is available for educating and training reference made by teachers and coaches. 本文探讨五人制足球之基本技术与体能要素,以提供教师与教练作为教学与训练。

17、The book is composed of five units, each divided into four parts: Understanding (vocabulary-expressions and grammar), oral and writing practice, phonetic and 《regards croisés》, a cross-cultural part. 本书共分五个单元,每单元包括理解(单字、片语与文法)、口语和书写练习、语音以及目光交叉等四部分。

18、A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green. 一位年经人与格林先生练习讲英语。

19、Since, the teaching of Basketball, base on the explanation, demonstration, practice, correct, and then practice, has been used by the university sports basketball class. 一直以来,高校体育专业篮球课教学沿袭着讲解、示范、练习、纠正、再练习的传教模式。

20、Basic English Usage: Exercises contains over 200 exercises on the most important topics dealt with in Basic English Usage. 基本的英语用法:练习中含有超过200处理的最重要议题练习基本英语用法。

21、You must practise speaking English more. 你应更多地练习讲英语。

22、But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside. 但是很快人们又看到卡内基在河边练习演讲了。

23、However, the study five strokes practicality and empirical very strong, and require users must be familiar basic Chinese characters sharp angle and a large quantity of the split method. 但是,学习五笔字型的实践性和经验性非常强,要求用户必须熟练掌握基本的口诀及大量汉字的拆分方法。

24、Teaching methods: (1) Jingjiang scouring operating practice Featured typical, appropriate, stratified, thinking training, with the focus on implementation of the "double-base." 教学方法:(1)精讲精练,作业练习精选,典型,适度,分层,以思维训练为重点,落实“双基”。

25、The students having done all theexercises, the teacher went on to explain the text. 学生做完所有练习之后,老师继续讲解课文。(表示时间)


26、The Microteaching has some differences in basic skill training with traditional test teaching. Which is to divide a whole teaching process into many different training periods. 微格教学与传统的试讲在训练基本技能上有所不同,微格教学是将一完整的教学过程肢解许多不同的训练内容。

27、A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green. 一位年经人与格林先生练习讲英语。

28、We often practice speaking English among ourselves. 我们经常互相间练习讲英语。

29、They talked English together for practice. 他们一起练习讲英语。

30、Based on different learning theories, explanatory and communicant languages(talking) in science teaching have a respective aim, characteristic and different demand. 理科讲解语言与沟通性教学语言(对话)以不同的学习理论为指导,因而其运用的目的、基本特征及要求不同。

31、Do some speech exercises before you begin. 在开始之前一定要做演讲练习。

32、Jankulovski worked in the sandpit, while Dida worked apart with V and Abate. 扬库洛夫斯基练习踩沙坑,而迪达和韦基、阿巴特(两位守门员教练)一起练习。

33、There are five English exercise-books on the shelf. 架子上有五本英语练习册。

34、The first step is that the teacher explains and gives a demonstration and the students imitate and practise it bare-handed. 分成五个步骤,第一步是教师讲解示范和学生徒手模仿练习;

35、Listen more, practise more often. 多听和多讲来练习)。

36、The present study examined the effects of input and output on instructed second language acquisition in the framework of Andersons theory of Adaptive Control of Thought. 通过对比实验我们发现:基于输入的理解练习和基于输入与输出的重构练习对学习者掌握目的结构产生了不同的影响。

37、This makes them ideal for using HS segmental practice, a key element of the methods of this book. 这使它们成为了分手乐段练习的理想曲目,而分手乐段练习也是本书所述练习方法的一大要旨。

38、A contrast experimental research is carried out on the grouping exercise and splitting exercise, testifies the superiority of the former. 通过对篮球教学中组合练习法与分解练习法进行对比性试验研究,验证了组合练习法的优越性。

39、Practice your final script at least five times; Record and re-listen to your rehearsals. 练习你的剧本至少五次,记录和重新听你的排练。

40、It's a poem about gunnery practice. 这首诗讲的是射击练习。

41、Since French grammar has been taught comprehensively in the class of "Intensive Reading", this course focuses on familiarizing students with regularly used sentence patterns and expressions. 本课程使用的教材是张晶编写的《实用法语语法精讲与练习》。

42、John is a regular speaker throughout the US at PETS, District Assemblies, District Conferences and Membership/ TRF Seminars. 约翰是遍及全美的社长当选人训练会、区讲习会、区年会与社员/扶轮基金讲习会经常的演说者。

43、He practises speaking English every morning. 每天早上他练习讲英语。

44、The interviews of Oxford and Cambridge are similar: exercises, discussions and tests are the most common formats. 牛津与剑桥的面试内容很相似:最基本的模式是练习,讨论和测试。

45、In this video, it talks about the training methods of the fist, hand, palm, finger, hook, claw and basic footwork in Yongchun Bai He Quan. 本片讲解了练习永春白鹤拳时拳、手、掌、指、勾、爪、基本步型的训练方法。

46、Drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the German method of lecturing, in which the professor’s own research was presented in class. 靠死记硬背和做练习来学习的方法变为 德国式的讲解方法。德国式的讲解就是由教授讲授自己的研究课题。

47、Inversions set yoga apart from other physical disciplines: Psychologically, they allow us to see things from another perspective. 倒立练习是瑜伽与其他练习方式的不同点:从心理层面讲,倒立让我们从另一个角度看事情。

48、The result shows that the experimental group who listen to the mini-lecture without the markers understand significantly less than the controlled group which listen to the lecture with the markers. 实证研究结果表明:用去除了话语标记语的讲座作练习的实验组所能理解的内容明显少于用带话语标记语的讲座作练习的对照组。

49、This research integrated the learning organization theory and HRM functions to develop a learning-oriented HRM strategy model. 本研究将学习型组织与人力资源管理基本职能加以整合,提出学习导向的人力资源管理策略模型。

50、This course explains the basic concepts and technics of Internet through hands-on learning of related software. 本课程主要探讨网路系统的基本概念与实务,并搭配相关软体练习。


51、It takes a lot of practice to speak good English . 要讲好英语就要勤加练习。

52、This title offers essential language practice for tourist industry professionals. 本书包含了专门旅游业者的基础必备练习。

53、Peter Sange(1994). The Fifth Discipline—The Art and Practice of Learning Organization. Taipei: Tian Xia Cultural Publications. 彼得•圣吉(1994)。第五项修练——学习型组织的艺术与实务(郭进隆译)。台北:天下文化。

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