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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-11 01:07:02
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1、Fang Yizhi's frustrated Life experience and his changeable mood had big effect on his poetry creation. 方以智的坎坷的人生经历及其心态的变化对其诗歌创作产生了巨大影响。

2、I kiss the dear fingers 我吻你优美的双手, so toil warm for me; 为我辛劳暖我心房。

3、This grad's unique and powerful spoken-word-poem-as-speech has gone hyper viral. 这名毕业生独一无二的、强有力的诗歌演讲迅速走红起来。

4、Pupils also need to be familiar with conventional verse forms and poetry in order to understand why and how many of these poets subvert tradition. 学生们也需要熟悉传统诗体和诗歌,了解为何这么多诗人颠覆传统以及他们如何颠覆传统的。

5、There are three types of variation of poem language: abbreviation, variation of embedding and inversion. 诗歌语言突破日常语言规范有缩略、嵌合和倒装三种方法。

6、Has been hailed as "angry qing" poets, but commonplace attitude in the face of the current state of poetry. 一向被喻为“愤靑”的诗人们,倒是以平常的心态面对当前诗歌的生存状态。

7、It demonstrated that the ecological thinking basing on Chinese culture is the central theme through Pound's whole poetry. 论证了庞德的诗歌在基于中国文化上所建立的生态思想是贯穿全诗的核心主题。

8、Fanny: The cost of the lesson is that Mr. Keats will4)forthwith discuss poetry with me. 范妮:授课的代价只为济慈先生能和我谈论诗歌。

9、一长一短 Mother Machree 慈母颂 There’s a spot in my heart 在我心中有那么一隅, which no colleen may own; 任何少女也不能占据。

10、By writing on these subjects, he gradually formed his poetic conception and style of leisure, quietness, languishment and exquisiteness. 同时也形成了他的淡远闲适、清迥幽雅和苦吟冥搜、具体细腻的诗歌意境和风格。

11、The first chapter mainly introduces the types and combination ways of images in Huang Jingren's poetries. 第一章主要介绍了黄景仁诗歌意象的类型和组合方式。

12、Art genres, such as intermedia art, visual or kinetic poetry may also be synaesthetic forms of art, including hybrid art forms that interact with media performance, space and architecture. 某些艺术形式,如媒介艺术、视觉诗歌或动态诗歌,也可以被认为是联觉艺术形态,也包括一些与媒介表演、空间和建筑互动的混合艺术形式。

13、Thus, Guqin and its melody had inextricable link with poetry. 由此,琴及其产生的琴曲与诗歌产生了千丝万缕的联系。

14、His "colloquial" poems access to the living existence directly , by writing daily life to reveal language truth and nature. 于坚“口语化”的诗性言说直接进入生命存在,以书写生活常态显现出诗歌语言的真实和本色。

15、As the most outstanding poet of this period, Qianqi s poems naturally contain integration and collisions of the two kind spirit of the times. 钱起,作为这一时期诗人的杰出代表,在其诗歌中自然包含了以上两种时代精神的融合与碰撞。

16、The thesis takes the Song poems bearing certain ecological implication or color as its studying object, and discusses Song Dynasty poetics'ecological characteristic. 本文的研究对象即宋代具有某种生态意蕴或曰生态色彩的诗歌,兼及讨论宋代诗学话语的生态特色。

17、Was made bright by the light 但你眸中微笑的光, of the smile in your eye; 总可以把一切照亮。

18、Something remarkable is happening to the poet and to his language at the same time. 叶芝的诗歌发生了惊人的变化,他的语言也变了。

19、The study of the form of English poetry can be roughly divided into three stages: the first stage focuses on the study of conventional forms of English poetry on the basis of close-reading; 英语诗歌形式的研究大致可以分为三个时期:第一个时期着重总结传统诗歌形式,并结合具体作品加以分析;

20、If Robert Frost as a poet is to be thought of as a life teacher, then some of his poems can be confirmed as fables in the form of poems. 如果将诗人弗洛斯特比作为一位人生导师的话,那么他的一些诗作就被认定是诗歌体的寓言。

21、Bon Jovi It S My Life Westlife My Love Westlife 爱你不渝 Swear It Again 听下喜欢就唱

22、It is found that, from The Book of Songs the earliest Chinese poetry, to the modern China, music has always been playing an auxiliary role in perfecting the art of poems. 在上千年的历史发展中,从第一部诗歌总集《诗经》的诞生,直至中国近代以前,音乐始终起着它对文学不可缺少的辅助作用,也正因为如此诗歌的表现才得以完善。

23、Sure I love the dear silver 我爱你美丽的头髪, that shines in your hair; 闪烁着熠熠的银光。

24、And the brow that’s all furrowed 我爱你额上的皱纹, and wrinkled with care; 刻满了岁月的沧桑。

25、This thesis intends to give an ecocritical study of Frost's poetry. 本论文拟从生态批评的视角研究弗罗斯特的诗歌创作。


26、Hanshan's poems were prized by Liu Dajie with Superlative, Free and Natural Mood. 寒山诗歌被刘大杰先生赞为有“高远空灵的情趣”。

27、Wang Yucheng's aesthetic approach and style of poetry played a creative role model in literati of the Song Dynasty, and therefore made a profound influence to the formation of the Song poetry. 最终使他的诗歌形成了平易清丽和沉郁峻拔兼具的诗风。王禹偁这种审美取向和诗歌风范对宋代文人的创作起到了示范作用,也因此对宋调的形成产生了深远的影响。

28、The only listener I had for these erratic poems of mine was Akshay Babu. 我的那些不讲规则的诗歌,唯一的聆听者便是阿克什先生。

29、No other can take it 别人不能替代, no one ever will; 永远也无例外。

30、There’s a place in my memory 在我的记忆里, my life that you fill; 生活充满着你。

31、Discusses the zen thought shallowly to the Wang Wei life and the poetry… 浅议禅宗思想对王维人生及诗歌创作的影响 …

32、One of the outstanding characteristics of Feng Zhi s poetic art is his unique meditation on life in the content of his poems. 冯至诗歌艺术个性最突出的特征,在表现内容上是以对生命的独特沉思入诗。

33、The author holds that, by borrowing symbolism from the West, Li Jinfa expressed his deep understanding of life in a foreign land. 李金发诗歌借用西方象徵主义的表现手法,书写诗人对异域生存的理解。

34、There’s a depth in my soul 它埋在我灵魂的深处, never sounded or known; 我从不声张从不表露。

35、Moreover, poetry and calligraphy have played an important role in the development of it. 诗歌与书法对写意画的产生发展过程起了重要作用。

36、Korqin Shaman Divine Song is a type of original living songs with fixed paradigm, sung to the pinities during Shaman worshipping ceremony. 科尔沁萨满神歌是科尔沁蒙古族萨满结合歌舞形式,在萨满教祭礼仪式中,对神灵唱诵的具有固定程式的原始活态传统诗歌。

37、Every good poem and song comes from life and always high above life. 每首好歌妙诗都源于生活并高于生活。

38、The two poems discussed here show that the substance of the poetry′s ontological thought lies in the thinking about. 这两首诗显示了诗歌本体性思维的主旨在于对人类生存问题的思索。

39、Your fond love has cheered me 你温柔的爱鼓舞着我, and guided me right; 指引我走上正确道路。

40、Mother Machree 慈母颂 There’s a spot in my heart 在我心中有那么一隅, which no colleen may own; 任何少女也不能占据。

41、Chapter one is "the era of Internet and situation of surviving of poem". 第一章“互联网时代与诗歌生存态势”。

42、Firstly, the original language characteristics of poetry retrogressed and displacement appeared. 首先,诗歌本质特征整体退化,发生了位移。

43、Poems of other genre are replete with allusions to incidents and personalities drawn from jataka stories. 其他流派的诗歌也充满了引自本生故事的事件、人物。

44、Then it elaborates from the different aspects of occasional poems and discusses them through individual poems of Jonson. 之后,文章从 应景诗的几个基本方面展开讨论,并具体在琼生的诗歌中进行分析。

45、The second part is about the ecocritical consciousness in his poetry. 第二部分阐述了弗罗斯特诗歌中的生态批评意识;

46、The poetry of Du Fu was teeming with philosophical wisdom about society, life, nature and universe. In the history of Chinese poetry, He reached a width and depth which no one had come to before. 杜甫的诗歌对社会、人生、自然、宇宙的哲理表现,达到了中国诗歌史上前所未有的广度与深度。

47、The poetry always lords over the literary arts, and getting more and more far from people's life. But the lyrics of pop songs have more and more influence on people's life. 诗,歌始终高踞文学艺术的大雅之堂,并且距离人们的生活越来越远,而流行歌曲的歌词却对人们生活产生了越来越大的影响。

48、The verse performance of Yuxi Liu is combination of two kinds art style: "bold and unconstrained" and "lucid and attractive". 刘禹锡的诗歌表现为豪健与清丽两种艺术风格的结合。

49、Realize to the mankind"s destiny and life in the verse of Changyao of feel come to, make his verse take the disaster of have the mightiness consciousness and lifes this experience that is really." 昌耀诗歌中对人类命运和生命意识的觉醒,使他的诗歌带有强烈的忧患意识和生命本真的体验。

50、Amid life's worries we find refreshment in poetry. 在人生烦中我们在诗寻得怡适。


51、If they had made the escape themselves, then where could they stay at the moment? 在默默里算着,八千多日子已经从我手中溜去;

52、I started writing because poetry sets me free, sir, and I’m never going to stop, he said, with a smile that barely hid his pride and determination. 我开始写诗因为诗歌能释放我的心灵,先生,我绝对不会停止写诗的,他说,露出他那掩饰不住的自豪和决心。

53、The thesis has tried to study the inclusive thought of the poet by the introduce of Wei Ye's reclusive life and the contents of the works. 一方面通过对魏野的隐逸生活和诗歌创作内容的述评来探究诗人的隐逸理念;

54、Nie Le’s poems and narration of his own life were fascinating. 梁写道:“聂勒的诗歌及他对自己一生的讲述十分精彩。

55、The life-force of his poetry lies in its uniqueness and foresightedness. 论文认为,济慈诗歌的顽强生命力在于它的独特性和超前性。

56、Korqin Shaman Divine Song is a type of original living songs with fixed paradigm, sung to the divinities during Shaman worshipping ceremony. 科尔沁萨满神歌是科尔沁蒙古族萨满结合歌舞形式,在萨满教祭礼仪式中,对神灵唱诵的具有固定程式的原始活态传统诗歌。

57、And the poetry's intellectuality performance has deep and vast characteristic, this mainly displays in its poetry life consciousness and space-time consciousness and its art performance. 而其诗歌的知性表现具有深宏广博的特点,这主要体现在其诗歌的生命意识和时空意识及其艺术表现两个方面。

58、My life has been defined by fire. Poetry and the know that comes before. 我的生命被定义成火。诗歌与先知曾经来过。

59、This chapter mainly discussed the concept of Fang Hui about "Jianan Style" poems. 本章主要讨论了方回认为“建安味”的特点及符合“建安味”的诗歌。

60、Nor do lyricists "explain" their more obscure lyrics; if you have to ask, a song clearly is not meant for your ears. 就如同很难要求歌曲的作词人“解释”任何艰涩难懂的歌词,如果你需要问,显然那首歌不适合你。

61、as long as you love me 这首也是非常不错的

62、We know poetry is a vital force in the global community. 我们深知诗歌是地球村的有生力量。

63、Folk literature is one of major sources of his poems. For example, the images of evil spirit of forest and water in the poems are frequently used in Northern Europe . 民谣倾向是易卜生诗歌的另一个特色,诗歌的主要题材之一来自民间文学,最常用民间意象中的林妖和水精意象;

64、In Chapter One, the focused poem "The Palace of Art" shows the sprout of Tennyson's spiritual growth. 第一章主要研究丁尼生的早期诗歌《艺术殿堂》。

65、The second part introduces the translator Witter Bynner and his collaborator Jiang-Kanghu and the process of their translating work. 第二部分,介绍了译者宾纳的创作生平和其合作者江亢虎,以及他们翻译中国诗歌的进程。

66、This business building is good to be restaurant, bathing center and KTV, etc. 该商业楼非常适合做酒店、洗浴中心、KTV歌厅等项目。

67、The clock drum building is a flavor of city song that son is hundred percent, at the same time again is what male voice sing, the song wants to express of and is not suitable for the girl to deduce. 钟鼓楼是一个京味儿十足的歌曲,同时又是男声唱的,歌曲所要表现的并不适合女生来演绎。

68、To me this is the most memorable period of my poetic career. 对我来说,这是我诗歌生涯中最值得纪念的一段时期。

69、This powerful song's slow tempo makes it great for your warm up or cool down. 这首强劲歌曲的慢节奏使它非常适合热身或者冷却。

70、All his opinion of expressing natural instincts, his sentiment of "lotus flower out from water" in his poem and his style of combining false and true has impacted deeply on Chinese poets after him. 他的抒写性灵的诗歌主张、诗中表现的“出水芙蓉”一般自然清新的审美情趣、虚实结合的写作风格对后世都产生了深远的影响。

71、Like a candle that’s set 宛如一支点燃的蜡烛, in a window at night; 茫茫黑夜中透过窗户。

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