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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-01 01:41:40
  • 80




1、I like your outfit and hairdo! 你的衣服和发型真好看!

2、Conclusion The hygiene state in big restaurants is better than that in medium and small ones. 结论大型餐饮单位餐(饮)具卫生状况比中、小型的要好;

3、Iterative - The iterative model diverges from the upfront planning approach of the sequential and incremental models. 迭代式——迭代式模型与“提前做好计划”的顺序式模型、增量式模型相反。

4、Three groups discriminated by risk attitude are Risk averter , Risk balancer and Risk lover. 以风险态度区隔市场,得到风险趋避型、平衡型及爱好型三族群。

5、Scholars are a quiet breed. 学者们是属于好静的类型。

6、Ready model with the help of Clone Modifier. 利用复制修改器所准备好的模型。

7、Six, and build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly city of Shanghai. 建设资源节约型和环境友好型上海城市。

8、Really good, but the house design is not right. 好是挺好的,就是房型太差了。

9、Development of a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society was accelerated. 资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设加快

10、OK, this is the Bohr model, Bohr model of the atom is planetary or nuclear. 好的,这就是波尔模型,波尔的原子模型是行星模型或者核心模型。

11、Is Dai Hei lubricious concealed gl good-looking brown still good-looking ? 戴黑色隐型眼镜好看呢还是棕色的好看。

12、This style works best with a small face. 小脸的人剪这个发型更好看。

13、Matrix inversion can be avoided, in comparison with conventional hybrid element, the method is more convenient in practical application. 这类单元与其他类型的杂交模型相比,精度高且能较好地避免矩阵求逆运算,具有较好的实用性。

14、Thanks very much for your kindly sharing ! ! ! 多谢你的分享。这身打扮都好型噃!

15、Three, the room is good, is rare, and south good room of the house is full of five years, taxes are relatively low, very affordable economical; 房型好,是难得双南好房型,且房子是满五年的,税费也相对较低,非常实惠合算;

16、Therefore, the two-parameter logistic model was the best for 2-point scoring model. 因此在采用2级评分模型时双参数模型是最好的。

17、And the vast majority of ionic and non-ionic plastic coating compound better. 与绝大多数离子型和非离子型涂层胶复配较好。

18、Ok,what kind of question? 好,什么类型的问题?

19、Under these conditions, the result of the delocalized model is much better than that of the localized model. 在这些条件下,离域模型的结果要比定域模型的好。

20、The new models of VCD sell like fun. 这些新型的VCD机销路好得不得了。

21、Success will depend on finding the right mixture of economics, user-friendliness and environmental concerns. 成功将取决于找到正确的人类友好型和环境友好型的混合经济。

22、Better player models and nicer grass bring a little "NextGen" flair to the PC version, but even this measures cannot ss an graphic engine from the technologic stone age. 更好的球员模型和更好的草皮让PC版本有了一点点“次时代”的感觉,但这种方式无法掩饰来自石器时代技术的图像引擎(这句话真逗!)

23、It is found through investigation that junior middle school students have good habits of learning English. 通过调查发现,中学生有四种良好的英语学习习惯,它们是:具体型、交际型、分析型和服从权威型。

24、We will make every effort to save energy and reduce pollution and make substantial progress in building a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society. 打好节能减排攻坚战,扎实推进资源节约型环境友好型社会建设。

25、Collarband details-round, can get model very good got-up face and neck line. 领口细节——圆方领型,能够很好的修饰脸型及颈部线条。


26、This one is characterized by extremely small size, recent kitting-up, rather good repair and working lighting. 这个避难所是典型的小型避难所,最近才公布出来,进行了良好的修复并有着很好的工作照明。

27、The kissaki is well done, and standard looking shape. 切先做的非常好,标准造型。

28、Bosco looks good with the hairstyle, thanks for sharing. 好帅啊,这个发型越来越好看了。谢谢分享!

29、Welcome to the kids-friendly hotels. 欢迎来到儿童友好型酒店。

30、ETV has good security in the treatment for chronic severe hepatitis B. ETV治疗慢性重型乙型肝炎有较好的安全性。

31、My father and mother are my parents. 母亲的原型是一个特别好的例子。

32、Our idea: Striving to be an energy-saving, environment-friendly and technology-creative enterprise. Jiande Yingyi Plastic Chemical Co. , Ltd. , Jiande Xindi Calcium Industry Co. 公司理念:打造资源节约型、环境友好型、产品科技型的创新型企业。

33、The ductility factor of model is 2.43 and its horizontal bearing capacity is acceptable. 模型房屋的延性系数为2.43,模型房屋具有良好的水平承载能力。

34、The trivalent vaccine is least effective against type 3and, more effective against type1one and highly effective against type 2. 三价疫苗的3型病毒的效力最低,对1型病毒的效力稍高,对2型病毒的效力非常好。

35、If you don’t have a good model, it’s difficult to prepare good policies,” says Holzmann. 如果没有一个好的模型,就很难制定好的政策,”Holzmann说。

36、The stability of saw-toothed thread implants is better than "V"thread. 锯齿型螺纹种植体的稳定性比三角型螺纹好。

37、This door is pure board door, door to founder, permeability, equally Shared area small. 本户型为纯板楼户型,户型方正,通透性好,公摊面积小。

38、Furthermore, U is a little better than V, whereas, better drag-reduction characteristics can be got by increasing the angle of V. 型随行波减阻效果比顶角角度较小的V型稍好,但是如果将V型顶角增大会得到更好的减阻效果。

39、Through theoretical and experimental studies, the S-B model is the best model in use. 通过理论和实验比较,得出S-B模型是最好的模型。

40、The 4008 control panel is also contractor-friendly. 该4008型控制面板同时还具有用户友好型特征。

41、My father and mother are my parents. 2. 母亲的原型是一个特别好的例子。

42、Ups! Lucky Deneve is a defensive type. 还好迪维是防御型的。

43、We will build an energy-efficient and environment-friendly society. 我们要建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。

44、At least he had a better haircut than his half-bro. 至少他的发型比他的弟弟好看。

45、For beauty's pattern to succeeding men. 好留给后世永作美丽的典型。

46、An age good friend ever evaluated him so, "Typical bookman , typical businessman." 陈年的一位好友曾这样评价他,“典型的文人,典型的商人。”

47、This model can capture more latent semantic structure information than LSC. 该模型比LSC模型能更好地表示文档空间的潜在语义结构信息。

48、We got a lot of acrobatic type of people, athletic. 我们有好多技巧型、运动型的人。

49、The result shows : It is the best producing hydrogen type at present that the ethanol type ferments, it has good development prospects that the microorganism make hydrogen technology. 结果表明: 乙醇型发酵是目前最好的产氢类型, 生物制氢技术具有良好的发展前景。

50、I love these heart-shaped balloons. 我好喜欢这些心型汽球喔!


51、You Will Look Better And Skinnier 你看上去气色更好,更有“型”

52、My father and mother are my parents. 2. 母亲的原型回是一个特别好的例子。

53、But the shaped-steel wallboard has higher capacity and better ductibility than steel-bar wallboard for such loading conditions. 型钢型墙板较钢筋型墙板有更好的承受水平荷载的能力。

54、It has good plant type, large panicle, good combining ability and strong disease resistance. 该恢复系株型好,穗大,配合力好,抗病性强;

55、There are many delicious "light" types of popcorn out there. 在那里有很多好吃的“轻型”类型的爆米花。

56、This kind of milk is delicious. 这种类型的牛奶好喝。

57、Conclusion: This animal model is a good model for study neural invasion of ACC. 结论:该动物模型可以作为研究ACC 神经侵袭的良好模型;

58、Environmental protection has promoted the lube oil production with environment friendship type. And environment friendship type lubricating oil requires the biodegradability mainly. 环境保护促进了环境友好型润滑油的生产,环境友好型润滑油主要要求生物降解性。

59、The conclusion is indicated, Structure effect degree of creativity climate model is fine, fairly good main component have reflected reality that the model refines. 结论表明,创造力氛围模型假设结构效度良好,模型提炼的主成分较好的反映了实际情况;

60、That's the other nice thing about the Bespin prototype. 这是Bespin原型的另一个很好的特点。

61、For a superb haircut, David's your man. 要想理个好发型,你最好是去找戴维。

62、Some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative. 有些爱好是休闲型的,其他是创意型的。

63、I'm ready for a new hair-do. 我准备好要换发型了。

64、Not particularly, I just want a nice compact or a mid-size car. 没有什麽特别的,我只要一部好的小型或中型的汽车。

65、他是一个典型的外冷内热的好人。He is a kind man hallmarked with cold aspect.

66、Some small cooperative enterprises share out very well. 有些小型的合作企业赚头极好。

67、Okay. So that's a classic example of a motive. 好,这是个动机的典型示例

68、Two types of community refers to "resource-saving and environment-friendly society." 两型社会指的是“资源节约型、环境友好型社会”。

69、He is a kind man hallmarked with cold aspect. 他是一个典型的外冷内热的好人。

70、The prognosis was best for the cribriform type and worst for the solid type. 筛状型预后最好,实体型预后最差。

71、The "amicable to environment and nutritious to crops" snow-melting agent is a kind of new environmental products. “环境友好、作物营养型”融雪剂是一种新型环保型融雪剂。

72、Good taste. It's quite fit your face. 好品味。这个很适合你脸型。

73、If your face is round, choose a hairstyle that frames your face. 如果你的脸形是圆的」力就选个刚好切合你脸型大小的发型。

74、Building model trains is his consuming passion. 制作模型火车是他废寝忘食的爱好。

75、Two models can explain the AGN well: Black-Hole Disk Model and Uniformed Model. 黑洞-吸积盘模型和统一模型为 两种可用来较好解释AGN的理论模型。


76、Results 4 cases of rotational and 2 cases of laterocollis recovered, 2 cases of Anterocollis were markedly improved. 结果4例扭转型和2例侧倾型患者痊愈,2例后仰型患者好转。

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