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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-26 03:14:42
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关于”含有隐喻的句子“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Metaphorical sentences。以下是关于含有隐喻的句子的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Metaphorical sentences

1、Such a theme is generally implicit between the lines in tea classics with highly concise, implied, metaphoric and symbolic language. 这一主题含而不露地隐蕴于茶著的字里行间,文本语言编码表现为简约化、含义化和隐喻化。

2、Second, some studies are concerned with metaphorical language, but they only treat them as a figure of speech and did their research within the framework of traditional metaphor theory. 二是一部分研究虽然涉及隐喻性语言,但仅把其看作一种修辞手段,囿于传统的隐喻理论框架对计算机隐喻进行研究。

3、The key to understanding metaphorical utterance is to find the optimum relevance between metaphorical utterance and its cognitive context. 理解隐喻性话语的关键就是在隐喻性话语与认知语境之间寻求最佳关联。

4、Based on this viewpoint, it argues that there is no clear-cut distinction between metaphor and metonymy regarding "activation". 基于这样的观点,文章认为从激活的角度看,隐喻、转喻没有明确的界限。

5、English and Chinese euphemism; metaphor; metonymy; similarities and differences; cognitive motivation; 英汉委婉语; 隐喻; 转喻; 异同; 认知理据;

6、The spiritual pilgrimage is described in terms of adapted JOURNEY metaphor, and metonymies and metaphors are combined to conceptualize abstractions as locations and characters. 精神朝圣是通过调整后的旅程隐喻来描述的,抽象概念通过隐喻和转喻被具体化为地点和人物。

7、The Reception theory offers a sound explanation to subtitling translation, especially the metaphors with profound cultural meaning. 读者接受理论对字幕翻译尤其是富含文化意蕴的隐喻翻译具有很好的解释力。

8、Conflict is a face-threatening process, for it involves the unfolding contact of self and face. 面子其实是自我形象相对于公众的一种隐喻。

9、Turner spoke of it in metaphorical terms. 特纳用隐喻的词汇谈到它。

10、Scientific metaphors are verifiable. 科学隐喻应是可检验的。

11、The rapid development of Systematic Functional Grammar has shedded new light on the study of metaphor. The theory of grammatical metaphor has enriched traditional metaphor theory. 系统功能语法的迅速发展为隐喻的研究提供了新的视角,尤其是语法隐喻理论的提出丰富了传统的隐喻理论。

12、Metaphor and metonymy are both cognitive models with their similarities and differences. 转喻与隐喻都是思维认知模式。

13、The cognitive mechanisms hidden behind the meaning extension, namely, the metaphorical and metonymic thinking, are intend to explore. 试图对隐藏于词义扩展背后的认知机制——隐喻和转喻思维进行探究。

14、This thesis adopts Shu Dingfang's classification (2000) and attempts to put the ostensive -inferential mode to the practical application by interpreting different types of metaphors. 本文采用束定芳(2000)的隐喻分类,通过分别举例,尝试以关联理论的推理模式来对隐喻含义进行推理。

15、LI Shang-yin's poems are teemed with metaphors, which are either from nature and daily life or from myth and Buddhism stories. 李商隐诗中充满着隐喻。这些隐喻或取材于自然景象和日常生活,或源于神话传说、佛道故事。

16、Thirdly, it is a double layer metaphor of relationship, containing both explicit simile and implicit metaphor. 《关雎》是一个双层关系比喻,既有“表层明喻”,又有“深层隐喻”。

17、Prepositions develop their polysemy on the basis of their spatial concepts by metaphorical mapping, which produces abundant colorful metaphorical meanings of the prepositions. 介词在其空间概念的基础上通过隐喻性映射发展了介词的多义性,从而产生了大量丰富多彩的隐喻含义。

18、Besides, metaphor is closely related to people's experiences. The experience behind each metaphor is specific to a culture, so metaphor reflects cultural accumulations of specific speech communities. 隐喻同人类经验紧密相关,每个隐喻背后的经验都具有文化特殊性,因此隐喻反映了特定语言群体的文化积累。

19、The metaphor nature of Zhuangzi's philosophical speech has led to the feature that text of Zhuangzi mixes poetry and thought. 庄子哲学言說的隐喻性质,决定了《庄子》文本具有浓厚的诗思融合之特质。

20、One way of doing this is touse a metaphor elicitation technique. 有一种方法是使用隐喻提取技术。

21、It's a fact that metonymy has been studied by many linguists in recent years, who claim that metonymy and metaphor are both main important ways of human thinking. 近年来,转喻的研究受到了学者们的重视,现在许多语言学家认为转喻和隐喻都是人类认知的重要方式。转喻在一定程度上甚至比隐喻还更能影响我们的思维和行动。

22、One of the appeals of this movie to me was that there was no metaphor. 他说,对我来说,这部片子的一个吸引力在于没有隐喻。

23、The way that metaphorical iconicity is different from imagic iconicity and diagrammatic iconicity lies in that the former is based on metaphor. 隐喻象似要假隐喻而达到符号与对象的象似,这一点正是它与映像象似、图解象似有所区别的地方。

24、The metaphor extends to all of chemistry. 这个隐喻扩展到化学的所有领域。

25、The functions such as economy, formality, precision, objectivity, authority and cohesion realized by nominalizing metaphor in a discourse are studied. 作为语法隐喻的重要手段,名词化隐喻在各类语篇中大量出现。


26、From a metaphorical view, teaching and learning will be more effective, and this is also important to metaphor theories, which has new application values. 把隐喻理论应用到二语习得中去也是隐喻理论发展的需要,它可以极大地丰富隐喻理论,从而具有更广的应用价值。

27、What is the meaning of this metaphor? 这个隐喻的含义是什么?

28、Secondly, the formation mechanism for English euphemism is metonymy rather than metaphor. 第二,委婉语的构成机制是转喻而非隐喻。

29、The speech representation of teachers' personal knowledge can be referred as metaphors and jargons used in teachers' educational activities, which are of personal characteristic and originality. 教师个人知识的言语表征,富有个体特性的原始言语方式就是隐喻与行话,教师在教育活动中的隐喻表述就是各种类型的教育隐喻。

30、Cognitive linguistics hold that metaphor is not only a figurative speech, but also a conceptual metaphor. 认知语言学认为,隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手段,而且还是一种概念隐喻。

31、Relevance theory is the theory about communicaions and it gives a clear explanation on the existence and essence of the implicature message. 关联理论是关于人类交际的理论,它对隐含的信息的存在和本质做出了解释,而隐喻恰恰是一种弱隐含。

32、Metaphor project on different levels of compound words. 隐喻在复合词中的投射有不同层面。

33、In the letter-writing example, the metaphors include letters, mail boxes, and envelopes. 在上面的那个写信的例子中,有信,邮箱,信封等隐喻。

34、The flow may be metaphoric, but it is a metaphor of uncommon depth. 流动可能隐喻,但它是一个比喻少见深入。

35、In addition to similes, Marx employs a lot of metaphors in Capital. 在资本论中不仅有大量明喻,而且还有许多隐喻。

36、There are four ways of metaphorical translation, which are literal translation, metonymy translation, simile translation and free translation. 隐喻的翻译方法大致有四种:直译法、换喻法、明喻法和意译法。

37、Chapter two is mainly about the nature of metaphor and metonymy. 第三章主要是关于隐喻和转喻的语用说明。

38、The cognitive mechanisms such as metaphor, metonymy and conventional knowledge motivate the meanings of English idioms. 包含隐喻、转喻与约定性知识在内的认知机制给我们理解英语习语的意义提供了理据。

39、In the traditional theory, metaphor is treated only as a figure of speech and as the deviation of literal language. I传统隐喻理论把隐喻看作是一种修辞格,一种语言常规的违反和偏离。

40、When primitive mind is disintegrated , "the sacred tool" loses its "utility", and primitive metaphor becomes poetic metaphor of pure mind. 当原始思维解体,“神圣的工具”脱落了“有用性”,原始隐喻也就蝉蜕羽化为纯精神性的诗性隐喻。

41、Cognitive metaphor replenishes cultural contents, hands down cultural information and enriches cultural implication. 隐喻认知充实了文化内容,传承了文化信息,丰富了文化蕴含。

42、The metaphor understanding process involves three sub-processes: recognition of metaphor, construction of contextual assumptions and recovery of implicatures. 隐喻的理解可分为三个过程:隐喻的识别;语境假设的构建;隐含的获得。

43、Now that the social culture differs in nations, metaphors in English and Chinese accordingly bear similarities and differences. 由于不同民族之间的社会文化不尽相同,英汉两种语言隐喻的喻体有同有异。

44、Optimal relevance is achieved by recovering an array of implicatures conveyed by metaphor. 因此广告受众获得由广告隐喻传达的一系列弱隐含也就获得了最佳关联。

45、Poem is a unique linguistic form with metaphor, so it is called "metaphorical language". 诗歌是一种独特的语言形式,充满了隐喻,因而它被称为“隐喻性语言”。

46、The appeal and demand of science to metaphor, fundamentally speaking, originate from the inevitable ties between scientific thinking and metaphorical one. 科学对隐喻的吁求,从根本而言,源于科学思维与隐喻思维的必然联系。

47、What is Socrates trying to do here, and what is that metaphor, ? that central metaphor, ? what function does it serve within the work? 苏格拉底倒底想干吗,那个隐喻,那个核心隐喻是啥,它在本书中有啥功用?

48、Gayle: Remember, dreams are metaphors. 盖尔:记住,梦是隐喻。

49、Apart from the certain meanings of towers, Gaudi pushed the commemoration of the Cathedral to the peak by metaphor and adornment. 不仅是塔尖的数目具有一定的含义。高迪通过隐喻和装饰把教堂的纪念性推到顶峰。

50、Evidence of the continuum of metonymy and metaphor was also revealed in some cases. 隐转喻之间的连续体关系在这一转喻中也有所体现。


51、Of course, signifying condensation, with its metaphorical effect, can be observed quite openly in any poetic metaphor. 当然,意符的凝缩,具有隐喻的效应,这在任何一首诗的隐喻,明显可观察得出来。

52、The overlapping or interaction of metaphor and metonymy sometimes exists in semantic extension. 隐喻和转喻在词义延伸中有时会交叉或相互作用。

53、The persuasiveness of metaphor ads varies with advertiser credibility; 隐喻的说服力因广告主可信度而有所差异;

54、The current study examines two important principles in the theory, i. e. , the Invariance Principle and the Entailment Hierarchies. 本研究考察了认知隐喻理论的两个重要原则:恒定原则和蕴含等级。

55、The beginning of this new theory of metaphor is marked by the publication of Lakoff and Johnson's seminal book Metaphors We Live By in 1980. 莱考夫和约翰逊的具有开创性意义的著作《我们赖以生存的隐喻》(1980)标志着认知隐喻理论的开端。

56、As metaphor is a concentrated reflection of culture, it is of great significance to discuss its cultural connotations and translation. 隐喻性语言是民族文化的集中反映,因此,探讨隐喻的文化内涵及其翻译具有重要意义。

57、The author believes that past studies aiming at explaining the working mechanisms of metaphor, such as the "Comparison Theory", "Interaction Theory" and "Mapping Theory", etc. 隐喻史上的“替换论”、“对比论” ,以及现代隐喻理论中的“互动论”、“映射论”、“合成空间理论”等都是旨在解释隐喻工作机制的理论。

58、Allusion is a historical metaphor, of which the original scene or scenario is abstracted into a phrase or a few words and the mapping relationship with what is described is in a connotative position. 典故是一种历史化隐喻,其原义的具体情节常被抽象化,并且与所描述的现时事件发生喻义上的冲突或错置,映现关系也处于隐含状态。

59、With her, the relationship between art and reality is no longer about reflection and the reflected or vehicle and tenor, but about proximity and metonymy . 在她这里,艺术与现实的关系不再是那种反映与被反映、隐喻与被隐喻的关系,而是一种相邻的、转喻的关系。

60、Body words are changed into measure words by means of metaphor. 人体词的量词化是在隐喻或转喻的机制下完成的。

61、So, people often express their feelings or emotions with metaphors. 英、汉两种语言中都有大量表达情感的隐喻。

62、Moreover, metaphorical and metonymic sense extensions have their respective mapping models. 此外,隐喻和转喻意义扩展还各有其映射模式。

63、The metaphorical meaning of color domain is created by imagry and association during the process of metaphorization. 颜色域隐喻义通过想象和联想产生于隐喻化过程中。

64、But some researchers maintain that conceptual mapping is not necessary during understanding conventional metaphors, except those non-conventional ones. 但有研究者指出,除了一些新颖的隐喻,惯用隐喻的理解并不需要概念匹配。

65、The right metaphor can be a powerful communicationdevice. On the other hand, the wrong metaphor canresult in considerable confusion. 正确的隐喻可是一枚强大的沟通利器。从反面来看,错误的隐喻会导致混淆不堪。

66、This thesis reviewed the study history of text cohesion and coherence, summarize the study that previous and present authors made on text construction from metaphoric and metonymic approach. 在此基础上,本文从认知隐喻、认知转喻和隐转喻三个方面论述了语篇衔接与连贯的建构机制。

67、Something about this detail suddenly throbbed with metaphor, I'm afraid. 我想有关这件事的详情一下子就充满了隐喻性。

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