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形容人的英语句子 18个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-07 21:09:42
  • 161

形容人的英语句子 18个

1. She is a kind-hearted person who always tries to help others. (她是一个善良的人,总是尽力帮助别人。)

2. He is a hardworking individual who never gives up easily. (他是一个努力工作的人,从不轻易放弃。)

3. She has a bubbly personality and is never afraid to speak her mind. (她性格开朗,从不害怕说出自己的想法。)

4. He is a creative genius who always comes up with innovative ideas. (他是一位创造天才,总是想出创新的想法。)

5. She is a confident woman who is not afraid to take risks. (她是一位自信的女性,不害怕冒险。)

6. He is a humble person who never boasts about his achievements. (他是一个谦虚的人,从不吹嘘自己的成就。)

7. She is a patient teacher who always takes the time to help her students. (她是一位耐心的教师,总是花时间帮助学生。)

8. He is a charming man with a great sense of humor. (他是一位有魅力的男人,幽默感很强。)

9. She is a determined athlete who never gives up on her dreams. (她是一位坚定的运动员,从不放弃自己的梦想。)

10. He is a reliable friend who is always there when you need him. (他是一位可靠的朋友,在你需要他的时候总是在身边。)

11. She is an intelligent leader who always makes informed decisions. (她是一个聪明的领导者,总是做出明智的决策。)

12. He is a generous person who is always willing to lend a helping hand. (他是一位慷慨的人,总是愿意伸出援手。)

13. She is a sophisticated lady who always looks elegant. (她是一位精致的女士,总是看起来很优雅。)

14. He is an adventurous traveler who loves exploring new places. (他是一个冒险的旅行者,喜欢探索新的地方。)

15. She is a talented artist who creates beautiful works of art. (她是一位有才华的艺术家,创造出美丽的艺术作品。)

16. He is a calm and collected person who doesn't get easily fered. (他是一个冷静的人,不容易慌乱。)

17. She is a resourceful problem solver who always finds a way to overcome challenges. (她是一位足智多谋的问题解决者,总是找到克服挑战的方法。)

18. He is a passionate musician who pours his heart and soul into his music. (他是一位热情的音乐家,用心和灵魂投入到他的音乐中。)

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