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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-07 14:14:10
  • 132


关于”给出建议的句型“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Give a suggested sentence pattern。以下是关于给出建议的句型的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Give a suggested sentence pattern

1、He watched how I skied and offered advice. 他观察我如何滑雪,然后给出建议。

2、But her advice to others is to pride yourself on saying no. 不过她给大家提出的建议是,为自己的坦然骄傲。

3、For example, FIPS makes recommendations on password policies. 例如,FIPS 在密码策略上给出了建议。

4、This article elaborates on the different encryption types supported by IBM NAS and IBM NFS V4, and the importance of these encryption types and recommendation on their usage. 本文详细描述了 IBM NAS 和 IBM NFS V4 支持的不同加密类型,强调了这些加密类型的重要性,给出了使用建议。

5、Relevant suggestions on reducing radio interference caused by converter station are given. 文章还给出了减少换流站无线电干扰的相关建议。

6、Please advise. 请给点建议。

7、She gave me some good advice/ a piece of advice about jobs. 关于工作问题她给了我一些好建议/一条建议。

8、To address this problem, I would like to lodger several suggestions. 为了解决这一问题,我想给出如下的建议。

9、I give advice that comes from the heart. 我从心底里给出自己的建议。

10、They offered us erse suggestions at the meeting. 他们在会上给我们提出了各种各样的建议。

11、What kind of advices could you give to people who are just starting up their business? 你能给刚开始创业的人提出什么建议吗?

12、Zhang's mother, Chen Chen, said she could see the point of the teacher's advice but suggested a different approach. 张晓的母亲陈晨(音译)说,她理解老师的用意,但建议老师换一种方式给出建议。

13、Evaluate and advise on alternative corporate re-organisation strategies. 在企业重组战略上进行评估和给出建议。

14、Finally the process of establishing a label switch path(LSP)using RSVP is provided. 最后,给出了利用RSVP协议建立标记交换路径(LSP)的步骤。

15、The measures of replenishment of Hefei city cultivated land can be popularized and control method the conversion of cultivated land into non-agricultural is put forward. 指出该模型适用的广泛性,合肥市耕地补给措施可推广,然后对控制耕地非农化的约束机制提出建议。

16、I highly recommend that you try out the examples in this tutorial. 强烈建议您试验本教程中给出的例子。

17、Sten to your problems and offer you advice. 朋友倾听你的烦恼,并给你提出建议。

18、I would suggest that you specifically sell your soul to the demon king Mammon. 我会特别建议你将你的灵魂出卖给恶魔之王财神。

19、Respirators are not recommended for children or people who have facial hair. 呼吸器不建议给儿童使用,面部有毛发的人也不建议使用。

20、A few months later, Airbus sent a recommendation to replace the monitors. 几个月后,空中巴士给出了替换监视器的建议。

21、No advice is given in a vacuum. 没有建议是在真空里给出的。

22、Mr. Burson is the only dealer (that) we know who gives good advice. Burson先生是我们所知能给出最好建议的人。

23、And according to schoolmates own situation, will give correspondingly selects the school suggestion. 并将根据同学们自身的情况,给出相应的择校建议。

24、Give me some advice. 给我一些建议。

25、They can bark and they can giv advise! ! 他们可以狺狺狂吠,他们可以给出建议!!


26、Here, suggestions to maximize the meeting. ,我给您提出一些使家长会充分发挥作用的建议。

27、Then, some suggestions are given for environment governance in China. 最后,针对我国的环境治理给出一些启示性建议。

28、As well as, some suggested values of mechanical parameters and details of the landslide remediation program recommendations of YaDu landslide are given. 给出了雅都滑坡的一些物理力学参数建议值及该滑坡的详细整治方案建议。

29、——Thomas Fuller A friend without faults will be found.没有十全十美的朋友。

30、So here are a few ideas to help you snack more healthfully. 因此本文给出了一些建议,帮你从零食中吃出健康的。

31、Some suggestions for China to partite in TOAs are also given. 同时,为中国如何参与国际技术协议给出了建议。

32、The water supply and drainage equipment on the 24 type, 25A type passenger cars in our country and several high speed passenger cars abroad are described in detail. 详细介绍了我国24型、25A型客车及国外几种高速客车的给排水装置,提出了我国高速试验列车给排水装置的选择建议。

33、He gave good practical advice when (he was) asked. 他有求必应,给出了好的可行性建议。

34、Maybe it would even make polite suggestions for you in a British accent. 也许它甚至用英国口音给你提出了有礼貌的建议。

35、Put forward the necessity of developing the green maintenance in vehicle maintenance industry, and preliminary recommendations are given. 提出了发展绿色汽车维修业的必要性,并初步给出相关建议。

36、It presents development of single mode fiber technology used for tele-com and ITU-T recommendations, gives suggestion on type selection in cons truc-tion of MAN and trunk transmission network. 介绍了近期各相关厂商通信用单模光纤技术和ITU-T建议的发展情况,给出了在城域网和长途干线网络中应用选型的建议。

37、Who is able to give him advice? 谁能给他建议呢?

38、can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗?

39、Last, the author presents his own legislative proposal by the above review. 最后,笔者通过对三个专家建议稿的比较分析,给出了笔者的立法建议。

40、Suggestions on ore matching by complementing sinter and pelletizing is advanced. 在此研究基础上给出了烧结与球团互补性配矿建议。

41、You: And which would you advise? 你:那你想给我的建议是?

42、Can I give you some insights? 我能给你一些建议吗?

43、The improvement in the slippery rise template construction technique is put forward. 对滑升模板技术的改进给出了具体建议。

44、My mother’s bank manager gave her appalling advice, " said one well-connected woman. 我母亲的银行经理给出的建议骇人听闻。

45、She pleads for some advice. 她恳请我给她一些建议。

46、Can give some information on metering pump pump head selection recommendations? 能否给出一些关于计量泵泵头选择方面的建议?

47、I haven’t even gotten halfway through the list of ideas yet! 结果读者们给出的建议我连一半都没有用完。

48、Some comments on the symposium and suggestions on the China's VTS are also presented. 给出了作者参会的简评与我国VTS工作的建议。

49、Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗?

50、Read the letter to Aunt Chen's advice column and then write some advice. 读这封写给陈阿姨的建议信,然后写些建议。


51、When you give people advice, you often make comparisons. 当你给别人提出建议时,你经常要进行比较。

52、Marilyn Monroe dished up lighthearted advice in the 1953 comedy,”How to Marry a Millionaire. 玛丽莲·梦露在1953年的喜剧片《如何嫁给百万富翁》中给出了轻松幽默的建议。

53、He made us various proposals orally , but I suggested that he put everything down in black and white. 他口头上给我们提出了种种建议,而我建议他把所说的一切都写成书面材料。

54、Andy always listened, he'd asked the questions and then he given advise. 安迪总是倾听、问些问题,然后给出建议。

55、This is probably the best advice I can give. 这可能是我能给出的最有用的建议了。

56、The best advice Brady said is to devise a plan B. 布拉迪给出的最好建议就是准备一套备选方案。

57、Other sections deal with the new type of summary and with composition writing, though each of the proposed types of composition is presented separately as part of a chapter. 其他部分涉及新型的总结和写作,只不过每一种建议的写作类型是作为每章的一个部分单独给出的。

58、Can anyone give me some advice? 谁能给我点建议么?

59、Marilyn Monroe dished up lighthearted advice in the 1953 comedy, ”How to Marry a Millionaire. 玛丽莲·梦露在1953年的喜剧片《如何嫁给百万富翁》中给出了轻松幽默的建议。

60、Can you advise on the best child-friendly blinds? 你能给儿童使用的窗帘给出最佳建议吗?

61、In the fall, I ask our writers, editors and correspondents to send in suggestions. 在秋季,我请我们的作家、编辑和记者给出建议。

62、Five tips for ultramarathon runners 给超长马拉松跑步者的建议

63、Mr Shankman, who racks up 200,000 miles a year, suggests a number of ploys . 每年旅行20万英里的尚可曼给出了大量建议。

64、Give some contact information on this page in case users have questions, or perhaps have useful improvements to suggest. 请在此页给出联系信息以防用户存在任何疑问或想要给出如何改进的建议。

65、The author suggests ways in which one can elicit fair and constructive feedback, and outlines key factors that companies typically apply in such selection decisions. 作者给出了可以探出公正而建设性的反馈意见的建议并概括出公司在这样的选择决策中典型地采用的重要因素。

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