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英语骂人的句子带翻译 15个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-21 19:52:50
  • 121

英语骂人的句子带翻译 15个

1. You are such a jerk. 你真是个。

2. You are an idiot. 你是个。

3. You are a loser. 你就是个失败者。

4. You are a waste of space. 你是浪费空间。

5. You are a moron. 你是个蠢货。

6. You are a disgrace to your family. 你是你家的耻辱。

7. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. 你就是个可怜的人类。

8. You are a complete and utter moron. 你是一个彻头彻尾的。

9. You are a waste of time. 你是浪费时间。

10. You are a total failure in life. 你在生活中彻底失败了。

11. You are a worthless piece of . 你是一坨垃圾。

12. You are nothing but a lowlife. 你什么都不是,只是个底层人员。

13. You are so stupid that you can’t even tie your own ss. 你太蠢了,连自己的鞋带都系不起来。

14. You are a disgrace to the human race. 你是人类的耻辱。

15. You are the reason why the gene pool needs a lifeguard. 你就是基因池需要救生员的原因。

16. You are a complete waste of skin. 你是皮肤的彻底浪费。

17. You are a sorry excuse for a friend. 你是一个对友谊来说不值一提的人。

18. You are an embarrassment to yourself and others. 你让自己和他人都感到尴尬。

19. You are a waste of oxygen. 你是浪费氧气。

20. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. 你就是个可怜的人。

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