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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-07 04:55:41
  • 156


关于”环境的句子“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Sentence environment。以下是关于环境的句子的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence environment

1、The types of context include juridical-administrative, provencial, procedural, documentary, and technological. 环境的种类包括:司法-行政环境、来源环境、程序环境、成文环境和技术环境。

2、The competitive market environment has evolved from a physical market environment (PME) to an Internet-enabled market environment (IME) encompassing the physical and electronic marketplaces . 竞争的市场环境已从自然的市场环境发展为含有自然和电子市场空间的因特网可激活的市场环境。

3、The environment quality of the GAP base complied with the requirement of the organic drug cultivation environment. 吉林博维五味子GAP种植区环境质量良好,符合绿色药材栽培的环境质量要求。

4、Does this emulated environment have this new statement in its local COBOL? 这一模拟环境在其本地 COBOL 中是否有此新语句?

5、Please describe the environment you come from - for example, your family, community, or school - and how this environment has affected or influenced your plans for the future. 请描述你的成长环境,如家庭环境,社会环境,或者学校环境,这些环境是怎样影响你的未来计划。

6、Rather than neatly fitting the building into its surroundings, the architects did everything possible to make it stand out. 与其让房子融入环境,建筑师尽其所能令建筑突出于环境。

7、This class of environment includes the Development Environment. 这一类型的环境包括开发环境。

8、You do this by calculating the environmental factor (EF) from the team's qualifications and other environmental influences. 通过从团队以及其他环境下的影响中,计算环境因子(EF)。

9、Can a child be conceived in zero-G? 零重力环境下能怀上孩子吗?

10、Indira Gandhi said this in Stockholm, 1972 at the first Environmental Conference. 英迪拉甘地在1972年斯德哥尔摩第一届环境会议上说的这句话。

11、The electronic nose may be used to environmental monitoring. 电子鼻可用于环境监视。

12、Relief for environmental damages is based on the environmental rights and the fact of environmental damages. 环境损害救济的根据在于环境权和环境损害事实。

13、They learn and play together. It's a good penetrative environment for stud -ying . 为孩子 创设了环境渗透式的双语学习环境。

14、What is green in one scenario may not really be green in another. 在某个环境中的环保实践在另一个环境中未必仍是环保的。

15、The second chapter research on the main genes that affect roads in Changsha bases on present condition, which includes environment, location and culture genes. 第二章从长沙市既有条件出发,研究其影响长沙市道路景观环境的主要因子,包括环境因子、区位因子、文化因子;

16、The theoretical basis of the privatization of rights should be established on the basis of the definition of the natures of environment law and environment right. 环境法是社会法,环境权是社会权,环境权的私权化是环境权社会性的内在要求。

17、A child can easily adjust to changes in the environment. 孩子很沉易适应环境的窜改。

18、DB2 Optimization Expert provides an environment to identify and tune poor performing SQL statements. DB2 Optimization Expert 提供了用来识别和调优表现不佳的 SQL 语句的环境。

19、According to the environmental standard, the concept of environmental cost is put forth. 本文依据区划环境标准,提出了环境资源的成本化概念——环境成本。

20、Study on the effect of environment on pigmentation improvement. 研究了环境因子对大菱鲆色素的影响。

21、Thirdly the economic development environment of Handan is described, including the environment of nature, person with ability, financing resource, society and so on. 然后分析了邯郸市的经济发展环境,包括自然环境、人才环境、资金资源、社会环境等。

22、The most prominent example of a cloud communi­cations service is the networking provided for VMEs in an IaaS environment. 云通信服务最突出的例子是为IaaS环境中的虚拟机运行环境提供网络支持。

23、Make your home child-friendly. 将家里打造迎合孩子的环境。

24、The efficiency of teaching in claoom deeps on certain teaching environment, which mainly includes the physical environment, informational environment and psychological environment. 课堂教学的有效性依赖于一定的教学环境。这种环境主要包括教学物理环境、教学信息环境和教学心理环境。

25、Again it largely depends on your conditions, i. e. how fast they dry out. 还是那句话,取决于你的养殖环境,即盆土干透的速度。


26、According to the geological and geographic setting, the evolutionary environments of soil can be divided into syngenetic environment, supergene environment and endogenic environment. 按其所处的地质-地理环境,土体的生成大致可分为同生环境、表生环境和里生环境。

27、Hi - I have a 4-year-old who is very shy in new situations. 岁的儿子的儿子在新环境里总是很害羞。

28、The developing environments of information industry include hard environment and soft one. 信息工业的发展环境包括硬环境和软环境。

29、Then it re-thinks the nature of environment law from the main and the content of legal benefit of environment law. 并且从环境法法益主体和环境法法益内容的角度对环境法性质进行再思考——环境法是环境资源经营利用法。

30、Engaged in scientific research environment is the overall environment, can be divided into hard environment and soft environment. 科研环境是指从事科学研究的总体环境,可以划分为硬环境和软环境。

31、The work environment of automobile electronic device includes mainly the air physical environment, the machine physical environment and the electron magnetism physical environment. 汽车电子装置的工作环境主要是大气物理环境、机械物理环境和电磁物理环境。

32、The forms of environmental education are basic environmental education, university environmental education, on-the-job environmental education and popular environmental education. 环境教育的形式大致有基础环境教育、大学环境教育、在职环境教育和民间环境教育等几种。

33、The cultural ecology of Western Hunan includes closed natural environment, backward economy and loose social and humanistic surroundings. 湘西文化的生态环境,一是山重水复的封闭的自然环境,二是贫困的经济环境,三是宽松的人文社会环境。

34、Especially suitable for changing environment often need ss. 特别适用于需要经常脱换鞋子的环境。

35、safe and comfortable social environment and school environment安全舒适的社会环境和读书环境

36、Anti- oxidating gene helps skin resist environmental invasion. 抗氧化因子帮助肌肤抵御环境侵害;

37、The dynamic sediment environment is divided into different areas that consist of estuarine deep trough, flood current, Jiaobeisha shoal, estuarine sandbar and seas outside estuary. 沉积环境可划分为河口主槽沉积环境、涨潮流沉积环境、浅滩沉积环境、拦门沙坝沉积环境及河口前缘沉积环境。

38、With our standard of living has been increasing in the surrounding environment has undergone a drastic change. 与《近年来我们的生活水平和环境都有了很大的提高。改病句。

39、Are we truly, to quote environmentalist Bill McKibben, facing the "end of nature"? 引用环境学家Bill McKibben的一句话,我们真的要面临“大自然的终结”吗?

40、Environmental factors on crop breeding and seed production. 环境因子与育种、采种之关系。

41、Give your child a quiet place to study and do homework. 给孩子一个安静的环境做作业。

42、The environment of Yuzu Japanese Restaurant. 柚子日本餐厅的环境。

43、M-Learning brings great changes to physical, sciential and psychological environment. 从物理环境、知识环境、心理环境三个角度进行深入剖析。

44、When negative seeds manifest, the conditions we face will be unfavorable. 恶的现前时,所面对的环境都是不好的环境;

45、It is already known that negative ions in the environ-mental atmosphere will do benifit to mankin. fi. 环境物理是一门新兴学科,环境中空气的离子与健康的关系,也早就引起人们的注意。

46、Investment environment is an integrated concept that includes hard-environment and soft-environment, local and country's environment. 投资环境是一个综合的概念,包含硬环境和软环境、局部地区的环境和国民经济总体环境。

47、Not only did Human's production and life affect the organic environment of the Wild Chinese Alligator, but also affected the inorganic environment of the Wild Chinese Alligators. 人类的生产、生活不但影响了野生扬子鳄的生物环境,也影响和改变了野生扬子鳄的无机环境。

48、Vegetation cover is an important component of environmental factors, and is also the best indication to reflect the regional ecological environment. 植被是环境的重要组成因子,也是反映区域生态环境的最好标志之一。

49、The third is that environmental right is product right that includes environmental closing right and environmental using right. 三曰环境权是一种物权,包括环境相邻权和环境使用权; 四曰环境权是一种产权;

50、SP1.2 Establish and maintain the environment needed to support validation. 建立和维护支持确认的环境,如试用环境、验收环境的准备等。


51、C difficile is a spore-forming bacterium that is found widely in the environment and is known to survive for months in hospitals and long-term care facilities. 型难治性腹泻是由广泛存在于环境中的孢子形成细菌引起的,已知可以在医院环境中与长期监护环境中生存数月。

52、The moral education environment of institutions of higher learning is the tri-dimensional one consisting of humanistic kinship and institutional environments. 高校德育环境是由人文德育环境、亲情德育环境、制度德育环境所组成的三维结构。

53、Environment : Toy stick, feeding seat, laundry basket, towels. 环境:玩具棒,喂饭的椅子,洗衣篮,毛巾。

54、The kids don't need a full desktop environment, and it can cause more confusion than it can help. 孩子们并不需要一个完整的桌面环境,这样的环境所造成的困扰远大于其所带来的帮助。

55、There have been 3 historical stages in the relationship, namely, the submission to the environment, the of the environment, and coexistence. 人与环境的关系经历了三个历史阶段,即人依从于环境、人支配环境和人与环境共处。

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