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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-19 14:37:20
  • 128


关于”分享的句子“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Shared sentences。以下是关于分享的句子的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Shared sentences

1、Pauling that the electrons are not shared equally, and this was important because there were problems in computing the bond energies of heteronuclear molecules. 后来来我这告诉我们,Pauling,came,along,later,and,told,us,这些电子不能均享,这并不重要,因为问题是计算,相同电子的分子共享能。

2、In this post, I share those answers and invite you to share how you would have responded to my question. 在这个帖子里,我与你分享别人的答案,也邀请你分享你对这个问题的看法。

3、I became a child who hated sharing. 我成了一个讨厌分享的孩子。

4、The friend, thanks! The study please pass on mutually yours work shares. 朋友,谢谢!互相学习请把您的作品传上来分享分享。

5、The self-efficacy is the key factor to the knowledge sharing behavior. 认为知识分享的自我效能是知识分享行为的关键因素。

6、Plz share with us. 跟大家分享分享吧。

7、Sharing time this weekend included dinosaurs, tennis, an electronic dictionary, a radio-controlled airplane, and a recipe for slime! 本周的共享时光,我们分享了恐龙,网球,电子辞典,遥控飞机,粘菌处方!

8、My daughter is 2 and she's like this… she's fine at other people's houses (she'll share) but at my house no maam, she does NOT want to share. 她是个特别喜欢和别人分享的孩子,她还问我,如果家里来客人了,是否也可以和客人分享我们这些玩具。

9、Share your tips or recommendations for good sunscreens in the comments section. 分享你的帖子或在评论部分推荐好的防晒霜。

10、This evening, I come to you with a message of leave-taking and farewell, and to share a few final thoughts with you, my countrymen. 今天晚上,我将和大家说几句道别的话,并与大家分享一些最后的想法。

11、Real exchange happens when the things that we value are shared – and shared with heart-felt admiration. 我们认为有价值的东西人家来分享,而且分享是心悦诚服的分享。

12、Introduce:" treasure Mom is enjoyed feed write down " it is first gear share kind of program by what the child finishs cate together with mom. 简介:《宝妈享食记》是一档由孩子和妈妈一起完成美食的分享类节目。

13、Invite operational people to your scrum or development meetings. Share ideas and information about product plans and new technologies. 邀请运维人员参与你的Scrum或者开发会议,与他们分享项目计划、分享新技术的点子和心得。

14、It constantly outdistances us. "Relish the moment" is a good motto. “享受现在”这句箴言颇有道理。

15、Have you ever shared the above experience with your children? 你曾和你的孩子们分享过上述的经历吗?

16、Friendship is a pot of tea, chewing slowly with taste. 十年后的相聚,是分享,分享各自耕耘的艰辛与快乐。

17、Share with parents and guardians their children’s questions about this issue. 同父母或监护人一起分享他们孩子对这一事题的提问。

18、You shouldn't waste that on people who don't deserve it. 你不应该把你的好浪费在不值得的人身上。

19、The kids growing up in shares will absolutly be generous. 分享中长大的孩子,将来必能慷慨大方。

20、Just accept the fact that love is rare and it probably won't happen to you,ever. 接受事实,爱情是稀有的,也许它永远不会发生在你身上。

21、Only makes you want me more. 你越是无法得到的东西就越是想要。

22、I'm waiting for the wind also waiting for you. 我在等风也在等你。

23、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 没有人值得62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333365643639你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

24、Being part of a family is a privilege. 作为家庭的一分子就应享有一种特权。

25、Users may also send email with attachment of blessings and voice to friends as gifts. 使用者更可以透过分享功能将贺句传送给心爱的亲朋戚友。


26、If this post helped you, please share the content with your tribe! 如果这个贴子对你有帮助,请在你的圈子里分享。

27、Share what the holiday spirit means to you -- with food. 分享节日精神意味着和你一起分享食物。

28、In her new book, Your Daughter's Bedroom, McFadden explores the great value in sharing these kinds of intimate secrets—even when it's awkward to do so. McFadden在其新书《女儿的闺房》中,探讨了与孩子分享这类隐私的重要性,尽管这种分享会让人尴尬。

29、Yuanging Id like you to share your thoughts on this very special day… 元庆,请你在这特殊的日子和大家分享你的想法。

30、It can be publicly verifiable. Each sub-secret can be used repeatly. 此秘密分享方式中每个分享者的子秘密可以重复使用;

31、The pharmacop can be considered as the largest common denominator shared by a set of active molecules. 药效基团可以被考虑作为一套分享的最大的公分母活跃分子。

32、I blessed a day I found you. 感谢上天让我遇到你。

33、I will not have this slave-girl's son sharing the inheritance with my son Isaac. 我不许这女奴的儿子分享我儿以撒的继承权。

34、So the charge of any electron is a universal, since it is a sharable property, even if it is not actually shared. 没有什么。所以,任何电子的电荷是公共的,因为这是一个可分享的属性,即使这实际上不可分享。

35、I also think it makes Aunts "Associate Research Assistants". 我想,小姨子也因此成了“研究员助理”。分享到。

36、Know the difference between sharing and oversharing. 懂得分享和过度分享的区别

37、Let me share some examples with you. 我愿与你们分享一些这方面的例子。

38、You have your bottle – you share it with others. 你有你的瓶子—你和其他人一起分享。

39、Children should not fight about who is to have a toy, but should share and. 孩子们不应该为了玩具争吵,而应该懂得分享。(分享,均摊)

40、Share the latest e-book standard development and ASTRI's e-Learning and e-Reading solutions by speakers. 讲者分享最新电子书标准的发展和电子学习技术方案。

41、Herry, You are always welcome here. You're a part of this place. 享利,这里永远欢迎你,你是这里的一分子。

42、Almost all share physical traits and mannerisms with their parents. 几乎所有孩子都分享他们的父母亲的身体特征和习性。

43、Share household responsibilities with your children and spouse. 与你的孩子们和配偶分享家庭责任。

44、If children live with sharing, they learn generosity. -----by Dorothy Law Nolte. 在分享中长大的孩子,慷慨大方。

45、LCD Jinpeng Electronic Information, quite full, with everyone sharing. 说明:金鹏电子的液晶资料,相当全,跟大家一起分享。

46、If you have two little ones, they could split one kid's meal. 如果你有两个孩子的话,可以让他们分享一份儿童餐。

47、Share Board - draw, sketch and discuss on a pad! 分享板- 画,素描,并讨论在一块垫子上!

48、Share everything you wanna share with Chun. 分享你想和吴尊分享的一切。

49、In Auchan family, we will work together to share knowledge, power, wealth with you! 在欧尚大家庭中,我们将一起与你分享知识、分享权力、分享财富!

50、Give them the opportunity to dance and enjoy themselves with music, on their own and as a group. 给孩子们一个享受音乐,享受舞蹈的机会,无论是个体还是分小组。


51、If you can wait for miracle, I'd rather wait, even a year, or the life! 你给我的一滴泪,我看见你心中所有的海洋 You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans 如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首. If we are children of the time, you can stay there, sit together, listen to those who never old stories side HaoShou slowly.

52、As the core of knowledge-bascd management, knowledge sharing fixes on the sharing and exchange of knowledge, which promotes knowledge innovation and improves core competence. 知识分享是企业知识管理的核心。知识分享的核心是知识的分享与交换。然而,知识分享推动了知识创新,最终将提高企业的核心能力。

53、Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful show! 衷心感谢楼主分享! 似乎有“枭”子的剧集素质相当不错。

54、Alkenes have one or more double bonds between carbon atoms, where two pairs of electrons are shared. 链烯有一个或多个共价键,即碳原子分享两对电子。

55、Do not spare your child every sadness or try to make things too easy. 不必分享你孩子的每一分难过或者试图让事情变得太容易。

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