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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-06 08:07:04
  • 115




1、What symptom does colonitis have? 结肠炎有哪些症状?

2、What mask mungbean flour recipe, what needs attention? 绿豆粉做面膜有哪些方子,需求留意什么?

3、Let's consider the ramifications, advantages and considerations of dividing the trusted zone into these different sub-zones. 让我们思考一下,将信任区域分割为这些不同的子区域,会衍生出哪些问题、哪些优点和哪些需要注意的地方。


5、But which of them could actually work? 不过究竟哪些点子才真的管用?

6、CONRAD: "Decoys"? What are those? 康拉德:诱饵有哪些?

7、Similarly,what research shows us is reality: what's out there,what's working and what's not working. 同样,研究显示的结果就是现实:,有哪些现象,哪些可行,哪些不可行。

8、One is the processing has already been done so the introns are already out, so you don't have to figure out what's exon and what's the intron, it's already done for you. 一是DNA已经过处理,内含子已经没有了,你不用分辨哪些是外显子哪些是内含子,这些都已经帮你做好了

9、DBI's do() method returns the number of rows affected by whatever SQL statements were executed. DBI 的 do() 方法返回的行数受具体执行哪些 SQL 语句的影响。

10、What are the hot working processes? 热加工工艺有哪些。

11、How do discern what of the old you should use and what of the new you should use. 如何分辨该取用哪些旧的,还有哪些新的。

12、Which drinks are spoilers and which are helpers on the path to weight loss? 在你的减肥之路上,哪些饮料是有益的? 又有哪些饮料是无益的呢?

13、They varied the conditions to determine those favoring the germination of seeds. 他们改变各种条件以确定哪些条件有助于发芽。

14、We are working on sorting out the houses for people, houses for animals, and houses for things. 我们企图把房子进行分类,找出哪些是人类的住房,哪些是动物的住所,哪些是物品的存放处。

15、So where are these mysterious particles? 那么这些谜一样的粒子在哪里呢?

16、What do your kids like? 您的孩子喜欢哪些作品?

17、Any other denominations in here say these things? 还有哪些教派会说这些东西?

18、What are problems students come across in Email key pal activity? 学生在英语电子邮件键友活动中遇到的困难有哪些。

19、But what about the cost? 但是有哪些代价呢?

20、What does hypnotic method have? 催眠的方法有哪些?

21、Does anybody know where it is from? Yes? 有谁知道这句出自哪里?你说说看?

22、Where there is wheat, there are also tares. 哪里有麦子,哪里就有稗子。

23、Some of the students were late for the meeting, but I can't remember . A. what B. when C. which D. whom 此题最佳答案为 C。句意为“有些学生开会迟到了,但 我不记得是哪些学生了”。

24、Which prewriting activities are more effective than the others? 哪些写前活动在哪些方面更有效。

25、It specifies what risks are covered, exclusions--some risks are not covered. 它必须约定被保险的风险有哪些,以及除外责任,即不被保险的风险有哪些


26、What options do I have for fabric? 有哪些料子可以选择?

27、I have no idea if these stories are even partially true. 我不知道这些故事哪怕有半句属实。

28、He had not been able to discover what houses Bosinney had built. 他还没有能打听出波辛尼造了哪些房子。

29、We were all very happy. That was a nice Spring Festival. (没有翻译,哪句不懂,欢迎追问)

30、I've put the letters in this green file. You see the old Rolls-Royce, over there on the right?I've just met that Mrs Smith-perkins, who wants to buy your car. 在这些句子里,即使是省去黑体字,我们可能仍然知道所指的是哪一个文件,哪一辆汽车,哪一位史密斯-珀金斯夫人。

31、Seditious words: wherever there is oppression, there is resistance! 煽动性的一句话:哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗!

32、Well, there was too much of a correlation, he felt, between which houses were occupied by white people and which houses had water, and the judge was not impressed either. 他感到,这两者之间的关联太紧密了。就哪些是白人拥有的房子,和哪些房子有自来水之间的关系,法官看到以后对此也很不满。

33、So where are the good donors? 哪些是好的电子提供体呢?

34、Which horses have six legs? 哪些马有六条腿?

35、Tracing live objects requires a series of GC quanta to determine which objects should be kept alive and which should be reclaimed. 跟踪活动的对象需要一些 GC 量子来确定应该保持哪些对象为活动的,哪些对象应该回收。

36、Where are the donkeys, Saul? 那些驴子在哪?

37、Which children? 哪些孩子?

38、Which type or types of entities is a certain sub-state machine suitable for? 某个子状态机适合哪种或哪些类型的实体?

39、What colors do these knee come in? 这些半筒袜有哪些颜色?

40、Then it refused to reveal who did or did not have extra passports. 紧接着,它又拒绝透露哪些官员有而哪些官员没有他国护照。

41、The women aren't told which is which. 这些妇女没有被告知哪个是哪个。

42、What materials do you need to build a house. 盖一栋房子需要哪些材料呢?

43、How do we judge which barriers are useful and which are outmoded? 我们又如何判断哪些是有用的哪些又是无益的呢?

44、What punishment will people receive if they refuse to apply for a temporary residence permit? 例句拒不办暂住证将受到哪些处罚?

45、And it follows from this, Hobbes believes, that the sovereign has the right to decide what opinions, what books, what ideas are conducive to peace and which ones aim simply to stir up war and discontent? 正如前文所说,霍布斯坚信,君主有权决定哪些言论,哪些书籍和哪些主张,是有益于社会和平,哪些是可能挑起冲突和战争的?

46、It lists of all the subunits that are referenced by the model that you are importing, as well as which subunits are resolved and which are not. 它列出了您正导入的模型所引用的所有子单元,以及哪些子单元已辨别,而哪些没有。

47、Have which Hu surnamed what achievements have people made by the we? 我们身边有哪些胡姓人取得了哪些成就?

48、Which of these cakes would you like? 这些饼子中你想吃哪些?

49、Where has the bottle been all these years. 这个瓶子这些年来都在哪里呢。

50、In the last place, the impact of force of Imperative Sentence on our language communication is explored from the outside factors. 最后,从语言外的因素出发,考察祈使句的语力对我们言语交际有哪些帮助。


51、Access controls to all your content, determine what's public, what's private, what's viewable by friends, family, co-workers or members of another group. 控制所有内容,可以选择哪些公开,哪些保密,好友、家人和同事分别可以看到哪些内容

52、Well, there was too much of a correlation, he felt, between which houses were occupied by white people and which houses had water, and the judge was not impressed either. 他感到,这两者之间的关联太紧密了。就哪些是白人拥有的房子,和哪些房子有自来水之间的关系,法官看到以后对此也很不满。

53、Which Hadrons From Electron Pairs Collision and Proton Pairs Collision Be Create ? 电子对碰撞,质子对碰撞产生哪些强子?

54、Let us take a look at the personality traits of the Leo Zodiac sign in detail. 让我们详细的看看狮子座有哪些个性特点。

55、Cobertura monitors tests by instrumenting the bytecode with extra statements to log which lines are and are not being reached as the test suite executes. Cobertura 通过用额外的语句记录在执行测试包时,哪些行被测试到、哪些行没有被测试到,通过这种方式来度量字节码,以便对测试进行监视。

56、See if you can fit any of these lids to this set of containers. 看看这些盖子中哪些配得上这套容器。

57、He wanted to know which features worked and which did not. 他想知道哪些功能有效,哪些功能没效。

58、What have you got in brown? 你们有哪些褐色的鞋子呢?

59、What poultry dishes do you serve? 家禽类的菜有哪些?

60、We were all very happy. That was a nice Spring Festival. (没有全文翻译,哪句不懂,欢迎追问)

61、Wherever did you get all these? 他赞叹道,“你从哪里找来的这些石子呢?”

62、What are your threats? 您的威胁有哪些?

63、How about more vectors? 其它还有哪些矢量

64、So something has happened there that wasn't what I expected. Who wants to tell me what that bug is? Yeah? 我已经知道哪一句声明出问题了,一些和我预期不同的事情发生了,有人能告诉我bug在哪儿么?

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