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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-28 09:41:56
  • 88


关于”简单优美的诗歌“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Simple and beautiful poetry。以下是关于简单优美的诗歌的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Simple and beautiful poetry

1、make chocolate chip cookies (easy and delicious!) 做巧克力曲奇饼(既简单又美味)

2、While you might read a lot of posts about the minimalist aesthetic, as well as on owning less stuff, what isn’t talked about enough is minimalist eating. 可能你已经读过很多关于“简单既是美”的报道,像极简主义美学啦,减少个人拥有物品啦之类,而关于“简单饮食”这一点谈论的还不够多。

3、An altazimuth mount at least has the virtue of simplicity. 地平式支架有简单的优点。

4、Stay - a beautiful love Korean music worth hearing a hundred times! 停留——优美弦乐韩式情歌百听不厌!

5、Advantages: expansion amount big, easy for installation, maintenance is convenient. 优点:伸缩量大、安装简单方便、维护方便。

6、The translation of poems needs preciseness in sense, beauty in sound, and accuracy in form to show the unique form and connotation of the original. 诗歌翻译需要“意美”、“音美”和“形美”,体现原作独特的形式和内涵。

7、The picturesque, tea-colored Tahquamenon is the setting for Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's epic poem The Song of Hiawatha. 这片茶色调的塔库梅隆优美景色正是亨利·瓦兹沃斯·朗费罗的史诗-《海华沙之歌》的创作背景。

8、Blue birds sing beautifully when the south wind blows gently. 当南风轻轻地吹拂,蓝鸟优美地唱歌。

9、She sang, a capella, a beautiful pure song, and then led me to the door. 她唱着歌,清唱,一首优美纯净的歌曲,然后让我出去。

10、Peters often interprets solid facts in imaginative flights of fancy, tethered to science mainly by the endnotes, which briefly explain the geology behind the poetry. 彼得斯解释坚实的事实往往在富有想象力的花式飞行,拴系主要由尾注科学,简单解释背后的诗歌地质。

11、A familiar European folk song with beautiful melody. 一首耳熟能详的欧洲民歌,旋律优美动听。

12、还有后街男孩和西城男孩的一些歌都有比较简单的,例如my love,as long as you love me等

13、Don't wear too much makeup, less is more. 别化太浓的妆,简单就是美。

14、Some of the advantages of lens stereoscopes are compactness, simplicity and ready portability . 透镜式立体镜的一些优点是坚固、 简单、轻便。

15、The Short Song often employs repetition in its lyrics. 歌词简单,但不呆板,其特点是在音韵上广泛运用叠字。

16、Because of its easy-learned motions and varied forms, bamboo pole dance, originated from folk dances, becomes many students tavirate. 竹竿舞起源于民间舞蹈,动作简单易学,形式多样,配上优美的民族音乐,深得很多高校学生的喜爱。

17、One of the advantages of XLIFF is its relative simplicity. XLIFF 的一个优点是相对比较简单。

18、Simple song, may the tune stirring and mixing be led by our fair amount of confidence Cheng , have lost flavour , have stayed bitter and astringent hover in heart. 简简单单的一首歌,会被我们谱成牵牵拌拌的调调,失去了滋味,留下苦涩在心中萦绕。

19、These are the most melodic songs that we could find. It's a beautifully romantic representation. 这些是我们所能找到的最优美的歌曲,它们是如此的美妙和浪漫。

20、Singing is an art of expressing human feelings and thoughts with tuneful songs. 歌唱是用优美动人的歌声表达人们思想感情的艺术。

21、"Silly" songs that contain easy to remember lyrics are ofteneasy for students to process and understand. 包含易于记忆的歌词的简单歌曲对于学生处理和理解常常很容易。

22、Blue birds sing beautifully, and the south wind blows gently. 蓝鸟优美地唱歌,南风也轻轻地吹拂。

23、This good wine has rich body, gentlest aroma; smooth tannin, after taste is long finish. The quality remarkable Pavillon Rouge Du Château Margaux is Château Margaux graceful style continuing. 此款美酒酒体充裕饱满,香气优雅,单宁柔顺,余味绵长。品质卓越的玛歌胭脂亭古堡是玛歌古堡优雅风格的延续。

24、Simple, classic and elegant and a nice touch that is "simply Palm". 简单、经典、优雅加上良好的触感就是"simply Palm"的体现。

25、Poetry for A Long-depth study of specific aesthetic that the very small. 对于阿垅的诗歌美学专门深入的研究谓之寥寥。


26、The Florida Grand Opera Fan App is the easiest way to follow the Florida Grand Opera. 佛罗里达大歌剧院范应用程序是遵循佛罗里达大歌剧院的最简单方法。

27、Excellent novels, pieces of reportage, films, television dramas, plays, operas, poems, musical compositions, paintings, dances and works of folk art have been produced. 小说、报告文学、电影、电视剧、话剧、戏曲、诗歌、音乐、美术、舞蹈、 曲艺等各个方面,都出了一批优秀作品。

28、The song by Fan Weiqi sounds nice. 这首由范玮琪演唱的歌听起来很优美。

29、Dai Wangshu, a poet with original artistic style, studied the society lonely and painfully, mixing the nation′s excellent culture with his poetic creation and seeking for the essence of beauty. 戴望舒是位具有独创艺术风格的诗人,他在寂寞、痛苦中探索人生,将民族的优秀文化融入自己的诗歌创作中,去追求美的真谛;

30、The song the girl sang sounded wonderful. 那个女孩唱的歌听起来非常优美。

31、When caring for a good white blouse, less is more. 在打理一件质地优良的白衬衫时,简单即好。

32、For this first article, let's have a listen to this song. Enjoy! 作为开篇, 先听一段旋律优美的歌剧!

33、The advantage of this method is its simplicity. 此方法的优势在于它的简单性。

34、Time and time again, I've found that by simply removing duplication I accidentally stumble onto a really nice elegant pattern. 这样反反复复。通过简单的移除重复代码,我最终“偶得”一个美妙而优雅的模式。

35、If we probe into the depth, we'll be surprised to find the style of Jiuge is grandness instead of gracefulness. 如果深入到《九歌》的底蕴 ,那么 ,我们将会惊奇地发现 ,和优美相反 ,《九歌》内在的风格却恰恰是壮美 !

36、Far more musical is spoken Chinese than English and may other languages. Utterances in Chinese are more like songs than mere locutions. 汉语的韵律美远远超过英语和许多别的语言。说中国话好象是唱歌,而不仅仅是简单的发声说话。收藏。

37、PSO can be implemented with ease and few parameters need to be tuned. 该算法具有简单易实现,可调参数少的优点。

38、Zhang Dai chapter discusses the theory of literature and poetry that the two aspects, in which history, literature and other writings are the main brief. 第二章论述了张岱的著述及其诗歌理论主张两个方面,其中对史学、文学等方面的主要著述都有简单的介绍。

39、In Listing 1, we assign message priority simply on a round-robin basis. 在清单 1 中,我们简单地按循环方式分配消息优先级。

40、The easiest method is listen to english songs and compare it with a mandarin translation if available. 最简单的方式是听英文歌曲然后再把歌词与华文翻译此对比一下。

41、Beautiful song melody, the lyrics expressing the people's warmth in another heaven. 歌曲旋律优美,歌词抒发了人们在另一个天堂里的温情。

42、The story sounds like a beautiful song. 这个故事听起来像一首优美的歌曲。

43、A beautiful ballad written by Hins Cheung for Kenny Kwan. 这是张敬轩为关智斌写的一首很优美动听的歌曲。

44、Huilian sings as beautifully as Lingling. 惠莲唱歌像玲玲一样优美。

45、Xiao Li sang a beautiful song in school's evening. 在学校的文艺晚会上, 小丽演唱一首优美的歌曲。

46、The advantage of this architectural style is its simplicity. 这样的体系结构样式的优势是其简单性。

47、I read that beautiful Shakespearean sonnet to her but it was pearls before swine to such an illiterate person. 我给她读莎士比亚优美的十四行诗,但在这样没文化的人面前,简直是对牛弹琴。

48、The main trade-off here is in expressiveness vs. simplicity. 在这里主要的优劣在于富于表现力和简单性的比较。

49、Some of the advantages of lens stereoscopes are compactness, simplicity and ready portability. 透镜式立体镜的一些优点是坚固、简单、轻便。

50、Wonderful comic dialogue , Wanzhuan singing, beautiful dance… 精彩的相声,宛转的歌声,优美的舞姿…


51、He worked painstakingly on his poems, developed a satiric, concise, smooth, graceful and well-balanced style. 他致力于诗歌创作,展开了挖苦,精练,通畅,优雅,均衡的作风。

52、The most elegant modern furniture expresses the simplism in design. From the chair with thin and elegant line structure, it embodies the strength of simplism with highest attraction. 最为优雅的现代家具就是在设计上给人以简单的假象,在这张由细长、优美的典线形状构造而成的铝椅身上体现一种最具吸引力的简约力量。

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