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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-10 01:35:55
  • 127


关于”小短句的句子“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Short sentences。以下是关于小短句的句子的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences

1、The logic term is used to named the two type complex sentences in the headline. 本文的标题借用了逻辑学的术语,给其中两个小类复句命名。

2、". " To see this sentence, I think of the "little woman" in the four sisters in the Madge story. 看到这句话,我想起了《小妇人》中马奇家四姐妹的故事。

3、In other words, he actually meant to suggest is that entire novel are fictional product. 换句话说,其实他想暗示的是,整本小说都是虚构的产物。

4、They would sit around the fire and hang out for two, three hours without saying a word. 他们围坐在篝火边两三个小时,一句话也没说。

5、He says it contains 3,000 preprogrammed answers preprogram contain answer, its file size is about half a megabyte, it was written in C language, and it runs on a PC. 他说该程序包含了三千条预编程的应答语句, 雕虫小技编程语句其文件大小大约有0.5兆字节,使用C语言编写,可以在大小可以编写PC上面运行。

6、The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between. 小句之间的关系不靠连接词来维系。

7、In other words, although my fellow longsmen and I are getting paid for eight hours, on occasion we work only four. 换句话说,固然我和工友们获得八小时的报酬,有时却只干四小时。

8、But the little squirrel too tired to say a word. 可是小松鼠累得说不出一句话来了。

9、Then she looked up and in a small gave me something to think about. 然后她抬起头,小小声地说了句令我深思不已的话。

10、Whats that old saying now again ahhhh yes … penny wise, pound foolish. 那句老话怎么说来着,哦对了…小事聪明,大事糊涂。

11、When he woke, I snuffled10 his small body with my warm breath and talked to him before putting him back in the basket to play with his siblings. 它醒来的时侯,我先用温暖的鼻息嗅嗅它那小小的身体,跟它说几句话,然后再把它放回到篮子里与它的兄弟姐妹们一起玩。

12、The Chinese have an old saying, "everybody firewood flame high" and "not small and not good for. 中国有句老话“众人拾柴火焰高”,“勿以善小而不为”。

13、People call me Forrest Gump, " was ad libbed by Tom Hanks while filming the scene and director Robert Zemeckis liked it so much that he decided to keep it in." 这句台词是拍摄中汤姆·汉克斯不小心说出来的,导演非常喜欢这句台词,所以在后来合成时就保留下来了。

14、The student spent almost an hour trying to puzzle out the meaning of this difficult sentence. 这个学生花了近一个小时思索出这难句的意思。

15、Xiaoqiang also said something, but we did not hear clearly. 小强似乎也说了几句,但他说的是什么,我们几个谁都没有听清。

16、The distance between the product and the impediment to be not less than 80mm. 第三句是否可以如下? 3。产品与周围障碍物的距离不小于80mm。

17、In childhood, I thought you were very mysterious, said a few words were also earthshaking. 小时候,我以为你很神奇,说上一句话也惊天动地。

18、She has big eyes, a small nose, small mouth and short black hair. 她有一双大眼睛,小鼻子,小儿朵,小嘴巴和黑色的短发。

19、This girl is clean but that girl is dirty. 教并列句时可用:两个小女孩,一个穿着整洁,另一个很脏。

20、I love the small town where I lived during my childhood. 句中"town" 是动词"lived"的地点,即"童年时住过的小镇",故用where.

21、He had a big moustache, and a short beard that curled outwards. 他有一丛浓密的小胡子,还有一条短小的山羊胡子往外卷着。

22、The kitten just looked and looked. It did not say a thing. 小猫只是看了又看。一句话也没有说。

23、He is a little sweetheart, though. Does he look like his daddy? 但他可真是个小可人,顺便问一句,他像他的父亲吗?

24、I had four lines and my lone scene took just a few hours to shoot. 我只有四句台词,一次出境,这次拍摄才花了几个小时。

25、To be beside the point, I did not expect the Yellow River Bridge is such a small bridge. 说句题外话,我没想到黄河大桥就是这么小的一座桥。


26、This warning lifted from George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 . 这句警语是出自于乔治‧欧威尔的反乌托邦小说《一九八四》。

27、The little boy listened to the loder students and finally got in a word. 这小男孩一直听年龄大些的学生谈话,后来总算有机会插上几句。

28、In other words, when women see something they like, they proceed with more caution. 换句话来说,当女人看到她们喜欢的某物时,她们会更小心地处理。

29、Young daughter of Korea to finish the sentence began to cry again. 小女儿杨学丽说完这句话就开始哭了起来。

30、She has small eyes and a black nose. 她小眼睛黑鼻子,短腿。

31、The narrative language in Liu Zhenyun's One Sentence Counts for Ten Thousands is very characteristic, the dialogues between different figures composes the main body of this novel. 刘震云的《一句顶一万句》的叙事语言极富特色,人与人之间的说话沟通成为小说的主要内容所在。

32、After it finds the appropriate value, the code triggers a change event using the widget handlers for the TwoWayForm widget instance. 找到适当的值之后,代码使用 TwoWayForm 小部件实例的小部件句柄触发一个更改事件。

33、Some classmates for one jinjinjijiao, because some trifle and are eyeball even begin. 有的同学因一句话而斤斤计较,因一点小事而互不相让甚至动手。

34、And in the end The greatest thief of all is Time…… 在幻变肉生孟体, 最后中年人的那句话,岁月,躲是最大两小偷……

35、The landlord whispered a word in the scullion's ear. 旅舍主人还在那小伙计耳边说了一句话。

36、Resizes a data handle based on the data structure of an argument that you pass to the CIN. This function does not set the array dimension field. 我理解成调整数据句柄大小,该句柄是传递到CIN节点的指向数据结构体变量。不可设置数组维数。

37、It is not possible to define science fiction in a clear way. 改段第一句说科幻小说是文学中的一个分支;

38、The scientist shouted a few quick commands over his shoulder, and two Invid soldiers marched into the room. Sandwiched between them was a small Tiresioid male, narcotized , so it appeared. 科学家回头发出一句简短的命令,两名因维士兵踏进房间,中间架着一个体型瘦小的泰雷西亚男性,他看起来已经昏迷了。

39、If the day comes when you meet Jing face to face, what would you say to her? 若面对面见到张小京,你会对她说的一句话是什麽?

40、In each XML file, you'll find a similar case-sensitive target statement that specifies where the content belongs in the navigation of a solution information project. 在每个 XML 文件中,都能发现一个类似的区分大小写的目标语句,这个语句指定了内容属于解决方案信息项目导航中的哪个位置。

41、For negative sentence, total fixation time and saccade amplitude are shortest. 否定句注视时间最长,眼跳广度最小。

42、Can you spare a few minutes, Xiao Wang? I want to have a word with you. 小王,你能抽出几分钟的空吗?我想和你说句话。

43、C. Read the text in different roles. Find the answers. 小组内分角色朗读对话,寻找答句。

44、One day in a Kabul bookstore I found a collection of landays—"short ones"—the two-line poems the Pashtuns recite to each other at the village well or at wedding celebrations. 有一天我在喀布尔的书店里找到了一本民歌文集(都是一些短小的内容)。其中有两句诗歌在村庄丰收或是结婚典礼上广为歌唱。

45、The uncivil little thing stood on tiptoe, and whispered a sentence in Heathcliff's ear. 这个没礼貌的小东西踮起了脚尖,对着希刺克厉夫的耳朵小声说了一句话。

46、Is there an artificial hill in the park? (句尾省略了主语) 甲:公园里有一座人造小山吗?

47、The data source statement cache size can be tuned using a few different methods. 可以使用一些不同的方法来调优数据库语句缓存大小。

48、"Ah stee hi da flow" in other words, "I still hit the floor! " Poor little man! “窝掉到地上啦!”换句话来说就是“我掉到地上了!”可怜的小家伙!

49、His publishers have failed to correct a string of small mistakes or remove repetitions. 出版商未能修改一些细小处的错误、剔除重复的句段。

50、Since Stowell (1981) and Chomsky (1981) put forward the term small clause, small clauses have drawn the attention of many linguists at home and abroad. 自从Stowell和Chomsky在1981年提出小句这个概念之后,小句就成为国内外众多语言学者感兴趣的研究课题之一。


51、In a J2SE environment, if the statement cache is too small or the batch size too large, you may receive SQL exceptions resulting from inconsistencies in the statement cache. 在一个 J2SE 环境中,如果语句缓存太小或批量太大,您可能会因语句缓存中的不一致性而收到 SQL 异常。

52、I bethink sentence in a novel: your wait will be empty at all. 我开始相信小说中的那句话,你的等待终将成空。

53、The overall strength of the encryption depends strongly on this passphrase, so you should take care to choose a passphrase that is not easy to guess. 加密的整体强度很大程度上依赖于这个口令句,因此您必须小心的选择一个不易猜出的口令句。

54、This is a short story about a bird in a birdcage . 这个短小的故事是关于一只被关在鸟笼子里的小鸟的。

55、When elephants fight, goes a Swahili saying, it's the grass that suffers. 正如一句斯瓦西里语语格言说的那样,当大家大象打架时,遭殃的却是小草。

56、The chart in Figure 13 shows there were no statement discards after tuning the cache size. 而图 11 显示,调优缓存大小后再也没有出现丢弃语句的情况。

57、The frequency order of existential sentence in diverse styles of literature is: fiction, drama, prose, poetry. 存现句在不同语体的分布强弱序列是小说、戏剧、散文、诗歌。

58、Be careful about what you say in the office, for walls have ears. 例句: 在办公室说话小心点,隔墙有耳啊。

59、I merely remembered these verses came from the Soviet novel How Was the Steel Tempered . 我只记得这些诗句,出自苏联小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。

60、Listen to the passage and repeat it. Try to be the TV presenter. 小组练习,根据每句提示词试复述文章。

61、Chen Cun is the representative of the writers of such type. 二是小说里是否出现“新生代”的词句,陈村堪称此类作家的代表。

62、This will in turn bring up even tighter "niche" phrases. 造就这样反而会更紧张“小生”句。

63、She has short hair, small eyes, high nose & small mouth. 她短发,小眼睛,高鼻子和小嘴巴。

64、Better an egg today than a pullet. 双语例句今天一个鸡蛋,胜过明天一只小母鸡。

65、The residents moved back after the new residential buildings were constructed. 例句 新的小区建成之后, 居民返迁工作顺利进行。

66、Xiao Qian said with a breath after each sentence. 跟记者说话时,每说完一句,小倩就要喘下气。

67、Research of SMEs financing issues under securities perspective in Huizhou City … “信用担保视角下的惠州市中小企业融资问题研究”请问这句话…

68、A:Be careful! John has been painting the door. A句表示约翰刚刚把门刷漆过,现在油漆还末干,所以得小心。

69、Mr. Micawber, in David Copperfield by Charles Dickens – 1850 摘自狄更斯1859年撰写的小说《大卫·科波菲尔》中米考伯先生说的一句话。

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