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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-31 16:32:09
  • 114




1、Would you mind opening your suitcase?--- Not at all. Check it, please. 请把您的箱子打开,好吗?---好的,请检查。

2、He belted up his raincoat. 他扎好雨衣的带子。

3、Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. 把你当做一个木匠,好好想想你的房子。

4、But they're the first words that popped into my mouth when a stranger asked me, in a coffee shop, “How's the book? 不过,如果我在咖啡屋被一个生面孔问道“这本书好看不”,我的第一句评价将是“沉闷又不好看”。

5、A good example is Drop.io. 一个好的例子是Drop.io. Drop.io.

6、I wish somebody would tell Joe that he shouldn’t try to tell those long jokes. 这句话的意思是:我希望谁能跟乔讲一下,他最好不要讲那种很长的笑话。

7、My most dear rabbit, the swallow, marshal, Ya Rui, pan Jing I really want to hold you tightly, so reluctant, really good. 我最最最亲爱的兔子,燕子,元帅,亚蕊,潘静我好想紧紧的抱着你们,好舍不得,真的好舍不得。

8、Sensible resolution bunnies weaning, the mother good rest, keep a good body. 明理的小兔子决议断奶,让母亲好好歇息,养好身体。

9、"Enjoy yourselves, children, " mother said at our nartv. “孩子们,好好玩吧”,母亲在我们的晚会上说道。

10、Restaurants are great, but can they beat a homecooked meal? 餐馆好虽好,但上馆子会比吃自家烹调的餐点更好吗?

11、He is a difficult child . 他是个不好管的孩子。

12、Bottom line : Lashou stands a good chance of becoming a regional group buying powerhouse, drawing on its China base and strong support from major Western investors. 一句话: 拉手如果好好利用他中国基楚与国外投资者的经验,可以当亚太地区的大手。

13、He really wants to fulfil his role as godson properly. 他确实想好好履行作为教子的职责。

14、He's a y little child . 他是好动的小孩子。

15、Wow, so many yellow pears! 哇,好多黄澄澄的梨子!

16、And by the way, he plays football as though with the wings of angels on his feet. 顺便说一句,他踢起足球来就好像脚上长了一对天使的翅膀。

17、The skirt has hemmed. 裙子的褶边已缝好了。

18、A haiku-writing intellectual from Belgian's Dutch-speaking north, Van Rompuy is a quiet figure but viewed as a forceful negotiator and a keen seeker of compromise. 范龙佩来自比利时讲荷语的北部,是一位爱好日本徘句的知识分子。他处事低调,但被认为是一位有说服力的谈判家,热心寻求妥协。

19、John Templeton: "The best time to find investments is when everyone else are running from them." “ 约翰。邓普顿投资金句: ”最好的投资时机, 是当所有人都恐慌退缩…

20、It really pumps me up when they respond, even just a “thumbs up, kiddo”. 这真的有激发到我,当他们回复我时,哪怕只是一句“很好(竖起拇指),老兄”。

21、You are a study to make improvements, helpfulness of the child. 你是个好学上进、乐于助人的好孩子。

22、The Kid's DOZER is a superb preference for kids. 孩子的推土机是一个极好偏爱的孩子。

23、However, my positive opinion of his looks was damaged by the first words out of his mouth. 但是,我对他长相的良好印象被他说出口的第一句话给毁了。

24、He said, “It was good to see your face again, hija.” 他说:“又见到你的样子真好,孩子。”

25、But it was the most innocuous sounding of the ten principles—“It’s best to do one thing really, really well”—that would prove to be most fateful for the company. 但是这十条中最无伤大雅的一句是:“最好把一件事做的很好,很好。” 而事实证明这也是这个公司宿命的真实写照。


26、Our children are out of Kwame. 好孩子是夸出来的。

27、I will ask the company to make the new certificate done and contact you then… 英语高手进 帮我翻译句话 过几天我联系厂家 把新的合格证做好…

28、A beard well lathered, is half shaved. 涂好肥皂的脸,等于胡子已经刮好了一半。

29、Be happy while alive. You'll be dead a long time! 趁活着好好痛快,死后的日子长着哩!

30、Julie sings very well. 歌唱得超好的小妮子。

31、Well, my dear, 'tis a true saying about an ill-wind, for it will beall the better for Colonel Brandon. 好啦,亲爱的,这里倒真正用得上‘恶风不尽恶,此失而彼得’那句俗语,因为布兰登上校就要从中捞到好处了。

32、Professor And how is little Isabelle this fine day? 教授在这么好的日子,小伊莎贝尔,你好吗。

33、Nov.19. Winter sunshine lengthens the . 11月19日 冬天的阳光将影子拉得好长好长。

34、She is a pretty, sweety girl. 她是个美好的女子。

35、Young children are amoral. 小孩子是不知好歹的。

36、A little house will filled, a little field well tilled, and a little wife well welled, are great riches. 小房子只要打理得好,小田地只要耕作得勤,小妻子只要好好尽本分,都是可观的财富。

37、But it stayed on my mind all day and still is, obviously. 但是一整天,那句话都停留在我的内心中,显然现在仍在:“祝你有足够好的一天!”

38、The income from farming is not enough to properly raise a child. 种田的收入不够好好抚养孩子的。

39、A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. 一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。

40、This house is poorly ventilated. 这个房子的通风不好。

41、Stria bad hand, bad does not mean that a child's life. 手纹不好,不代表孩子的命不好。

42、The weaving of the secondary story line throughout the primary message becomes audible, as does vocal variety, congruency, construction and all the other elements of a good speech. 编织第二阶段故事的主轴,将主要讯息变得像声音一样,随著声音变化,一致性,句子结构和所有其他元素的构成了一个好的演讲。

43、A man who finds a good helpmeet is lucky indeed. 一个好到了好妻子的男人真的是够幸运的。

44、Hello ! My name is Lock. 你好!我的名字是「锁子」。

45、In China there are 12-kilometer radius "cooking wine theory, perhaps, our hero" inherently preference hot food! 在中国有句古语“煮酒论英雄”,也许,我们天生就偏好热的食物!

46、Good parents set a good example for a child to abide by, whereas bad parents usually do not have well-behaving children. Isn't it said, 'Like father, like son'? 好父母能够为子女树立一个效仿的好榜样,而坏父母通常不会培养出好的子女来,正所谓“有其父必有其子”。

47、I like these chairs. 我觉得这些椅子挺好的。

48、There are many instances of good people and good deeds in our factory. 我们厂里,好人好事的例子很多。

49、Her nose tickles and she feels as if something's tickling inside. 陶子的鼻子很痒,好像有东西在鼻子里绕痒痒。

50、I often see parents talking about a young child as if he was not there. 我常常看到很多家人当着孩子的面说孩子的不好,好像他们不存在似的。


51、Mom: Well, there's my boys. 好,这才是我的乖孩子。

52、He opened his jacket. His shirt collar was securely sewed. 他解开上衣,衬衣的领子还是缝的好好的。

53、To conclude, I would like to borrow another ancient saying that “He laughs best who laughs last”. 我将用另一句古语来总结这篇文章,即“笑到最后的人笑得最好”。

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