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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 17:04:30
  • 113


关于”分析长难句的软件“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Software for yzing long and difficult sentences。以下是关于分析长难句的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for yzing long and difficult sentences

1、The example of using this software in rural power network is introduced, and some concrete problems are discussed in detail, which further proves the effectiveness and practicability of PAS. 举例介绍了该软件在农网中的应用情况,针对应用过程中的具体问题进行了详细分析,证实了该软件的有效性和实用性。

2、The third step -- performing the tests -- is probably the longest and most difficult part of most software testing projects, but this section is the shortest part of the book. 第三步--执行测试--很可能是软件测试项目中最长也最困难的部分,但是这部分是本书中讲述最少的。

3、All the data were clicked into my computer and handled by SPSS 14.0 for Windows. 所有数据输入微机后用社会科学统计软件包SPSS 14.0进行分析。

4、General FEM package ANSYS is used for describing the behavior of brick masonry under in-plane load. 并运用大型有限元分析软件—ANSYS较好地描述墙梁受力的力学特性。

5、The software design is the flaw in the plan. 软件设计难免百密一疏。

6、Methods: Using PEMS statistic software to deal with the data of the fifth census. 方法:利用PEMS统计软件对第五次人口普查资料进行分析处理。

7、RESULTS Hypothesis tests for the presuppositions of the univariate ANOVA with repeated measures were given, and a proper software named REP was implemented. 结果给出了重复观测数据一元方差分析的假定条件检验方法,并用软件REP得以实现。

8、Along with incessant improvement and development of OCCAM software, more and more academicians process VLBI data using OCCAM, and its application is comprehensive increasingly, too. 随着该软件的不断改进和发展,利用OCCAM进行VLBI数据分析的学者逐渐增多,OCCAM软件的使用也日益广泛。

9、Hi i am looking for someone who is able to create an Analytic Software for the Penny Auction platform. 嗨,我找人谁能够创造一个竹篙拍卖平台分析软件。

10、Blowhole is a kind of casting defects, the reasons of which are most difficult to find out. 气孔是最难分析其形成原因和最难找出防治方法的铸件缺陷。

11、XU Qishuai. A Practical Analysis on Object Oriented Software Develop Method [D]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University, 2008. 徐其帅。面向对象软件开发方法的实例分析[D]。杭州: 浙江大学, 2008。

12、Numerical simulation of hole flangingBased on ABAQUS software, forming process of hole flanging is simulated. 圆孔翻边的数值模拟基于ABAQUS软件,对圆孔翻边成形过程进行了模拟分析。

13、But the programs about the methods of reliability computing are loaded down with trivial details, and there is lots of repetitive work. 在编制可靠性分析软件时,可靠度计算的算法编程十分繁琐,重复工作很多。

14、Depending on how much and what specific software you have installed, this portion of the upgrade process can take the longest or shortest chunk of time. 取决于你装了多少软件,以及软件有多特殊,这部分升级过程可长可短。

15、Gates turned for succour to his frist love overseeing software development. 盖茨只好求助于他心爱的软件来排忧解难,他决定全面掌管软件的开发工作。

16、The results showed that 22 pairs of primers could be used to amplify special fragments and a genetic tool to evaluate germplasm resources of sliver Carp (Hypophthalmichtys molitrix) . 统计软件分析显示其中22对具有较高的筛选效率和多态性,可作为鲢种质评价等遗传分析的工具。

17、The validity of the simulation software is verified by comparing the experimental data of the thesis with the actual data of CZ method growing crystal. 通过该文实验数据与提拉法生长晶体的实际数据的分析比较,验证了仿真软件的正确性。

18、Results Hypothesis tests for the presuppositions of the univariate ANOVA with repeated measures were given, and a proper software named REP was implemented. 结果给出了重复观测数据一元方差分析的前提条件检验方法,并用软件REP得以实现。

19、Get a charting program that allows you to build watch lists, and technical supports . 需要图表分析的软件,可让你制定看盘策略,并获得技术支持。

20、Now that we have the WSDL of the software repository, we need to p it and see what we can do. 既然有了软件资源库的 WSDL,我们就需要分析它来决定能做什么。

21、Coupled with the development of computer hardware and software has been the development of FEM programs. 而有限元分析程序是与计算机软硬件技术同步发展的。

22、Traditional MES software causes great development difficulty, long developing period, high cost, low reliability as well as bad re-structuring and integration ability. 传统的MES软件开发难度大,周期长,成本高,软件的可靠性差,系统的可重构性和可集成性差。

23、Its functions include: network topology, state estimation, bus load forecast and state monitor etc. 该软件具有:网络结线分析、状态估计、母线负荷和网络状态监视等功能。

24、The software distribution job sends the software to targeted devices. 该软件分发作业将软件发送给目标设备。

25、We research the Bluetooth specification and put forward the development scheme of information appliance , at the same time design the bluetooth communications software . 接着详细分析了蓝牙协议栈,给出了蓝牙信息家电的详细开发方案,并对蓝牙通信软件进行了详细分析与设计。


26、Then the venous blood sample was collected at the different time. A ADH enzyme catalyzed method was used to determine the blood alcohol concentration (BAC). 用乙醇脱氨酶(ADH)氧化分析法测血样酒精浓度(BAC),所得浓度-时间数据经用药代动力学软件分析拟合。

27、The 36-meter long scroll of soft sheep leather was also subjected to carbon dating tests. 该长达36米的软羊皮经卷也接受了碳元素时间分析鉴定。

28、Heredity of hypocotyls length was controlled by additive-dominance-epitasis model. 条件下黄瓜的下胚轴长与下胚轴粗进行遗传分析。

29、Making it more difficult for malware to hide 让恶意软件更加难以遁形

30、Given the current economic climate, it might be tempting to use freeware, deeply discounted, or open source applications. 在目前这种经济景气条件下,难免会想用免费软件、高折扣软件或开源应用。

31、The article offer the suggestion for the development of instrument hardware and software mostly aims at single channel sequentially scan ICPAES spectrum instruments. 本文主要针对单道顺序扫描型ICP-AES光谱仪的硬件及分析软件的开发提供了思路。

32、Radiosity is one of the most difficult areas of any 3D package to understand and control. 光能传递是任何3D软件理解和控制比较困难的部分之一。

33、Poor software quality is a business issue that affects every part of an organization. 糟糕的软件质量是一个业务难题,这会影响到一个组织的每个部分。

34、But Microsoft is undaunted. 但是这些分析并没有使微软气馁。

35、In view of difficult present situation of the North Nationality University software engineering construction, diagnosis existence main questions as well as various aspects influence factor. 针针对北方民族大学软件工程专业建设的艰难现状,调查分析了存在的主要问题以及各方面的影响因素。

36、Software testing is the key work to ensure software quality and reliability, and it is faced with many difficulties as the complexity and specificity of embedded flight-control software. 软件测试是保证软件质量和可靠性的关键工作,但由于嵌入式飞控软件的复杂性和特殊性,使软件测试面临许多特殊的困难。

37、CLASP also has an impact on a few key traditional software engineering activities, such as requirements specification. CLASP在一些关键的传统软件工程活动里有影响,例如需求分析。

38、The difficulties of implementing those techniques on software-defined GPS receiver are researched, and some optimized methods are also used. 并对这两种技术在软件GPS接收机上技术实现的难点进行了研究分析和方法改进。

39、Temperature field of 7050 aluminum alloy during its cryogenic treatment is calculated with ANSYS program . 应用有限元分析软件ANSYS计算了7050铝合金深冷处理时的温度场。

40、Three-dimensional flow simulations of the flight element in an intermeshing co-rotating twin screw extruder are performed by solving the Navier Stokes equations with a finite element package, ANSYS. 利用A NSYS有限元分析软件对啮合同向双螺杆挤出机的螺纹元件流场进行了三维等温非牛顿模拟分析。

41、The fourth chapter is the development of the topic to reexamine the determinism problem in the difficult cases. 第四章是问题的展开与分析:疑难案件中法律确定性之反思;

42、The design of hardware and software, which is based on the control requirements and status of die-casting machine, is presented in detail. 在分析压铸机工艺需求和现状的基础上,详细地讨论了系统的硬件设计和软件设计。

43、In the course of case study, the software of EVIEWS 3.1 is used to deal with the data. 在整个实证分析的过程中,对数据的处理均利用了EVIEWS 3.1软件。

44、Software migration is one of the most important means of expanding the usage scope of software and extending software life-cycle. 软件移植是扩大软件使用范围,延长软件使用周期的重要手段之一。

45、Moreover, the difficulty in HW/SW co-design is the communication overheads and partition between hardware and software. 其中,软硬件协同设计中的难点就是软硬件之间的通信开销和软硬件划分。

46、In this thesis, the program of optimal design for the single-span and non-uniform portal frame is developed based on the ANSYS parameterized design language (APDL). 本文通过有限元分析软件ANSYS中APDL语言的软件开发功能,开发出了单跨变截面门式刚架优化设计程序。

47、Authors describe the procedure of estimating the underneath depth of a magnetic body by using both magnetic field moment spectrum method and improved Parker-Oldenburg method. 介绍分析软件在挠性陀螺仪力矩器磁场分析中的应用,以具体实例较为深入地对其进行了说明。

48、By I-DEAS TMG software, thermal model of the nanosatellite was founded, and the on-orbit steady and transient temperature distributions of nanosatellite were simulated. 通过I-DEAS TMG软件,建立卫星热分析模型,对卫星的在轨稳态和瞬态温度状态上进行了仿真分析。

49、Verifies the validity of the simulation software by comparing the experimental data of the thesis with the actual data of CZ method growing crystal. 通过本文实验数据与提拉法生长晶体的实际数据的分析比较,验证了仿真软件的有效性。

50、Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO detects and removes malware where even the best known anti-virus and anti-malware applications fail. 恶意软件是成长,发展,不断变化的。恶意软件的检测变得更加困难,甚至难以消除。


51、While early versions of Google's website translation software sometimes produced little more than gobblede, an ever-growing database has enabled it to achieve far greater accuracy. 虽然早期版本的谷歌的翻译软件 有时可能会翻译出冗长而难以理解的词句 相信随着时间的推移,它一定能提供更准确的翻译。

52、Then the author describes how Chinese translators deal with the difficulties in the translation of the series, for instance, humor and long sentences. 然后作者分析了中文译者如何处理翻译中的一些难点,例如幽默和长句。

53、The study of software maintainence quality is the base of controlling software maintainability in software process and makes it possible to predict the the maintainence effort. 对软件可维护性度量的研究是软件开发过程中控制软件可维护性的基础,也是软件维护的难度在交付时就得到的基础。

54、“Software distributives, developed on the basis of Linux and tested within 2007-2008 mightactually be installed in schools by 2009 end”, - Sergey Shalmanov , CNews Analytics Analyst believes. 软件分配,开发在 Linux 的基础上进行,在2007-2008年间测试,可以在2009年底安装到学校里去“,-- Sergey Shalmanov, CNenws分析处分析家相信。

55、Designed using extensive Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to minimize stresses and maximize component life. 设计使用限定成分分析(FEA)来减少重压延长部件使用寿命。

56、The numerical simulations of aluminum castings by die casting were carried out. The temperature distribution and solidification time in the filling process were obtained. 通过有限元数值模拟软件对铝合金压铸件进行了数值分析,获得了零件成型过程的温度场分布和凝固时间的变化关系。

57、In many encryption software, to get families is the long software dog. 而在众多加密软件中,能取各家之长的就是软件狗。

58、Firstly, used the Bayesian belief networks (BBN), the risks which had influenced the reliability of soft were ana1yzed. 首先采用贝叶斯信仰网络对影响软件可信性的风险进行了分析;

59、Difficulty in differentiating major SOA software vendor's offerings drives down software costs 主流SOA软件厂商的产品越来越难以区别,这促使了软件成本的降低。

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