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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 19:17:28
  • 201


关于”比较实用的句子“的英语句子28个,句子主体:More practical sentences。以下是关于比较实用的句子的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:More practical sentences

1、Is comfortable in using verb tenses but needs to practice the use of more complicated tenses like past perfect, conditionals , past modals, etc. 条件句的使用,过去助动词等复杂时态的使用上比较吃力。

2、With comparative objects and comparative samples as its footholds, functional comparative law focuses on any law's functions and practical efficiency. 功能比较法以比较对象和比较样本为基本概念,关注法律的功能及其实际效果。

3、Methods Analgesia and anti-inflammatory effect were induced by mouse hot plate, acetic acid stretching experiment and mouse peritonitis, mouse ear swelling model. 方法采用小鼠热板、小鼠醋酸扭体实验比较镇痛作用;用小鼠急性腹膜炎、小鼠耳肿胀模型比较抗炎作用。

4、The higher the monomer concentration or the smaller AM/MBAM ratio, the more compact of polymer network structure. 当单体浓度较高或AM/MB AM比例较小时,网络高分子结构更密实,坯体抗弯强度较大。

5、By comparing the two step testing of both static and dynamic, we can realize the off line debugging of the submodular circuit board. 采用静态和动态两步测试比较,可以实现子模块电路板的脱机调试。

6、the seventh evening of the seventh moon 这个是比较广泛的用法 还有 double seventh festival 也用得比较多。

7、Theory of single-molecule controlled rotation experiments, predictions, tests, and comparison with stalling experiments in F1-ATPase. 单分子控制旋转实验,,测试和与F1-ATP酶停止实验的比较的理论。

8、The more books we read, the more learned we become. 我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。

9、This method is not browser-specific and is therefore the preferred implementation. 这种方式是各种浏览器通用的,所以是比较好的实现。

10、The utility model can facilitate grinding by being turned into a round hole. 本实用新型改成圆孔后打磨比较容易。

11、It is time we explore the truth of。Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible. 进一步提出观点。

12、It is besides appearance under numerous product contrast consider noveller, fabrics more durable besides, basically be a classical electric chaffy dish. 除了样子在众多产品对比之下算比较新奇、面料比较耐用之外,基本上是一款经典的电火锅。

13、Dehiscent Describing a fruit or fruiting body that opens at maturity to release the seeds or spores. Dehiscence may be violent to aid seed dispersal. Compare indehiscent. 果实或子实体在成熟时裂开释放出或孢子的现象。激烈的开裂可以帮助的传播。比较。

14、You are better though. 其实你比较好啦.

15、In instantiating a Seq child, it is usually safer to utilize the factory function ListSeq(). 在实例化 Seq 子类型时,利用工厂函数 ListSeq() 通常比较安全。

16、Key values are compared by using a specified comparer, and the elements of each group are projected by using a specified function. 索引键值是使用指定的比较子来进行比较,而每个群组的项目则都是利用指定的函式进行规划。

17、Character-string implementations sometimes use a related technique to implement comparisons. 字符串实现有时使用有关的技术来实现比较。

18、So the context in the real communication has Potential nature, but it still can be easy to gra and use. 因此,现实交际的语境发下旋球虽具有潜在性,但还是比较容春心莫共花争发下句易把握和利用。

19、In experiment 1, the subjects were asked to determine the more stressed word between the demonstrative noun and the non-demonstrative noun. 实验1请被试比较歧义句中切分出来的所指名词与非所指名词的重读程度。

20、Particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied to the practical data of the port operation and compared with the practical berth schedule solution. 针对港口船舶作业实际数据,采用粒子群算法进行了计算,并与实际泊位调度结果进行了比较。

21、Density—neutron overlapping is quite familiar. 比较常用的是密度—中子曲线重叠法。

22、The main performances of lithium-ion battery with carbonaceous anode intercalated lithium were compared and the practicality were explored. 比较了各种嵌锂炭质材料为负极的锂离子蓄电池的主要性能,并对其实用性作了探讨。

23、XQuery with embedded SQL is good because the embedded SQL statement may contain calls to user-defined functions (UDFs). 嵌入了 SQL 的 XQuery 比较出色,因为嵌入式 SQL 语句可包含对用户定义的函数(UDF)的调用。

24、The result shows our algorithm can quickly generate high quality images better than general antialiasing algorithm. 实验结果表明,新算法生成的图像比较细腻,实时性比较高,优于一般的反走样算法。

25、An economical and practical detector in pentaerythritol production, its principle and application are introduced. 介绍季戊四醇生产中比较经济实用的一种检测装置,对其原理和实际应用加以论述。


26、After that, you have real data to compare. 在那之后,你需要真实的数字用来比较。

27、For this purpose, the laboratory compares its evidence to samples maintained in archives. 为此,实验室会将证物和保管在柜子中的样本做比较。

28、But more efficient and applicable tissue-specific promoters are not so much and the inducible ones are less than tissue-specific promoter. 但是比较理想的、真正能应用于生产实际的组织特异性启动子不多,诱导型启动子更少。

29、The drugs with the most proportion of dosage were Coptis, Monkshood, Cassia Twig. 类方中除乌梅外,干姜、黄连使用较多,黄连、附子、桂枝的用量配比较大;

30、I prefer reading ebooks rather than printed books. 我比较喜欢使用电子书多于实体书。

31、Finally, one example has been given whose results fit well with the fact. The program is stable and can obtain the blank shape with good precision rapidly. 通过例子证明,该算法计算的结果与实际情况比较吻合,而且程序比较稳定,能较准确较快地求得冲压件的毛料外形。

32、In practical situation, self-adaptive control is hard to realize, and therefore accurate adaptive control is few. 在实际情况中,自适应控制比较难以实现,故很少出现比较准确的自适应控制。

33、Look at the pictures in Section A and Section B. Review the following sentences. 利用图片或实物复习同级比较的用法。

34、At least these Chinese kids match quirks like their Korean sunbae-nims. The show should have a strong start like the pioneer show. 中国的孩子比较真实,韩国的孩子可能比较大了,有点明白在镜头前要好好表现了,都不好玩了。

35、Through experimental comparison it is shown that the roasted aluminium electrode is rather suitable for PTC thermosensitive ceramics. 通过实验比较表明,烧渗铝电极较适用于PTC热敏陶瓷。

36、Uniform PCM and non-uniform PCM experimental comparison for communications students to do experiment. 说明:均匀PCM与非均匀PCM的实验比较,适合通信学生做实验用。

37、Defines a generalized comparison method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific comparison method for ordering instances. 定义通用的比较方法,实值型别或类别会实作这个方法,以建立型别特有的比较方法来排序执行个体。

38、Produces the set difference of two sequences by using the default equality comparer to compare values. 使用预设相等比较子来比较值,以便产生两个序列的差异。

39、Using this potential, the electromagnetic form factors of nucleon are predicted and are compared with experimental data. 利用这个新的禁闭势,预言了核子的静态性质,并与实验数据进行了比较。

40、This application describes comparing two standard cells and comparing a standard cell with a precision voltage reference. 的应用实例说明比较两个标准电池以及将标准电池和精密电压参考标准进行比较的情况。

41、". How often we hear such words like there. 讲故事 (先说故事主体),this story is not rare.。

42、In contrast, utility apps will hang around on people's smartphones longer, provided they're actually useful. 相比较而言,实用性的应用会在人们的智能手机上停留得更久,因为它们确实很有用。

43、The logic of each component of your application is freshest when you are actually implementing those components. 在实际实现应用程序组件时,每个组件的逻辑都比较陌生。

44、In the application of comparative law, attention should be paid to the comparability, extensiveness and essential attributes of comparative objects. 在应用比较方法中,应当注意比较对象的可比性、比较的广泛性以及比较对象的本质属性。

45、DIRECT TESTS FOR CPT violation can be performed by comparing properties of particles and antiparticles . 要直接测试CPT违逆,可以利用粒子与反粒子间的比较。

46、Its feasibility is discussed comparing with the tipping-bucket rain gauge. 与通用的翻斗雨量计相比较,讨论了它的实用性。

47、The C subset of C++ is easier to learn for C/C++ novices and easier to use than C itself. The reason is that C++ provides better guarantees than C (stronger type checking). C++的C子集对于C/C++初学者来说是比较容易, 而使用C本身 确实比较容易,原因在于C++提供了比C(强型别检查)更多安全性。

48、This structure has been used in practice and the results are satis-factory. 该结构已用于实际产品上,取得比较满意的结果。

49、A "cross-cultural comparison" is a comparison between cultures with different qualitative fan-tots. “跨文化比较”是异质文化比较,这个概念的具体运用使比较的目的得以实现。

50、~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much. (再怎么强调。


51、The effect of compaction on the membrane potential of shaly sandstone with low Qv is not significant. 压实作用对阳离子交换容量较低的泥质砂岩的影响较小;

52、The short-range repulsive potentials for different combinations of the alkali atom Li and inert gas atoms are estimated using two different combining rules procedure. 利用电荷密度重叠积分,采用两种不同的组合规则分别计算了锂原子和惰性气体原子的近程排斥势,并与实验结果进行了比较,所得到的势阱参数与实验符合较好。

53、Moreover, species with near logy relationship on evolution share the near codon usage frequency and preference index or the similar index. 在同源性方面,在进化上比较接近的物种,基因的密码子使用频率和使用偏性指标比较接近或基本相同。

54、FD 4 is where things get a bit more interesting, since it is a write-only handle to a character device, essentially /dev/log. FD 4 中的内容比较有趣,因为它是一个字符设备的只读句柄,实质上是 /dev/log。

55、Through comparison, an effective anti-corrosion material for chemical industry is selected. 经过对比筛选出一种比较实用的室温自硫化化工防腐材料。

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