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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-16 10:07:55
  • 108


关于”鼓励人的句子长句“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Encourage long sentences。以下是关于鼓励人的句子长句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage long sentences

1、The second hypothesis is that nerve growth factors - which encourage new neural cell growth but which decrease with age - account for the drop in neurogenesis. 第二个假设是,神经生长因子-这将鼓励新的神经细胞的生长,但随着年龄的减少-帐户的下降,神经。

2、This, more than anything, delays childbearing, encourages greater spacing between children or even opens up the option of not having children at all. 这比其他任何事都能延缓生育、鼓励生育间隔拉长甚至开始有了完全不要孩子的选择。

3、A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success. 失败时只字片语的鼓励,比成功后长篇大论的赞美更有价值。

4、Share-based incentive programmes can be introduced to encourage employees to partite in the ownership of the company, and increase their long-term commitment to the business. 股份激励制度能够鼓励员工参与公司的经营管理,提升他们对公司的长期责任感。

5、I believe we have the ability to seize the opportunity and spur economic growth while also controlling risks. 我认为我们有能力在抓住机遇和鼓励增长的同时控制风险。

6、We encourage the organization of car sharing. 我们鼓励员工合伙用车上班。

7、Encourage clubs to invite alumni to speak at meetings. 基金会鼓励扶轮社邀请前受奖人到社内演讲。

8、Craig Pickering from Families Need Fathers said: "I welcome this important contribution to the debate on encouraging shared parenting by divorced or separated parents. 来自名为“家庭需要父亲”慈善机构的Craig Pickering 说: "我欢迎这一重大贡献,即鼓励离异的家长共尽抚养孩子的义务。”

9、Parents of these children need to be encouraged to demand that schools take action, and pediatricians probably need to be ready to talk to the prinl. 必须鼓励家长们敢于要求学校采取行动。儿科医师可能需要准备与校长交谈。

10、His mother encouraged him:"Why not try to be better in other things instead of just dress and good looks? 母亲鼓励他说,“为什么不在衣着和长相以外的方面努力变得更好呢?”

11、Long-term cuts are meant to help create jobs by encouraging investment in business. 长期保持低利率能够通过鼓励商业投资而创造就业机会。

12、At TVI Express, we believe in the power of the individual, and encourage talents to flourish. 在积分快,我们相信权力的个人,并鼓励优秀人才的成长和发展。

13、As their eldership , we are not only easily to demand more than encourage, but also to define success narrowly. 身为长辈的我们,不但容易要求多于鼓励,更狭窄的界定了成功的定义。

14、About the author : Juliet du Preez is devoted to assisting people with personal development, inspiration and promoting fun. 关于作者 : 朱丽叶一直致力于帮助人们自我成长,自我鼓励和提升乐趣。

15、However, material incentives cannot be dispensed with either. 但物质鼓励也不能缺少。

16、Thank you for your sincere encouragement and warm help. 感谢您的真诚鼓励与热情帮助。

17、Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. 真正的朋友会引导你,鼓励恪。

18、Will be abundant guest encourage, yu wan feel abundant consideration, two person feeling promote develop. 过后传丰请客鼓励,玉万感受传丰体贴,两人感情增进滋长。

19、Promoting bicycling is part of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's agenda to create a greener, bike friendly and car-free New York. 鼓励骑自行车是纽约市长彭博打造绿色环保新纽约计划的一部分。

20、This festival encourages smearing mud all over yourself. 鼓励我们浑身都沾满泥。

21、‘Companies can now use new technologies to encourage children to market to each other and by-pass any parental controls, ’ said report author Dr Tim Lobstein. 报告的作者蒂姆.洛布斯坦博士说:“食品企业现在能使用新的技术,来鼓励孩子们间互相推销,且不受家长控制。”

22、I dare stone in LiuJianGong encouragement again strong vibration spirit lifted the pike. 石敢当在刘建功的鼓励再次强振精神举起了长枪。

23、And I encourage you to give him your work. 我也鼓励你把你的工作献给神。

24、Use these opportunities to encourage an appreciation for individual rates of development and individual uniqueness. 利用这些机会鼓励个人的自我欣赏,评价个人成长的独特性。

25、They encourage unnecessary tests and procedures, overprescribing of medicines, and longer than needed hospital stays. 它们鼓励不必要的检查和程序,助长过度用药,拉长住院时间。


26、He thinks that savings is a good idea in the long run, but not now. 他认为鼓励储蓄是个好建议,但那比较适合长期政策,而非解决燃眉之急。

27、It is they who encourage me not only to practice medicine but also study life. 不但行医,也鼓励着我研究人生。

28、Encouraging me when I need a shove 当我需要动力时你鼓励我。

29、Now, I have been in the school captain, all this without the teacher, students and parents for help, encourage. 现在,我已经是学校的中队长了,这一切都少不了老师、同学和家长的帮助、鼓励。

30、This thesis is base on neoclassic economic development policies, and tries to use human capital investment to promote economic development of western area. 本研究以新古典经济增长理论为基本理论基础,试图从鼓励人力资本投资来促进西部地区经济增长。

31、The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you. 鼓励的笑靥于你我大有裨益。

32、Her success encouraged me to try the same thing. 她的成功鼓励我试做同样的事。

33、To encourage couples to have more children, a major population plan has been proposed by the minister of the Interior Yu Cheng- hsien . 为鼓励提高生育率,内政部长余政宪提出重大人口计画。

34、Let's give mutual support and inspiration to each other. 让我们互相支持, 互相鼓励。

35、He said he did it to encourage others to give. 他说他所做是为鼓励其他人也能共襄盛举。

36、LMB's funding model also encourages risky, long-term research and the lab's collaborative culture. LMB实验室的资助模式也鼓励有风险的长期研究以及它的协作文化。

37、Call it the consumerization of IT. IT界把它称为鼓励促进消费。

38、Encouraged by her school championship success, she decided that she should have proper coaching. 学校冠军杯胜利得主鼓励她后,她决定她应该坐舒适的长途车前往。

39、President Cohon asked me to come and give the charge to the graduates. 柯汉校长邀请我来给毕业生一些鼓励。

40、I encourage you to follow that thread. 我鼓励你顺着这条线索再走走。

41、The mayor awarded Paul a gold medal for his dedication to social work over the past two decades. 市长颁给保罗一枚金质奖章鼓励他过去二十年来致力于社会工作。

42、However, with the rapid development of EC, worldwide tax-free policies has made Electronic Commerce "vacuum" and "collapsar" of taxation. 但其蒸蒸日上的同时,各国长期免税的鼓励政策也使电子商务渐渐成为税收“真空”与“黑洞”。

43、Who will you turn to when you need encouragement? 当你需要鼓励的时候,你会找谁?

44、We especially encourage the contextualization of worship. 我们也特别鼓励将崇拜处境化。

45、Parents' encouragements can help us overcome all kinds of difficulties in life I believe. 家长的鼓励,可以帮助我们克服生活中的各种困难,我相信。

46、A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an wonderful! that is really true. 失败时只字片语的鼓励,比成功后长篇大论的赞美更有价值。

47、Finally, the change in cooperative teaching included encouraging teacher to rethink and self-examination, learning other's excellences , and promoting professional growth. 在合作教学中的改变:鼓励教师从中创思与省思、学习他人长处、与促进教师专业成长。

48、So my dream overseas maybe grew under the influence of encouragement and helps. 我想,我的出国梦也许就是在这种鼓励和帮助下滋长起来的吧。

49、Children and adolescents areencouraged to maintain calorie balance to support normal growth and developmentwithout promoting excess weight gain. 鼓励儿童和青少年,维持热量平衡,保证身体正常生长发育而不肥胖。

50、Encourage M&A and cultivate competitive enterprises. 鼓励兼并重组,培育优势企业。


51、The principle of "he who is benefited shall give rewards". The project owners shall be encouraged to reward the non-governmental attractors. 谁受益谁奖励的原则。鼓励项目业主对社会引资者进行奖励。

52、As elder we, not only requirement over encourage, more the definition that limitted a success with stricture . 身为长辈的我们,不但要求多于鼓励,更以狭窄界定了成功的定义。

53、I told him every time he fell. 他每次摔倒,我都这样鼓励他。

54、Likewise encouraged to attend is a Club President and a President-Elect as well as a representative of The Rotary Foundation. 同样地鼓励扶轮社长、扶轮社长当选人和扶轮基会的代表们出席扶轮研习会。

55、We encourage guardians to perform the activities shown in the video with their children. 我们鼓励家长来重复碟片中所展示的儿童活动。

56、As the tooth grows, it releases chemicals that encourage nerves and blood vessels to link up with it. 随著牙齿生长,它释放的化学物质鼓励神经和血管连接起来了。

57、"Our goal is to first help people meet each other and then support them as they get married and raise children," says Akemi Iwakabe, deputy director of Fukui's Children &Families division. “我们的目的是首先鼓励人们约会,然后支持他们结婚生子”,福井县民政局的副局长岩壁•雅科美(Akemi Iwakabe)说到。

58、Taekwondo Class will start in April. Parents please encourage your children to join the class. The details are as follow. 本校积极推行课外活动,并将于四月开办跆拳道班,请家长鼓励贵子弟参加。跆拳道班详情如下。

59、They don’t foster innovation, they inhibit it. 它们不鼓励创新,反而抑制它。

60、Encouraging me when I need a shove. 当我需要动力时你鼓励我。

61、Mir encouraged Russell to the Holly profession. 米尔鼓励罗素向荷莉表白。

62、“We’re encouraging specialists to do what they’re good at,” Mr. Muller said. Muller表示:“我们正鼓励专业人士做他们擅长的事情。”

63、It is also encouraging the purchase and consumption of local produce, communicating its long-term benefits. 从长远的利益考虑,鼓励自产自销是基本立足点。

64、When I am afraid, he cheers me. 在我感到害怕的时候,是他鼓励我。

65、It will encourage collaboration and team-working. 它将鼓励合作和团队精神。

66、The material reward and spirit encouragement complements each other, neither of them can be dispensed with. 物质奖励与精神鼓励相辅相成,缺一不可;

67、Now, Ms. Budnitz and a growing number of like-minded parents are fighting back by encouraging unstructured, hands-on creativity. 如今,为改变这一状况,包括蒂娜在内的越来越多持相同理念的家长们开始鼓励孩子们从事自由组装的手工创作活动。

68、"I want to inspire creativity in Chinese kitchens, " Yu says. 我想鼓励厨师的创造力。“喻说。

69、When the team is not playing so well, the cheerleaders try to encourage the players. 球队打得不够好时, 啦啦队长们就设法鼓励运动员。

70、In this class I am going to encourage you. 在我们的课上,我会鼓励你们。

71、How the minister hopes to encourage fixed capital investment at the expense of consumer spending. 现在部长希望以削减消费性开销来鼓励固定资本投资。

72、I need your encouragement, not just your praise to grow. 我需要你的鼓励,而不只是表扬我说我长大了。

73、This movement, The violent timpani starts this movement. Then the trumpet, trombone and tuba play a series of thunderous rondo refrain, with a volcanic eruption-like intensity. 这一乐章鼓乐长鸣,由小号,长号和大号在猛烈的定音鼓声之后奏出一连串雷鸣般的回旋曲迭句,有着火山爆发般的力度。

74、He encouraged the family to cheer Up. 他鼓励这个家庭振作起来。

75、We grow up in families void of affirmation, encouragement, and respect ? the building blocks to self-confidence. 我们成长的家庭缺乏肯定, 鼓励和尊重, 而这些正是建立自信的基石.

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