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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-07 14:22:13
  • 245




1、An annular eclipse occurs when the moon does not cover the entire disc of the sun so that a ring of light encircles the of the moon. 当月亮不能完全遮住太阳时,月亮影子的周围就会有一圈亮光,日环食就发生了。

2、Those Tang Sungs' poem chapter imitate if cuts through that limitless moonlight to arrive, holding historic feeling to think, reflect bright I am filled with a gentle and soft heart. 那些唐宋的诗章仿若穿过那无垠的月光抵来,携着千古的情思,映亮我的充满温柔的心间。

3、The question of providential justice is of course of primary significance to Milton's poem, but Hartman goes on to say that the moon, which reminds us of a calm and perfect sense of Providence, also works to guarantee the prinl of free will. 这里,关于天佑的公平的问题,是其对于弥尔顿的诗最基本的重要性,但是哈特曼接着又说月亮是,这提醒了我们天意的冷静和完美感,月亮在这儿也是为了保障自由意志的原则。

4、Juliet: O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, who monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable. 朱丽叶:不要向月亮发誓,以免你的爱也像那变化无常的月亮,在环绕的天穹之上,每月都在变幻。

5、Observations of the Moon were made from Mount Macedon in Victoria, for around three days each month when the Moon was rising or setting. 对月亮的观察是在维多利亚州的马其顿山上进行的,每个月约三天,在月亮升起或落下时进行。

6、But around the world people took amazing pictures of the largest moon humans have seen since 1993. 世界各地的人拍下了令人称奇的超级大月亮的照片,这是自1993年人类见过的最大月亮。

7、The moon was full again. White flowers glimmered in the moonlight. 月亮又圆了。白色的花在月光下闪烁着。

8、The moon is broken, the mailbox is empty, and sleeping is half awake, flowers are semi blossomed, poems are unending. Nothing is complete. 月亮缺了角,邮箱是空的,睡眠是半梦半醒,花开到一半,诗总是没有结尾,什麽都是不完整的。

9、A sickle moon was in the sky. 弯弯的月亮正悬在空中。

10、Moon River, wider than a mile; 月亮河,一英里还宽。

11、From October to April the walls glistened with the damp. 从十月到四月,利默里克的墙壁都湿的发亮。

12、The moon has not yet risen. 月亮还没有升起。

13、The moon can't always be full. 月亮不可能常圆。

14、Ellen, quiet and reliable as the moon. 月亮般恬静可靠的埃伦。

15、The moon gives light at night. 月亮在夜里放光芒。

16、The places in question would be deep in craters at the moon’s poles—places, in other words, where the sun don’t shine. “某些角落”可能是月亮上陨石坑洞口的深处,换句话说,可能是太阳照不到的地方。

17、So, do a Qinglian bar, in the poet's words between the fragrance, in the years changes in the refined, elegant. 那么,做一朵清莲吧,在诗人的字句间芬芳,在岁月的变迁中脱俗、高雅。

18、During totality, the Moon tracked through the northern part of the Earth's dark umbral , so the southern half appeared considerably darker than the northern part. 在月全食的过程中,月亮会经过地球本影的北部,因此月亮下半部分会比上半部分暗一些。

19、The affections they hold may surpass those of any other nations in the world, forming a special moon sentiment. 他们对月亮的深情,超过世界上任何一个民族,形成了一种独特的月亮情结。

20、The moon encircles the earth. 月亮绕着地球运行。

21、The moon hid itself behind the clouds. 月亮掩藏于云后。

22、The sun shines by day, the moon shines by night. 太阳在白天光芒万丈,月亮在夜晚明亮;

23、" Famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai in the "Jingyesi" in the line: "I raise my eyes to the moon, bow their heads and think of home. 唐代著名诗人李白在《静夜思》中的名句:“举头望,低头思故乡。”

24、Sometimes the moon doesn’t completely fall into the of the Earth, however. 有时候,月亮并没有完全进入地球的影子,这时候,只有一部分月亮变暗,我们将看到偏食。

25、It is moon-driven, forever. 它是月亮驱动,永远。


26、The moon was low in the sky. 月亮低悬在天空。

27、With the moon on their wings. 飞翔的野雁翅膀上有月亮。

28、The moonbeam lights up my memory. 月光照亮了记忆。

29、once in a blue moon 出蓝月亮的时候(稀罕,少见)

30、The moon is shinning sadly. 月亮伤心地照耀着。

31、I am too happy to stand faint! NO.17 月亮代表我的心!

32、Dec. 17. A day without sun, star and moon. 12月17日 又是看不见太阳、星星、月亮的一天。

33、If the sun and moon should doubt. 太阳月亮若起疑。

34、The heavens bleed, through open wounds, the dim light of the Moon. 苍穹泣血,她痛苦的伤口,正是月亮那昏沉的光亮。

35、Therefore, the refreshing mid-autumn offers the best chance for appreciating the moon. The moon is the brightest and moonlight the most beautiful at the night of mid-autumn. 中秋之夜,月亮显得最亮,月色也最美好。

36、The sun then appears as a very bright ring around the moon. 那时太阳就像一个明亮的圆环绕在月亮外围。

37、"The moon is broken, but Daddy can fix it," I said at the age of 3, pointing to the rind of a waning moon. “即使月亮破碎了,爸爸也可以解决” 我在3岁时指着残月的外表说过这句话。

38、the moonlight stands for my heart! 月亮代表地心低落!

39、Moon Represents My Heart … I love you! 月亮代表我的心…我爱你!

40、The moon of round circle resembles bending bend. 圆圆的月亮像弯弓。

41、In Chinese mythology, Jade Rabbit lives on the moon where it makes herbal medicine. The rabbit is also mentioned in the novel Journey to the West. 没错,嫦娥就是中国的月亮女神了。在中国的神话传说中,月亮上还有一只捣药的月兔。

42、Tonight the moon is to the east (or left) of Spica. This motion of the moon on our sky's dome is due to the moon's actual motion in orbit around Earth. 今晚月亮将在天门星东方或(左侧)月亮在我们天空弧顶的该运动是因为月亮在轨道上的实际运动是绕着地球转。

43、The moon is in its last quarter. 月亮现处于下弦。

44、The moon was hidden by clouds. 月亮给云彩遮住了。

45、The poet Wallace Stevens puts it beautifully when he says that poetry should make the visible a little hard to see; in other words it should be a defamiliarizing of that which has become too familiar. 诗人华莱士,史蒂文斯在解释这点时说得很漂亮,他说,诗应给能见之物涂上一点朦胧的色彩,换句话说,诗应将熟悉的事物陌生化。

46、You see the moon curved it? 你看到了弯弯的月亮了吗?

47、On that night, the moon appears to be at its roundest and brightest. 在那天晚上,月亮看起来最圆、最亮。

48、Days and nights are very long on the moon , where one day is as long as two weeks on the earth. 在月亮上,白天和黑天都相当长,月亮上的一天等于地球上的两周。

49、The moon put on their underpants. 月亮穿起了她们的裤衩。

50、Lenore said she wanted the moon. 丽诺儿说她要月亮。


51、The moon emerged from behind the clouds. 月亮从云后现出。

52、When the moon was crescent shaped people began to disappear. 月亮开始呈月牙形的时候人们就开始失踪。

53、The Moon's brightness varies throughout its annual cycle, during the mid-winter in the northern hemisphere it can appear brighter simply because it is higher in the sky. 月球的亮度随着轨道位置的变化而变化,在北半球的深冬,月亮会更亮,因为它在天空中更高。

54、This year's Thunder Moon lies at more than 252,000 miles away. 今年的满月之夜,月亮离地球大约252,000英里。

55、It is said that this recent night the moon from Earth, the moon is the most significant round brightest, the custom of antiquity have banquets to celebrate; 据说此夜月球距地球最近,月亮最大最圆最亮,所以从古至今都有饮宴赏月的习俗;

56、But it will be brightest in the second half of September. 而9月下半月将是它最明亮的时候。

57、The sun is than the moon. 太阳比月亮大得多。

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