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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-27 10:22:25
  • 77




1、good good ,very good,English is the great languare..关键要你读的优美

2、Whereas normally 10 minutes is a short amount of time, Youtube turns it into a cinematic experience. 那里通常在十分钟这样短的一个时间内 优酷把短片变成一种电影的体验.

3、The reasoning is to take advantage of short haul opportunities in the Pacific before grain exports in South America hit the peak. 这样做的理由是,在南美粮食出口达到高峰之前可以利用太平洋运程较短的优势。

4、The famous song skilled maple tree leaves behind many exquisite interesting to listen to songs in his short life for us, the song "China" is he creates. 著名歌手高枫在他短暂的一生里为我们留下许多优美动听的歌曲,歌曲《大中国》就是他创作的其中一首。

5、"Beautiful environment from jdweo " is the jdweo company"s eternal vision! “优美环境来自洁德美”是洁德美公司的永恒愿景!

6、You are my gifted musicians United States. 你就是我的优乐美。

7、Write a short and to-the-point headline stating that advantage. 写个简短到位的标题,指出那些优势。

8、Kiel is a beautiful environment, beautiful tree-lined city. 基尔是一个环境优美、绿树成荫的美丽城市。

9、I used to find notes left in the collection basket, beautiful notes about my homilies and about the writer’s thoughts on the daily scriptural readings. 过去,我常常在教堂的心意篮里面发现一些优美的小短文,有些是关于我的布道,有些是作者日常读《圣经》的感想。

10、It is excellent for its handiness, elegance and beauty. 它最大的优点是轻巧、优雅和美观。

11、It's beautiful. But think about that. 非常优美,想想看

12、Leaves are glossy deep black, bright red roots, erect and strong, beautiful plant type, number of leaves and more leaves hypertrophy, short, easy to break, easy to harvest. 耐高低温优秀。叶色油亮深黑,根部鲜红,直立性强,株型美观,叶数多,叶肥厚,短柄,不易折断,易采收。

13、A short spout protrudes from the shoulder of the pot and the body is decorated with melons vines as well as a pnix. 此壶肩部有多棱短流,腹为四瓣瓜棱,流下腹部用褐、绿彩描绘一振翅欲飞的凤鸟,构图简洁,用笔精准,造型优美。

14、Play with a beautiful piano. 弹奏着一首优美的钢琴曲。

15、She found beauty and grace and they befriended her, and showed her what is real. 她发现了美和优雅,而美和优雅也待她如友,把生命的真谛呈现给了她。

16、S. non-extraction tooth, no pain, time is short, strong teeth, the gums will not appear for years after the black line and so on. 不仅具有美牙不拔牙,无痛苦,时间短,牙齿坚固,多年后牙龈不会出现黑线等优点。

17、Your normal attention span only significantly decreased due to Youtube. 你的正常的注意力显着由于(看)优酷短片而降低.

18、Beauty, grace, strength, and adamantine hardness constitute the perfect body. 完美的身体是美丽、优雅、有力及金刚不坏。

19、The elite player's services spot are often left half table's shortness. 改大球后左短与中短是优秀运动员常用发球落点。

20、Her beautiful voice charms everyone. 她优美的声音迷醉了每个人。

21、For example, the efficiency coefficient of power station is an important parameter in the STOD model, whereas the correlative study is . 如短期优化调度模型中的出力系数计算问题的研究就很少,而它都是影响短期优化调度计算精度的重要因素。

22、Everybody has his merits and faults. 人有所长,亦有所短。人人皆有优缺点。

23、The bell has a beautiful tone. 这个钟有优美的音色。

24、She pointed her toes daintily. 她优美地踮起双脚。

25、046 The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue. 猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。


26、Which waves in every raven tress. 优美波动在她乌黑的发鬓。

27、EF-a tale of melodic. 音调优美的。

28、Meifeng sang more beautifully than Qingqing last night. 昨晚美凤唱得比青青更优美。

29、He got $10 for each A. 他美得一个优就获得了10美元。

30、Dolan suggested euro/dollar will still test $1.44-45 in the short run. Dolan认为,短期欧元/美元仍将测试1.44-45美元.

31、Second, in this dissertation, we studied the shortest path arithmetic and fulfilled it according to DIJKSTRA arithmetic. 研究了最短路算法,并以DIJKSTRA算法为基础实现了最短路径的优化分析;

32、Bottom line: Quality US-listed China stocks are poised for a rally, as investors hunt for bargains in the battered sector. 一句话: 由于投资者寻找低位买入的机会,中国赴美上市的部分优质股票料将反弹。

33、This is a conflict between local optimization and global optimization, the short term and the long term. 这是一个全局优化和局部优化、短期和长期的的冲突。

34、What a lovely scenery you have here! 这儿的景物多么优美啊!

35、I used to find notes left in the collection basket, beautiful notes about my homilies and about the writer's thoughts on the daily scriptural readings. 我常常在教堂的心意篮里面优美的小短文,有些是关于我的布道,有些是作者日常读《圣经》的感想。

36、The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue. 猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。

37、His dance movements are vigorous and graceful. 他的舞姿雄健优美。

38、At the present time, improving the precision and the speed of STOD has become the primary content of study, however the rationality and the veracity of the STOD model are ignored. 目前,短期优化研究常侧重于提高算法的精度和计算速度,而忽略了短期优化调度模型本身的合理性和准确性。

39、Along the way Casuarina Gadao, Tingzhi beautiful tree, the road smooth, beautiful, fit in this camp. 沿途木麻黄夹道,树形挺直优美,路面平坦,景色优美,适合在此露营。

40、For example, the efficiency coefficient of power station is an important parameter in the STOD model, whereas the correlative study is very seldom. 如短期优化调度模型中的出力系数计算问题的研究就很少,而它都是影响短期优化调度计算数度的重要因素。

41、These conditions provide the algorithm for obtaining pleasant marks as well as judging pleasant trees. 这些充要条件为判定树的优美性及求优美标号提供了算法。

42、The play was nominated as the Critics’ Choice at the Festival for its brilliant translation of dark humour into playful sketches with stunning physical movement. 这场演出在爱丁堡节上被提名为“评论家之选” 因为他通过优美的动作将黑色幽默精彩演绎为有趣的短剧.

43、She personifies beauty and grace. 她是美丽与优雅的化身。

44、Those violets are exquisite flowers. 那些紫罗兰是优美的花。

45、A melodious sound is pleasant to listen to. 优美的; 悦耳的; 动听的

46、(of persons) lacking in refinement or grace. (指人)不文雅优美。

47、The waltz is a beautiful dance. 华尔兹舞是一种优美的舞。

48、Yet, a year later, he can't win passage of his top legislative priority: health care. 谁知短短一年后的今天,他竟然无法促使国会通过他的最优先立法项目:医疗健保改革。

49、Flowing Away, short story of Chi Zi-jian, shows reader a pure elegant drawing of northern countries by mysterious blue images and clean charming words. 迟子建的短篇小说《逝川》,以其神秘忧郁的意象、美丽纯净的语言,为读者展现了一幅清新优美、意味绵邈的北国风光图景。

50、Mouse-Digit Experiment "Elegant" 老鼠指爪实验“非常优美”


51、Amunai's songs are very beautiful. 阿木奶的歌声十分优美。

52、Gracefulness and leness are both some kind of beauty. 优美与崇高美都是美的一种形式。

53、This piece of music is melodious . 这首音乐音调优美。

54、If man can in a short time give beauty and an elegant carriage to his bantams , I can see no good reason to doubt. 如果人类能使班塔母矮鸡在短时期内获得美丽的颜色和优雅的姿态,我们就没有充足的理由来怀疑。

55、The refined rooms of the Imperiale come with fine fabrics. 精美的客房离有着优美的装饰。

56、20020212 046 The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue。猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。

57、It was the 100-meter dash finals, and the lanes were filled with the most talented sprinters on earth. 这是一场100米短跑决赛,站在跑道上的都是世界上最优秀的短跑选手。

58、The project focusing on medium and short term tour and holiday spending , combines characteristic amut projects such as ecological tour and farmhouse tour with excellent natural environment. 以旅馆租赁方式的中、短期旅游、度假为主,把生态旅游、农家游等特色娱乐项目融入优美的自然环境中。

59、Graceful silk hangs, Jujustu. 优美的绸吊、柔术;

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