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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-17 13:11:28
  • 134


关于”表达悲伤的句子“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Sad sentences。以下是关于表达悲伤的句子的九年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sad sentences

1、We grieve for him at this very sad time. 在这非常悲伤的时刻我们向他表示哀悼。

2、I am filled with tremendous sadness and remorse. 我的心中充满了悲伤与懊悔。

3、I'm so lonely, so lonely, so lonely and sadly and lonely, that no one just me only, sitting on my little home. 我太 寂寞,太 寂寞,悲伤又寂寞。悲伤的是没人跟我一样,只能独坐小屋里。

4、I was going to wait for the third al because I really felt like we had the "sadness" represented on this record. 我打算把它放到我的第三张专辑里,因为我觉得这首歌实在太悲伤了,而这张专辑里的歌已经表现出足够多的悲伤。

5、She immerses herself in the sadness of this movie. 她沉浸在电影的悲伤之中。

6、Dry sorrow drinks our blood . 枯涸的悲伤吸干了我们的鲜血。

7、A funeral is a sorrowful occasion. 葬礼是一种令人悲伤的场合。

8、Those who are suffering chronic depression or struggling through grief or trauma can lessen the risk of deepening sadness by balancing the emotionality and sequence of their playlists. 那些患有慢性抑郁症或挣扎在悲痛和创伤中的人可以通过平衡情绪和播放列表的顺序来减少加深悲伤的风险。

9、Grief is itself a medicine. --William Cowper, Charity. 悲伤本身就是解药。

10、I am sorry to hear about your sad loss. 听到悲伤的消息,我深表哀悼

11、To write a Love Letter, find a private spot and write a letter to your partner. 找个安静的地方写封情书,每封情书都表达你的愤怒、悲伤、恐惧、后悔与爱的感觉。

12、I told her she must be able to smile to her sorrow, because we are more than our sorrow. 我告诉她,她一定要能够微笑面对他的伤悲,因为除了悲伤,我们还拥有更多。

13、Then,all the frogs hopped sadly away. 然后,所有的青蛙悲伤地跳走了。

14、To be honest, I do not know myself. 木头人真的不懂得悲伤么?

15、Willing to share the sorrows of others. 并乐意去和他人分享你的悲伤。

16、The white keys represent happiness, while the black keys represent sadness. 白键代表快乐,黑键代表悲伤。

17、however in my mind you are by my sad . ( 然而我在意你的悲伤)

18、I choose to forget my sorrow. 如果·命运选择你,忘却悲伤.

19、Which my sorrows had fallen out by. 我的悲伤都从那边漏出去了!

20、Some people cut to express strong feelings of rage, sorrow, rejection, desperation, longing, or emptiness. 一些人割伤自己,是为了表达愤怒、悲哀、拒绝、绝望、渴望或空虚等强烈的情绪。

21、Music box melody is so sad. 八音盒的旋律是如此悲伤。

22、Wabi sab i expresses a profound love of life through sorrowfully recognizing its fleeting nature. 通过悲伤地承认生命转瞬即逝的本质,侘寂表达了对生命深沉的热爱。

23、Chronic pelvic pain occurs below your belly on and lasts at least 6 months. 慢性骨盆痛苦悲伤是指发生在脐部以下至少连续6个月的骨盆内部空腔痛苦悲伤。

24、Night is rather sad when stricken. 夜,是叫人悲伤欲绝的时候。

25、If the injury, it makes a Candle's tears will be sad to burn; 若伤,便作一枝流泪的红烛,将悲伤付之一炬;


26、Smile can not hide the sorrow of Yima. 入乐骨的悲伤, 又该如何笑。

27、Time heals grief and quarrels . 时间治愈悲伤,宁息争吵。

28、Are all covered with grief, injury LiBiao being carried back. 正在大家被悲伤覆盖时,重伤的李彪被人抬了回来。

29、The Emotional Humanoid Robot can express seven different feelings, including delight, surprise, sadness and dislike. 这台“人类情感机器人”可以表达七种不同的感情,包括喜悦、惊讶、悲伤和厌恶。

30、  Greif sous le soleil, qui peut lire? 太阳光下的悲伤 、谁能读懂 ?

31、Belinda's family in Cardiff have been too upset to speak. 贝琳达在加的夫的家人悲伤得无以言语。

32、Zhang Li's dog suddenly died, it is sad indeed! 张莉的狗突然死了,真悲伤!

33、Is Elysium there are joy and sadness? 极乐世界是有快乐和悲伤的吗?

34、'Poor Ellen,' Jim whispers sadly. '可怜的艾伦,'吉姆悲伤地细语。

35、Strangely, a part of me does not want the grief to stop, because the grief itself is a connection to Kelly. 奇怪的是,我的一部分不想悲伤停止,因为悲伤本身就是与凯利的一种联系。

36、It takes me away and all my sadness ... 它带走我和我所有的悲伤。

37、I do not want to sadden you again. 我丝毫不想使您悲伤。

38、Today must borrow nothing of tomorrow。少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

39、I will devote my joy and sadness to you. 奉献我的喜乐和伤悲。

40、Alina was tired, and cold, and sad. Alina累坏了,又冷又悲伤。

41、Days, still sunny, sad by the. 天,依旧晴朗,悲伤依在。

42、A hope could slough off her sadness. 希望可以使她摆脱悲伤。

43、Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you 黑色的悲伤轿车(灵车!

44、Gentlest fair, mourn, mourn no moe. 温柔的美人啊,千万千万莫再悲伤。

45、books are human's ascensive s ladder. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.

46、This overconfidence was also seen when people tried to communicate anger, sadness, seriousness and humour in an email. 这种过分自信也发生在人们用邮件表达愤怒、悲伤、严肃和幽默的时候。

47、The cow looked so sad! 那头牛看上去那么悲伤!

48、Greif sous le soleil, qui peut lire? 太阳光下的悲伤 、谁能读懂 ?

49、Habit. Listening to a sad song. Shallow sing. 习惯。听着悲伤的歌。浅唱。

50、She conducted herself stoically in her time of grief. 她悲伤时,表现出奇的冷静。


51、Grief has blunted her senses. 悲伤使她变得迟钝麻木了。

52、The girl drooped with sorrow. 这女孩因悲伤而憔悴了。

53、There 5 stages of grief. Learn what to expect after a loss. 悲痛的5个阶段,学会在受到创伤后对待悲痛的方法。

54、The world is not dirty, where is the sadness? 世界不肮脏,何来的悲伤?

55、greif sous le soleil, qui peut lire? 太阳光下的悲伤,谁能读懂?

56、Sorrow had baptized him. 悲伤使他在精神上经受了考验。

57、Greif sous le soleil, qui peut lire? 太阳光下的悲伤,谁能读懂?

58、Happiness, gorgeous but sad words. 幸福,华丽却又悲伤德字眼。

59、Mexican actress Ursula Pruneda, in "The Dream of Lu, " received the best actress award for her vivid depiction of a mother who goes through the sorrow of losing her child. 墨西哥女演员乌苏拉·普鲁内达在影片《悲伤成梦》扮演一个失去孩子、悲痛万分的母亲,凭借她动情的表演,她获得了最佳女主角。

60、Memory frames, sad like water diffuse. 回忆定格的年间,悲伤如水般弥漫。

61、My family's sorrow is to be expressed in personal tributes to the matriarch of our family. 我们的悲伤将以个人对家里的女家长的悼念来表达。

62、He tarries and I grieve. 他一去不归,我徒自悲伤。

63、Of sorrow's rankling shaft to cure the wound. 把悲痛那可恨的箭伤治愈。

64、I lost my money in an evil hour. 他因为丢钱而悲伤。

65、5An idle youth a needy age 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

66、Three of the saddest 10 cities hailed from the "Sunshine State"。十大悲伤城市中有三个都来自“阳光州”(即佛罗里达)。

67、It could also shake itself, sit down, lie down, offer its paw, learn, and display positive and negative emotion via lights. 同时,通过光的作用,它还能自动摇摆,坐下,躺下,伸出爪子,表演快乐和悲伤的情绪。

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