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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-21 13:05:38
  • 80


关于”情话短句“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Love words。以下是关于情话短句的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Love words

1、LQ: Still, it's none of your business. 还是那句话,这与你没有关系。

2、As the above sentence says, whitespace is significant by default, but it is not true that all whitespace is significant. 就像这句话所说的那样,默认情况下空白是重要的,但并非所有空白都是重要的。

3、The vernacular short stories of Ming Dynasty paid much more attention to plot because it depended on "storytelling" skills in Song and Yuan Dynasties. 明代白话短篇小说因继承宋元“说话”伎艺而来,对于情节部分尤为注重,故具有对其进行深入、系统研究的价值。

4、It was too frivolous for her to answer. 这句话太刻薄了,她不愿回答。

5、CO is not required for this Komar regular shipment. 这句话是不需要产地证。

6、He slit his eyes but said nothing. 他眯着眼睛,但一句话也没说。

7、Collections of short jokes especially written for texters are best-sellers. 那些专门为短信族编写的短篇笑话集也十分畅销。

8、"It's the thought that counts. " That's what we say when someone gives us a gift that we don't want or that doesn't suit us. “礼轻情意重”,这是我们收到不想要或者不适合的礼物时常说的一句话。

9、I posed my ice question to the guy behind the counter, but a beefy man buying some whiskey interjected. 我正要向酒保提及冰块的事情,这时一个来买威士忌的壮汉插了句话。

10、In that short space of time he had gallantly gone upstairs in a glow, resolved upon sacrificing his earnings for the sake of telling the truth. 在这短短的时间内,他曾热情勇敢地走上去,决心要为了说实话而牺牲他的薪水。

11、In other words, we should always do what we think is right no matter what the consequence may be. 换句话说,我们应该时时做我们认为对的事情,而不要管其结果可能会如何。

12、Employees tend to exaggerate the importance of anything the CEO says. 麦尔斯指出:“这种情形被称为‘首席执行官放大效应’,员工们很容易夸大首席执行官说的每一句话的重要性。”

13、Short-term goals are often the subject of a single conversation and are preset before the conversation begins. 短期目标往往是单次会话的话题,常在谈话开始前提前预置。

14、"People text like they talk, " he says. "And some of the things they say, taken out of context, can come back to haunt them." “人们用他们说话的方式习惯来发短信”他说,“而其中的一部分短信内容在脱离上下文关联的情况下,会给他们引来麻烦。”

15、SMS messages, however, have necessitated the development of a new, shorter form of love talk. 然而,手机短信息服务的出现使更新的、更简短的情话的发展成为必然。

16、Life is short, enjoy it! ! 生命暂短,尽情享受吧!

17、She studied every sentence: and her feelings towards its writer were at times widely different. 她把每一句话都反复研究过,她对于这个写信人的感情,一忽儿热了起来,一忽儿又冷了下去。

18、Now I long-distance not short said; 现在的我长话不短说;

19、Long story short, Y! 长话短说,Y!

20、In other words, having a set routine lets you put all of your energy into the work you're doing, rather than spend your time deciding which work to do. 换句话说,固定的日程安排能让你把精力专注到正在做的事情上,而不用浪费时间犹豫该做哪件事情。

21、It is, in other words, drop-dead easy to use. 换句话说,它便于使用。

22、In other words, knowing that a couple is cohabitating doesn't really tell you all you need to know to love them well. 换句话说,知道一对男女在同居不一定会告诉你所有你需要知道的事情。

23、Although this economy of words saves time, to some women, it can come across as "brash, harsh, insensitive, or unfeeling," she says. 她说,虽然这些简短的话语会节约时间,但是在女人听来,就会觉得男性“不礼貌、说的话刺耳、没感觉、无情。”

24、Each text contains a short essay and several situational dialogues, which are to be learned complementarily to achieve an accelerated result. 课文包括短文和情景会话两部分,交叉学习,事半功倍。

25、Lastly, we must talk about chinese wine and sour plum, only one word, extreme ! 最后要谈的是花雕加话梅,只有一句话:绝!!!


26、Some people make dirty words their phrases. 有些人说脏话他们的短语。

27、In other words, in this case - -however you feel about "A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal"- in this case you would accept Knapp and Michaels's argument. 换句话说,在这个情况下,不管你对“睡意席卷了我的心神“有什么感受-,这种情况下你会接受Knapp和Michaels的观点。

28、Only with this explaination can you understand why there are some people that can establish relationship within a conversation of several lines. 也只有这样才能解释,为什么两个不认识的人,通过几句话就有可能建立感情。

29、In other words, what is there--which is a kind of way of talking really has to do with what Gadamer means when he talks also about die Sache, the subject matter. 换句话说,存在,确实和伽达默尔所说的,事情本身有联系。

30、She extinguished him with a single word. 她一句话就说得他哑口无言。

31、If their top-rated suggestion does not have the desired effect, then try in one of six languages to say: "Didn't it hurt when you fell from heaven? 即使上面这句情话对你没有什麽吸引力,如下的几句一定会拨弄你的心——“当你从天堂降临到人间时,你没有受伤吧?”

32、Isn't, in other words such an unreflective attachment ? to one's own bound to result in injustice to others? 换句话说,这样粗心大意的情感附属,难道不是将不义强附到他们身上吗?

33、Vice Foreign Minister Wang and President McAleese had a brief meeting and then delivered warm speeches respectively. 王副部长与利斯总统举行简短会晤,并先后发表热情洋溢的讲话。

34、I want to make it short. 我想把它长话短说吧。

35、Can you tell me some information about the place you live?How does the neighbourhood area look like? 羊村部落 » 英语学习 » 帮翻译句话“你能告诉我一些关于你居住地方的情况吗?

36、When you say something in a big language, it comes out small. 当你用大型语言说话时,话会很简短。

37、In our short convation she helped me be more awesome online. She used her superpowers because she couldn’t help it. 在我们简短的对话中,她情不自禁地运用着她的超能力,帮我把网上在线填充得更加精彩。

38、Blurted out the sentence is so easy. 是那么容易脱口而出的一句话。

39、Each time I've said it, I meant it. I'm sure I will say it and mean it many more times. 每次说出这句话的时候我都是认真的,而且肯定大多数情况下都会言行一致。

40、To paraphrase “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” you will elevate the discussion from small talk to medium talk. 换句话说“抑制下你的热情”,你反而可以把沟通从“闲聊”的程度提升到“适度交流”。

41、Let's just suppose we understand that clause to be implied in what I'm saying. 我们假设,那句话蕴含在我所说的话中。

42、And I will never forget that,” she said. 我将永远不会忘记那句话。

43、The crowd was silent now, fearing to miss a word, to fail to see a gesture or an expression. 人群现在沉默了,恐怕错过一句话,看漏一个手势或者一个表情。

44、In a mere half century films have gone from silent to unspeakable. 短短半个世纪里,电影这玩艺从无声发展到了废话连篇…

45、There eis a saying that man proposes, goddisposes, which means man plan the things and the rest of the outcome lies inthe luck. 有一句话说谋事在人,成事在天,意思是人们计划事情,剩下的结果依赖于运气。

46、Hazel: It"s kinda easy for you to talk big when you"re hiding out in Brooklyn. 说大话。整句话的意思是“说得倒是轻松,站着说话不腰疼”

47、The saying “if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there” fits in nicely here. 有一句话“如果你不知道你的方向,记住:条条大路通罗马”很适合文章里所说的情况。

48、Why the love so short? 为什么这段情如此短暂?

49、And the word " Yuan Fang, what do you see?" 而这句话“元芳你怎么看?”

50、In short words, a clear lineal organization is mixed with an infinite loop. 在短短的话,一个明确的直系组织是一个无限循环的混合。


51、After all, if everything was hunky-dory all the time, you would never get a chance to learn how to be patient. (I'm sure that last sentence was annoying too! 毕竟,事情总是太顺的话,你就没有机会变得有耐性了。(我也知道,这句话也是恼人的。)

52、The manager asked me to be brief. 经理要我长话短说。

53、Such behavior is regarded as "all too human", with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. 这样的行为被认为是“人之常情”,这句话的潜台词就是其它动物不会将这种不满情绪发挥到如此地步。

54、It is me who can truly understand how painful you felt at speaking this sentence. And I will enshrine it in my mind forever. 只有我明白你说这句话时内心有多痛,我也把你这句话永远地记在脑海里。

55、A crudely indecent word or phrase; 下流话粗俗下流的词或短语;

56、I really am not caring at this point about the revenue model – I am trying to be a purist. 这种情况所涉及的收入模式问题我真的不关心,我只是想说句公道话。

57、The teacher's turn-length is much longer than that of the students'. 话轮的长短虽不固定,但教师的话轮偏长,学生话轮偏短;

58、And briefer still the words I have spoken. 我同你们讲的话更为简短。

59、And given the likelihood we would buy a new dog, it may just be good business to drop a few words. 假定我们可能还要再买只狗,说上一两句表示同情的话也许仅仅与生意有关。

60、Brief were my days among you, and briefer still the words I have spoken. 我在你们中间的日子是非常短促的,而我所说的话是更短了。

61、Given its ten year’s company, though, I would like to say a few words for it — computer in its prime of years was innocent. 看在十年老交情上,我为它说几句好话:早期的电脑是无害的。

62、Greet your candidates warmly and chat with them briefly to help them relax. 热情问候他们,和他们做个简短谈话,让他们放松放松。

63、In other words, only one result is no better than no result, especially where the marketplace is concerned. 换句话说,只有一个结果并不比没有结果好,特别是在涉及到市场的情况下。

64、In other words, in most situations, Australian law forbids 'copyright-design overlap' for industrial products. 换句话说,在多数情形下,澳大利亚法律禁止工业产品“版权-外观设计重叠”。

65、Maybe the person you say this to really will be fine, but chances are he or she will think you're a?bonehead. 也许听你讲这句话的人确实会没事,但是可能情况是:他或她会觉得你是个傻瓜。

66、While reading a recent conversation on Facebook between two family members, I caught sight of these words: “You have time for whatever you MAKE time for”. 最近在脸谱网上浏览一家两口人的对话,我瞥见这样一句话:“无论什么事情,只要愿意挤时间,就会有时间去做。”

67、The old saying,” be yourself” is very true and is ultimately what will attract the woman of your dreams. 正如一句老话所说:“做你自己”,这很正确,同时也是吸引你梦中情人最终的一点。

68、When think this sentence too sentimental some time, then walked slowly, finally feel cold night shining the sadness. 当年觉得这句话太过矫情,而后的一些时光慢慢走过清辉夜冷,终于体会了这番苍凉。

69、What he said was brief but significant. 他的讲话虽然简短, 可是非常有意思。

70、Perhaps you've heard the familiar refrain: "There are only two things that last for eternity: the Word of God and the souls of men.� 也许你有听过类似的叠句:“只有两件事情是永恒的:神的话语和人类的灵魂。”

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