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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-28 14:11:34
  • 134


关于”浪漫的句子“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Romantic sentences。以下是关于浪漫的句子的三年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Romantic sentences

1、I tell Julie I don't have head-over-heels romantic feelings toward her. 我对她没有疯狂的浪漫感觉。

2、Speaking of her love, has become a romantic balderdash. 爱对她来讲,已经成为一种浪漫的梦呓。

3、Animals are everywhere. Some are more romantic, like tigers and elephants and chimpanzees, and some are less romantic, like earthworms , but they are just as interesting. 有些动物比较浪漫,像老虎、大象和黑猩猩,有些则较不浪漫,像蚯蚓,但这些动物一样有趣。

4、Coombs's Divine Amut (Various). voice, piano or organ. Romantic. Coombs的神圣游(各种)。的声音,钢琴或器官。浪漫。

5、Then, I went to the romantic city - Paris. 然后,我就去了浪漫之都——法国巴黎。

6、"Jirisan Liaozhai" is a positive romantic works. 《聊斋智异》是一部积极浪漫主义作品。

7、Due to some historical reasons, the German Romanticism has long been called"negative Romanticism", and Novalis has long been neglected in the academic field. 由于历史的原因,德国浪漫派长期被冠以“消极浪漫主义”的称号,而诺瓦利斯也因此长期被学术界忽视。

8、It's a counter-weight to Frost's romantic longing. 这是弗罗斯特浪漫的希望的对立力量。

9、Romantic flowers fall on the semi-sheer poly chiffon wrap. 浪漫的花朵散落在薄纱的包裹里。

10、There is an air of romance about the old inn. 这家老客栈颇有些浪漫气氛。

11、Meteor shower is one of the most romantic spectacle Sky. 流星雨是最富浪漫色彩的天象奇观。

12、May: I love snowy, because it is very romantic. 阿美: 我最喜欢下雪天,因为非常的浪漫。

13、There is no life romantic and sweet, really can grow with you, just get old gradually familiar with. 没有一辈子的浪漫和甜蜜,真正能长伴你身边的,只是慢慢老去的熟悉。

14、It can endow his daily experience with a kind of romance. 这让他的日常经历富有浪漫色彩。

15、Romance also means routine maintenance. 浪漫也意谓着你要经常对她进行维护。

16、Will she abandon her cynicism and embrace romance? 她会放弃她的玩世不恭而拥抱浪漫吗?

17、My whole operation was a romantic Bay of Pigs. 我整个计划就像猪湾事件的浪漫版。

18、Love in tragedies was for the most part loftily, romantic. 悲剧里的恋爱大多数是崇高的浪漫。

19、I knew you would forget. You're so unromantic ! 我就知道你会忘记,你真不浪漫!

20、Nate and Vanessa have a romantic night at the opera. Nate同Vanessa在歌剧院度过了浪漫的一晚。

21、Romance is seeing flowers withering away you want to cry. 浪漫是瞧见花将凋零想哭泣。

22、Romance for violin og orkester, Op. 20 浪漫曲,为小提琴和乐队所作,作品20。

23、He's always in very ridiculous or romantic comedy ones 他总是演很滑稽或者浪漫的喜剧片,

24、Rakehell is rounders forever. 浪子永远是浪子。

25、Is your screenplay heavy on romance, and short on comedy? 你的剧本是否太过浪漫却不够喜剧?


26、Nocturne in D major (Bizet, Georges). Piano. Romantic. D大调夜曲(比才,乔治)。计划。浪漫。

27、Romantic fish swam in nets coming to the hand; 浪漫主义之鱼回游在收向手中的网底;

28、Urban Romance: Simple, Comfortable, Harmony, Dynamique, Transparence… 都市浪漫: 简洁,舒适,和谐,活力,通透……

29、Do some friendships turn into romantic relationships? 有没有一些友谊转化成浪漫史呢?

30、Romance is to bid me farewell, but forget-me-not. 浪漫是向我挥别,但勿将我忘。

31、A romantic little cabin out of town would be cool. 去城外的浪漫小屋玩玩是不错的。

32、FEEL THE ROMANCE OF THE ROYAL FAMILY? “感受英国皇家的浪漫”? 我差点被苹果噎住。

33、Another view from the living room: dim light, romantic feel. 从客厅望去,昏黄的灯光,浪漫依旧。

34、BOBO refers to the modern romantic petty bourgeoisie, but also the upper class intellectuals in society. BOBO是指有现代浪漫主义的小资,同时也是社会上极高层次的知识分子。

35、This kind of romanticism is everywhere in Buchan's books. 这种浪漫思想在巴肯的书中俯拾皆是。

36、This well-balanced and fruity wine has lively notes of cherries with a long and dry finish. Its pleasing aroma recalls the romance of roses, raspberries and peaches. 这款有着良好平衡感及丰富果味的葡萄酒具有樱桃口感及回味无穷的余味。让人联想到玫瑰,覆盆子及粉红桃子的弥漫浪漫。

37、Ying Liang's aristocratic yellow, pink and romantic, elegant Sapphire. 盈亮的贵族黄、浪漫的粉红,典雅的宝石蓝。

38、Where was the romance in starflight now, if this was all it took? 难道这就是浪漫的星际旅行?

39、I love snowy, because it is very very romantic. 我最喜欢下雪天,因为非常浪漫。

40、The palace was invested with glamour and romance. 这座宫殿充满了魅力和浪漫气息。

41、Clean up your place. Fluff up the pillows. Romantic conditions are going from OK to fabulous for the next couple of days. 打扫房子,抖一抖枕头。未来几天的浪漫情境将渐入佳境。

42、Thereby he rejects the one the romantics lent him. 因此,他拒绝了浪漫主义者与他的形象。

43、Hotel Continental style of decoration, more generous, romantic. 宾馆欧式装修风格,更显大方、浪漫。

44、Steamboats were wonderful and exciting and romantic. 蒸汽船是如此美妙,令人激动及浪漫

45、The man reminisces with Belle about their romantic youth, and how they could have been happy together. 该名男子回忆与他们浪漫的美丽的青年,以及如何将它们已春光乍泄。

46、Some things are inherently romantic, like hearts. 有些东西本来就很浪漫,比如红心。

47、The outdoor fireplace makes for a very romantic place to entertain. 户外壁炉是非常浪漫的待客地方。

48、If you want to impress someone, then you can use relevant quotes to create a romantic impact. 如果你想抓住谁的心,你就可以借用相关的段子来营造浪漫效果。

49、Romance for cello og orkester, Op. 4 浪漫曲,为小提琴和乐队所作,作品4。

50、Tourism makes a wise man more wisdom, more ignorant fools. 旅行是一个浪漫却不乌托邦的臆想。


51、The romance of the sea beckoned the young sailors. 航海的浪漫故事吸引着年轻水手们。

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