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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-18 05:36:47
  • 85


关于”励志句子“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Inspirational sentences。以下是关于励志句子的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Inspirational sentences

1、This policy applies to all the employees of Dragon Pharmaceutical Inc. and its subsidiaries. Third parties are encouraged to report concerns as well. 本制度适用于凯龙药业及其子公司的全部员工,并鼓励其它第三方进行举报。

2、Fathers, provoke not your children to indignation, lest they be discouraged. 作父母的,不要激怒你们的子女,免得他们灰心丧志。

3、There is a saying describing puppeteers : Use you mouth to tell a thousand stories and use your hands to play a million soldiers . 有句话形容皮影艺人呢:就是“一口叙说千古事,双手舞动百万兵”啊。

4、Yet as ominous as the drumbeat out of Europe is, there is some reason to believe the dancing will go on for a bit. 不过,虽然来自欧洲的鼓点声有些不妙,但有理由相信舞蹈还将持续一阵子。

5、B.) I will greet this day with love in my heart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天

6、A. "I believe" – The first words of the Apostles' Creed raise the matter of personal faith. 我相信“——使徒信经的第一句话就提到了个人的信心问题。

7、Each time a person of his own to stop to write the log, his wife went home today, oh, my heart empty. 每次他自己的人停下来写日志,今天他的妻子回家,哦,我的心空。

8、There was no one who was uninspired. 莫不为之鼓舞。

9、The smile encouraged him to lay down for a short time the burden of secrecy. 微微的笑容鼓励他暂时卸下了一直压在心底里的沉重负担。

10、Though the color scheme in your kitchen should coordinate with the rest of your home, the color should be restful and stimulating, relaxing and inspiring. 即使你厨房的配色方案应该跟整个房子的颜色协调,但厨房的颜色仍然应该柔和,使人感到放松和鼓舞。

11、Encourage clubs to invite alumni to speak at meetings. 基金会鼓励扶轮社邀请前受奖人到社内演讲。

12、Steaua was a massive confidence boost - my first start at home. 布格勒斯特是个信心上巨大的鼓舞,那是我的第一次主场首发。

13、He is encouraged to cry by thes, counsellors, magazine articles and at retreats where men hug each other around camp fires, deep in the forest. 治疗师、顾问以及杂志上的文章都鼓励他哭出来。在僻静的地方,在密林深处,男人们会围着营火相互拥抱。

14、The atmosphere must be a safe and supportive one for writers whose work-in-progress is up for discussion. 在放心自在、支持鼓励的气氛之下讨论作者的作品。

15、The Chinese Embassy was encouraged and decided to launch the Tobago Exhibition. 受此鼓舞,中国使馆经过精心准备,推出了多巴哥巡展。

16、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

17、and it will inspire people to get active, and so, mixed. 它会鼓舞人们活跃起来,所以说,很复杂。

18、This song has lyrics that are borrowed from one of the Rocky movies, so it has to be inspirational, right? 这首歌的歌词是从洛奇系列的其中一部借鉴而来,所以它肯定能鼓舞人心,对吗?

19、Young work so hard. He is committed to educating the young and tries to motivate them to get ahead in life. 他二心为了教育青年人并想法鼓励他们正在各方面都获得进取。

20、To recover used oil most efficiently, the focus of the bus-collection service is to promote citizen involvement. 公车收集废油这个点子主要是为了鼓励全民参与的热情,以达到更好地回收地沟油的目的。

21、Apple made a conscious decision to leave MMS out in favour of encouraging email (which can achieve the same result). 苹果已经作出决定放弃彩信功能以便鼓励使用电子邮件(因为结果是一样的)。

22、He said he did it to encourage others to give. 他说他所做是为鼓励其他人也能共襄盛举。

23、Mumford, at first encouraging, became the rudest, calling her "Mother Jacobs" and comparing her to a quack. 起初鼓励过她的芒福德成了他们当中最粗鲁无礼的一个,叫她“雅各布斯大娘”,还把她比作江湖。

24、It not only cultivates the moral standards of people , but also recognizes the truth from the sufferings and the ruin from the typical people . It can wake people up to struggle. 这不仅使人在道德情感上受到陶冶,更使人在典型人物的苦难和毁灭中认识到真理,它能唤醒人们,鼓舞斗志。

25、Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering. 人群沿路线排成行,挥舞着旗子欢呼。


26、However, as a trumpeter father and son are taken care of, he has to wake up. 不过经吹鼓手父子的悉心照料,他已经醒过来。

27、The medical technology company's Ireland division also has a take on inspiring innovation -- one that could rival Google's 20% time. 这家医疗科技公司的爱尔兰分公司还启动了鼓舞人心的创新计划“‘我的创意’系统”。

28、But it was also an important reminder of how running can be a comfort and stress relief during very difficult times. 然而我也深深的意识到在最困难的日子里,跑步是一种多么难得的鼓舞和解压方式。

29、Before the ground breaking ceremony, Tzu Chi volunteers, like family members, thoughtfully tie ribbons onto the shovels. 而在动土前,慈济志工像自家人一样协助设置,细心将铲子绑上彩带。

30、Their kindness, warmth heart, patience and encouragement make me feel at ease as I am a green hand at my job. 他们的热情、耐心和鼓励使作为新进人员的我感受到了说不出来的轻松和舒畅。

31、For a somewhat more complex example, you are encouraged to walk through the code sequence when the Dynamic on is selected in the WebView. 对于一个稍微复杂一点的例子,鼓励您好好看一下 Dynamic 按钮在 WebView 中被选中时的代码段。

32、The Dragon Dance performed by retired women teachers and workers. 由退休教师和工人组成的女子舞龙队。

33、The book is divided into 365 chapters (each chapter is page-long and it contains a motivational quote and a lesson). 这本书分为了365章(每一章大概只有一页的内容,写着一条充满鼓励性的格言和例子。

34、A new study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology examined how parents and teachers could encourage their kids and students to spend more time on their homework. 实验社会心理导报的一项新的研究对家长和教师如何能够鼓励孩子和学生花费更多的时间在作业上这一研究进行了考察。

35、Cowperwood's innate financial ability did not reassure Stener in this hour. 柯帕乌天赋的理财才能在这时候却不能再鼓舞斯坦纳的信心。

36、The only aspect that left a bit to be desired was the fact that most students don't know much about ballroom dancing, even though many wanted to brave the occasion or have a go at it. 美中不足的是,由于是我校第一次举办舞会,虽然事先进行了交谊舞教学,但由于大家的底子浅,面子薄,许多同学还是对舞群“身不能至,心向往之”。

37、Due to countless such parenting epiphanies that occur on the show, many wives are encouraging their spouses to tune into "Where Are We Going, Dad?"" 由于节目中出现了无数次类似的感悟,许多妻子鼓励她们的配偶去看《爸爸去哪儿》。

38、And then, after a moment’s stillness, she began to move, saying lines of poetry as she did. 接着静下片刻,她开始舞动起来,一边嘴里念着诗句。

39、The other posters in this thread encouraged you to film specific market events which are confusing, and bring the footage online for interpretation. 有些帖子鼓励你把具体的市场特性拍成电影,并把片段在网上解释,哪怕是混乱不清的。

40、And I like the dragon and lion dances, too. 我也喜欢看舞龙舞狮子。

41、We will continue to encourage multinationals to set up regional headquarters, sourcing centers, logistics centers, operation centers and training centers in China. 继续鼓励跨国公司在中国设立地区总部、采购中心、物流中心、营运中心、培训中心。

42、I'm come to fetch you home; and I hope you'll be a dutiful daughter, and not encourage my son to further disobedience. 我是来把你带回家去的;我希望你作个孝顺的儿媳妇,不要再鼓励我的儿子不听话了。

43、The tailor's courage came back to him; he jumped up in one bound , and the horse went full speed into the town, and right up to the court - yard of the castle. 裁缝受到极大的鼓舞,他一下子跳到马背上,骏马便撒开四蹄飞快地进了城,一口气跑到了王宫的院子里。

44、However, with the rapid development of EC, worldwide tax-free policies has made Electronic Commerce "vacuum" and "collapsar" of taxation. 但其蒸蒸日上的同时,各国长期免税的鼓励政策也使电子商务渐渐成为税收“真空”与“黑洞”。

45、In brief, they had decided that they did, "dare to win." 一句话,他们决心“敢于胜利”。

46、Li Xia learned that xiaowen and relationship of puma, praise for puma is man, feelings for xiaowen and Anne also encourage more. 李侠得知小文和达彪的关系,称赞达彪是血性汉子,对小文和安妮的感情也多加鼓励。

47、He will occasionally give you some encouragements when you make it perfect, and buy you the things you have longed for long as a award. 会偶尔在你表现良好的时候给你一些鼓励。买你心仪已久的小东西,送你做奖励。

48、There is a song, including a sing lyrics like this "if you're happy clap his hands, " this is not exactly encouraged her to strive to excel, to pursue a happy life acts? 有一首歌,其中有一句歌词是这样唱到的"如果感到幸福你就拍拍手",这样做也不就正是鼓舞自己奋发向上,追求幸福生活的表现吗?

49、People were craning out of the windows and waving. 人们把身子探出窗外,挥舞着手。

50、You must harden your heart and do not encourage your daughter to give up the tough training. 你必须硬着心,不鼓励你的女儿要放弃这个艰苦的训 练。


51、Has the purple devoted to encourage and comfort can only temporarily soothe her injured heart. 曾紫陌的鼓励和安慰也只能暂时稍稍安抚她受伤的心。

52、In fact, everybody in the room born on his head this characteristic emblem of man 's sovereignty. 屋子里人人头上都戴着这样一顶帽子,标志着至高无上的男子汉大丈夫气概。

53、Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery. 奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢欣鼓舞。

54、We have already added the alginate to bread and initial taste tests have been extremely encouraging. 我们已经将这种海藻纤维添加到面包中且初次试吃实验取得了鼓舞人心的效果。

55、Students from all over the world choose Coquitlam College for its superb educational standards and inspiring, highly trained instructors. 世界各地的学生选择高贵林学院是因其高水准的教育及鼓舞人心的、训练有素的教师。

56、Such a wonderful and encouraging response from the radio program in London really warms the saint's heart. 在伦 敦,这些对这个广播节目的佳评和令人鼓舞的迴响,实在是温暖了此地圣徒 的心。

57、Think about it and let it sink in. 想一想这句话,让它慢慢沉入心底。

58、People have no good, although the courage to hurt. 人无善志,虽勇必伤。——《淮南子》。

59、By almost all standards, it's been a miserable failure, encouraging only the proliferation of "dumb boxes" that are haphazardly nailed together. 根据几乎所有的标准,这都是低劣的失败,它只鼓励扩散增生胡乱钉在一起的“哑巴盒子”。

60、Too often, careless use of words encourages a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. 很多情况下,用词不当会鼓励听、说双方的心灵交融。

61、He waved his hat. 他挥舞着他的帽子。

62、The opening on Sunday had much fanfare with firecrackers, a traditional lion dance and women dressed in pea feathers. 周日的开业典礼上锣鼓喧天,并放了很多鞭炮,有传统的舞狮表演及穿着孔雀羽毛的女子表演。

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