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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 02:20:18
  • 73


关于”比较伤感的句子“的英语句子31个,句子主体:More sad sentences。以下是关于比较伤感的句子的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:More sad sentences

1、There is an external social reason and internal personality factors in the love tragedy between Juansheng and Zijun in Shangshi. 《伤逝》中涓生和子君的爱情悲剧,有其外在的社会原因,更有其内在的个性因素。

2、Among so many sad souls, what was one more? 有这样多悲伤的灵魂,多一个又何妨呢。

3、For example, when I feel sad, I shall talk to my mother or hug my teddy bear. 比如,当我感到悲伤时,我应该和妈妈谈谈或者抱抱我的泰迪熊。

4、It is because symmetry is ennui, and ennui is at the very foundation of grief. Despair yawns. 再没有比对称的格局更令人感到难受的了,因为对称的形象能使人愁闷,愁闷是悲伤的根源,失望的人爱打呵欠。

5、Compared with L-14, more trapping energy were used for electron transport and lower injury of photosynthetic performance was found in shaded leaves of 01-35. 遮阴叶片经强光处理后01-35比L-14有更多的能量用于电子传递,单位面积的光合活性受伤害程度较轻。

6、I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

7、You can imagine how sad he is. 你可以想象他是多么地悲伤。

8、He became sadder each day. He was not a young, merry prince as he used to be. 他一天比一天更加悲伤,已经不再像是从前那位年轻、快乐的王子了。

9、Many are missing at a middle school in the city of Qingchuan. The scene is devastating at Juyuan Middle School, where sorrow seems endless. 晴川(音译)市有很多孩子失踪。菊园中学更是更加充满着无尽的悲伤。

10、They were also less likely to feel a range of negative emotions, including sadness and physical pain, although they were more likely to experience stress and anger, and if they were women, to worry. 此外,高个子的人不太容易出现消极情绪,包括悲伤、身体的疼痛等等,不过他们更容易感到压力和愤怒,而如果是女性,她们则更容易感到焦虑。

11、Why all this howling, hysterical sorrow? 为何有那么多的嚎哭,歇斯底里的悲伤?

12、It's funny how you have forgotten about yourself. But mostly it's very saddening. 尽管你至少有一些同伴,但是如果自己把自己给忘了,这有多滑稽啊,而且这更多的会让人感到悲伤。

13、Lee lemon cry more sad, she will Loujian fly back alive, she will give birth Loujian fly a bunch of kids. 李檬哭得更加悲伤,她要楼剑飞活着回来,她要给楼剑飞生一堆孩子。

14、Her book is an invaluable resource for those struggling with grief or for anyone who just wants to better understand the process of grieving. 她的书对那些想摆脱悲伤或者只是想更好地了解悲伤的过程的人提供了巨大的帮助。

15、You smile once, I was glad a few days; but see you cry once, I was sad for several years 你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;

16、Conclusions The injuries were mostly caused by falling. Fracture-dislocation was the most common type. 结论青少年脊柱骨折致伤原因以坠落伤为多,骨折脱位型多,脊髓损伤较重且合并伤多。

17、These expressions of digital grief put me closer to Middletown than I would have ever imagined. 这些悲伤的表情在卫斯里大学比我所想象的多得多。

18、In the western world, women have more partners with men, less regret about partners, move on more easily than men. 西方的女人比男人有更多交往对象,并且更少的愧疚感,比男人更容易走出情伤。

19、A funeral is a sorrowful occasion. 葬礼是一种令人悲伤的场合。

20、A cambion's claw attacks deal 1d4 points of damage, while its bite attack deals 1d6 points of damage. 他们优先用爪子挠人,坎比翁的爪子伤害是1d4,獠牙伤害是1d6。

21、Subjects with higher degree of depression experienced more shame, shyness, sadness, self-hostility, fear, disgust, and anger, as well as less joy and interest. 抑郁高分组包含比较多的羞愧、羞涩、悲伤、自我敌意、恐惧、厌恶、愤怒等负性情绪,比较少的快乐和兴趣。

22、When a person sad tears, there is always a sad music, only then the music of the ripples is the call of the heart, only then, can feel the true meaning of sad music, only then understand deeper. 一个人伤心落泪的时候,总有一首悲伤的音乐作陪,只有那时的乐声是发自心底的呼唤,只有那时,才能感受到悲伤音乐的真谛,只有那时体会更深。

23、Goods Brief:Suitable for : Phlegm, cough, cold hands and feet and sinus. 适合调理 : 多痰,咳嗽,手脚冰冷。伤风,鼻子敏感。

24、Moreover, compared with the X-ray method, neutron tering causes less damage to biological samples. 和X射线方法相比,中子散射法对生物材料的损伤较小。

25、They may even experience a strange competitiveness of their own: an irrational need to prove (to whom?) that their grief is the larger, the heavier, the purer (than whose?). 他们的悲伤更庞大、更沉重、更纯洁(与谁比?) 的非理性需求。


26、孩子们长大了,但梦想却离开了 the children has grown, but the dreams have gone. >>>>!

27、Comfort him for he is sad. 去安慰他,因为他很悲伤。[比 because 较为正式,少用于口语中,用于提出证据或说明前面刚作的陈述]

28、How do you compare the grief of a young parent left with small children to that of an aged person amputated from his or her partner of fifty or sixty years? 失去孩子的年轻父母和五六十岁时失去老伴儿的老人们的悲伤能比较轻重吗?

29、heartstrings in his hour of distress. 多比透过琼斯的表演所展现出来的悲伤和痛苦一直紧紧扣着观众的心弦。

30、No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude (再多的话语都是以悲伤为前奏)

31、The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain . 意思是,悲哀的伤痕在你身上刻的越深,你越能容受更多的欢乐。

32、"In terms of temperament, a lack of exuberance and joy in situations where most kids get very excited about and then a lot of feelings of fearfulness and sadness stand out," he says. 他说:“从性格方面说,如果孩子在绝大多数孩子会感到兴奋的情境中缺乏愉悦和快乐的话,那他们之后多半会流露大量出恐惧和悲伤的情绪。

33、One explanation for this, says Carstensen, is that older people are more selective, so they may simply avoid sad situations more effectively than young people. Carstensen解释,一是由于老年人比较挑剔,他们比年轻人更会避开影响情绪的悲伤场合。

34、Lerner compares their choices to those of a group not shown the sad video. 勒纳比较他们的选择对一个组没有表现出悲伤的影片。

35、Dumbledore's sad eyes moved back to Sirius. 邓不利多悲伤的眼睛转向小天狼星。

36、I told her she must be able to smile to her sorrow, because we are more than our sorrow. 我告诉她,她一定要能够微笑面对他的伤悲,因为除了悲伤,我们还拥有更多。

37、It's more important for them to trust you than to not feel hurt. 比起伤感情来,赢得他们的信任更为重要。

38、Workers and peasants feel more of physical fatigue and pressure to live, while intellectuals feel more of mental wounds and pressure to develop. 工农大众感受更多的是身体的疲劳和生存的压力,知识分子感受更多的是精神的创伤和发展的压力。

39、Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time. 18.在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

40、In fact, you should get there more often, because you have a heart of mercy. you feel sorrow when you see alot of parrots packed in a small cage. 其实你应该更经常去那里,因为你有慈悲心,你觉得悲伤时你会看见许多鹦鹉在一个小笼子。

41、It Is to cover up their grief and smile to everyone. 什么叫快乐?

42、Be badly in need of Li Qingzhao and sentimental and grieved Li Yu poem word , have annotation more well. 急需李清照和李煜伤感和悲痛的诗词,有注解更好。

43、Traumatic vascular injuries involving the extremity are rare and penetrating trauma accounts for the majority of such injuries. 创伤性血管损伤涉及到末端比较少见,穿透性损伤是此类损伤的常见原因。

44、There was nothing else to eat. Sadly, Pinocchio climbed into Geppetto's chair. He put his feet on the stove and fell asleep. 因为没剩什么东西可吃了,皮诺奇悲伤地爬上格培多的椅子,把脚放在炉子上,然后就睡着了。

45、On that stool I have learned many life lessons. I learned to deal with sorrow and anger. 在那个凳子上我学到了很多人生课程,我学会了处理悲伤和愤怒。

46、Brawling affected Jewish children more, while non-Jewish children were more often injured by firearms. 犹太儿童较多受到打斗伤害,非犹太儿童更常受到轻武器伤害。

47、Huge ravens in the courtyard added to the sad atmosphere. 中庭里身形巨大的渡鸦更添悲伤的气氛。

48、Love makes man grow up or sink down. 举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。

49、Newly wed actor Kwon Sang-woo was caught walking down the aisle once again ―this time with actress Lee Bo-young in the upcoming movie 'A Sad Story' (working title). 新婚的演员权相佑又一次走进礼堂---这一次是与女演员李宝英在即将上映的电影《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》(暂名)。

50、But an empathetic person — a lot of actors — they feel the darn thing, " she says. 但一个移情的人,比如说很多演员, 他们能感觉到悲伤,”她说。


51、I was sad, and I would compare and contrast the two different places. 我感到伤心,我会对这两个不同的地方进行比较对比。

52、In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hopes of spring on the same day. 和扫墓者的悲伤形成鲜明对比的是,人们在同一个日子里也满怀着春天的憧憬。

53、I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. 我真的感觉到当悲伤降临的时候,懂得爱和失去比从来没爱过要好的多。

54、An injury is forgiven more easily 外伤比内伤更容易得到谅解。

55、On seeing grandmother's death certificate, I felt extremely sad at heart. 死亡证,我的心里无比的悲伤。

56、How you doing, Nelly Yuki?My upper tzius seems to hold a lot of sadness. 奈莉·幽奇,感觉如何?我的斜方肌貌似承载了太多悲伤。

57、People in their sixties reported stronger feelings of sadness when they watched the sad scenes than did middle-aged or young people, the team found. 研究表明,相较于中年组或青年组的测试人群,60多岁的老年组在观看了伤感电影之后表达了更为强烈的悲伤情绪。

58、I have seen how money creates more conflict, and more division, and more quarrels, and more tension, and more heartache, than anything else in the world. 我看过许多例子,财帛比世上任何事故带来更多的辩论、更多的破裂、更多的争吵、更多紧急的局势和更多的伤痛。

59、There is nothing worse, for most children, than for their parents to denigrate each other. 对于大多数孩子来讲,没有什么比父母彼此诋毁,更加伤害孩子了。

60、We have just heard with profound sorrow the sad news.惊闻噩耗,我们无比悲伤。

61、Strain(curvature) modal parameters are more sensitive than displacement modal parameters to the changes of local characteristics in the structure, such as local strain, local structural damage. 应变(曲率)模态参数对结构损伤较比传统的位移模态参数更敏感,根据应变模态的变化进行损伤定位将更为准确。

62、"Yes, I hate him! " repeated Hester, more bitterly than before. "He betrayed me! He has done me worse wrong than I did him! " “是啊,我是恨他!”海丝特又重复了一句,口气更狠了。“他害苦了我!他伤我要比我伤他厉害得多!”

63、We get only Listend dawn prosearch sorrow the sad news. 惊闻噩耗,咱们无比悲伤。

64、Oftentimes people become more religious in times of sorrow. 通常人们在悲伤的时候更容易信教。

65、I say, Bill, I've sprained my ankle . 喂,比尔,我扭伤脚腕子啦。

66、A broken relationship deserves a lengthier grieving period than a dead car battery. 破碎的关系,值得比一个坏的汽车电池使用时间更长的的时间来悲伤。

67、These different childbirth means causes hypophysis loss easily, the proportion that makes the child short is higher. 这些异位分娩方式容易导致垂体损伤,使孩子矮小的比例较高。

68、Most injury cases were caused by traffic accidents(64.7%) and mechanical injuries(12.0%). 占伤害因素种类较多的是交通伤(占64.7%)和机械工伤(占12.0%);

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