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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-25 10:32:47
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关于”钢铁是怎样炼成的好句“的英语句子56个,句子主体:How is steel made。以下是关于钢铁是怎样炼成的好句的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:How is steel made

1、Since it was introduced into China, the novel How the Steel Was Tempered by the soviet writer Nikolai Ostrovsky has seen popularity ebb and flow in the country. 苏联作家奥斯特洛夫斯基的名著《钢铁是怎样炼成的》自传入中国至今,经历了备受国人推崇到降温再升温的阅读过程,近年来又成为学术界的热点话题之一。

2、Bessemer converter:a large pear-shaped container in which molten iron is converted to steel by the Bessemer process. 贝塞麦炼钢法:吹入压缩空气通过熔融的钢铁以燃尽多余的碳和杂质的一种炼钢方法。

3、How Was the Steel Tempered affected Chinese people should be not less than three generations. 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》影响国人,应该不少于三代。

4、Phosphorus removal is very crucial for refining nondephosphorized hot metal to produce high carbon steel. 对于非脱磷铁水冶炼高碳钢,脱磷是高碳出钢的关键环节。

5、Later, all the people pumping out steel on the causes of this. 后来的全民大炼钢铁就肇因于此。

6、The continuous casting breakout is one main factor to affect iron and steel production of our country. 炼钢工业中的连铸漏钢事故是影响我国钢铁工业生产的一个主要因素。

7、Recently, read "How to Make Steel" a book, feeling deep. 近期,读了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》一书,感触很深。

8、"How to Make Steel" author Ostrovsky had a famous saying: "Looking back, would not be wasted years remorse, no shame . 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》作者奥斯特洛夫斯基有一句名言:“回首往事,不会因虚度年华懊悔,不会因碌碌无为羞愧。”

9、The Soviet Union's novel How is the Steel Made has aroused special responses in the 20(superscript th) Century China. 苏联小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》在20世纪中国曾激起了奇特的回响。

10、It is how the steel was tempered. 钢铁就是这样炼成。

11、How Dae Jang Geum was Metalled? 《大长今》是怎样炼成的。

12、Only by thoroughly tempered, can be a good steel. 只有千锤百炼,才能成为好钢。

13、The smelting of iron is a reduction of iron oxide to metallic iron. 铁的冶炼就是把氧化铁还原成金属铁。

14、If I have a direction, that is far away. How to Make Steel, Rangers do not rely on strong. 如果我有方向,那就是远方。钢铁是怎样炼成的,流浪不靠坚强。

15、The puddling of blast furnace plays an important part in iron and steel industry which is stanchion industry of country economic. 钢铁工业是国民经济的支柱产业,高炉炼铁是钢铁工业的重要组成部分。

16、During smelting steel and iron, the temperature of molten steel and liquid iron is one of the most important parameters in steel trade. 目前,在炼钢、炼铁的行业中,钢水或铁液的温度是决定炼钢或炼铁的重要参数之一。

17、Granulated slag (slag sand )from the manufacture of iron or steel. 冶炼钢铁所产生的粒状熔渣(熔渣砂)

18、They not only make a better iron but also make more of it. 炼铁工人不仅炼出较好的铁,而且产量也增加了。

19、How do you convert iron into steel? 你们是怎样把铁炼成钢的。

20、Wenlock and Mandeville are animated figures depicting steel from a steelworks in Bolton. 文洛克和曼德维尔是描绘博尔顿一间炼钢厂的钢铁的卡通人物。

21、The author has recently visited the Second Steel Plant of Anyang Iron and Steel Co. 作者对安阳钢铁公司第二炼钢厂进行了考察。

22、In order to achieve the goal of refining liquid steel and smelting clean steel, using of no-carbon refractory for ladles is very important in iron and steel smelting processes. 在钢铁冶炼工艺中,为了实现钢水精炼和冶炼洁净钢的目的,在钢包上使用无碳耐火材料成为必不可少的重要手段。

23、And then there was the steel. 接着又是大炼钢铁。

24、Metallurgical industry: ferrous metal smelting, steel-smelting, steel rolling, ing, non-ferrous smelting, et al. 冶金工业:炼铁、炼钢、扎钢、炼焦、有色金属冶炼等;

25、Changing iron into steel is a process of purifying the iron. 把铁炼成钢是铁的精炼过程。


26、After refining, the rusted iron can become pure steel. You believe this, getting rid of the just and dirt, educating the less advanced into the more advanced . 锈铁经过冶炼,可以清除渣滓,丢弃杂质,成为纯钢。您正是这样坚信,并用无限的爱去除锈去渣,把我们中的后进者锤炼成合格的栋梁。

27、Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon. 钢是由铁和碳组合起来炼成的。

28、How many cupolas are there in the steel refinery? 这个炼钢厂有多少镕铁炉?

29、Since pig iron and s are cheap, and because there is no expensive refinement process, cast iron is a low cost material compared with steel. 由于生铁和废钢铁都便宜,又因为不需要昂贵的精炼过程,和钢相比铸铁是一种廉价材料。

30、Iron is converted to steel by removing most of the impurities present in cast iron… 目前在铸铁中,钢是由铁除去大部分的杂质炼成的 …

31、There are users Nicholas. Ostrovsky in his blind, all to a standstill, he tolerate the pain, in the sick bed for three years wrote a "How the Steel Was Tempered" This immortal works. 还有用者尼古拉。奥斯特洛夫斯基在他双目失明、全向瘫痪的时候,他强忍病痛,在病榻上历时三年写成了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这部不朽的著作。

32、What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? 是怎样的槌?怎样的链子?在怎样的熔炉中炼成你的脑筋?是怎样的铁砧?怎样的铁臂敢于捉着这可怖的凶神?

33、Steel became cheaper after the Bessemer process was developed, c. 1855. 贝塞麦炼钢法得以应用后,大约是在1855年后钢铁变得便宜了。

34、Product function: alloy is widely used in wear-resistant floors, iron, steel and smelting industries. 产品作用: 铁合金广泛应用于耐磨地坪、炼铁、炼钢、冶炼行业。

35、Steel is do since iron. 钢是由铁炼成的。

36、I merely remembered these verses came from the Soviet novel How Was the Steel Tempered . 我只记得这些诗句,出自苏联小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。

37、Coking coal is used, together with iron ore, in blast furnaces to manufacture steel. 炼焦煤用于在高炉中冶炼铁矿石生产钢铁。

38、The famous book "How the steel is refined" was one of my favorite novel in my child-hood, which was a book to let people learn how to lit up their lifes. 谢谢大家帮忙,请翻译成口语我小时候最喜爱的一本书是远近闻名的《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这部名著。

39、Only heavy hammer Zadiao iron filings, Tempered sharp blades, and be invincible. 只有用重锤砸掉铁屑,炼成锋利的钢刀,才能无坚不摧。

40、Steel is made from iron. 钢是由铁炼成的。

41、At the time we take the hands of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, " What is more that the Department will look at "How to Make Steel"! 那时的我们手中抱着《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《梁山伯与祝英台》,更有甚者会看看那部《钢铁是怎样炼成的》!

42、Ostrofsge's how the steel being refined and Yangmo's the song of youth both had received an extremely similar comment in spite of their publishing time being far away from each other. 奥斯特洛夫斯基的长篇小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》和杨沫的《青春之歌》两部小说,虽然出版时间相距较远,但二者所受评价惊人相似。

43、He has been practicing martial art since childhood and has muscles of iron. 他一直习武,锻炼成一副钢筋铁骨。

44、Hanna furnaces of the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, stock pile of coal and iron ore. 巨河钢铁公司,汉娜炼钢处,堆积的煤和铁矿石。

45、Industry and commerce developed, there are aluminum, chemicals, e, fertilizer, oil refining, iron and steel industries. 工商业发达,有炼铝、化学、炼焦、化肥、炼油、钢铁等工业。

46、Said ferro-silicone is an important raw material for smelting IF steel (gapless atomic steel), car steel and high-grade electric steel, etc. 此硅铁是冶炼IF钢(无间隙原子钢)、轿车用钢、高级电工钢等的重要原料。

47、The charm of How the Steel was Tempered is not based on the beauty of its own title, but lies in its characteristics of “moving people by feeling” and “warming people’s heart by emotion”. 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的魅力不在其自身名字的美丽而在于它以情动人或者说情暖人心。

48、Yah! And what about that Chinese steel Trump used??? 是呀,那么川普用过的中国钢铁怎么样了?

49、There are abundant vanadium-titanium magnetites in Panzhihua area of China. The main approach is extracting vanadium from hot metal into slag in converter. 攀钢目前采用的提钒工艺流程是钒钛磁铁矿经过高炉冶炼成铁水后,再通过转炉氧化吹炼得到钒渣。

50、Modification of the Bessemer process for converting pig iron into steel. 修正柏塞麦炼钢法将生铁炼成钢的一种方法。

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