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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-10 05:17:18
  • 176


关于”植树节的句子“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Sentences of Arbor Day。以下是关于植树节的句子的九年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences of Arbor Day

1、I happened to see some people planting trees. “我们无意间看到一些人在栽树。

2、Once each season's available trees are reserved, registrations will be held for the next season's TREE Program distribution. 一旦每个季节的现有树木须预约,登记,将如期举行,为下个赛季的植树计划分配。

3、Today is Arbor Day. What are you going to do? 今天是植树节,你有什麽打算吗?

4、City workers planted trees and flowers in the park. 都市工人在公园里种植树木跟花朵。

5、According to the length of time, people have Tree-planting Day, week or month to plant trees, and all of them call Tree-planting Day. 按时间长短可分为植树日、植树周或植树月,总称植树节。

6、nationai tree planting day is on旦骸测缴爻剂诧烯超楼 march 12th.

7、From the word arbor could we guess those who marked this festival in calendar wanna their offsprings have more shade of trees. 从“树荫”这个用词我们可以想见,当年定下植树节的人们是希望我们这些后代拥有更多的树荫。

8、Arbor Day: A psycho with a chainsaw slaughters a bunch of high school kids and cooks them into pizza at the local parlor. 植树节: 一种将一群中学孩子肢解,在店堂内做成比萨的心里。

9、Last Arbor Day I planted two trees. 上年的植树节,我种了两棵树。

10、I happened to see some people planting trees. “我们无意间看到一些人在栽树。

11、Every node in the size tree will have lesser size nodes in its left subtree and greater size nodes in the right subtree. 大小树中的每个节点都比左边子树中的节点小,比右边子树中的节点大。

12、Presentation was made on big tree transplanting technique, such as selection of tree, transplanting time, preparation, planting and tending. 从大树选择、移植时间、前期准备、定植和养护各个环节叙述了大树移植技术。

13、This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. 在中国,植树节在03月12日。

14、I rammed down the earth around the newly planted tree. 我将新栽的树周围的土捣硬。

15、In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But since 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar. 在早先的时候清明节被称为“植树日”,而自1979年开始,植树节就依照公历被定在三月十二日。

16、In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. 在中国,植树节在03月12日。

17、China set the rule that March 12th is Arbor Day to encourage people of all nationalities for afforestation greening of the motherland improving the environment benefit the future generations. 我国规定以3月12日为中国的植树节,以鼓励全国各族植树造林,绿化祖国,改善环境,造福子孙后代。

18、The survival rate of transplanting old or big trees lies in the transplanting technology of big trees, which includes heeling in and transplanting. 保证大树或者古树移植成活率的关键是掌握大树移植技术,其技术主要包括大树假植技术和移栽定植技术。

19、The prime requirement of a newly planted tree is rapid establishment of the root. 对新栽幼树的起码要求是迅速建立起根系骨架。

20、In view of the phenomenon of cotyledon rootage in the wounded part, presumptions could be made that cotyledon would be the explant for Hevea somatic tissue cultivation. 由橡胶树的子叶生根的现象推测,橡胶树的子叶也许能作为培养橡胶树再生植株的外植体材料。

21、In Texas, home to several large cities, a program called Trees for Texas has planted 139,000 trees to cut pollution and save energy. 在拥有好几个大城市的得克萨斯州,一项被称作“为得克萨斯植树”(Trees for Texas)的项目为减少染和节能已经种植了13.9万棵树。

22、Each Arbor Day has different themes 2013 Arbor Day's theme is: carry out in a deep-going way for afforestation vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization. 每一年的植树节都有不同的主题,2013年的植树节主题是:深入开展造林绿化,大力推进生态文明建设。

23、Analysis the principles and impact factors of old and big trees transplant; 分析了古树、大树移植的原理及影响因子;

24、On January 4, 1872, Morton first proposed a tree-planting holiday to be called "Arbor Day" at a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture. 1872年元月四日,在内布拉斯加州农业委员会的一次会议上,莫尔顿首先提议设立植树的节日,即“植树节”。

25、This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. 在中国,植树节在03月12日。


26、So we must plant more trees to protect the environment. 所有这些行动展示人们将去更多的注意环境。

27、Later on, each American state started to celebrate Arbor Day. 后来,其它州也跟进,开始庆祝植树节。

28、We should plant trees and let the wild animals live. 我们应种树让野生动物生存下去。

29、 In China, Planting Trees Day is on March This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. 在中国,植树节在03月12日。

30、Fall is the best time to plant tree. 秋季是栽植牡丹的最佳时期。

31、So we must plant more trees to protect the environment. 所有这些行动展示人们将去更多的注意环境。

32、When you figure ten years on , please plant trees. 当你为十年做打算时,请栽种树木。

33、③April Fool's Day of the more common argument is that originated in France.(愚人节较普遍的说法是起源于法国。

34、People usually go to park to plant trees in one day 人们通常在这一天去公园植树

35、All trees except palms are dicotyledons . 除了棕榈树,所有的树都是双子叶植物。

36、 We should ask classmates or friends to portect trees together 我们应叫同学或朋友一起去植树

37、We are planting tree when it suddenly shower. 我们正在种树,这时突然下了阵雨。

38、 All of us should protect trees,which will make the Earth more beautiful 我们每个人都应该爱护树木,这样可以使我们的地球更美丽

39、Not all the students went to plant trees on Tree Planting Day. 植树节那天并非所有的学生都去栽树了。

40、I rammed down the earth around the newly planted tree. 我将新栽的树周围的土捣硬。

41、They did abstain from such things as planting trees in their gardens. 他们绝不参加在花园里栽树这样的事务。

42、Fall is the best time to plant tree. 秋季是栽植牡丹的最佳时期。

43、Arbor Day of march, embedded: flowers fragrant. 植树节之三字经:三月暖,野花香;

44、It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. 为什么人们要植树?

45、every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day? 每年的03月12日是植树节,你知道在这天我们要做些什么吗?

46、It was estimated that more than one million trees were planted in Nebraska on the first Arbor Day. 在第一个植树节,仅内布拉斯加一州植树就达100万余棵!

47、We should plant trees and let the wild animals live. 我们应种树让野生动物生存下去。

48、Young sprouts of Hevea planting materials at various seasons were examined in relation to the water-retaining capacity and osmotic substance which were employed to determine optimum planting season. 测定橡胶树不同季节萌动芽的持水力及几种渗透活性物质,并以此判断最适宜的定植季节。

49、It was the Treeplanting Day. All the volunteers pitched in and planted thousands of willow trees. 那天是植树节。所有的志愿者都积极投入工作,种了数千棵柳树。

50、Aims Mangrove plants are usually categorized as true mangrove plants and semi-mangrove plants on the basis of their distribution in inter-tidal regions. 依据红树植物在潮间带的分布,将其分为真红树植物和半红树植物两大类。


51、City workers planted trees and flowers in the park. 都市工人在公园里种植树木跟花朵。

52、Arbor Day period, I held "green earth come, starts from me, in the short period of Arbor Day receive me. Please contact me, cherish environment, trees, protect our beautiful home!" 植树节期间,本人特地举行“绿色地球,从我做起”活动,凡在植树节期间收到我的短信者,请与本人一起,珍惜环境,爱护树木,保护我们美好家园!

53、The plant growth regulator was widely applied in agriculture and forestry plants especially in fruit trees and vegetables. 植物生长调节剂在农林植物特别是果树蔬菜上应用广泛。

54、We are planting tree when it suddenly shower. 我们正在种树,这时突然下了阵雨。

55、They did abstain from such things as planting trees in their gardens. 他们绝不参加在花园里栽树这样的事务。

56、All trees except palms are dicotyledons. 除了棕榈树,所有的树都是双子叶植物。

57、We applied the air seeding technology for this year's Arbor Day. 今年植树节前夕, 我们用上了飞播造林技术。

58、He that plants trees loves others besides himself. 植树的人,不但爱己,而且爱人。

59、It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. 为什么人们要植树?

60、Today is the Arbor Day, and we uesd to plant trees to make our world green and to remind us to protect the enviroment around us. 今天是植树节,我们通常会在这一天去植树,想要为这个世界填一些绿色。然而还会提醒我们去保护周边的环境。

61、When you figure ten years on , please plant trees. 当你为十年做打算时,请栽种树木。

62、The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key. 搜索二叉树的定义为,左子树的每个节点都小于当前节点;右子树的每个节点都大于当前节点。

63、At Tangwanghe, the ground is still frozen too hard for locals to join in National Tree Planting Day, but they will catch up after the spring thaw. 植树节到了,汤旺河的土地仍冻得硬邦邦的,还不适合种树;但当地人会等春天化雪之后把植树节的树补回来。

64、Today is Arbor Day What are you going to do? 今天是植树节,你有什么打算吗?

65、Mangrove plants are usually categorized as true mangroves and mangrove associates on the basis of their distribution in inter-tidal regions. 依据红树植物在潮间带的分布,将其分为真红树植物和半红树植物两大类。

66、On the Planting Festival, many young people provided money assistance to and took part in the Greening Project in the Study Garden at Dian Shan Lake. 植树节期间,我行青年积极参加上海银行淀山湖学苑“绿化工程”捐款和义务植树活动 ;

67、Like in india , planting trees day is on july 例如在印度,植树节在07月01日。

68、He that plants trees loves others besides himself. 植树的人,不但爱己,而且爱人。

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