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  • 2022-07-22 20:49:30
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关于”春节的对话七八句“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Seven or eight sentences of Spring Festival dialogue。以下是关于春节的对话七八句的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Seven or eight sentences of Spring Festival dialogue

1、He was at sixes and sevens over his presentation. 不知道这样的造句行不行? 他的演讲乱七八糟。

2、But, in 2008 the snow the Spring Festival disaster has become the working "touchstone" of this law but. 而二〇〇八年春节的雪灾却成了这部法律运行的“试金石”。

3、Mess together, accounted for less time each month seven or eight thousand, and more often two or three million. 乱七八糟加起来,每月少的时候入账七八千,多的时候两三万。

4、Panax japonicus is also known as Radix Notoginseng of bamboo joint, bamboo root seven, white Radix Notoginseng, North Radix Notoginseng, Big leaf Radix Notoginseng. 竹节参别名竹节三七、竹根七、竹节人参、白三七、北三七、大叶三七。

5、I had erflies in my stomach, because I know I'd have to stand up and make a speech. 我坐在那里心里七上八下的,因为我待会得起来发表讲话。

6、The whole visit to the subterranean stream of filth of Paris lasted seven years, from 1805 to 1812. 对巴黎地下水沟的全部视察历时七年,从一八○五年到一八一二年。

7、A pair of solo homers in the seventh and eight, however, rectified that. 但费城人队在第七局和第八局的两记阳春本垒打又让整个球场沸腾了。

8、They are still at sixes and sevens about this question. 对这个 问题,他们还是七嘴八舌地争论不休。

9、The conversation in lesson 71 is long. 第七十一课的对话比较长。

10、Teacher Festival, then in animated conversation, the most flamboyant of the Teacher's Day should not be abolished, so I am accident. 教师节后话,七嘴八舌中,最出风头的是该不该取消教师节,令我深感意外。

11、She rambled on at great length but she didn't get to the heart of the matter. 她夹七夹八地说了许多话也没说到点子上。

12、This is the last eight elements of Bodhipakkhiyadhamma, which come to thirty-seven all together. 八正道是三十七道品最后的要目,加上此八正道共计三十七项。

13、Australia's society has changed considerably from its beginnings in1788. 澳洲的社会面貌改变自一七八八年。

14、Eight times nine is seventy-two. 八乘九得七十二。

15、It's two hundred seventy-eight kilometres. 二百七十八千米。

16、They sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him. —Job 2:13 「他们就同他七天七夜坐在地上,一个人也不向他说句话。」(约伯记2章13节)

17、This piece actually is almost finished. Still waiting for the sticker…which I would like to design later. 此作品其实已七七八八了, 只欠水贴, 希望有时间去设计吧。

18、When you have insomnia, you're never really awake and you're never really asleep, either. 我有过将近八个月的失眠记录,对这句话真的有深切体会呀。呵呵。

19、My room is at sixes and sevens. 我的房间乱七八糟。

20、Tanabata ancient, enduring a period of building a much-told tale. 古老的七夕情人节,缔造了一段不朽的佳话。

21、My heart seven up eight down. 我的心七上八下。

22、What does that sombre intermingling of bones buried beneath the furrows of Waterloo think of that? 那些七零八落埋在滑铁卢耕地下的可怜枯骨对他的话又作何感想?

23、Seven and eight, clean the board. 七和八, 貒擦黑板。

24、One dollar and eighty- seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. 德拉反复数了三次,还是一元八角七,而第二天就是圣诞节了。

25、Heart inside the topsy-turvy. 心里面乱七八糟的。


26、对巴黎地下水沟的全部视察历时七年,从一八○五年到一八一二年。The whole visit to the subterranean stream of filth of Paris lasted seven years, from 1805 to 1812.

27、One dollar and eighty-seven cents. 一元八角七分。

28、The Bulls won, eighty to seventy-eight. 公牛赢了,八十比七十八。

29、She came to Shanghai in the spring of 1987. 她是一九八七年春天来上海的。

30、Davy Ct was born on August 17th, 1786 in eastern Tennessee. 大卫?克洛基在一七八六年八月十七日出生于田纳西州东部。

31、This was the Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23) which lasted seven or eight days. 那是一年一度的住棚节(参利未记二十三章),节期持续七到八天。

32、In truth link Han Qilu, an early summer asked Han Qilu taboo issues, Han Qilu annoyed, Han Qilu angrily left the meeting. 在韩七录的真心话环节,安初夏问了韩七录禁忌的问题,惹恼了韩七录,韩七录愤然离席。

33、Today I can still remember the new words, but tomorrow I'll forget most of them. 今天我还能记住的生词,但明天就忘得七七八八了。

34、July passed into August, August into September. 七月到了八月,八月又到了九月。

35、The Nadama Fair held from July to August is an annual grand festival for the Mongolian people. 每年七八月举行的“ 那达慕” 大会,是蒙古族一年一度的盛大节日。

36、Sitting there at my sister''s wedding dinner, I had erflies in my stomach because I know I''d have to stand up and make a speech. 这句话的意思是:“我姐姐结婚那天晚上举行宴会的时候,我坐在那里心里直感到七上八下,因为我知道我得站起来讲话。”

37、Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7876 or 8607). 查询可致电人事处(内线七八七六或八六零七)。

38、There is industry jargon Python, called two-thirds of the eye, in the hands of seven. 微雕界有句行话,叫三分在眼力,七分在手上。

39、His room is at sixes and sevens. 他的房间乱七八糟的。

40、So, seven pulls up into eight. 因此,七引出八

41、Next week, social thought and social behavior, mysteries; basically, a series of topics that don't fit anywhere in the course and really make psychologists scratch their heads. 下节课我们将会讲社会思想,社会行为,神话;,基本上这一连串的话题,在本课程中属于杂七杂八的,而且让心理学家百思不得其解的。

42、We are looking back to the philosophy of the 17th and 18th centuries, and in these first two and half lectures . 在前两节半的课程里,我们回顾了十七十八世纪的哲学。

43、One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. 德拉反复数了三次,还是一元八角七,而第二天就是圣诞节了。

44、Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. 明天就是圣诞节,她只有一元八角七给吉姆买一份礼物。

45、In April 1877, Mattie and Katie attended a duel and bent to kill each other. 一八七七年四月, 玛蒂和凯蒂裸上身决斗, 一心取对方性命。

46、China's father's day order on August 8, each year, also known as the "eight 8". 我国的父亲节订于每年的八月八日,又称为“八八节”。

47、" Father said: "it is all right, do it first. 父亲说:“七八百就七八百吧,先干起来再说。”

48、China's railways will carry 188 million passengers ahead of the holiday, or 13.7 million more than at 2008's new year festival. 中国铁路已经在节前运送了一亿八千八百万乘客了,相比2008年春节期间,已经多出一千三百万七千人次了。

49、Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with wto buy Jim a present. 明天就是圣诞节,她只有一元八角七给吉姆买一份礼物。

50、They cheered when the truck came. Then they all started talking at once. 卡车到达时,乘客们都欢呼起来。接着,他们立即(七嘴八舌地)说起话来。

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