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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-15 06:30:43
  • 96


关于”记句型“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Remember sentence patterns。以下是关于记句型的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Remember sentence patterns

1、What kind of mark? 什么类型的标记?

2、Xiao Qian said with a breath after each sentence. 跟记者说话时,每说完一句,小倩就要喘下气。

3、Among them, the most commonly used ones include the strategies such as dictionary consultancy, rote-memory, note-taking, and sample sentence; 在词汇习得策略中,最常用的策略包括查字典、死记硬背、记笔记和看例句;

4、decision models to log decisions made. 决策模型用以记录决策制定。

5、Disc recording method, disc reproducing apparatus, and disc-shaped recording medium. 盘记录方法,盘重放装置,和盘型记录介质。

6、The two types of logging are circular and archive logging. 这两种类型的日志记录是 循环和 归档日志记录。

7、Grammar is the method of each lesson to take lots of grammar notes, and then use the new sentences. 记语法的方法就是每节课都做许多语法笔记,然后用新学的语法造句。

8、Non-parent mark- er bonds appeared. 出现非父母标记带型。

9、Look at the first sentence in your notes and read it out loud. 看着你笔记上面的第一句, 大声的读出它.

10、He has the typical reportorial manner. 他有一种典型的记者派头。

11、The trade-mark is registered on the book of the Patent Office. 这商标已在专利局登记入册。register在这句里边作动词用,意思是“登记、注册”。

12、Another way to keep track of pro GREss is to keep a one-sentence journal. 另一个跟踪进步的方法是记录一句话日记。

13、I will live with the words, "You must save the saints" in my heart. 我会将「你必须拯救先圣先贤」这句话牢记在心。

14、This report was read off word for word from the minute book. 这篇报告是从记录本中逐字逐句抄录下来的。

15、The mould use LKM standard mould frame. The cavity and core use LKM 2316. 模具使用龙记模架,型腔、型芯用龙记2316。

16、记录=record 会议=meeting 会议记录=meeting minutes. Example, please record the meeting minutes

17、Another way to keep track of progress is to keep a one-sentence journal. 另一个跟踪进步的要领是记录一句话日记。

18、I remember such a remark, that is: money, such as dirt, benevolence Zhiqian Jin. 记得有这么一句话,说:钱财如粪土,仁义值千金。

19、There are different types of memory. 记忆有多品种型。

20、You said to me every word I will firmly in mind! 你对我说的每一句话我都会牢牢的记在心里!

21、In other words, there could be multiple tags under . 换句话说,在 下可以有多个 标记。

22、This is because the form type is a new record form type. 这是因为表单类型是一个新记录表单类型。

23、Reporter: How do you consider such an ancient motto as "Reading is always beneficial"? 记者:你是怎样看待“开卷有益”这句古训的?

24、The latest pearl of Zen wisdom from Phil Jackson: "40 before 20." 还记得禅师的那句话么,“在输20场球前达到40胜”?

25、Record bit serial number. 记下钻头系列号和型号。


26、An easy sentence to remember is, "I'll believe that when pigs can fly." 这句话很容易记:“猪能飞的时候我就相信。”

27、Allocations are booked on a predefined automatic journal type and can be be booked to a journal type as well 拨款基于预定义的自动日记账类型,也可以基于日记账类型

28、More and more people are forgetting the saying, "Pride comes before a fall." 有愈来愈多的人忘记了“骄者必败”这句俗话。

29、Use parameter markers '?' when using the PASSTHRU statement in ESQL. 在 ESQL 中使用 PASSTHRU 语句时,请使用参数标记“?”

30、M: I always forget to add the punctuation at the end of a sentence. 我总是忘记在句末加上标点符号。

31、Krishnamurti: In other words, is the rememberer different from memory? 克:换句话说,回忆者和记忆有差别吗?

32、The records in hierarchical databases are organized in a treelike structure, with each level of records branching off into a set of smaller categories. 层次型数据库按树型组织记录,每一层的记录分解成更小的属性集。

33、"Form markers" consists of phonological markers, lexical markers, register markers, syntactical markers, textual markers and markers of figures of speech. “形式标记”包括:音系标记、词语标记、语域标记、句法标记、章法标记、修辞标记。

34、The Work Request record could be a state-based record type with the Unified Change Management (UCM) package applied. 工作请求记录类型是一个可以运用统一变更管理(UCM)包的基于状态的记录类型。

35、Liu Zongyuan in the middle of the Tang Dynasty created in free prose quite a few pieces about pavilions and gardening, an important contribution to the style and popularity of this literary genre. 中唐柳宗元以散句单行的自由文体创作了大量的亭记堂记,为园记这种散文体裁的定型和流行做出了重要贡献。

36、Finally, the thesis develops an experimental platform based on the syntax and semantic. 开发基于句法和语义的翻译记忆实验平台。

37、Declare the properties and types of your record. 声明您记录的属性和类型。

38、And remember the old saying: Praise in public and criticize privately. 不要忘记这句老话:夸奖要公开地夸,批评要私下里批。

39、A general journal can be used to record all types of transactions. 普通日记账可以被用来记录所有类型的业务。

40、I always forget to add the punctuation at the end of a sentence. 我总是忘记在句末加上标点符号。

41、With peals of distant ironical laughter at every word I have written. 隆隆作响的反讽遥笑我逐字逐句记在心里了去。

42、But the line I wrote down out of that piece was this. 不过除了那部分我还记下了这几句

43、The minutes of the last meeting are read out before the meeting starts. 【英语牛人团,

44、Don't remember how to start, just remember in others in the laughter of my haughtiness of paint on words. 不记得怎么开始,只记得在别人的笑声中我的傲慢中画上句话。

45、I just forget, this sentence equally applies river Yi in me. 我只是忘记,这句话同样适用江逸之于我。

46、She smiled and replied: I only remember one out. 佢笑著答到:只记得一句咗。

47、Should I write down every word that every-one says? 我要不要把每个人的每句话都记下来?

48、Remember the saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step? 记得有句老话么:千里之途始于足下?

49、'Enoch walked with God' is how Genesis describes his life. 创世记用了「以诺与神同行」这句话,来勾划以诺的一生。

50、What he said was completely spread on the record. 他所说的每一句话全都被记录在案。


51、Modelers sometimes tend to forget that their models are only models. 建立科学模型的人有时候就是会容易忘记他们的模型仅仅只是模型。

52、The most important models are the semantic memory and eodic memory models. 最重要有语义记忆与情景记忆模型。

53、You should see a red cross mark beside the new statement. 应该在新添加的语句旁边看到一个红色的叉标记。

54、Updating a particular record involves getting a handle for that record and setting new information. 更新一条特殊记录包括获取这个记录的句柄以及设置新信息。

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