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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-03 21:02:34
  • 91


关于”重要性的句子“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Important sentences。以下是关于重要性的句子的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Important sentences

1、The identification of genuineness and purity of maize seed quality is an important indicator of seed inspection, to keep the fake and shoddy seeds from the market. 真实性和纯度检验是质量检验的重要指标,是控制质量、杜绝伪劣流入市场的重要手段。

2、Is stiller important than his son's life?! 比他儿子的性命还重要?!

3、Our house needs to be redecorated . 我们的房子需要重新装修。

4、Another proverb is "Blood is thicker than water". This means family ties are stronger than other relationships. 另一句是“血浓于水”,意思是亲情比其他关系更重要。

5、This sentence puts forward "governance is not ill" thought "governance, expounds the importance of" is not ill. 这句话提出了“治未病”的思想,阐明了“治未病”的重要性。

6、Above all emphasize the need to promote the health of mothers and their children everywhere. 最重要的是强调在各处促进母亲及其孩子健康的必要性。

7、As the above sentence says, whitespace is significant by default, but it is not true that all whitespace is significant. 就像这句话所说的那样,默认情况下空白是重要的,但并非所有空白都是重要的。

8、It is also found that molecular nonlinear optical properties can be significantly influenced by N-substitution of atom C in aromatic ring. 另外,杂原子N取代芳香环上的C原子的位置和数目对分子非线性光学性质有重要影响。

9、Please note: White-hat is crucial and required! ! ! 请注意:白帽子是至关重要的,需要!

10、There is little doubt that maternal-child interaction plays a very important role in child development. 亲子互动关系对子女成长的重要性,已不容置疑。

11、Employees tend to exaggerate the importance of anything the CEO says. 麦尔斯指出:“这种情形被称为‘首席执行官放大效应’,员工们很容易夸大首席执行官说的每一句话的重要性。”

12、Parents must first change ideas, to treat the child's learning with a positive attitude, to understand the importance of education. 家长首先要转变观念,要以积极的态度对待孩子的学习,要明白孩子受教育的重要性。

13、In other words, what others say about you will be more important than what you will talk about yourself. 换句话说,别人如何评价你比自说自话更重要。

14、PikeOS is used in the avionics industry for safety-critical avionics applications. PikeOS 用于处理航空电子工业中安全性至关重要的航空电子应用程序。

15、A “red-letter day” is one of special importance and good fortune. 一个“大喜的日子(red-letter day)”是一个具有特殊的重要性和好运的日子。

16、Punctuation is important; therefore, don't forget to use a conmrna before the coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence. 标点很重要,所以不要忘记在并列句的并列连词前加逗号。

17、Bhattacharyya factor is applied to determine the priority weighting between the new particle and measurements. 新的粒子通过与观测值之间的巴氏系数来决定重要性权重。

18、The significance of neutron sources is pointed out. The characteristic of accelerator neutron sources is essentialized. 指出了中子源的重要性,扼要地说明了中子源的特点。

19、Important announcement:whereas more people are not concerned about face now, this advertit tip should be popularized around the country. 重要批示:鉴于现在不要脸的人越来越多,这句广告语应该向全国推广。

20、I resolve to curb my child's back-talk, establish the importance of respect in all family activities, and be sure to be an example of respect to my children. 我决心制止我的孩子顶嘴,尊重所有的家庭活动,并明白建立互相尊重的重要性,我要给我的孩子做一个尊重的榜样。

21、We must respect the m and avoid putting on airs. 我们要尊重群众,不要摆架子。

22、Most crucially, it also acquires a handle to the DOM of the SVG instance. 最重要的是,还获得一个到 SVG 实例的 DOM 的句柄。

23、Calcium and zinc ions were required both in refolding and enzymatic activity, but high concentration of zinc inhibited the refolding and activity. 该蛋白的重折叠复性和酶活性需要钙锌离子,但高浓度的锌离子则抑制其重折叠复性和活性。

24、On your handout there's another quotation from late in Yeats's life that I wanted to emphasize. 在讲义上有他晚年的一句话,我要着重强调。

25、Furthermore, the number of CPs and their impact on overall ranking for various phases varied. The 4 critical factors ( CFs ) of the road-net planning phase ranked relatively low. 除此之外,各阶段重要问题因子这数量及整体重要性排序亦有所不同,规划阶段4重要问题因子之重要性排序略低;


26、A scientific lip-rounding is significant for playing flute. 笛子吹奏口形的科学性对于吹好笛子具有重要意义。

27、As a grammatical device for the cohesion of discourse, ellipsis in both the Chinese language and English can be divided into nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis and clausal ellipsis. 作为一种句法现象,省略不仅可以避免重复、突出新信息,而且也是语篇衔接的一种重要语法手段。英汉两种语言中的省略现象可大致分为名词性省略、动词性省略和小句性省略。

28、It is also important to specify the SORTKEYS parameter in the LOAD statements for maximum performance. 为了获得最佳性能,在 LOAD 语句中指定 SORTKEYS 参数也很重要。

29、Syntax Research on Yantielun is a major contribution towards the study of ancient Chinese or Chinese language history. 《〈盐铁论〉句法研究》是该项研究的重要成果,是对汉语断代研究、汉语史研究的重要贡献。

30、Peaches now outrank cotton as the chief crop. 如今桃子是比棉花重要的主要产品。

31、Therefore, the study on quantum characters of cavity field is an important topic in quantum optics. 所以研究光场的量子特性是量子光学的一个重要课题。

32、The disagreement between modal logic and the double negative construction of the necessity modals originates in the semantic misplacement . 必要性或必然性模态句的双重否定结构在模态逻辑上所出现的不对应现象源于否定词的语义错位。

33、Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness, and hold such men in esteem. —Philippians 2:29 金句: 「你们要在主里欢欢乐乐地接待他,而且要尊重这样的人。」(腓立比书2章29节)

34、Do not single out your overweight child. 不要孤立你的超重的孩子。

35、Therefore, Satoko always more important than the face. 所以,里子永远比面子更重要。

36、E-mail remains a vital technology for informing recipients of key events. 电子邮件仍然是将重要事件通知接收者的重要技术。

37、The final paragraph will summarize your main points and re-assert your main claim (from your thesis sentence). It should point out your main points, but should not repeat specific examples. 最后一段话将总结你的主要观点并且强调你要求(也来源于你的主题句)。这将指出你的主要论点,但不要重复写具体的例子。

38、The need for consistency is of upmost importance in these areas. 对孩子教育的一致性在这些领域十分重要。

39、If you could summa the importance of your findings in one sentence, what would it be? 如果用一句话概括你的发现的重要性,你会说什么?

40、The importance of antistatic properties of macromolecular materials was summarized. 综述了高分子材料抗静电性能的重要性;

41、In other words, at certain stages in life, free radicals may be a key part of our well-being, despite their toxicity. 换句话说,在某些生命阶段,自由基可能除毒性外,对我们的健康有着重要作用。

42、To enable re-optimization for an SQL statement, bind the package with the REOPT bind option. 要重新优化一个 SQL 语句,我们需要在这个包上绑定 REOPT 绑定选项。

43、These two words speak the truth is the same, is all tell us the importance of friends. 这两句话所讲的道理是一样的,都是告诉我们择友的重要性。

44、The theory of evil human nature is the other important basis in Xunzi's philosophy. 性恶论是荀子礼论的另一个重要理论基石。

45、And I really like ss. That's a big thing. Ss can really make your outfit. 我很喜欢鞋子。那是个非常重要的东西。鞋子对你整体搭配真的很重要。

46、Importance of Listening Range and Volume for Special Needs Child 听阈和音量对有特殊需要的孩子的重要性

47、Access control is an important component of network security, E-Govment in the protection of information integrity, confidentiality and availability play an important role. 访问控制是网络安全的一个重要组成部分,在保障电子政务信息的完整性、保密性和可用性方面发挥着重要作用。

48、It is a question of pride as much as anything else. 很重要的一个原因就是要面子罢了。

49、The old cui injuries heal, proved the innocence of the forest, stating the importance of the two hair clasp Lin. 老崔重伤痊愈,证实了二林的清白,并告知二林簪子的重要性。

50、Nonlinear optical processes play a very important role on micro-structural characters of atom or molecular. 非线性光学现象作为获得原子或分子微观性质信息的重要手段,发展十分迅速。


51、GuanZi·QingZhong is an agglomeration of currency thoughts of ancient China. 《管子·轻重》篇是中国古代货币思想的重要著作。

52、A clinician must balance these provider-centered goals with patient-centered goals. 该段主题句的大意是:在与患者交谈之前,明确问诊的目的十分重要。

53、This article emphasizes the significance of nano-technology research in quantum physics area. 着重强调了纳米技术研究在量子物理领域中的重要性;

54、Temperature has strong effect on the seed germination. 温度是影响毛叶枣萌发的一个重要因子。

55、Sentence Category Analysis System is an important technology of HNC theory in NLP practice. 句类分析系统是HNC语言理解技术的重要支柱。

56、For many years laser Raman spectroscopy has been an important tool for the investigation of microscopic molecular structure. 激光拉曼光谱是研究分子结构的重要工具,在分子光谱中占有重要地位。

57、It's crucial to keep repeating your mission statement throughout the attempt. 在整个过程中重复任务陈述句很重要。

58、Further work is needed to extend this new potential to investigate other properties of heavy mesons and the properties of baryons so as to test the reliability of this potential. 进一步的工作需要扩展这个新的势对重介子其它性质和重子性质的研究,以便检验这个势的可靠性。

59、Nucleon density distribution is one of the most important characters of an atomic nucleus. 核子密度分布是原子核的一个重要性质。

60、Objective:To explore the importance and feasibility of Expectant Management of severe pre-eclampsia and the impact on out come of gestation. 目的:探讨重度子痫前期期待治疗的重要性和可行性,及其对母儿结局的影响。

61、And above all, don't go snooping around the house. 最重要的是,不要在屋子里四处窥探。

62、Functionalization is an important method to achieve task specific ionic liquids. 功能化是实现离子液体专一性的重要手段。

63、Families play an important role in moulding children’s character. 家庭在塑造孩子的性格方面起着重要作用。

64、English inversion, as a grammatical form, is a very important part of contemporary linguistic study. 倒装句作为一种语法形式,是当代语言学研究的一个重要内容。

65、It’s really important to bring a tone of finality to the point in what you’re saying, where there’s a period! 你的一个要点说完之后要给出结束的语气,也就是划上句号,这真的很重要。

66、The importance and vulnerability of seed banks have become apparent in recent years. 银行的重要性和脆弱性近几年来已很明显。

67、Probe into advertising language are of important and special function. 探究省略句在广告中所发挥的重要而特殊的作用。

68、While much of this boils down to semantics, your choice of words are critical. 归根到底就是语义学,你所选择的语句是至关重要的。

69、Do not reuse bottles intended for single use. 不要重复利用一次性使用的瓶子。

70、CBF transcription factor played an important role in the process of cold resistance. CBF转录因子在抗寒性方面起重要作用,低温可诱导CBF转录因子的表达。

71、The inheritance of pest-insect's resistance to insecticide is not only an important factor affecting the development of resistance but also the basis for formulating resistance management strategy. 害虫的抗性遗传特性是影响其抗性发展的一个重要因子,也是制订抗性治理对策的重要依据。

72、The performance of electroptic imaging display(EPID) was determined by electroptic inks, and the stability is one of the most important parameters of the suspension. 电泳显示型电子纸的主要性能由电子墨水的性能决定,电子墨水的稳定性又是影响图像显示的重要参数。

73、The emulsifying volumes increase with the decreasing of PEO's molecular weight. PEO 的分子量对接枝共聚物乳化性能有重要影响。

74、Hydrophobic measurement is an important way to evaluate the performance of insulators. 绝缘子憎水性能检测是判断绝缘子抗闪性能的重要手段。

75、I'm doing this by letting less-important things go undone. 换句话说,我发现自己假装所有必须做的事都一样重要。

英文句子模板76:Important sentences

76、In other words, he saw that the rats were dreaming of important junctures in their day. 换句话说,他看到了老鼠梦到了它们在白天经历的重要关头。

77、The identification of genuineness and purity of maize seed is very important to keep the fake and shoddy seeds from the market. 真实性、纯度及其亲子关系是质量检验的重要内容,是控制质量,杜绝假冒伪劣流入市场的重要手段。

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