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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-07 00:52:06
  • 99


关于”超甜的表白句子“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Super sweet confession sentence。以下是关于超甜的表白句子的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Super sweet confession sentence

1、The sweet : raspberry donut, chocolate brownie, blueberry tart, strawberry tart. 至于甜点呢,则是有覆盆子甜甜圈, 巧克力布朗尼,蓝莓塔,和草莓塔。

2、Is the tangerine sweet? 这橘子甜吗 ?

3、Gardenias are legendary for their strong, sweet scent and exquisite white petals. 栀子花是传说中的强大,甜美的香味和精美的白色花瓣。

4、Every white has black , and every sweet has its sour. 有白就有黑,有苦就有甜。

5、White bread without kernels, white rice and sugary breakfast products should be avoided. 远离无硬粒白面包、白米和甜面包产品。

6、Generally speaking, certain courses should be paired with certain wines. For example, red meat demands a red wine, white meat suits a white wine, while sweet wine matches desserts. 餐酒搭配是一门复杂的艺术,基本原则是红酒配红肉,白酒配白肉,甜酒配甜食,地菜配地酒。

7、Add in white wine and paprika to taste. 加入白酒及甜红椒粉以调味。

8、Sources of vitamin A include carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, spinach, water squash, turnip greens, beet greens, apricots, and cantaloupe. 像胡萝卜,南瓜,白薯,菠菜,果汁,大头菜,甜菜,杏子以及哈密瓜。

9、Drink less sugary drinks and more Mattoni mineral water. 少喝超甜的饮料,多喝玛朵尼自然矿泉水。

10、Main compositions: Spring water extract, Protein compound, Sweet tea extract, Hydration Collagen, Unique factor, Rose extract. 主要成份:温泉水精华、蛋白复合物、甜茶萃取液、水合胶原蛋白、特制因子、玫瑰精华。

11、Rich in protein, also contains glycogen and betaine. 富含蛋白质,还含有糖原和甜菜碱。

12、In supermarkets, green-and-white boxes of PureVia and Truvia now beckon to shoppers with promises of being “all natural” and “nature’s perfect sweetness”. 在超市,绿白盒子装的PureVia和Truvia向顾客宣称“完全自然”和“大自然最完美的甜味剂”。

13、Then and then, time to have a super sweet sleep and dream. Good night, everyone! 然后,该是到了睡个超甜的觉做个超美的梦的时候了。大家晚安!

14、All neurons, whether they reside in the hypothalamus or elsewhere, maintain a constant flux of charged ions across their cell membranes via donut-shaped proteins called ion channels. 所有神经元,无论他们居住在下丘脑或其他地方,保持恒定通量的电荷离子在其细胞膜通过甜甜圈形状的蛋白质称为离子通道。

15、The invention relates to a supramolecular composite of isosteviol or a derivative thereof and a preparation method thereof, and the form thereof is a white solid inclusion compound. 一种异甜菊醇或其衍生物的超分子组合物及其制备,其形式是白色固体包合物。

16、On the other hand white wines present a larger variety of tastes: very dry, dry, semi-dry, mellow, syrupy, petillant, sparkling, madeirized… 另一方面白葡萄酒有各种各样的口感:超干、干、半干、圆润的、甜的、汽酒、气泡葡萄酒、马德拉化的……

17、Cooked when the skin flush white, meat clean crisp, sweet and refreshing. 熟时皮红透白,肉清白脆嫩,清甜爽口。

18、The skin is easily removed, and inside are 3 white, sweet segments that each contain a large black inedible seed. 果皮易剥,果肉甜,呈白色,有3瓣,每瓣各含一可以吃的玄色大粒。

19、It is a single gulab jamun, a syrupy, plum-sized sweet, fetched with tremendous care that day from Shahabpur bazaar. 那是一种玫瑰甜球,糖浆状,李子大小的甜食,在白天沙哈布普的集市上引来了不少目光。

20、Too much sweetness for him this early in the day. 白天这么一大早吃了太多的甜食。

21、Every white has its black , and sweet its sour. 有白有黑,有甜有酸(是非黑白,酸甜苦辣)

22、Three well-dressed white women in their late twenties talk cheerfully and sip diet es at a table near the door. 三个穿着得体的白人妇女坐在靠门的桌子,边吃甜点边欢快的聊着天。

23、Do not believe the sweet words of that fair-faced man. 不要相信那个小白脸的甜言蜜语。

24、For example, I use Stevia in place of white sugar; 比如,我用甜菊糖替代白糖;

25、ABSTRACT: Sauternes producers are enjoying a greater share of the Bordeaux vintage limelight in 2013, but there are also reports of vines for sale as producers struggle against low consumer demand. 摘要: 尽管2013年波尔多红葡萄酒一片暗淡,但苏玳甜白葡萄酒则表现不错,不过尽管如此,苏玳甜白葡萄的市场需求依旧疲软。


26、Spears' and Federline's newborn is their second child together. 这是“小甜甜”和丈夫费德林的第二个孩子。

27、In the media acknowledge the meeting, Chen summoned the courage to MengFei vindicated. 在媒体答谢会上,陈超鼓起勇气向孟菲表白。

28、MengFei in drunkenness, in small demon guidance to vindicate Chen. 孟非在醉酒时,在小妖引导下对陈超表白。

29、Main compositions: Pomegranate essence, Inert type white VC, NMF aminophenol inductor, Extract of sweet tea, Ultra micro pearl powder, Unique factor. 主要成份:红石榴素、安定型净白VC、NMF氨基酸诱导体、甜茶萃取液、超微细珍珠粉、特制因子。

30、This super-sweet hoodie is perfect for a chilly day. 这种超甜美的连帽衫是一个寒冷的一天。

31、Happiness is the plain boiled water add a little sugar, very sweet! 幸福就是白开水里加一点糖,甜甜的!

32、I'm often asked about the "new" sweetener showing up on supermarket shelves called Stevia. 我经常被问及超市货柜上的一种新的甜味剂,它叫做甜菊。

33、The single cross hybrid super-sweet corn Etianyu No. 4 was bred by Wuhan Trade-wind Crop Sciences Co. , Ltd. in 2003. 鄂甜玉4号(商品名“信甜501”)是武汉信风作物科学有限公司于2003年组配而成的超甜玉米单交种。

34、Sweet, little, sensible child! 甜,小,懂事的孩子!

35、Unique ingredients: Super tiny light-reflection factors, Resveratrol extract. 独有成分:超细感光因子、白藜芦醇萃取物。

36、Conclusion: Glycyrrhizin could up-regulate the expression of ferritin heavy chain gene in hepatic stellate cells, which may contribute to the anti fibrosis of glycyrrhizin. 结论:甘草甜素能诱导肝星状细胞铁蛋白重链的表达。调控铁蛋白重链基因的表达可能是甘草甜素抗肝纤维化作用的分子生物学机制之一。

37、Grand Mamier ---- a strong alcoholic drink made with Brandy and orange, from France. 金万利香橙酒(法国甜酒,白兰地加橙子)。

38、Sweet liqueur made from wine and brandy flavored with plum or peach or apricot kernels and bitter almonds. 用由李子或桃子或杏和苦的杏仁作香料制成的白酒和白兰地制成的甜利口酒。

39、These supernatural agents, Bering adds, might have very different names. 白令补充说,这些超自然的代表,可能有非常不同的名称。

40、Among the sweet white wine one distinguishes often the semi-dry wines, mellow wines, and sweet wines without a proper range of residual sugars for each types. 在甜白葡萄酒中一个区别于半干、半甜的是,甜葡萄酒没有一个确定的残糖范围。

41、Effect of seed priming combined with chemical treatment on improving seed vigor of super sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt) was investigated. 本文对改善超甜玉米活力的方法进行了探索。

42、Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright! 甜美的白昼,如此凉快、宁静、妖冶!

43、Combination of white florals & sweet airy musk. 白桦树花加上甜麝香。

44、Every white has its black, and every sweet has its sour. 有白必有黑,有甜必有苦。

45、This is the red variant of the white Moo Spumante. 这款红色的甜起泡酒是莫斯卡甜白演变而来的。

46、It is a single gulab jamun, a syrupy, plum -sized sweet, fetched with tremendous care that day from Shahabpur bazaar. 那是一种玫瑰甜球,糖浆状,李子大小的甜食,在白天沙哈布普的集市上引来了不少目光。

47、Serve the burgers on whole-wheat buns spread with the sweet honey mus sauce. 还有,在汉堡的全麦皮表面涂上甜甜的蜂蜜芥末酱。

48、Sweet and sour meat. 甜酸肉丸子。

49、Sweet white wines are Chenin Blanc, many Rieslings and Spumante. 甜白葡萄酒有白师南、雷司令和意大利苏打白葡萄酒。

50、The sweet corn is growing very fast. 超甜粟米生长十分快。


51、Every white has its black, and sweet its sour. 月白必有黑,有甜必有苦。

52、My friend's handpicked longans from a farm. Super sweet! 朋友到农场摘的龙眼,树上熟,超甜!

53、And Meg smiled her sweetest, in spite of her gray beard and white eyebrows . 脸上挂着白胡子白眉毛的梅格笑得又甜又美。

54、Remove the skin of the Mango and dice into small squares. Place into a nice dessert glass or margarita glass . Top with grand mariner liqueur and whipped cream. 将芒果去皮并切成小方块。将它们放入一个精美的甜点杯或玛格丽塔酒杯中。倒上橘子味和白兰地味的甜酒以及生奶油。

55、Thaumatin is a naturally occurring protein found in the African Serendipity Berry and is 100, 000 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). 奇异果甜蛋白是一种天然蛋白,发现于非洲锡兰莓中,甜度是蔗糖的10万倍。

56、She instantly added, changing her sweet and ambiguous tone into a categorical and clear one, completely destroying my wishful thinking. 她随即补充一句,语调由甜蜜暧昧变得斩钉截铁明白无误,并彻底摧毁我的一厢情愿。

57、Kuche is China's largest apricot home, but here apricot is white, is not saying sweet, very tasty, but also fig. 库车是中国最大的杏子之乡,只不过这里的杏子是白的,甜是没有话说的,非常好吃,也有无花果。

58、At the ponds treated only with sweet-smelling bait, Professor Schlein says, more than seventy five percent of mosquitoes fed on the false bait. 在喷洒了甜味诱饵的水塘,Schlein教授说,超过75%的蚊子吃了这种伪装诱饵。

59、Thou my best thought, by day or by night. 白昼或黑夜,我最甜思想。

60、I now know how sweet a kiss could be. 我现在才明白吻原是那么甜蜜,

61、Inside there is a sticky white pulp, wrapped around several black seeds, which tastes pleasant and has a sweet and sour flavor. 果肉白色,呈粘稠状,包裹数粒黑黑的,吃起来酸甜爽口。

62、Main compositions: Pomegranate essence, White Lily, Thermal water essence, Sweet tea extract, Unique factor, Licorice. 主要成份:红石榴素、白百合、温泉水精华、甜茶萃取液、特制因子、甘草精华。

63、Sweet mix. red white blue. 甜味的混合,红,兰,白。

64、A black plum is as sweet as a white. 黑梅白梅一样甜。

65、Fresh apple and cucumber muddled and shaken with chardonnay, grand marnier and raspberry liqueur. 新鲜的苹果与小黄瓜加上白酒、橙酒与覆盆子甜酒。

66、Or, for your sweet tooth, caviar-capped white chocolate? 还是,你偏爱甜食,表面铺有鱼子酱的白巧克力?

67、Innumerable desserts, as well as souffles and all the spongecakes, call for stiffly beaten egg whites. 甜点中用到打发蛋白的例子数不胜数,舒芙厘和海绵蛋糕都属此列。

68、Earlier this year, Mennella found that kids with a family history of alcoholism prefer more intensely sweet tastes. 研究表明:有酗酒家族史的孩子更喜欢甜食。

69、So the development of the sweet-tasting proteins has been rather slow. 甜味蛋白是一类具有高甜度、低热卡、多功能的天然甜味剂。

70、Plant sweet protein is a kind of high-potency, low-caloric natural sweeteners. 植物甜蛋白是一类高甜度低热量的天然甜味剂。

71、That means chowing down on white bread, sweetened breakfast cereals, white fluffy pancakes, candy bars, granola bars, cookies, crackers and sweets of all kinds. 这样说吧,就是要多吃白面包,加糖的谷类食品,又白又好看的煎饼,糖条,能量条,小甜饼,薄脆饼及各种甜食。

72、Brandy, sweet vermouth, sugar, bitters. 白兰地, 甜味美思, 糖, 苦精。

73、There are more than 500 varieties of tomatoes and peppers, including huge selections of both hybrid tomato seeds and heirloom tomato seeds, hot chiles , sweet peppers, tomatillos and eggplants. 这里大约有超过500重的番茄和辣椒,包括杂交番茄和常规种,辣椒,甜椒,酸浆果和茄子。

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