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英语仿写句子 15个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-29 17:15:37
  • 121

英语仿写句子 15个

1. Original sentence: The teacher graded the exams quickly and accurately.

Paraphrased sentence: The exams were marked with efficiency and precision by the teacher.(老师对考试进行了高效而准确的评分。)

2. Original sentence: She was walking along the beach when she saw a seagull.

Paraphrased sentence: A seagull caught her eye as she strolled by the ocean.(她漫步在海滩上,看到一只海鸥。)

3. Original sentence: He was feeling exhausted after running the marathon.

Paraphrased sentence: Running the marathon had left him drained and fatigued.(参加马拉松比赛使他疲惫不堪。)

4. Original sentence: The concert was cancelled due to bad weather.

Paraphrased sentence: The poor weather conditions caused the cancellation of the concert.(因恶劣的天气条件,音乐会被取消了。)

5. Original sentence: The company announced a new product launch.

Paraphrased sentence: The introduction of a new product was made public by the company.(该公司宣布推出了新产品。)

6. Original sentence: She was too shy to speak in public.

Paraphrased sentence: Speaking in front of an audience was something she found too daunting due to her shyness.(因为害羞,她不敢在公众场合讲话。)

7. Original sentence: He became interested in politics after attending a rally.

Paraphrased sentence: A rally sparked his interest in politics.(参加使他对产生了兴趣。)

8. Original sentence: The CEO was fired after a scandal.

Paraphrased sentence: A scandal led to the dismissal of the CEO.(一起丑闻导致CEO被解雇。)

9. Original sentence: She felt relieved when she heard the good news.

Paraphrased sentence: The good news brought her a sense of relief.(她得知好消息后,感到松了一口气。)

10. Original sentence: He was surprised by her sudden appearance.

Paraphrased sentence: Her unexpected arrival caught him off guard.(她突然出现,使他措手不及。)

11. Original sentence: The restaurant served delicious food.

Paraphrased sentence: The food at the restaurant was delectable.(这家餐厅的食物非常可口。)

12. Original sentence: She was afraid of heights.

Paraphrased sentence: Heights scared her.(她害怕高处。)

13. Original sentence: They met each other for the first time at the party.

Paraphrased sentence: The party was where they first crossed paths.(派对是他们第一次相遇的地方。)

14. Original sentence: The car broke down on the highway.

Paraphrased sentence: The car malfunctioned while driving on the highway.(汽车在高速公路上发生故障。)

15. Original sentence: He was worried about his job interview.

Paraphrased sentence: His job interview caused him anxiety.(他为面试感到担心。)

16. Original sentence: She was proud of her son's achievements.

Paraphrased sentence: Her son's accomplishments filled her with pride.(儿子的成就让她感到自豪。)

17. Original sentence: He was amazed by the view from the mountaintop.

Paraphrased sentence: The scenery from the mountaintop left him awestruck.(山顶上的景色让他惊叹不已。)

18. Original sentence: The company was struggling to stay afloat.

Paraphrased sentence: The company was finding it difficult to survive financially.(该公司在经济上难以生存。)

19. Original sentence: She received a promotion at work.

Paraphrased sentence: She was given a promotion in her job.(她在工作中得到晋升。)

20. Original sentence: He was too distracted to focus on his studies.

Paraphrased sentence: His studies suffered because of his inability to concentrate.(他无法集中注意力,导致学习受到影响。)

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