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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:48
  • 180




1、The children are t up a Christmas tree. 孩子们正在装饰圣诞树。

2、Holiday and Christmas Decorations, Artificial Flowers and Plants, Silk Flowers, Bushes, Christmas Santa, Angels, Ornaments, Wooden Nutcrackers Holiday. 采购产品假期和圣诞装饰品,人造花和植物,丝绸花,灌木,圣诞圣诞老人,天使,饰品。

3、Children in countries around the world await a visit from a mysterious bringer of gifts at Christmas time. He is Santa Claus. 在圣诞节期间, 世界各地的孩子们都会期盼一位神秘送礼者的到来,他就是圣诞老人。

4、"We don't want any child to go without seeing Santa, but it's not worth bringing your child to the mall, infecting the Santa and infecting the other children," Nicholas Trolli said. 尼古拉斯•特洛里说:“我们不想让孩子们过圣诞看不到圣诞老人,但如果你在孩子生病的时候把他(她)带到商场去,传染了圣诞老人和其他小孩,那就不值了。”

5、   In the west, it is a Christmas custom to dress as Santa Claus。圣诞花是不是圣诞红?

6、Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her mother was coming to visit. This stressed Santa even more. 就在这时,圣诞夫人告诉老头子,丈母娘要来。圣诞老人更焦虑了。

7、The children are extremely delighted when Christmas comes. 圣诞节来临的时候,孩子们欢天喜地的。

8、Christmas quiche is a perfect make-ahead breakfast that's easy to re-heat while the kids open their Christmas presents. 圣诞节蛋卷是一个完美的化妆提前早餐,很容易重新热而孩子们打开他们的圣诞礼物。

9、Christmas day will be, a greeting to distant lovers and friends, and willing to love the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, loyalty, friendship everlasting, forever! Merry Christmas! 就要到圣诞节了,给远方的恋人和朋友一句问候,愿爱情海枯石烂,至死不渝,友谊天长地久,相伴一生!圣诞快乐!

10、In shops or at children's parties, someone will dress up as Father Christmas and give small presents to children, or ask them what gifts they want for Christmas. 在商店里或孩子们的聚会上,有人会装扮成圣诞老人分发小礼物给孩子们,或者文他们要什么样的圣诞礼物。圣诞节对孩子们来说,是一个神奇而兴奋的日子。

11、Christmas music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods right through to carols and music of our own time capture the spirit of Christmas. 圣诞音乐由文艺复兴到巴罗克时期,包括传统圣诞颂歌与现代的圣诞歌曲。

12、Cui's performance started with such a sentence, 'Merry Christmas! We are having Christmas under the red flag; we are eggs left over by the red flag! 崔健登台第一句话就是,祝大家圣诞快乐,我们是红旗下的圣诞,红旗剩下的蛋!

13、During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees. 在圣诞期间,他们互相交换礼物用神圣的圣诞花圣诞树装饰自己的屋子。

14、And if our sentence is true then Santa does not exist, in which case the name “Santa” does not refer to any actual thing. 如果这句话是对的,那么圣诞老人确实不存在,那么“圣诞老人”这个名字没有指代任何实际的事物。

15、In the famous Christmas song Santa Claus is Comin' to Town. 在著名的圣诞歌曲《圣诞老人进城来》中。

16、Every Christmas, gifts are exchanged among loved ones, especially children. The story of Santa Claus also comes from this tradition. 每年圣诞节,亲朋好友尤其是孩子们都会互赠礼物,圣诞老人的的故事也源自这个传统。

17、祝杨老师圣诞快乐 merry christmas to miss yang 祝杨老师圣诞快乐 merry christmas to miss yang

18、People decorate their houses, place a Christmas tree in their room, and maybe sing a Christmas carol together. 人们会装饰屋子,在房间里摆上一棵圣诞树,还可能一起唱圣诞颂歌。

19、Pls check if you have existing novelty planter for Xmas like Santa Boot, Snowman Hat, Santa Head, Snowman Head or planter with Santa's or Snowman's clothing pattern. 请查你方是否有现成新颖的圣诞挂件如圣诞老人靴、雪人帽、圣诞老人和雪人头饰或者带圣诞老人和雪人的服饰的挂件。

20、stockings with presents derives from the USA. 圣诞节最兴奋的要属孩子了,他们在壁炉边或者床角挂起袜子(一只旧袜子,或者贪心点,一个枕头),来装圣诞老人的礼物。

21、Even though it was only September, the air was crisp and children were already whispering about Christmas plans and Santa Claus. 尽管现在还是风清气爽的9月,孩子们已经在私下里谈论圣诞节计划和圣诞老人了。

22、"We don't want any child to go without seeing Santa, but it's not worth bringing your child to the mall, infecting the Santa and infecting the other children, " Nicholas Trolli said. 尼古拉斯特洛里说:“我们不想让孩子们过圣诞看不到圣诞老人,但如果你在孩子生病的时候把他(她)带到商场去,传染了圣诞老人和其他小孩,那就不值了。”

23、The kids are all wearing their little red Santa hats that were given to them by the Chinese-speaking Santa that greeted them at the school's front door. 孩子们都戴着小小的红色圣诞帽,这些圣诞帽是学校前门说汉语的“圣诞老人” 向他们祝贺节日时送给他们的。

24、One of the most popular plants at Christmas is the poinsettia. 圣诞中最流行的植物之一就是圣诞红。

25、Michael: What about Xmas cards? Have you sent yours yet? 麦迈克尔:那圣诞卡呢?你的圣诞卡寄走了吗?


26、Merry Christmas and best wishes for happy new year! 快乐圣诞,什么是圣诞快乐?

27、As this year's Christmas approaches, Santa Claus comes all the way from Rovaniemi to Helsinki to greet local residents. 今年,随着圣诞临近,这些“正宗的圣诞老人”从罗瓦涅米一路赶来,给赫尔辛基带来圣诞祝福。

28、The Christmas tree and a large variety of natural pine and cypress trees, but also man-made Christmas trees and a white Christmas tree. 圣诞树的种类繁多,有天然松柏圣诞树、也有人造圣诞树及白色圣诞树。

29、Flora: Me too, have you got my Christmas e-card? 我也是, 你收到我的圣诞电子贺卡了吗。

30、They believe that -- on the night before Christmas -- he travels through the air in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. He enters each house from the top by sliding down the hole in the fireplace. 小孩子们相信:在圣诞节的前一夜,圣诞老人乘坐驯鹿拉的雪橇从空中而来,他从壁炉的烟囱进入到每家每户,他把给孩子们的圣诞礼物放在圣诞树下。

31、Children start thinking about their Christmas presents. 孩子们开始联想他们的圣诞礼物。

32、Refreshments will include bratwurst and a hog roast as well as gingerbread and mulled wine, and there will be choirs singing Christmas carols. 那里的点心有腊肠、热腾腾的烤肉、圣诞蛋糕及温酒。那里还有圣诞乐队演奏了圣诞颂歌。

33、According to the Web.orange.co.uk on December 22, a Wiltshire man famous for celebrating Christmas every day is now planning to marry his Christmas tree。据英国"橘子网"12月22日报道,英国威尔特郡一名男子每天都要庆祝圣诞节,现在,他决定要跟他的圣诞树“结为连理”。

34、Santa shouted out the reindeers' names and cracked his whip. 圣诞老人喊出驯鹿的名字,猛抽他的鞭子。

35、Every Christmas, gifts are exchanged among loved ones, especially children. The story of Santa Claus also comes from this tradition. 每年圣诞节,亲朋好友尤其是孩子们都会互赠礼物,圣诞老人的故事也源自这个传统。

36、Say Merry Christmas and happy new year to Qin, please! 请对子衿说圣诞和新年快乐!

37、my arms are wide open for you this christmas. 圣诞老奶奶祝福圣诞老爷爷!

38、A nervous gentleman dressed in an elaborate Santa Clause costume is filling Christmas stockings furtively. 一位穿着精心制成的圣诞老人服的紧张绅士正偷偷的向圣诞袜子里装东西。

39、There are many beautiful Christmas songs, such as "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". "Jingle Bells", "Silent Night", "White Christmas" and "Joy to the World". 有很多动听的圣诞歌曲,如《恭祝圣诞》, 《铃儿响叮当》,《平安夜》,《白色圣诞》,《普天同庆》。

40、Do your kids still believe in Santa Claus? 你的孩子还相信有圣诞老人吗?

41、The children are longing for Santa Claus to arrive. 孩子们热切盼望着圣诞老人的到来。

42、A merry yuletide! A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend. 圣诞快乐!希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友!

43、The home is usually decorated with statues of Father Christmas, holly wreaths ... etc. at the windows. 除了圣诞树外,人们还会用圣诞老人、圣诞花环等饰品装饰屋子的窗户。

44、With all the Christmas decorations and carols, it is difficult not to feel the Christmas spirit that is wafting through the town. 那所有的圣诞装饰品和圣诞颂歌,让你很难不感受到溢满整个城市的圣诞精神。

45、There are red Christmas flowers and candles for Christmas. 红 读心神探全集播放 色的有圣诞花和圣诞烛炬。

46、Children across the land on Christmas Eve will nestle all snug in their beds to hear the classic poem "The Night Before Christmas." 圣诞前夜,各地的小孩子们会舒适安乐的偎在自己的床上听经典的小诗《圣诞夜》。

47、To decorate the Christmas tree together, have a Christmas dinner, pull some Christmas crackers, and maybe Father Christmas will come and join in the fun! 一起布置圣诞树,吃圣诞大餐,玩玩圣诞拉炮,说不定还有圣诞老公公一起来热闹热闹。

48、More and more, Santas say the children on their laps are asking for less for themselves — and Santa is promising less as well. 圣诞老人们表示,孩子们的圣诞愿望如今更少顾及自己,而与此同时,圣诞老人的许诺也越来越少了。

49、For example, Christmas is coming. Many big international brand toys and clothes are made in China. 举个例子,圣诞节就要到了,大家都会选购圣诞礼品,很多国际大品牌的玩具、服装都是中国制造的。

50、The children went carolling during the week before Christmas. 周,孩子们去唱圣诞颂歌。

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