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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:50
  • 116


关于”表达满意的句子“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Express satisfactory sentences。以下是关于表达满意的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Express satisfactory sentences

1、The English expression " stab someone in the back" means to betray someone. 英语表达法“向某人背后捅刀子”意思就是出卖某人。

2、That's the meaning of the expression. 那就是表达的意义。

3、This is Teache' Day and a time to be grateful to all teache. 时逢西席节,是向全体西席表达谢意的日子。

4、 I'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。

5、On the jumble "Generation Compositor" for meaning expression of isomorphic phonogram; 表意字是字符表达一定意义的文字。

6、If you are pleased about something you can say various things, e.g. 如果你对某事感到满意,你可以用几种不同的方式来表达,例如:I'm glad . / 我很高兴… ; I'm happy .

7、This time the teacher will not mark our English exercises for spelling and grammar, but she will be looking for pleasing expression. 这次对我们的英语练习老师将不特别注意拼写和语法,而是着重找使她满意的表达法。

8、In this particular example, a method reference is a clearer expression of what we mean than a lambda expression, but the idea is the same. 在这个特殊的例子中,方法引用比lambda表达式更清晰地表达了我们的意图,但它们的概念是一样的。

9、In other words, adjust it to match your full draw body position. 换句话说,调整绳环的长度,达到你拉满弓时的身体姿态。

10、 i'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。

11、The sufferers basis for course of treatment by SIR - 1 physiotherapy, immediate improvement of gain pleased rate was 91.87% . 结果表明,患者经本理疗器治疗后,取得满意的近期疗效,有效率达91.87%。

12、All cirtances will almost never be in your favor. 形式环境永远都不会达到你的满意。

13、Detection of epidermal growth factor receptor mRNA in peripheral blood of cervical cancer patients . 表皮生长因子受体在膀胱癌非肿瘤黏膜中的表达及意义。

14、The child purred content. 小孩子嗬嗬做声表示称心满意。

15、The book Zhuang Zi shows the trinity of fable, randomness and tautology, which is different from the signified of conceptual thinking but is the signifier with implied meanings. 《庄子》之文诗意表达是寓言、卮言、重言三位一体。这种三位一体,不同于概念思维规定性之所指的表达,而是作为寓旨性之能指的表达。

16、The examiner must have been pleased with my performance. 主考人对我的表现想必是满意的。

17、Which expressions make sense. 是能表达出一定意义的。

18、The audiences stamped loudly to express their grievances. 听众大声地踏脚以表达他们的不满。

19、Lu yao the chance to express thoughts, Tan Ziwei agreed by lu yao authorized representative to deal with and the uav project cooperation. 陆遥趁机表达心意,谭子薇同意由陆遥全权代表她来处置与无人机项目的合作事宜。

20、chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day. 翻译:时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。

21、In honor of the chosen one, as my first official act as your queen… 为了表达对天选之子的敬意 由于这是我首次正式演你们的…

22、Shes entitled to her own opinion. 她有权表达她的意见。

23、This is Teachers‘ Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. 时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。

24、The representative ways of his special countrynational consciousness and consciousness of Manchu are connected with the public image of Manchu at his time. 老舍表达“国族意识”和满族意识的独特方式与满族特定历史时期的公众形象密切相关。

25、The translation of advertit must he accurate and fluent . 广告翻译应力求表达准确、达意。


26、If you can t express in a sentence or two what you intend to get across3, then your speech is not focused well enough. 如果一两句话不能把你想说的意思表达出来,那说明你说话的重点不够突出。

27、Now they say "flag up" or "flag down" depending on whether they agree to the fixing price. 现在他们通过“举旗”或“落旗”来表达自己对定盘价是否满意。

28、This means the program statements executed in the loop body must change the value of the expression -- or else the loop will never end. 这意味着循环体中执行的程序语句必须要改变表达式的值,否则循环将无法结束。

29、I am pleased with your work. This card is to show my appreciation and respect to you. 我满意你做的工作,这张卡片是用来表达我对你的欣赏与尊敬。

30、The young clerk expressed full of confidence that he was qualified for that demanding mission, which was beyond our expectation. 出乎我们意料的是,这位年轻的职员信心满满地表达了他能胜 任这个高要求的任务。

31、) I'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。

32、She had a pleased look 0n his face. 她脸上露出了满意的表情。

33、I'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。

34、Used to express approval, especially of a performance. 好啊!妙啊!用于表达满意,尤指对一种表演。

35、I still remember the warm sunrise from the eyes of yours 这句话虽然不怎么表达思念 但是我很喜欢 意思大概是 我依旧记得从你眼中散发出的日出的温暖光芒

36、One, express gratitude. 第一,表达谢意。

37、The experiment result indicates that the unit meets expectant requirement and the effect is so good. 调试结果表明该装置达到了预期要求,平层效果较满意。

38、In honor of the sun! 在向太阳表达敬意。

39、You don't have to be Shakespeare –look for sincere, original ways to tell someone that you love them. 你不必非要有莎翁的文采,只需充满诚意地自创一首去表达爱意。

40、Lwan Sukawana, 44, voiced his complaint about the election. 44岁的选民苏卡瓦纳表达了对选举的不满。

41、Please allow me to say that so many people are not happy with it - ordinary people. 请容许我说一句让很多人会不满意的话-普通人。

42、First notice that this subexpression is itself composed of two child subexpressions, with some stuff in the middle that is not part of any child subexpression. 首先,请注意这个子表达式本身由两个子表达式组成,两者之间的字符并不属于任何一方。

43、On the table ChenYan to SuZiJun expressed their gratitude. 在餐桌上陈妍向苏子君表达了谢意。

44、nonetheless, i believe that ______is more advantageous 写作最重要的是把该表达的意思表达清楚、准确,

45、Express gratitude daily. 每天都表达谢意。

46、It is the subject's private expression. 它是主体的私意的表达。

47、I'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。

48、With lively strokes and minimal shapes, Kawano Ayako expresses her unbending heart. 轻松的笔触、极简化的造型,表达了河野纹子一颗随意的心。

49、 You should give him a piece of your mind. 向他表达你的不满。

50、Reflect on why those things are beneficial to your life, and how you can show your appreciation. 自我反省下为什么这些事情对你的生活充满意义,你怎么能表达你的感谢。


51、I'm sorry for what happened today to Marco Storari, he had a back problem, but at the same time I'm happy for Dida's performance. 很遗憾今天斯托拉里受伤了,他背部有伤,不过同时我对迪达的表现很满意。

52、Expressing disapproval of the move, Modi further tweeted, "India has a rich history of several stalwarts who made India what it is today." 莫迪对这一举动表达不满,他进一步表示,“印度拥有悠久的历史,几位中坚分子造就了印度的今天。

53、I'm happy wim your job performance. 我对你的工作表现满意。

54、It is the expression of subjectivity. 好是主体的私意的表达。

55、But some people disagreed with the Hallyu phenomena. 不过,也有一些人对韩流现象表达了不满。

56、This kind of voicing is more of an expression of the people's livelihood, public opinions, public feelings as well as fashion than that of literature and culture. 这种表达空间不止是文学文化意义上的表达,更是所有民生民意民情时尚资讯的表达。

57、You will experience a need to express yourself acutely and agilely to accomplish abiding your needs are met this year. 今年你会很明白地表达自己的需要,并强烈地想晓得需求有没有被满意。

58、The Argentine has exploded onto the Serie A scene in emphatic style and Signori has hailed club and player. 这位阿根廷人以非常抢眼的表现在意甲赛场爆发。西格诺里也表达了对俱乐部和这位球员的敬意。(这句话不大懂)

59、This isTeachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. 时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。

60、The overall yeild of the reaction reaches 86.5%. 确定了较满意的反应条件,反应收率达86.5%。

61、What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. 他想表达什么意思?我以前从未对此仔细考虑,总是认定这句诗反过来才正确。

62、For liquor, full cup symbolizes whole heartiness, very sincere. 酒倒满杯表示全心全意。

63、It’s a NASDAQ-listed company with shareholders to please. 这是纳斯达克上市公司,需要让股东满意。

64、Attention: This message board does not serve as the official channel for opinions or complaints. Pls click here for opinions or complaints. 注意: 留言版并非正式投诉或表达意见的途径。如要正式投诉或表达意见, 请按'公司简介'。

65、She excels in stage projection. 她擅长舞台上的表情达意。

66、· You should give him a piece of your mind 你该向他表达你的不满;

67、Like Zhao Guoman, many entrepreneurs expressed their willingness to invest in Hefei. 和赵国满一样,不少企业都表达了到合肥投资的意愿。

68、To study the levels of expression, coexpression and clinical significance of multidrug resistance factors in lung cancer. 探讨多药耐药因子在肺癌中表达与共表达的相关性及其临床意义。

69、He had a large watch-chain and strong black dots where his beard and whiskers would have been if he had let them. 他身上挂着一根粗粗的表链,满嘴满脸都是硬邦邦黑乎乎的胡子根,如果他愿意留的话,肯定是个大胡子。

70、Thee phrase "until now" is often used incorrectly. This can result in a sentence having the opposite meaning to the one intended. 词组“直到刚才”经常被误用,而误用的结果就是句意可能与写作人想表达的原意完全相反。

71、 I'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。

72、The most discontented, the most irritated, the most trembling, saluted it; 最不满意、最愤慨、最惊悸的人都向它表示了敬意。

73、▲You should give him a piece of your mind. 你应该向他表达你的不满。

74、Many thanks for the dinner yesterday which my wife and I enjoyed very much. 我和我的妻子对昨天的晚宴非常满意,深表谢意。

75、It can have a very sarcastic undertone which could be good, depending on what you need to express. 它可以表达一种带着挖苦意味的好意,这取决于你表达的需要。

英文句子模板76:Express satisfactory sentences

76、Objective To study the expression of P63 and P53, the relation between the expression of P63, P53 and PCNA, P16 in pancreatic neoplasms. 目的研究P53、P63基因在胰腺肿瘤中的表达及其意义; P63基因表达与P53、增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)、P16表达的关系及其意义。

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