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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-20 14:21:53
  • 224


关于”表示提建议的句型“的英语句子41个,句子主体:A sentence pattern indicating a suggestion。以下是关于表示提建议的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A sentence pattern indicating a suggestion

1、Schwarzenegger signed the bill, SB-54 by Senator Mark Leno (D), on Sunday, his office said. 其办公室表示,他在周日签署了SB-54号,由参议员马克-莱诺提出的议案。

2、Architects say suggestions the schools should have been more robust are not just idle internet chatter. 建筑师们表示,有关学校校舍本应更为坚固的提议,不仅是网上清谈。

3、We would like to thank our colleague and mentor Ivan Milman for his suggestions and feedback on this article. 作者对同事兼导师 Ivan Milman 为本文提供建议和反馈表示感谢!

4、The "X", of course, means there is a problem, but the light bulb means Eclipse has a QuickFix: one or more suggestions for solving the problem. “X”当然意味着存在问题,但是灯泡表示 Eclipse 能提供 QuickFix:即解决此问题的一条或多条建议。

5、When I suggested a drink, she coughed disapprovingly. 我提议喝一杯时, 她咳了一下表示反对。

6、We have redrawn and made all models in Business Modeler anonymous, i.e. we only show abstract names, and do not provide information about the origin of our examples or the original modeling tool. 我们已在 Business Modeler 中用匿名方式重绘并创建所有模型,换句话说,我们将只显示抽象名称,而并不提供有关示例来源或原始建模工具的信息。

7、Gwynne Lyons, director of Chem Trust, said she feared the recommendations would not be heeded. Chem信托基金的会长Gwynne Lyons表示,她担心这些建议不会得到重视。

8、I also thanked the Speaker for his support of the New Markets initiative. 我还向众议院议长对“新市场”提案的支持表示了感谢。

9、A representation method of a 3-D object based on general cone theory and a construction method of the relative aspect model is proposed. 提出了一种基于广义锥的三维目标表示方法和相应的视面模型建模方法;

10、If you hover over the icon, NetBeans shows a tool tip describing the suggested change. 如果把鼠标停在这个图标上,NetBeans 会显示工具提示,它描述建议的修改。

11、The diagram reveals some significant implications regarding the resource allocation proposed. 图表显示出考虑到被提议的资源分配后的一些重要含义。

12、That will work to create a strategic approach that ensures that both Israelis and Palestinians can meet their aspirations, " Obama said of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflicts in the Gaza Strip." 他表示,该团队将提出战略性建议,以确保巴以双方实现彼此的和平愿望。

13、Finally, it expounds the enlightenment function of the traditional models of Zisha teapots on modern product design in a deductive method and then puts forward some suggestions. 最后运用演绎法,论述阐明紫砂茶壶传统造型对现代产品设计的启示作用并提出建议。

14、"I see the House adopting a lot of what the Senate puts forward," said an attorney with a lobby firm that has represented Wall Street. "我看到众议院采用了很多参议院提出的内容,"一家代表华尔街利益的游说公司的律师表示.

15、Tickell's proposal could represent a classic Keynesian solution to economic crisis. 蒂克尔的提议可以代表典型的凯恩斯学解决经济危机的方法。

16、She declared against the proposal. 她表示反对这项提议。

17、Syria said Tuesday it accepts a cease-fire plan proposed by the United States and Russia that would begin Saay. 叙利亚星期二表示,同意接受美俄提出的停火协议,协议星期六开始生效。

18、We propose the representation pattern shown in Figure 5 to enable the visualisation of process variability. 我们提议使用如图 5 所示的表示模式来实现流程变化的可视化。

19、In a minute, you will see me reference that nickname in a SQL statement that I provide to a Blox tag to create the report in Figure 4. 很快,您将看到我在一条 SQL 语句中引用这个昵称,这条 SQL 语句是我提供给一个 Blox 标签用于创建图 4 中所示报表的。

20、In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father's Day. 1924年,卡尔文·柯立兹总统表示支持设立全国性的父亲节的建议。

21、Khamtay thanked China for offering assistance to the meeting. 坎代对中国向会议提供援助表示感谢。

22、Finally, I would like to congratulate the IMF for its approval of the voice and quota reform proposals made by the Managing Director. 最后,我想对国际货币基金组织批准总裁提出的发言权和份额改革建议表示祝贺。

23、The value provider supplies the suggestion list to the auto-complete control. 值提供者会为自动完成控件提供建议列表。

24、A: I did mention just now that the delegations put forward some suggestions during the talks. Those include the suggestion by the ROK delegation that you have talked about just now. 答:我刚才提到,在会上各方代表团都提出了一些建议,其中包括你刚才提到的韩方代表团的建议,但是六方会谈如何进行下去,各方还要继续进行磋商。

25、The specification provides an underlying model representation for BPMN graphics. 规范提供了BPMN图形的底层模型表示。


26、All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. 一切征税议案应首先在众议院提出,但参议员可(被许可)按照处理其他议案的方式,提出修正案或表示赞同。

27、From these protocols, entire social networking stacks could be built, Prodromou argued. 普罗德罗莫表示,基于这些协议,可以建立整个社交的网络服务的联盟。

28、How to with expert tips and advice on playing hearts in this free card playing video. 如何与专家提示和建议在此免费玩心玩视频卡。

29、Some of my friends had given what they thought was strategic advice; others were genuinely appalled by what I had done. 我的一些朋友们提出了自认为是战略性的建议;另一些只是对我做过的行为表示真的震惊。

30、These services create a model that the presentation tier consumes to create a view to send to a client. 这些服务创建一个模型,表示层利用此模型来创建一个发送到客户机的视图。

31、As a new delegate to the CPPCC, I hope to be able to propose and contribute to policy. 据中国新闻社报道,刘翔表示:“作为一名政协会议的新代表,我希望自己能够提议、促成一些政策。

32、Thanks to closer bilateral relations, HE President Sassou-Nguesso raised suggestions to establish strategic partnership with China last year, which the Chinese side agreed with. 正是由于中刚关系日益密切,去年总统阁下提出两国建立战略伙伴关系的建议,中方对此表示赞同。

33、The suggestions are dynamically displayed using asynchronous communication with a data provider servlet. 将利用与数据提供者 servlet 的异步通信动态显示建议。

34、Some advice regarding chlorinity expressing measure and sment method in the chloride ion permeability test is proposed. 并对混凝土氯离子渗透性试验的氯离子浓度表示和评价方法提出建议。

35、Therefore, it was proposed to construct ontology based on the existing thesauri. 因此,有人提议,以现有叙词表为基础构建本体。

36、A subspace graphical representation model of multivariate data is proposed, which unites several traditional multivariate data visualization methods into the same representation framework. 本文提出多元数据的子空间坐标图表示模型,该模型可以将这些传统多元图表示方法统一到同一个表示框架。

37、SDO provides a neutral representation of business data, fosters a datasource-agnostic model, and promotes loose coupling. SDO 为业务数据提供了一种中立的表示方法,建立了一种与数据源无关的模型,降低了耦合度。

38、Erik Eckel offers some cautionary advice for IT consultants who are just starting out. Erik Eckel为刚刚起步的IT顾问提供了一些警示性的建议。

39、So far, 835 young peoplehave been referred for further evaluation or treatment, said Sheridan. 迄今,835名青少年,我们建议作进一步评估或治疗,Sheridan表示。

40、He expressed support for the just announced offer from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to host both sides in talks, as early as Wednesday. 阿巴斯表示支持埃及总统穆巴拉克提出的建议,由埃及主持最早在星期三召开的冲突双方的会谈。

41、But the WCRF said its advice, including eating more fruit and vegetables, had stayed the same for more than a decade. 而世界癌症研究基金会表示,像多吃水果和蔬菜这种建议已经提出了十年之久而未有改变了。

42、He still expresses, ask a netizen to raise a proposal to association more, hope Internet can be become pull the loco that moves national economy growth. 他还表示,请网民多给协会提建议,希望互联网能够成为拉动国民经济增长的火车头。

43、He preceded his speech with a vote of thanks to the committee. 他发表讲话前先提议向全体委员表示感谢。

44、He said first that he was “open” to China's proposal that the dollar should be superseded as the reserve currency. 盖特纳先是表示,他对于中国提出的美元国际储备货币地位应被取代的建议持“开放”态度。

45、The average metaphone code is, therefore, a much more accurate representation of a given word, and provides an ideal basis for building a suggestion library. 因此,变音代码通常能够更加准确地表示特定的单词,并且为建议库的构建提供了理论基础。

46、Andromeda Council representative Tolec states 仙女座议会代表Tolec表示

47、Last week, Jan Koehnlein, a core committer of Xtext, and software architect at ITemis, showed how Xbase could be used to rapidly create graphical representations of a model. 上周,Xtext的核心提交者及ITemis的软件架构师Jan Koehnlein 演示了可以使用Xbase快速创建模型的图形化表示。

48、I know what with "with respect" means, that anything I suggest is beneath contempt. 我知道“恕我直言”是什么意思,你是在暗示我的建议全都不值一提。

49、Mr Egbogah said that there had been little movement on that front since October but that the Chinese groups had mentioned building refineries as part of its initial proposals. 埃格博加表示,从去年10月以来,相关谈判几乎毫无进展,但中方在初步提议中提到了建设炼油厂。

50、The models are represented using the notations known as the UML and AADL. 这些模型利用叫作UML和AADL的符号表示法构建。


51、She shrugged off the advice and asked, "What's the law on self-defense here?" 她耸了耸肩对这个建议表示蔑视,而后问道:“自卫是怎么规定的?”

52、The people of company A appreciate the difficulty of soliciting and then evaluating proposals for projects of this magnitude and scope. 这个项目以这样的质量和范围提供评估建议,A公司对于其征集的困难程度表示赞赏。

53、Touré indicated that China's objectives and proposals on further developing Mali-China relations are moving, to which he fully agreed. 杜尔表示,中方为进一步发展马中关系提出的目标和建议令人感动,马方完全赞成。

54、The second, a new expression of DSS Model, i. e. Model's Object Expressionis put forward. 第二,提出了一种新的决策支持系统模型的表示方法,即模型的对象表示。

55、The SQL to create these tables, provided in db-realm-tables.sql file in the included download file, is shown in Listing 9. 本文所提供的 下载文件中的 db-realm-tables.sql 文件提供了创建这些表的 SQL 语句,如清单 9 所示。

56、AXIOM provides a virtual document model it expands on demand, building only as much of the tree structure document model representation as has been requested by the client application. AXIOM 提供了一种可以按需扩展的虚拟文档模型,仅构建客户端应用程序所请求的树结构文档模型表示。

57、"The challenge is to provide real quality advice that will make the difference," said Ong. Ong表示,"挑战在于,能否提供真正高质量并会产生重要影响的建议."

58、B :We will accept your proposal to begin royalty payments in the third production year to show that we want to cooperate. 我们将接受你们关于在第三个生产年度开始支付提成费的建议,以表示我们有合作的愿望。A :我们中国…

59、BGT: What advice and tips do you have for a Barista who just getting start ? 对于刚开始烘焙工作的朋友们,有没有甚麽建议或提示?

60、Cadbury says that if the advice is implemented, farmers will also increase milk yield. 吉百利表示,如果这些建议被采纳,农民也可以增加产奶量。

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