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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-27 19:59:39
  • 69


关于”表示建议的句型“的英语句子30个,句子主体:A suggested sentence pattern。以下是关于表示建议的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A suggested sentence pattern

1、Kinglake put the suggested law through Parliament. 克 使所建议的法案在议会通过。

2、Large, complex enterprises may often have good reasons for deviating from some of the recommendations. 大型的复杂企业可能通常有背离这些建议的充分理由。

3、The meeting room was built to be formal with a U-shaped table with chairs around them and snacks in the corner. 会议室构建得很正式,有一个 U 型会议桌,周围是座椅,角落里还有零食。

4、To work around these issues, Srikanth Mandadi suggests splitting large data models into smaller subsets. 为了解决这些问题,Srikanth Mandadi建议将大的数据模型划分为小的子集。

5、It has been suggested that all housing subsidies should be subsumed into a single housing allowance. 人们建议将各种不同类型的住房补贴合并为单一的住房津贴。

6、Expertise in lysosomal targeting would typically be proposed to enter the project in year 3. 溶酶体靶标的专门技术将作为典型被建议进入第3年的项目中。

7、INSIDER TIP: Keep styling products to a minimal, this style should seem organic. 专业建议:少用点定型产品。爆炸头看上去自然一点比较好。

8、Anny: Finally, do you have any fashion advice or styling tips you could give to our readers? Anny:最后,你有什么时尚造型的建议可以给我们的读者?

9、It is suggested that the additional voltage adjustment for excitation regulator of large generator should be put into service. 建议大型发电机组励磁调节器应投入附加调差。

10、CICETE shall not take the responsibility for any costs or expenses incurred to the qualified Offerors for Proposal preparation and delivery. 交流中心不承担项目建议人因准备建议书和递送建议书产生的任何费用。

11、Prior to EMF V2.5, as shown in several screenshots above, a concrete model produced from an extended Ecore model could keep the file extension '.ecorex' (as proposed by the wizard at creation time). 在 EMF V2.5 之前,正如上面的几个屏幕快照所示,从一个扩展了的 Ecore 模型生成的具体模型应该保留 '.ecorex' 的扩展名(如创建时的向导所建议的那样)。

12、This change, which we have accepted, was suggested by a non-Party person. 这是一位 党外人士的建议,我们接受了这个建议。

13、The main video conferencing terminals have 3 kinds: desktop, STB type, conference room type. 主要的视频会议终端有三种:桌面型,机顶盒型,会议室型。

14、It is recommended that contributors also follow the contribution process (managed model) because only then can these entries show up in the catalog. 建议贡献者同时遵循贡献流程(托管模型),因为只有这样才能在目录中显示这些条目。

15、As the user types text in the City Name field, suggestions are dynamically displayed, similar to Google's auto-suggest. 用户在 City Name 字段中键入文本时,将动态显示建议,类似于 Google 的自动建议功能。

16、Typeless programming is not usually recommended, because it can lead to subtle execution errors involving data types. 通常建议不要使用无类型编程,因为它可能导致涉及数据类型的细微执行错误。

17、Naomi's styling tips include rocking leather leggings and high heels as long as you feel comfortable. 内奥米建议的造型包括穿着紧身皮裤和高跟鞋,只要你觉得舒服。

18、Hence, the models intrinsic to a modeling approach must themselves be described in a model, which we call a metamodel. 因此,对于一个建模方法模型的本质本身也必须能够以模型来表示,我们称这种模型为元模型。

19、Different types of people are now seeking advice, not least skilled tradesmen unable to find work. 不只是有技能的商人找不到工作,不同类型的人都在寻求建议。

20、Need your adv. 需要你的建议。

21、In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father's Day. 1924年,卡尔文·柯立兹总统表示支持设立全国性的父亲节的建议。

22、Open the oysters — he suggests two dozen Kushi, but the quantity and type is up to you. 打开牡蛎,他建议半打,质量和类型取决于你自己。

23、So far, 835 young peoplehave been referred for further evaluation or treatment, said Sheridan. 迄今,835名青少年,我们建议作进一步评估或治疗,Sheridan表示。

24、Tip # 3:Build a memory palace. 建议三: 建立自己的记忆宫殿。

25、The models are represented using the notations known as the UML and AADL. 这些模型利用叫作UML和AADL的符号表示法构建。


26、A: I personally use and recommend to all my patients a form of moving meditation called qigong. 回:我个人使用和建议我的患者朋友一种移动型的冥想叫气功。

27、Then, when you type information in one of these fields, auto-complete suggests possible matches. 然后,当你这些字段类型的信息于一体,自动完成建议可能的匹配。

28、Read the letter to Aunt Chen's advice column and then write some advice. 读这封写给陈阿姨的建议信,然后写些建议。

29、As a practitioner of agile development, I highly recommend that you use a modeling tool only for models that have long-term value. 作为敏捷开发的身体力行者,我强烈建议你只对有长期价值的模型使用建模工具。

30、Any suggestions? 有建议么?

31、This feature is called "storyboarding", which you can use to demonstrate a proposed business model or to review the model with the stakeholders. 此功能称为“故事板演示”,可用于演示建议的业务模型或与参与者一起审核该模型。

32、Finally, we use the time-triggered layer protocol model to establish vehicle-ground communications with multi-vehicle model. 最后,论文利用时间触发层协议建立了车地通信的多车模型。

33、It is suggested that acne skin care products as special cosmetics should be monitored. 建议祛痘类产品应作为特殊类型化妆品加强监控。

34、Your suggestion, to strike while the iron is hot, seemed a good idea. 你建议趁热打铁,这个建议很好。

35、组织一个会议organize a conference, 既然用组织organize,那么就是conference(大型一点的会议)meeting一般的小型会议 半个月half a month

36、Your suggestion, to strick while the iron is hot, seemed a good idea. 你建议要趁热打铁。这个建议很好。

37、Methods 68 cases with chronic leukemia were classified according to the classification criteria of chronic leukemia promoted at conference held in Beijing in 1997. 方法对68例慢性白血病采用1997年北京会议建议标准分型,并观察骨髓象。

38、The Working Group broadly endorsed all recommendations of the Volcker panel. 工作小组对沃尔克专家小组的所有建议表示广泛赞同。

39、Don't move too close to the monitor. 罗森塔尔建议:“不要离显示器太近。

40、Much of its advice regarding process details, approaches for structuring service models, and service design best practices still is valid. 它的许多关于过程细节、创建服务模型的方法和服务设计最佳实践方法的建议仍然有效。

41、The revision of this Recommendation is made to harmonize with new Recommendation G. 766. 本建议的修改是用来和新的建议G.766协调。

42、I recommend creating a Command struct with fields and codes to represent commands and their arguments. 我建议用字段和代码创建一个命令结构来表示命令及其参数。

43、We need far less advice. We have too much advice. 我们需要的建议少得多,而我们得到的建议实在太多了。

44、A binary representation of the SQL statements is created in a separate serialized profile (.ser file). SQL 语句的二进制表示是在一个单独的序列化概要文件( .ser 文件)中创建的。

45、The doctor didn't suggest her do the cosmetic surgeon because people with perma-youth all look the same. 医师不建议她做整型手术,因为整容过的人看起来差不多。

46、She also pointed out that Changsha is being developed as a low-carbon city that is environment friendly and resource conserving. 谢建辉表示,长沙目前正在建设环境友好型、资源节约型的低碳城市。

47、Please advise. 请给点建议。

48、Recommendation: building accessible towns. 建议:建无障碍城镇。

49、The recommendation should be understood as meaning that if you implement ALL these recommendations, then you'll get the performance benefit shown. 对于建议应该这样来理解,如果您实施所有建议,那么可以获得显示的性能好处。

50、We have redrawn and made all models in Business Modeler anonymous, i.e. we only show abstract names, and do not provide information about the origin of our examples or the original modeling tool. 我们已在 Business Modeler 中用匿名方式重绘并创建所有模型,换句话说,我们将只显示抽象名称,而并不提供有关示例来源或原始建模工具的信息。


51、Cadbury says that if the advice is implemented, farmers will also increase milk yield. 吉百利表示,如果这些建议被采纳,农民也可以增加产奶量。

52、Take ideas and suggestions and use them if they work for you. 广纳良言,只要对你有利的建议或者建议,你就采用吧。

53、Excerpts of these recommendations are shown below. 显示了这些建议的摘录。

54、A number of object models were proposed for implementing activity-centered services, the most interesting being the active object model. 人们建议了许多对象模型来实现以活动为中心的服务,其中最有趣的是活动对象模型。

55、Record recommendations - Write down the specific recommendations made by the team. 记录建议---- 把团队成员比较特殊的建议都写下来。

56、Write a letter to your congress person either to thank them or advise them of a concern. 向你所了解的国会议员写封信,不管是对他表示感谢或对你关心的问题提出建议都行。

57、Like the tool tip suggests, the build plug-in does a lot. 像工具提示建议的那样,构建插件将完成大量工作。

58、The examples in this article will follow the format of that recommendation. 本文中的示例将遵循该建议书的格式。

59、She shrugged off the advice and asked, "What's the law on self-defense here?" 她耸了耸肩对这个建议表示蔑视,而后问道:“自卫是怎么规定的?”

60、From these protocols, entire social networking stacks could be built, Prodromou argued. 普罗德罗莫表示,基于这些协议,可以建立整个社交的网络服务的联盟。

61、Matthews recommends DBAs look for tools that include a function that converts long SQL statements into a format that is easy to p. Matthews 建议 DBA 查找这样的工具,它们包含一项功能,可将长 SQL 语句转换为易于分析的格式。

62、My advice is to not depend only on what the scanner’ suggestion. 我的建议是不要仅仅依赖于扫描器的安全建议信息。

63、The notation, however, is advisory and has no effect on actual types and values. 但是该符号是建议性的,对实际类型和值没有任何影响。

64、Gwynne Lyons, director of Chem Trust, said she feared the recommendations would not be heeded. Chem信托基金的会长Gwynne Lyons表示,她担心这些建议不会得到重视。

65、We chatted briefly in the comments section of that post, and he advised me to put together a go-bag. 我们在评论栏里简要的聊了几句,他建议我准备好“应急包”,以应付随时需要离开这里的可能。

66、I recommend ... 我建议......。

67、Ilrate the computation procedure of the suggested method by examples. 用例题展示了所建议方法的计算过程。

68、These services create a model that the presentation tier consumes to create a view to send to a client. 这些服务创建一个模型,表示层利用此模型来创建一个发送到客户机的视图。

69、While there will be additional discussions with the Board on the details of implementation of specific proposals, management has indicated its intention to carry out all the report's recommendations. 还要就落实具体建议的细节方面和执董会做进一步讨论的同时,管理层表示准备落实报告的所有建议。

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