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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 05:38:26
  • 148


关于”保持健康的句子“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Keep healthy sentences。以下是关于保持健康的句子的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Keep healthy sentences

1、I run so that I can stay healthy and be in their lives for a long time. 跑步能保持身体健康,从而使我可以与孩子们一块生活很长时间。

2、Magesium is particularly important for maintaining a healthy heart and blood pressure. 镁对保持健康心脏及血压龙为重要。

3、   Besides, we can go out at the weekend,希望可以帮到你,有问题。

4、In addtion, having a good diet is also a good way to keep fit. 此外,均衡的饮食也是保持健康的好方法。

5、Zinc is one of about 20 elements necessary for good health. 锌是保持身体健康的20种必需元素之一。

6、He runs a mile every morning to keep fit. 他天天早晨跑一英里步以保持身体健康。

7、Doctor Tim Johnson has a new prescription for your physical and financial health. 提姆约翰逊医生开了个方子,可以让你保持健康同时缩减支出。

8、You got your exercise, you got your meal. No excuse, be healthy, be fit… -…there you go. 你能锻炼,有自己的饮食。没有借口,保持健康,保持体形… -…就是这样。

9、He has fallen into the habit of doing morning exercises to stay healthy.为了保持身体健康,他养成了晨练的习惯。

10、Sleep is one of the best ways to stay healthy, Northrup says. 睡眠是保持健康的最好途径之一,Northrup说。

11、(unless)We will not catch the first bus unless we start right now. 为了保持健康,他经常去游泳。

12、Doing sports after scholl is benifit for our health. 放学后做体育运动能使我们保持身材健康。

13、He runs a mile every morning to keep fit . 他每天早晨跑一英里步以保持身体健康。

14、These strategies will improve your sense of well-being and general health and possibly lower your breast cancer risk. 这些策略会提高你对健康的意识,保持一般健康,也许会减少你患上乳腺癌的风险。

15、Every girl should strive to be physically fit and as athletic as she can be, within healthy limits. 每一个女孩都应尽力保持身体上的健康,并在健康的范畴内尽量多运动。

16、The best ways to reduce bowel cancer risk are to keep a healthy weight, drink less alcohol and be physically active. 保持身体健康,预防肠癌的方法还包括了维持健康的体重,减少饮用酒精饮品,同时还应经常运动。

17、Take more exercise. . Please read more good article.你应该经常微笑.Eat less fast food。

18、San Antonio Spurs When healthy, the Spurs are as good as anybody. 只要保持健康,马刺还是一等一强队。

19、Move It Quick -- what's the No. 1 thing you can do for your brain's health? 保持大脑健康的头号要事是啥?

20、but also to just stay happy, stay healthy and happy, so. 同时还要快快乐乐地学习,保持身心健康。

21、Here are some of those ways to keep your liver healthy. 以下只是其中一些保持你肝脏健康的方法。

22、Take regular physical activity: At least 30 minutes of regular physical activity every day helps to maintain cardiovascular fitness; at least 60 minutes on most days helps to maintain healthy weight. 经常锻练身体:每天至少30分钟经常锻练身体有助于保持心血管健康;在大多数日子至少60分钟有助于保持健康体重。

23、Comprehension of Health, and The Practice and Experiences of Keeping healthy One's Mental and Bodily Health. 读完 《培养业余爱好,提高动手能力》 、《健 康新理念》和《保持身心健康的实践和经验》 ,谈一点感想。

24、I'm just happy to have stayed injury-free over the summer and hopefully with all the work I've done I can stay fit and enjoy a good year. 我很高兴可以在这个夏季保持健康,并且就我之前康复计划中所付出的努力,我希望在整个接下去的一年中都可以保持健康和良好状态。

25、When we come to the problem of health, we can go to hospitals. We always have guidance on how to keep yourself healthy. 健康出了问题,我们可以去医院常能获得保持健康的指导。


26、Healthy lifestyle choices will help you maintain your strength, energy and lean muscle mass. 健康的生活习惯有助于你保持活力、充满精神、强健肌肉。

27、Let us adopt a healthy lifestyle as it has been promoted by GE's HBN program to help prevent and manage hypertension. GE的健康数字项目所宣传的那样让我们保持心血管健康,预防和控制高血压。

28、Can you give us some advice on how to keep fit? 你能给我们提点保持健康的建议吗?

29、My mom says,”You must go to keep your teeth healthy. 我的妈妈说,“你必须保持你的牙齿健康。”

30、Keep healthy first if you want to become wealthy. 如果你要变得富有,那么就先保持健康吧。

31、You exercise your body to stay strong, and you should exercise your mind to stay sharp . 你锻练你的身体以保持健康,所以你应该经常使用你的大脑以保持敏锐。

32、For optimal brain function "it's good to be both aerobically fit and to have a healthy body shape." 研究人员称,要充分发挥大脑功能,“最好保持健康的体质及健康的体型。”

33、we should do more to keep our life healthy 我们应该做更多努zhi力使我们的dao生活保持健康。

34、If you want to keep healthy, here are some dos and don'ts. 你要想保持健康,这是一些注意事项。

35、To keep healthy, every one of us should work and rest. 为了保持健康,我们每个人都应劳逸结合。

36、They then die of the infection, while the slug remains healthy. 他们将死于感染,而“鼻涕虫”则保持健康。

37、Bright purifying factor makes your skin beautiful and white, with transparency and healthy vigor. 亮泽净化因子令肌肤时刻明丽白皙,富有透明感,保持肌肤健康活力。

38、Let us adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle as it has been promoted by GE's HBN program to help maintain a young heart for life. 让我们采取一个有益心脏健康的生活方式,就像GE 的健康数字项目所宣传的那样让我们保持心血管健康,从而拥有一颗“年轻”健康的心脏。

39、we should do more to keep our life healthy 我们应该做更多努力使我们的生活保持健康。

40、Now that you know your fitness level, keep track of your progress. 现在你已经知道了你的健康水平,保持跟踪你的健身进度。

41、I am very grateful to the nutritionists who taught me ways to maintain healthy eating habits and use Nutrilite weight control products to get slim. 全赖营养师令我认识健康的饮食方法,加上健尔力纤体产品的帮助,令我保持健康的体重!

42、Myth No. 2. Gardening and walking aren't enough to keep you healthy. 要保持健康,仅靠园艺活和步行是不够的。

43、Artificial dentures must be kept clean to keep their beauty and to preserve the health of your mouth. 人工做的假牙必须保持清洁,以便它能看得好看,并且,保持你口腔健康。

44、And millions of people across the country have been able to keep their health insurance. 全国数百万计的已能保持他们的健康保险。

45、Keep in mind that this is the house of preventative measures - in other words, all the things you do to keep yourself in tiptop health. 请记住,这是预防措施的家-换句话说,所有的东西你自己保持在拔尖儿的健康。

46、I’ve been practicing twenty minutes every day, and soaking my toe in orange juice. Vitamin C keeps you healthy. 我每天都坚持练习二十分钟,用橘子汁泡大拇趾,维他命C能让它保持健康状态。

47、I have always tried my best to keep fit for my work. 为了我的工作,我总是千方百计地保持健康。

48、To keep fit, we often take part in physical exercise. 为了保持健康,我们经常参加体育锻炼。

49、Whole grain foods provide irreplaceable health benefits. Whole grains are key to good health and a healthy weight. 全谷类食物供给我们不可替代的健康元素,它也是保持健康和良好体型的关键。

50、Pomegranate Extract supports healthy skin tone and texture. 红石榴提取物可保持皮肤健康,质地柔嫩;


51、Lila: Badminton is more fun and I can keep fit . 羽毛球更好玩并且(它能)使我保持健康。

52、Sue swims a mile every day to keep in shape. 苏每天游泳一个小时以保持身体健康。

53、I think to keep a health diet is the first important thing.我认为保持一个健康的饮食是最重要的事情。

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